Manual Cj2a

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and Care
Universal Jeep
Model CJ-2A
IN YOUR possession is a motor vehicle that has been thoroughly tested and inspected. Like any other piece of machinery, to
maintain it in first class condition, you should lubricate it at the time prescribed ith the proper grade of oil and grease and
keep all orking parts and oil holes clean and free of dirt and grit. You should also periodically have it systematically
inspected at an !uthori"ed #illys$Overland %ervice %tation.
In the folloing pages e have set forth the knoledge every oner should have of his vehicle, that he may kno to take the
best care of it and handle it in such a ay that he ill get ma&imum service. Information is also available covering e&ternal
ad'ustments and minor emergency repairs. Read and follo these instructions carefully( e are sure that you ill then en'oy
the satisfactory operation that you rightfully anticipate.
%hould ad'ustment or repair seem necessary beyond your ability, don)t e&periment( have the ork done by a competent repair
man. It ill alays prove best and cheapest in the end to have the ork done by the *ealer from hom you purchased your
car. +any #illys$Overland *ealers have factory trained mechanics and all are familiar ith the construction and ad'ustments
through the cooperation of the manufacturer.
*o not attempt any ad'ustments as long as the vehicle is operating satisfactorily.
,e sure to obtain the Oner %ervice -olicy, provided by your *ealer on delivery of your ne vehicle.
Accept and use only Genuine Factory Parts
Imitation parts are usually of inferior .uality and can do serious damage to other mechanical parts of your vehicle.
/enuine parts are sold by all authori"ed #illys$Overland *ealers. ,e sure non other than genuine parts are placed in your
-resence of parts other than those furnished by #illys$Overland ill void the manufacturer)s #arranty.
NO012 -arts replaced under the terms of the #arranty must be left ith the #illys$Overland *ealer ho makes the
replacement, if full credit is e&pected.
0his is important for Oners to kno, hen travelling outside the territory in hich their vehicle as originally purchased,
particularly hen credit for old parts cannot be established to the satisfaction of the *ealer.
In this connection, a forarding address should be given by the Oner in order to insure the credit reaching him.
Standard Warranty
031 only #arranty under hich ne #illys$Overland +otor 4ehicles are sold is that of the +anufacturer, being the %tandard
#arranty recommended by the !utomobile +anufacturer)s !ssociation, and is as follos2
50his is to certify that e, #ILLY%$O41RL!N* +O0OR%, IN6., 0OL1*O, O3IO, U.%.!. arrant each ne
motor vehicle manufactured by us, to be free from defects in material and orkmanship under normal use and
service, our obligations under this #arranty being limited to making good at our factory any part or parts thereof,
including all e.uipment or trade accessories 7e&cept tires8 supplied by the 6ar +anufacturer, hich shall, ithin
ninety 79:8 days after making delivery of such vehicle to the original purchaser or before such vehicle has been
driven ;::: miles, hichever event shall first occur, be returned to us ith transportation charges prepaid, and
hich our e&amination shall disclose to our satisfaction to have been thus defective( this arranty being
e&pressly in lieu of all other arranties e&pressed or implied and of all other obligations or liabilities on our part,
and e neither assume nor authori"e any other person to assume for us any other liability in connection ith the
sale of our vehicles. 0his arranty shall not apply to any vehicle hich shall have been repaired or altered
outside of an !uthori"ed #illys$Overland %ervice %tation in any ay so as, in the 'udgment of the +anufacturer,
to affect its stability or reliability, nor hich has been sub'ect to misuse, negligence or accident5
0he +anufacturer makes no arranty against, nor assumes any liability for any defect in metal or other material in any part,
device or trade accessory hich cannot be discovered by ordinary factory inspection.
#ILLY%$O41RL!N* +O0OR%, IN6.
NO01 $$ #illys$Overland +otors, Inc., reserves the right at any time or times to revise, modify, discontinue or change any
models of its vehicles, or any part or parts thereof, ithout notice( and, ithout it or the %eller, incurring any liability or
obligation to the -urchaser.
Jeep CJ2A Speciications
on !"e CJ2A Pa#e
$n#ine %Go-&evil% '-(ead
Number of cylinders........................................;
,ore...............................................................< =>?5
%troke............................................................; <>?5
-iston *isplacement........................................=<;.@ cu. in.
6ompression Ratio..........................................A.;? to =
3orsepoer $$ %!1........................................=B.A
3orsepoer 7actual C ;,::: R-+8................A:
0or.ue 7ma&. C @,::: R-+8.........................=:B Lbs. Dt.
