Poor People's Campaign March, New York City - Schomberg Center For Black Research, New York Public Library

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The 1960s was a decade of rapid change and unrest in American life.

The Vietnam War tore the country

apart and racial tension increased as African Americans began to conduct non-iolent protests against
segregation. !n 196"# $artin %uther &ing made his famous '! (ae a )ream' speech to encourage
e*uality for people of all races. (is enthusiasm and hope for full e*uality spar+ed non-iolent protests
throughout the country. These protests were designed to call attention to the une*ual treatment of African
Americans and eentually became +nown as the ciil rights moement.
Throughout the 1960s# ciil rights actiists were murdered and protesters were beaten and +illed. The
iolent resistance to the ciil rights moement fueled a sense of frustration and despair among many
The ciil rights moement also had an impact on ,a--. African American ,a-- artists had long resented the
white owned record companies and clubs that controlled their income and to some degree their art. .ome
artists wanted to brea+ away from these establishments and control their own music. At the same time
many artists e/pressed their anger and disappointment at the slow pace of change in their music.
0oor 0eople1s 2ampaign $arch# 3ew 4or+ 2ity - .chomberg 2enter for 5lac+ 6esearch# 3ew 4or+ 0ublic %ibrary

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