Star Wars God and Metaphysics

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Star Wars, God, and Metaphysics

A Tract Book Essay


Anthony J. Fejfar, B.A., J.D., Esq., Coif

© Copyright 2008 by Anthony J. Fejfar

Not long after the Star Wars movie first came out, I went to Sunday Mass in the

very conservative Catholic Diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska. At Mass, the subject of the

homily by the priest was the notion of The Force, in Star Wars. The priest basically

argued that The Force was God. Others have argued that the Star Wars Universe is a

Daoist Universe not theistic.

In this essay, I would like to explore the idea that the parish priest brought up, that

is, that The Force is God. Previously I have argued that The Trinity of God unfolds as

follows: God the Father Being

God the Son Logos

God the Holy Spirit Substance

In trying to integrate the forgoing formulation with the Star Wars theological point of

view, I propose the following explication of the Trinity of God:

God the Father The Force

God the Son Being

God the Holy Spirit Substance

In addition to accommodating the notion of the Force, this new formulation argues that is

is somewhat redundant to have both Being and Logos as attributes of God when they
both involve intellection of some sort. The argument is that it makes more sense to place

Power or Force as the primary attribute of God the Father, not Being.

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