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Scientists at NATA Discover Planet Identical to Earth

Houston, TX September 13 2013 After years of looking into the deep abyss we call
space, scientists at NATA have found a planet almost identical to our home Earth.
Because of todays new and advanced technology the astronomers were able to look
deeper then weve ever looked and find Earths twin.

However, there has still been no response to the question, Can there be life on this
distant planet? Scientist say that this planet is highly livable but will take years to find
the right transportation to get there.

This matching planet is told to be just a few thousand km from our own galaxy. The new
planet shares many characteristics with Earth such as numerous supplies of trees and
an endless amount of water. And as of right now this planet shall be named Areth.

About NATA
NATAs headquarters is located in Houston TX and has been operated since the 1950s.
The CEO Dan Smith has been funding this mission ever since the start of the 2000s and
his work has finally paid off.

NATAs main focus and research goes toward space and the wonders it upholds. The
scientists all work year round trying to discover the mystery that is space. With the new
planet being found everyone hear at NATA will not rest until they find everything there is
to know about this planet.


To learn more about NATA, please contact

Isaac McWilliams, NATA
1234 TX Dirt Road.
Office (555) 123-321

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