The Second Conditional

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Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in

1.- What (you / do) if I (tell) you a secret?
2.- If John (finish) first, he (win) a prize.
.- (you / !e) happy if you ("et) a #o!?
$.- I (not wear) that #ac%et if you ("i&e) it to 'e. It(s horri!le.
).- If we ("row) 'ore food, people (not die) of hun"er.
*.- +he world (!e) a !etter place if we (help) each other.
,.- If I (not ha&e) classes today, I (play) !as%et!all.
-.- We (sa&e) paper if we (print) on !oth sides.
..- I (co'e) to your party if I (not ha&e) an e/a'.
10.- I (!e) on ti'e if I ("et up) earlier.
11.- If this fil' (ha&e) a !etter plot, (you li%e) it?
12.- 1e (not / sul%) if you (not tease) hi'.
1.- If you (paint) your roo', what colour (you / choose) ?
1$.- 1e (not e/pel) you if you (apolo"ize).
1).- If you (!e) a professional foot!aller, who (you / play) for?
1*.- Where (you / "o) on holiday if you (can) choose?
1,.- +he teacher (!e) an"ry if you (not do) your ho'ewor%.
1-.- What (you / "i&e) 'e if it (!e) 'y !irthday to'orrow?
1..- If they (ha&e) so'ethin" to eat, they (not !e) hun"ry.
20.- What (you / !uy) if you (ha&e) a credit card?
21.- 2y cousin (not "o) for a wal% e&eryday if he (not ha&e) a
22.- If your (stop) s'o%in", he (feel) !etter.
2.- If I (!e) you, I (see) a doctor.
2$.- If we (win) the lottery, we (share) with you.
2).- I (lend) you so'e 'oney if I (ha&e) any.
2*.- If I (see) a shar%), I (!e) &ery fri"htened.
2,.- What (people / do) if they (not can) watch +3?
2-.- If she (win) the lottery, she (!uy) lots of clothes.
2..- if 'y sister (!e) older, she (co'e) with 'e to the party.
0.- What (you / do) if you (lose) your house?
1.- I (not %now) what to do if I (find) a 'ouse in 'y %itchen.
2.- If it (!e) 4riday, the traffic (!e) worse.
.- I ("o) to the cine'a with you toni"ht if I (not hate) horror
$.- If you (not ta%e) hi' to school in the car, he (ha&e) to "o
!y !us.
).- What (happen) if a sna%e (!ite) you?
*.- What (you/do) if your !rother (find) your diary?
,.- 5our sister (loo%) !etter if she (wear) different clothes.
-.- 6ara% (not / !e) pleased if you (tell) e&ery!ody a!out her
..- If I (as%) 7achel to 'y party, (she / co'e)?

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