&i)ensions and Capacities
0read..............................................................;? =>;5
Overall #idth..................................................B95
Overall 3eight 70op up8...................................A9 <>?5
Overall 3eight 70op don8..............................B@ <>?5
Overall Length.................................................=@@ <>;5
Road 6learance...............................................? B>?5
#eight $$ +a&imum -ayload............................?:: lbs.
%hipping 7Less ater, oil and fuel8.....@,:<E lbs.
6urb 7Including ater, oil and fuel8....@,=<E lbs.
/ross 7Loaded8................................@,9<E lbs.
+a&imum !pproved *ra ,ar -ull
76ontinuous Operation8................................=,@:: lbs.
Duel 0ank 6apacity...........................................=:.B gals.
6ooling %ystem 6apacity...................................== .ts.
'a)p *ul+s
3ead Lamp 7E in. %ealed ,eam 0ype8
Upper ,eam.................................................;B atts
Loer ,eam................................................<B atts
-arking Lamp ,ulb............................................< 6-$%6
0ail Lamp ,ulb..................................................@=$< 6-$*6
Instrument Lamp ,ulb........................................< 6-$%6
Duse 70hermal 0ype8 $$ On Light %itch............<: !mperes
'u+rication Capacities
1ngine 6rankcase $$ oil filter empty 7.uarts8..B U% > ; =>; Imp.
0ransmission and 0ransfer 6ase 7pints8..........A =>@ U% > B =>@
*ifferential $ Dront !&le 7pints8......................@ =>@ U% > @ Imp.
*ifferential $ Rear !&le 7pints8.......................@ <>; U% > @ =>;
Oil ,ath !ir 6leaners 7pints8..........................= =>; U% > = Imp.
,rake %ystem Dluid 7pints8.............................<>; U% > B>? Imp.
Location of %erial Number2 -late on outside left frame side rail
at the front and on instrument panel.
Location of 1ngine Number2 %tamped on ater pump boss.
E9.<E mm.
===.=@ mm.
@=99.B< cc.
@:<.@: cm.
=@@.BB cm.
=;9.?A cm.
=EA.@= cm.
=<<.:< cm.
<==.E? cm.
@=.9: cm.
<A@.?? kg.
9A=.A< kg.
=::A.99 kg.
=<A9.?E kg.
B;;.<@ kg.
<9.E; litres
=:.;= litres
No. A<
No. ==B?
No. A<
;.E< litres
<.E litres
=.=? litres
=.<: litres
B9=.;: cc.
<B;.?; cc.
'u+rication Speciications
6hassis Lubrication
0ransmission and 0ransfer 6ase
*ifferentials $$ Dront and Rear
%teering /ear
#heel ,earings
Universal Foints 7Dront !&le
Universal Foints 7-ropeller %haft8
-oer 0ake$Off 3ousing
!ir 6leaner
!ype 'u+e,
6hassis Lube.
+ineral /ear Oil
3ypoid Oil
%teering /ear Lube.
#heel ,earing Lube.
Universal Foint Lube.
6hassis Lube.
+ineral /ear Oil
1ngine Oil
1ngine Oil
1ngine Oil
No. :
%!1 ?:
%!1 9:
%!1 =;:
No. @
No. :
No. :
%!1 ?:
%ame /rade as used in engine
%ame /rade as used in engine
%ee ,elo
No. =
%!1 9:
%!1 9:
%!1 =;:
No. @
No. =
No. =
%!1 9:
%ame /rade as used in engine
%ame /rade as used in engine
%ee ,elo
!bove 9:G D.................%!1 <:
Not Loer than <@G D...%!1 @: or <:
!s Lo as H=:G D........%!1 @: #
!s Lo as $=:G D.........%!1 =: #
0o temperatures belo $=:G D, use %!1 =: # plus =:I
-alve and .#nition !i)in#
Inlet opens 9 degrees before top centre
Inlet closes B: degrees after bottom centre
1&haust opens ;E degrees before bottom centre
1&haust closes =@ degrees after top centre
%park %etting
%park set top centre ith automatic spark controls at rest, hen
using lo octane fuel.
Diring Order
0appet setting for valve timing
Number of flyheel teeth
Piston Measure)ents
Fro) !op Centre
.:<95 79.9= mm.8
<.EE@5 79B.?= mm.8
<.E995 79A.;9 mm.8
.:B;5 7:.=; mm.8
5I/N5 BG ,06
.:@:5 7:.B= mm.8
CJ2A Operation and Care
Manual -- .nspections and Precautions
At assembly a restrictor is placed between the intake manifold and the carburetor to limit the road speed to approximately 42
mph. To protect the vehicle, leave the restrictor in position for the first 500 miles of road operation, or euivalent in industrial
operation, after which remove and discard it.
