Sample Yoga

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1. Akirti Vapi Yoga

All planets falling in houses other than the 4 Kendras.
A person born in this Yoga is always occupied in accumulating wealth, has small but lasting
comforts, a long life, polite language, and tends to treasure his wealth and assests.
2. Sankhya Kedara Yoga
All planets occupying four houses.
A person born in this Yoga is truthful and guileless, wealthy, virtuous, doing good to others
and an agriculturist.
3. Uttamadi (Sam) Yoga
Moon is in a Panaphara (2,5,8,11) from Sun (Dr. K.S. Charak).
A person born in this Yoga is has medium wealth, education, profeciency and fame.
4. Veshi Yoga
A planet, other than Moon, occupies the 2nd house from Sun (Dr. K.S. Charak).
A person born in this Yoga is of a good height, honest, lazy & carefree, charitable, truthful and
possess a sharp memory & average wealth.
5. Veshi Yoga (Benefics)
A benefic, other than Moon, occupies the 2nd house from Sun (Dr. K.S. Charak).
103, Park Street, Ravi Auto House, 1-C Ist floor
A person born in this Yoga is well-spoken, wealthy and practically destroys the opponents.
6. Veshi Yoga (Malefics)
A malefic, other than Moon, occupies the 2nd house from Sun (Dr. K.S. Charak).
A person born in this Yoga is miserable and has immoral people as companions.
7. Veshi Yoga (Buddh)
Mercury occupies the 2nd house from Sun (Dr. K.S. Charak).
A person born in this Yoga has a polite speech and is attractive.
8. Veshi Yoga (Shani)
Saturn occupies the 2nd house from Sun (Dr. K.S. Charak).
A person born in this Yoga is inclined towards business & cheating others and has hatred
towards his/her advisors.
9. Ubhayachari Yoga
Any planets, other than Moon, occupy the 2nd and the 12th house from Sun (Dr. K.S. Charak).
A person born in this Yoga is strong, rich, responsible, learned, attractive and enjoys worldly
10. Raja Yoga
A conjunction or mutual aspect between the lord of the 5th house and the lord of the 9th house
(Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra 41/33-34).
A person born in this Yoga attains a high & authoritative position in life.
103, Park Street, Ravi Auto House, 1-C Ist floor
11. Dhana Yoga (dasha)
The 9th house lord conjunct with 5th house lord (Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra 43/2).
A person born in this Yoga will enjoy great wealth in life.
12. Dhana Yoga
There is a relationship between the 5th house lord on the one hand and the 9th or 11th lord on
the other hand (Dr. K.S. Charak).
A person born in this Yoga will enjoy great wealth in life.
13. Dhana Yoga
There is a relationship between the 9th house lord on the one hand and the 11th lord on the
other hand (Dr. K.S. Charak).
A person born in this Yoga will enjoy great wealth in life.
14. Karmajiva Yoga
Mercury aspects or conjuncts the lord of the 10th from Lagna, Moon or Sun (Brihat Jataka).
A person born in this Yoga usually deals in the business of Painting, sculpting, architect and
mechanic works.
15. Karmajiva Yoga
Jupiter is in the 10th house from Lagna, Moon or Sun (Brihat Jataka).
A person born in this Yoga usually deals in the business associated with learned people,
wisdom, law, temples, pilgrimage and religious works.
103, Park Street, Ravi Auto House, 1-C Ist floor
16. Karmajiva Yoga
Saturn aspects or conjuncts the lord of the 10th from Lagna, Moon or Sun (Brihat Jataka).
A person born in this Yoga usually deals in the business associated with hard work and labor
like carrying loads & other lowly works, assistance jobs and detainment.
17. Brahma Yoga
Jupiter in a Kendra from 9th house lord, Venus in a Kendra from the 11th house lord and
Mercury in Kendra from Lagna-lord or the 10th house lords.
A person born in this Yoga possesses the worldly pleasures, is revered, learned, honest, long-
lived and kind-hearted.
18. Dehapushti Yoga
The Lagna lord is in a Chara sign aspected by a benefic (Sarvartha Chintamani 2/108).
A person born in this Yoga is wealthy, happy, enjoys the worldly pleasures and has a well
developed physique.
19. Durmukha Yoga
Malefics placed in 2nd house and it's lord debilitated or conjunct a malefic (Sarvartha
Chintamani 3/27).
A person born in this Yoga will not be pleasant to look at and may have a disfigured face due
to an accident or by birth.
20. Vahana Yoga
The Lagna lord placed in the 4th, 9th or 11th house (Sarvartha Chintamani 4/162).
103, Park Street, Ravi Auto House, 1-C Ist floor
A person born in this Yoga possesses all the materialistic happiness and comforts of vehicles.
21. Satkalatra Yoga
The lord of the 7th or Venus are conjunct or aspected by Jupiter or Mercury.
A person born in this Yoga will have a worthy and chaste spouse.
22. Arishta Yoga
The Lagna lord is in conjunction or mutual aspect with the 6th, 8th or 12th house lords (Dr.
K.S. Charak).
A person born in this Yoga may suffer from ill-health.
23. Arishta Yoga
The sixth house lord is in conjunction or in mutual aspect with the 8th or the 12 house lords
(Dr. K.S. Charak).
A person born in this Yoga may suffer from ill-health.
24. Arishta Yoga
The 8th house lord is conjunct or in mutual aspect with the lord of the 12th house lord (Dr.
K.S. Charak).
A person born in this Yoga may suffer from ill-health.
25. Madhyayu Yoga
Malefics in houses 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 11 (Dr. K.S. Charak).
103, Park Street, Ravi Auto House, 1-C Ist floor
A person born in this Yoga has a medium life span.
26. Mukabadhiramdha Yoga
Either Venus or Mars in 2nd or 12th house (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14).
A person born in this Yoga may be troubled due to some ear problems.
27. Tarkashastra Yoga
The Sun and Mars in 2nd house (Bhavartha Ratnakara 2/2/4).
A person born in this Yoga is good and talented in logic.
28. Surya-Mangal Yoga
Sun and Mars are conjunct in same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
A person born in this Yoga is strong, active, distinguished, hostile, immoral and has a wicked
& cruel disposition.
29. Surya-Shukr Yoga
Sun and Venus are conjunct in same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
A person born in this Yoga is clever, profecient in weapons, earns through acting, music &
dramas and the male natives may also earn through women.
30. Mangal-Shukr Yoga
Mars and Venus are conjunct in same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
A person born in this Yoga is a fraud, addicted to gambling, idulging in extra-marital affairs,
having difference of opnion with all, good in maths, sportsperson and famous among men.
103, Park Street, Ravi Auto House, 1-C Ist floor
31. Buddh-Shani Yoga
Mercury and Saturn are conjunct in same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
A person born in this Yoga is learned, wealthy, fraud, quarrelsome, inconstant in nature, skilled
in many subjects, usually falls ill, disobedient towards elders and provides livelihood to many.
32. Surya-Mangal-Shukr Yoga
Sun, Mars and Venus are conjunct in same house (Dr. K.S. Charak).
A person born in this Yoga is wise, wealthy, rude, fortunate, good looking, kind-hearted, talks
less, fond of meat and may be affected due to some eye disease.
103, Park Street, Ravi Auto House, 1-C Ist floor
103, Park Street, Ravi Auto House, 1-C Ist floor

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