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Lizbeth Flores

3402 University Blvd. E

Tuscaloosa, Al 3404
)b*ective+ To obtain a position is utilizing my current training and abilities.
Education+ Paul W. Bryant High School
Course of study: Academics
iploma: !ay "#$%
&ast'ood !iddle School
Course of study:
Certificate of Completion: !ay "#$"
,-ills and !y abilities or s(ills are that )*m a fast learner+ )*m al'ays 'illing to
learn and do ne' things, )*m good at getting along 'ith others and
meeting ne' people.
The s(ills )*-e learned are that )*m fast at doing my things
)*m good 'ith communicating 'ith other+ )*m good at follo'ing
directions+ and )*m bilingual.
.or- /istory+ ) ha-e 'or(ed as a babysitter for many people.
) also ha-e been a translator for other people 'ho don*t spea(
/onors and
0artici1ation+ Paul W. Bryant High School
.ational Honors Society/
Honor 0oll/

2e#erences: 1erardo 2lores/
&nedina 3argas

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