It is an obligation of the %elling *ealer to carefully inspect and ad'ust your Universal Feep before delivery. !fter your vehicle has been
operated =::: miles, return it to your dealer for the =::: +ile Inspection in accordance ith Dactory Dorm, %er. <;BB. 0his inspection is free
ith the e&ception of engine oil and anti$free"e solution used.
/000 Mile Free .nspection
6heck steering system and front heel alignment.
6heck spring clip nuts and spring shackles.
6heck rear a&le for oil and leaks.
!d'ust body bolts.
0est service and hand brakes $$ inflate tires.
6heck cooling system for leaks and anti$free"e and fan belt ad'ustment.
!d'ust clutch pedal.
6heck operation of transmission and transfer case $$ 6heck for oil level and leaks.
6heck battery, generator output, headlamps and horn.
0ighten universal 'oint companion flange bolts.
6heck operation of ammeter, heat indicator, fuel and oil gauges.
0ighten cylinder head nuts $$ 6heck timing and distributor points.
%et spark plugs $$ !d'ust carburetor $$ 6heck throttle controls.
6heck engine for oil leaks $$ 6heck fuel line connections.
!d'ust valve tappets, if re.uired.
6hange engine oil 7charge for oil8 $$ Lubricate vehicle.
6lean and refill air cleaner.
6lean fuel pump sump and strainer.
6heck e&tra e.uipment attaching scres $$ 6heck for oil level and leaks.
4ehicle %erial Number JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ
#ILLY%$O41RL!N* +O0OR%, IN6.
Proper Operation
!"#$#%& A %'( )*''+)
!o not run your ),niversal *eep) faster than 40 miles an hour for the first 500 miles or if used on the farm or for industrial
operation, use care when pullin- heavy loads in the lower -ear ratios. #f the vehicle is operated at hi-h speeds while new or
used for heavy pullin- for a lon- period, the closely fitted parts mi-ht possibly become overheated, resultin- in scored pistons,
cylinders or burned bearin-s. !urin- its entire life, never race the en-ine while makin- ad.ustments or when the vehicle is
standin- idle. #t the vehicle is not properly lubricated, our (arranty is null and void. /e sure to have your (illys01verland
!ealer inspect your vehicle at the end of 2000 miles or euivalent usa-e and every 2500 miles thereafter.
0here are several points of difference beteen the Universal Feep and a conventional vehicle to receive attention. !s a general precaution
and for your information e are listing these 5cautions5 belo2
0he Feep is e.uipped ith a transfer case and four$heel drive to provide additional traction and a loer gear ratio for use on difficult
terrain. Use the front heel drive only hen necessary. 6onsider the front heel drive and the transfer case as a loer gear ratio than the
standard transmission lo gear and use it only hen greater poer is re.uired.
0he use of four$heel drive on hard surfaced highays ill result in rapid tire ear and hard shifting of the transfer case, particularly hen
the front heels are steered even at a slight angle from the straight ahead position. If hard shifting occurs, disengage the clutch, start engine,
shift transmission into reverse gear, back the vehicle a fe feet, and disengage clutch. If transfer case is in lo range, shift into high then
shift front a&le into 5out5 position 7lever forard8.
0o drain cocks are provided to drain the cooling system. ! drain cock is located under the left side of the radiator, hoever, it is necessary
to drain the cylinder block separately. 0he cylinder block drain is located at the right front corner of the block directly under the generator.
Loosen the radiator cap to break the seal and permit complete draining.
6heck the level of the lubricant often in the transmission and transfer case. ,e sure the lubricant is at filler level in both units at all times.
!s a standard, the clutch pedal is ad'usted ith =5 free travel. !s the clutch ears this becomes less. ,e sure that there is free travel at all
times to prevent continuous operation of the clutch release bearing and rapid ear and slippage of the clutch. 0his ad'ustment is made by
lengthening or shortening the clutch control cable.
0he ventilator valve, mounted in the intake manifold, must be free to operate. If it is stuck open very uneven engine operation at lo speed
ill result.
,e sure the e&haust manifold heat control valve is free at all times and the thermostatic control spring is above the stop.
%i& scres are used to attach the front heel brake backing plate and spindle to the spindle housing. 0hese scres are standard in dimensions
and thread pitch, hoever, they are made of special steel and receive special heat treatment. %afety demands that only genuine factory scres
be used at this point.
