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2nd Draft

Hi! My name is Aurelio Garces Cacho-Sousa and I interviewed Maria Catherine Suggs she was born
in Virginia USA 2004 May 27 so she is going to be ten in kind of a short time she lived in many countries like
in USA, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru. She has also, went to many schools like Roosevelt, Lincon, Acs, Cougars.
She has a dog named Pepa. Her position in her family is in the middle she likes it because she can boss her
little brother and she doesnt like it because her sister bosses her around. Marias favorite fruit is
strawberrys and her favorite movies are Harry Potter and the deathly hollows, Percy Jackson and the
lightning thief. She also, has a favorite book and a best friend .Her favorite book is the son of Neptune and
her best friend is named Aiden because he helped her when she was new.

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