ENG1030 Tutorial 1 Questions

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ENG1030: Electrical Systems

Semester 2, 2009
Tutorial 1 Questions
From Irwin/Nelms Basic Engineering
Circuit Analysis, Ninth Edition
If the current in an electric conductor is 2.4 A, how
many coulombs of charge pass any point in a 30-second
If a 12-V battery delivers 100 J in 5 s, find
a) the amount of charge delivered and
b) the current produced.
The waveform for the current flowing into a circuit
element is shown in Fig. P1.14. Calculate the amount of
charge which enters the element between
a) 0 and 3 seconds,
b) 1 and 5 seconds, and
c) 0 and 6 seconds.

Figure P1.14
The charge flowing into the box is shown in the graph in
Fig. P1.16. Sketch the power absorbed by the box.

Figure P1.16
Determine the power supplied to the elements in Fig.

Figure P1.21
Choose IS such that the power absorbed by element in 2
Fig. P1.27 is 7 W.

Figure P1.27
Determine the current and power dissipated in the
resistor in Fig. P2.1.

Figure P2.1
Determine the voltage across the resistor in Fig. P2.3 and
the power dissipated.

Figure P2.3
Given the circuit in Fig. P2.4, find the voltage across
each resistor and the power dissipated in each.

Figure P2.4
A model for a standard two D-cell flashlight is shown in
Fig. P2.7. Find the power dissipated in the lamp.

Figure P2.7
Many years ago a string of Christmas tree lights was
manufactured in the form shown in Fig. P2.9a. Today
the lights are manufactured as shown in Fig. P2.9b. Is
there a good reason for this change?

Figure P2.9
Determine IL in the circuit in Fig. P2.16.

Figure P2.16
Find Vbd in the circuit in Fig. P2.19.

Figure P2.19
Find Vx in the circuit in Fig. P2.30.

Figure P2.30
Find V1 in the network in Fig. P2.35.

Figure P2.35
Find the power absorbed by the dependent voltage
source in the circuit in Fig. P2.37.

Figure P2.37
Find RAB in the network in Fig. P2.51.

Figure P2.51
Seventeen possible equivalent resistance values may be
obtained using three resistors. Determine the seventeen
different values if you are given resistors with standard
values: 47 , 33 , and 15 .
Given the network in Fig. P2.60, find the possible range
of values for the current and power dissipated by the
following resistors:
a) 390 with a tolerance of 1%
b) 560 with a tolerance of 2%

Figure P2.60

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