CJ2A Operation and Care
Manual -- Gettin# Started
DI/. = $ 413I6L1 6ON0ROL%
=. #indshield #iper !rm
@. #indshield #iper ,lade
<. #indshield 6entre Lock
;. #indshield /lass
B. 3and #iper 3andle and Knob
A. #indshield 0ubular Drame
E. #indshield Drame and /lass !ssembly
?. #indshield Inner !d'usting !rm
9. #indshield Outer !d'usting !rm
=:. !d'usting #ing %cre
==. 0op ,o %torage Retainer
=@. Instrument -anel Light
=<. 6hoke 6ontrol
=;. #indshield 6lamp
=B. !mmeter
=A. 3and ,rake 3andle
=E. Ignition %itch
=?. %tarter %itch
=9. Underdrive %hift Lever
@:. Dront !&le *rive %hift Lever
@=. 0ransmission %hift Lever
@@. 3eat Indicator /suge
@<. !ccelerator -edal
@;. %peedometer
@B. ,rake -edal
@A. 6lutch -edal
@E. 3eadlamp *immer %itch
@?. Instrument -anel Light %itch
@9. Oil /auge
<:. +ain Lighting %itch
<=. Duel /auge
<@. 0hrottle 6ontrol
<<. Rear 4ision +irror
<;. 3orn ,utton
<B. %teering #heel
<A. #indshield #iper +otor
!O MA3$ -$(.C'$ 1$A&Y,
Dill the radiator ith clean, soft ater.
-ut gasoline in the tank.
Dill the oil reservoir through the filler pipe at the right side of the engine until the oil indicator stick registers LDULLM.
7%ee LLubrication %pecificationsM.8
%upply all parts re.uiring lubrication ith oil or lubricant.
%ee that the tires have proper pressure 7%ee L0ire -ressureM.8
!d'ust the rear vie mirror to correct position for driver. If ade.uate vie is not obtainable, the mirror may be
ad'usted by loosening the scre through the mounting bracket or by tilting in the ball and socket connection.
CO2!1O'S A2& SW.!C($S,
0he position of all controls and sitches is shon in Dig. =.
0he horn is operated by pressing the button located at the top center of the steering heel.
0he instrument panel light sitch is located along the loer edge of the instrument panel to the left of the steering
post. 0he indshield iper control is mounted on the iper motor housing.
0he main light sitch No. <: controlling both the head and tail lamps is conveniently located on the instrument panel
to the left of the steering post. It is of the plunger type N pull all the ay out for the Lfull onM position, half$ay for
LparkingM and all the ay in is the LoffM position.
In addition to the main light sitch, the high and lo beams of the headlamps are controlled by a selector foot sitch,
located on the toe board to the left of the clutch pedal. -ressing and releasing the sitch button, ith the foot,
alternately changes the beam from high to lo and vice versa.
!O S!A1! $2G.2$,
-ut the transmission gearshift lever No. @=, Dig. = in neutral. -lace the transfer case lo and high shift lever No. =9 in
direct gear or in the rear position and disengage the front a&le by placing the shift lever No. @9 in the forard
-ull the choke control button No. =< one$fourth of the ay out hich also opens the throttle slightly.
-lace the key in ignition lock No. =E and turn it to the right, closing the ignition circuit.
*isengage the clutch.
*epress the foot starting sitch at No. =?.
%hould the engine fail to start at once, pull the choke all the ay out and press the starting sitch. #hen the engine
starts, push the choke in about one$third of the ay.
%et the choke control at the best operating position and as the engine arms up, push the choke all the ay in. *o not
run ith the choke out as fuel is asted and the engine fouled.
%hould the engine fail to start, see the L1mergency 6hartM.
DI/. @ $$ %I*1 %160ION!L 4I1# OD 1N/IN1
=. Dan !ssembly
@. #ater -ump ,earing and %haft
<. #ater -ump %eal #asher
;. #ater -ump %eal !ssembly
B. #ater -ump Impeller
A. -iston
E. #rist -in
?. 0hermostat !ssembly
9. #ater Outlet 1lbo
=:. 0hermostat Retainer
==. 1&haust 4alve
=@. Intake 4alve
=<. 6ylinder 3ead
=;. 1&haust +anifold !ssembly
=B. 4alve %pring
=A. 4alve 0appet %elf$Locking
!d'usting %cre
=E. 1ngine -late $$ Rear
=?. 6amshaft
=9. Dlyheel Ring /ear
@:. 6rankshaft -acking $$ Rear 1nd
@=. 6rankshaft ,earing Rear *rain
@@. 6rankshaft ,earing $$ Loer
@<. 4alve 0appet
@;. 6rankshaft
@B. Oil -ump and *istributor *rive
@A. 6onnecting Rod 6ap ,olt
@E. Oil Dloat %upport
@?. Oil Dloat !ssembly
@9. 6rankshaft ,earing 6entre $$
<:. 6onnecting Rod !ssembly $$ No.
