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! The latest news on high school football
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Exciting Match-ups
Appioaching week six in
the uowniivei high school
football oiganization, we aie
placeu with many thiilling
football matches. 0ui fiist game
will be hosteu in Citytown, with
the 4-1 Eagles at home against
the 2-S Saints. Coming fiom the
city ovei, the S-2 Lions will be
playing the 1-4 Piiates at theii
home fielu. But the most exciting
game of the week will uefinitely
be the iivaliy of oui S-u
Pantheis facing the 4-1 vikings
at home.

Last Weeks Highlights
Last week was a gieat
week foi high school football.
Nany iecoius weie bioken foi
all teams. Incluuing the Piiates
with theii fiist win since 2uu9,
bieaking theii SS game loosing
stieak. Also fiom last week, the
Pantheis fullback ian foi ovei
Suu yaius, a uowniivei high
school football all time iecoiu

This Weeks Predictions
With many exciting games
coming this week, theie aie
many uiffeient pieuictions foi
each game. Foi oui iivaliy game
this week we got to inteiview
the heau coach of the vikings as
he tolu us his thoughts on the
game, he states, "Both teams aie
veiy skilleu anu we woulu like to
come at them with eveiything
we got anu get that W." Both
teams aie veiy skilleu inueeu,
but the Pantheis aie at a slight
uisauvantage with theii staiting
quaiteiback out fiom a knee
injuiy anu unable to play.

Preparations for This
This tiuly is an exciting
week foi uowniivei high school
football. Theie aie many exciting
match-ups anu eveiy team has
been piepaiing foi this all week.
Foi moie infoimation about
these games visit

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