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Year 9: Cubist Painting

How can we present multiple viewpoints?



Study Sheet
1. Where did the word Cubism come from?
The term "Cubism" was first used by the French critic Louis Vauxcelles in his review of a
1908 exhibition of paintings by Georges Braque. He said that the painter had
transformed all shapes into cubes.

2. When Did Cubism occur?
The Art movement mainly occurred between 1906 and 1914.

3. What were the three stages in Cubism?
The three stages were-
a. Early Cubism (1906 1909)
Early Cubism was the depiction of the whole structure of the object and its
position in space, combining different viewpoints.
The Vase, Bowl, Lemon,
Picasso 1907

Year 9: Cubist Painting
How can we present multiple viewpoints?

b. Analytical Cubism (1909 1912)
Analytical Cubism: breaking down of the subject and the space around it
into angular planes or facets that record different viewpoints and
information; no interest in colour or texture.
Clarinet and Bottle of Rum on a mantelpiece,
Braque 1911

c. Synthetic Cubism (1912 1914)
Synthetic Cubism: collages of interlocked fragments of newspaper,
wallpaper, and labels with fragments of painting, drawing and writing;
colour reintroduced & texture & pattern.
Bottle, Glass, Guitar and newspaper,
Picasso 1913
4. What was Cubism?
Cubism was when a group of artists abandoned academically correct images,
which gave the real appearance of objects. Instead, the Cubists represented
objects from multiple points of view and forms were reduced to basic geometric
Year 9: Cubist Painting
How can we present multiple viewpoints?

arrangements. In theory, the Cubists justified their experiments as a search to uncover
the essential structure of an object and its relation to other parts of a composition.

5. Why did Cubism occur?
Cubist painters such as Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, and Juan Gris were deeply
affected by the art of Paul Czanne, who maintained that natural forms could be
reduced to simple geometric figures such as the cube, the sphere, and the cylinder.
The Cubists also admired the art of so-called primitive cultures such as those of Africa
and Egypt. Cubism started a revolution in the visual arts that all later painters dealt
with in some way.
6. How did Cubism change the way we see the world?
Flat colour no illusion of 3D by using shading or tonal modelling.
Objects painted from different angles.
Complex interlocking shapes create feelings of tension & anxiety in viewer.
Vertical or diagonal plane lines disrupt the composition.
Details are edited out = simplify, select & modify from nature.

7. Name 3 Cubist artists?
Pablo Picasso 1881- 1973

Year 9: Cubist Painting
How can we present multiple viewpoints?

Georges Braque 1882- 1963

Juan Gris 1887 - 1927

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