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Malcolm Pittman

Objective To graduate college and become a middle school social studies and/or math
Work Experience City of Dayton Department of Parks and Recreation- Camp Counselor
Accomplishments Academic Letter-2 years !"C #cholar Athlete$ !"C #pecial %ention team$
Rotary #cholar Athlete of the %onth$ &' Letter-2 (ears )arsity Letter- 2 years$
A*ard of %erit
Activities #enior Cabinet$ &unior Cabinet$ #ophomore Cabinet$ Peer %ediation-+ years$ &'
,asketball-+ years -reshman ,asketball$ )arsity ,asketball-. years$ -ello*ship
of Christian Athletes$ #tudent Council$ /ational 0onor #ociety1
Interests ,asketball
Education %ount )ernon /a2arene 3ni'ersity
455 %artinsburg Road
%ount )ernon$ "hio .+565
Dates attended72582-258.
!ayne 0igh #chool
6.55 Chambersburg Road
0uber 0eights$ "hio .6.2.
Dates attended7 2559 : 2582
#tudebaker %iddle #chool
6965 Longford Road
0uber 0eights$ "hio .6.2.
Dates attended7 255;-2554
Rushmore <lementary
;;58 ,erchman Dri'e
0uber 0eights$ "hio .6.2.
Dates attended7 -rom 8994-2555 and 2552:2556
#t1Peter=s Catholic #chool
>846 Chambersburg Road
0uber 0eights$ "hio .6.2.
Dates attended7 -rom 2555-2558 and 2556:255;
References ?e'in ,artlett
4484 Deer Chase Road
0uber 0eights$ "hio .6.2.
%ichael #uber
Charlesgate Road
0uber 0eights$ "hio .6.2.
5!" #harles$ate Road
%uber %ei$hts& Ohio !5!'! ()*+

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