Lesson No. 68 and 69 (Sixty-Eight, Sixty-Nine) Tuesday, 18th March of 2014 Summary: Sports. Present Continous. Written Exercises

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Lesson no.

68 and 69 ( sixty-eight, sixty-

nine) Tuesday, 18th March of 201
%resent &ontinous.
'ritten exercises.
1.&an you dance) 10. &an you ride a horse)
2. &an you s(i!) 11. &an you sing a song)
*. &an you $aint) 12. &an you tidy your roo!)
. &an you read $ortuguese (e++) 1*. &an you cut your hair)
,. &an you read eng+ish) 1. &an you fish)
6. &an you $+ay foot-a++) 1,. &an you do .arate)
/. &an you $+ay tennis) 16. &an you dance .i0o!-a)
8. &an you coo1) 1/. &an you count to 100)
9. &an you -a1e a ca1e) 18. &an you (rite the se2en days of
the (ee1)
19. &an you say eight co+ours)
20. &an you dri2e a car)
3es, 4 can.
5o, 4 can6t.
3es, he can.
5o, he can6t
&an your father 7u!$)
&an she $+ay chess)
#ue can6t read chinese.
My -rother can6t s(i!.
8ohn can read -ut he can6t s1i.
To! can $+ay foot-a++, -ut he
can6t $+ay chess. 9e can $+ay
foot-a++ or s1i.
8enny can s(i! or dance -ut
she can6t surf.
:a2id can $+ay foot-a++, -ut ;eorge
<o- can s(i! -ut 8ohn can6t.
*. =r
a. #he can $+ay tennis on Monday or
-. 9e can ride a horse or a -i1e.
c. #o$hie can s$ea1 $ortuguese or
d..aren can ha2e a dog or a cat.

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