<=. 6onnecting Rod ,olt Nut Lock
<@. 6rankshaft ,earing $$ Dront
<<. 6rankshaft Oil -assages
<;. 6rankshaft 0hrust #asher
<B. 6rankshaft /ear
<A. 6rankshaft /ear %pacer
<E. 0iming /ear 6over !ssembly
<?. Dan and /enerator *rive ,elt
<9. 6rankshaft Oil %eal
;:. %tarting 6rank Nut !ssembly
;=. 6rankshaft /ear Key
;@. Dan and /overnor *rive -ulley
;<. 0iming /ear Oil Fet
;;. Dan, /enerator and /overnor
*rive -ulley
;B. 6amshaft 0hrust -late
;A. 6amshaft gear Retaining #asher
;E. 6amshaft /ear Retaining %cre
;?. 6amshaft /ear 0hrust -late
Retaining %cre
;9. 6amshaft /ear
!O S!A1! -$(.C'$,
Release hand brake, if set.
*epress clutch pedal.
+ove transmission gearshift leer to first speed position N see Dig. <
7Note that the front a&le and transfer case shift levers are not used hen
the vehicle is driven on the highay in rear heel drive.8
*epress the foot accelerator pedal gradually and at the same time,
sloly release the clutch pedal.
!llo the vehicle to gain momentum 7to or three vehicle lengths8, then
release the accelerator and depress the clutch at the same moment.
+ove the shift lever promptly to the second speed position.
*epress the foot accelerator pedal gradually and at the same time,
sloly release the clutch pedal.
%hift to third or 5high5 speed in the same ay at appro&imately =? to @:
mph, releasing the accelerator and depressing the clutch before moving
the shift lever.
0he synchroni"ing mechanism in the transmission makes gear shifting
silent and easy. 0his device ad'usts the speeds of the to gears to be
engaged and prevents 5clashin
!O C(A2G$ !O 'OW$1 SP$$&,
*epress the clutch pedal.
+ove the gearshift lever .uickly to the ne&t loer speed, increasing the engine speed slightly, if traveling on level
road and release the clutch pedal.
It ill be found advisable to make this change hen the engine is placed under heavy pull, or hen dropping don to
a very lo speed, as hen travelling up a steep grade, in sand or in congested traffic.
Never attempt to make the change ith the vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed.
!O S!OP !($ -$(.C'$,
Release the foot accelerator.
*epress the clutch pedal and apply foot brake.
#hen stopped, move gearshift lever into neutral.
%et the hand brake and release the clutch and brake pedals.
!O 1$-$1S$ -$(.C'$,
#ith the vehicle at a standstill, depress the clutch pedal.
%hift the lever into the reverse position, sloly release the clutch pedal and regulate the car speed ith the foot
!O US$ !($ $2G.2$ AS A *1A3$,
0he most effective brake for holding the vehicle back on a steep grade is the engine. 0o use the engine as a brake, shift into
one of the loer speeds before starting to descend. Keep the clutch engaged, the throttle closed, and the ignition LONM. Lo
gear ill hold any vehicle effectively on any hill it can climb.
Never engage the clutch suddenly hen the vehicle is coasting ith the clutch released and the transmission gears in mesh, as
damage to the driving mechanism may result.
DI/. ; $$ 1N* %160ION!L 4I1# OD 1N/IN1
=. Ignition *istributor
@. 6ylinder 3ead /asket
<. 1shaust 4alve /uide
;. Intake +anifold !ssembly
B. 4alve %pring 6over !ssembly
A. 3eat 6ontrol 4alve
E. 6rankcase 4entilator ,affle
?. 1&haust +anifold !ssembly
9. 6rankcase 4entilator !ssembly
=:. *istributor %haft Driction %pring
==. Oil -ump *riven /ear
=@. Oil -ump /asket
=<. Oil -ump !ssembly
=;. Oil -ump -inion
=B. Oil -ump 6over aft
=A. Oil -ump Relief -lunger
=E. Oil -ump Relief -lunger %pring
=?. Oil -ump Relief -lunger
=9. Oil -ump Relief -lunger
%pring Retainer
@:. Oil -ump %h@=. