2014 May Newsletter

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May 2014 PTA Newsletter

Principals Message
Dear Parents,
It is hard to believe another school year is over. What is even harder to believe is that 30 years as an educator
can pass so quickly. I am retiring this year and just ant to let you kno ho blessed and !ortunate I !eel to
have orked in such a onder!ul community !or the last " years. I truly love your children and ill miss
them terribly. #here has never been a day hen I le!t !or home ithout a hug, a chuckle, or a great story to
$e%t year, your ne principal ill be &ameron 'orbush. (e is a veteran principal coming !rom &enterville
)lementary. I have had many visits ith him and he ill be a great !it !or *dams+
Please atch our ebsite !or in!ormation throughout the summer relating to changes that might be taking
place as the ne administration takes over. I hope you have a onder!ul summer and a great year ne%t year+
&harollet &hambers

Farewell to Ms. Chambers
-s. &hambers has been such a onder!ul principal here at *dams and e are so sad to see her go. ,he has
brought such a positive energy and attitude to our children. (er love o! learning and her desire to see our
children be the best they can be has been strongly !elt. We are so grate!ul !or the support she has been to the
P#* as e have served the teachers and children here at *dams )lementary. We ant to say thank you -s.
&hambers and ish you the best o! luck in your !uture endeavors. We love you+

-ay .0/ P#* 0oard -eeting
-ay .3/ 1une 0irthday #able
-ay ."/ -emorial Day, $o ,chool
-ay .2/ 3indergarten 'ield Day
-ay .4/ 'ield Day
-ay 30/ 5ast Day o! ,chool
PTA President's Message
I can6t believe this is the last nesletter o! the year+ Wo+ It has sure gone by !ast. I am thank!ul to all o! you
ho have made it a great year+ #he students, sta!!, administration, teachers, and parents have all pitched in to make it
a onder!ul year. 7ur P#* board has been so positive and e%cited about creating and enhancing our children6s
opportunities !or groth. We have !elt very blessed to have the opportunity to ork ith them and have learned so
much !rom each member.
#his past month e have had a lot going on in our P#*. We had a onder!ul 0787 0ook 'air. #hanks to
3aren 5arson and #i!!any )gan !or a great job. #he book !airs are so much ork and e really appreciate it. We really
had a !antastic !amily event ith our '9$ :9$. It is great to see everyone come together. It is a great activity not only
to raise money !or our school, but to teach our children a healthy li!estyle. ,usan *ustin and her committee put many
hours into this onder!ul event that as enjoyed by so many. We ould also like to thank &laudine 0rinkerho!! and
her committee !or the super job they did during #eacher *ppreciation Week. #hank you so much.
9pcoming e have our ;Wild *bout 'ield Day< event. It ill be -ay .2
and .4
. It is an activity that is
alays looked !orard to by the students. ,o come and join us and volunteer to make this a special end o! the year
event. #here ill be a link to our sign up genius in the nesletter.
*s alays e elcome your suggestions. We have our last board meeting o! the year on -ay .0 = >/00pm in
the library. ?ou are alays elcome to join us. We ill be installing our ne P#* board !or ne%t year. Please, i! you
are interested in helping and serving on the board ne%t year, let us kno. We ould love to have you.

We really can6t thank you enough !or the opportunity e have had o! orking ith many o! you. 7ur school
has logged in >,@>..@. volunteer hours at our school. #hose are only the hours that have been logged in. I kno that
there are many more unaccounted !or. 0ut e are very thank!ul to each o! you and the many hours that you spend to
help our children be more success!ul in and out o! the classroom. It really does take a hole village to raise a child and
e are very thank!ul !or the *dams )lementary &ommunity o! &aring.
Diana *rnold and ,herri )ppich/ &oAPresidents

Our Sponsors
Wild About Field a!
'ield Day is coming up Wednesday, -ay .4+ We have lots o! !un activities planned and e need lots o!
volunteers. B
A 3
graders ill participate in 'ield Day !rom C/30ABB/00 am and >
A "
graders ill
participate !rom B/30A3/00 pm. I! you ould like to sign up to volunteer, click the link belo/
3indergarten 'ield Day is #uesday, -ay .2. -orning kindergarten ill be !rom B0ABB am and a!ternoon
kindergarten ill be !rom .A3 pm. We have !illed all o! the slots !or kindergarten !ield day.

Character "uilders
During the month o! -arch, e orked on the character trait o! being studious. During the month o! *pril, e orked
on the character trait o! being cheer!ul. #he aards !rom each grade are as !ollos/
March April
3indergarten *va Eincent :ylen &onover
Dylan *nderson 5iam 'resques
-ilia 0urns 0rynja &hristenson
Paige *nderson 1acob 5evie
'irst *udrey ?oung -anuel 5opeF
0en -artineF 3endel 1ohnson
#itan #oupin $aomi -errill
-a% )vans
,econd David 3ay :ebecca 0ehunin
-organ (older (aili 0ron
0laden 1ohnston 5ola 0roer
#hird (arrison 1ackson *nderson 3aious
#ai Ward (eiana 0rinkerho!!
0roo% &arter *nna5ee 1ohnson
:inah 8araay *shlyn 8o!!
'ourth *le% 8ilsoul (alli 8oldberg
8iselle EasqueF *nthony ProvenFano
Pharreal &oronado 7nania 3aious
'i!th 0rooklyn ,ayer Danielle 0roer
#yler &hristensen Dakota -illigan
(ailey Watson 3ylan 0ruce
,i%th *ustin )gan (eather (all
-c3enFie ,mith $ick 0arron
William 0ates 1ake 8o!!
#alentine's For Carson
&arson #ueller as so appreciative o! all o! the EalentineGs that he received. (ere is a post !rom his blog/
$e%t thanks goes to *dams )lementary, a local elementary school, and the one several o! my !amily members
attended. -any o! you kno I am very single, but that didnGt keep me !rom receiving a lot o! very special
love in a very special ay on EalentineGs Day. I received ell over 300 individual valentines !rom the
students at *dams )lementary+ I enjoyed going through the valentines, trying to decipher the uniquely spelled
ords o! children learning to read and rite. What more could I have asked !or on EalentineGs Day than the
love o! hundreds o! little childrenH $othin. /I #hanks *dams )lementary+

Fun $un
We ould like to thank all those ho came out to participate in our >th annual @3D3ids 3 'un :un
'undraiser. We had a great time getting some e%ercise, having lots o! !un, and raising money !or our school.
We ould also like to give a special thanks to all the teachers, volunteers, and sponsors that helped make this
'un :un possible. #hanks !or all you do !or our school+

"irthda! Table
#he ne%t birthday table ill be 'riday, -ay .3. I! your child has a birthday in 1une, have them stop by the
birthday table during lunch recess to receive a gi!t.
Teacher Appreciation
#hank you to all o! you ho helped ith #eacher *ppreciation Week. It as so !un to see all o! the boards
and doors that ere decorated !or all o! the sta!! members. What a onder!ul ay to celebrate *dams sta!!.
*lso thank you !or everyone ho helped ith !ood. We are so appreciative !or all o! the support here at

7ur school earns money !or everything that is placed in our recycling bins. Please save all o! your
paper and cardboard and place them in our recycling bins. ?ou can even place large cardboard bo%es
in there. 1ust make sure to break don them don !irst. ItGs an easy ay to help the school earn some
e%tra cash+

$emember to sa%e !our "o& Tops this summer'''

School Spirit
)very 'riday is ,chool ,pirit Day+ Wear your school colors or your *dams )agles #A,hirt. PriFes ill
be given out to students ho participate.
Dont Forget to Clip Labels for Education This Summer!
When clipping your labels make sure to include the !C code
so your points count"
#ere is a list of !articipating !roducts$
PTA Website
&heck out the P#* ebsite.

We ill keep you updated on everything to do ith the P#*. ItGs a great ay to stay connected+
*lso, remember to JlikeJ the *dams )lementary P#* page on 'acebook+
We hope youGve enjoyed this edition o! )agles )A$es. I! you have any questions or comments, please !eel !ree to email the P#*
at adamseaglespta=dsdmail.net. WeGd love to kno hat you think+
*dams )agles P#*
*dams )lementary ..00 ). .@00 $.
5ayton, 9# 4>0>0

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