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Piofessional Leaining Plan foi 2u14-2u1S

Pie-Planning Itsleaining
! Plannei
! Bashboaiu
! Assignments
! Leaining Inventoiy
What Boes Stuuent-Centeieu Classioom

Basics of Conuucting Walkthioughs
! Shaie Basics of Stuuent-Centeieu
! Quick tips to uet Staiteu
! !"#$% '()*+,-./#,0

Roles of Teacheis anu Stuuents in
Stuuent-Centeieu Classioom
! Teachei Roles
! Stuuent Roles
! 1.%+$%/" '()*+,-./#,0
uoou Questions foi Inquiiy
Showing Stuuents Bow to Ask uoou
! What Nakes a uoou Question foi Inquiiy.
! Ciafting Questions to Stimulate Thinking
! Bow to Belp Stuuents Ask uoou Questions
! 1.%+$%/" '()*+,-./#,0
}anuaiy Resouices foi Stuuent-Centeieu Leaining
! Pioject Baseu Leaining
! 1.%+$%/" '()*+,-./#,0
Febiuaiy Resouices foi Stuuent-Centeieu Leaining
! Stait, Stop, Shaie
! What new thing will you START, what olu
(ineffective) thing will you ST0P, what can
you SBARE w colleagues.
! 1.%+$%/" '()*+,-./#,0

Assessment in Stuuent-Centeieu
! Ways to Incoipoiate foimative
Assessments in SLC
! 1.%+$%/" '()*+,-./#,0
Apiil Quality Feeuback foi uiowth
! Pioviuing Feeuback foi Stuuent's uiowth
! 1.%+$%/" '()*+,-./#,0
Nay Yeai in Review
! Stait, Stop, Shaie
! What new thing will you START, what olu
(ineffective) thing will you ST0P, what can
you SBARE w colleagues.
! Review Walkthiough Piocess

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