Selfieartical 1

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Kevin Velasquez March 25, 2012

But First . . . Let Me Take
a Selfie!
by: Kevin Velasquez

We have finally seen it all! The
world is experiencing a selfie
epidemic. This outrageous disease
known as the Selfie Syndrome
was discovered by philosopher Dr.
Suave in 1995 and is now
spreading worldwide. The rare
disease is not so rare anymore.
Spreading throughout 4 out of 7
continents, the disease is bound to
take over the world.
When Apple released their first
phone with the front facing camera
the syndrome skyrocketed.

The #GroupSelfie
(grab a group of friends, flex
for the gram, take the pic)

John Cole

Selfie 101: How to Become
a Pro at Taking #Selfies

The #MirrorPicDuckFaceSelfie
(lips out, stare blankly, take the pic)

The #AyeTakeThisPicture4MeSelfie
(grab a friend, toss them the camera, take the pic)

poses such as the duck face
selfie, the Im stunned selfie, the
group selfie and the aye take this
picture for me selfie. Social media
is the leading cause of this horrific
disease. Starting with Myspace in
2003 to Instagram and Snapchat
in 2011. The app creators of these
apps aka the selfie zombies plan
to take over the world by the year
According the recent research,
scientist say our generation will
take selfie till the day we die.
Literally. So for a dollar a day you
can save poor children such as
myself from this horrible selfie

The #ImStunned Selfie
(Stare blankly, act surprised,
take pic)

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