Perseus and Medusa

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Perseus and Medusa

The story of Perseus has many morals or lessons learned. The one that stands out
the most is to have courage. Well then, bring me the head of the Gorgon Medusa.
There was a collective gasp from all in the room, except from Perseus.Consider it
done!("Myths and Legends."Text Only Version of Perseus and Medusa.) In this
moment perseus had the courage to take on a quest that could kill him without
hesitation. He inched nearer and the snakes writhed to reach him, he slowly raised his
weapon and, with one powerful movement, struck the Gorgons neck, slicing off her
head. ("Myths and Legends."Text Only Version of Perseus and Medusa.) At this
moment in the story perseus had the courage to go into the gorgons cage and kill a
monster that could have killed him just by looking at him. As the great, scaly monster
emerged below the rocks, Perseus hovered in the air on his winged sandals,
challenging the brute and guarding the beautiful hostage. The monster opened its huge
jaws, showing teeth as sharp as daggers. Perseus swung his sword, hacking as the
creature twisted and turned, snarling and snapping to get its mouth around its
adversary. But Perseus was quick. He darted this way and that, wielding his sword with
punishing blows whilst evading the monsters lashing tail and cavernous jaws. The sea
turned red with the creatures blood. Its movements weakened. Perseus launched one
final attack and the monster was dead. ("Myths and Legends."Text Only Version of
Perseus and Medusa.) After perseus killed Medusa his courage helped him to save
Andromeda from the sea monster. These points in the story show that to have courage
is the moral of this story.

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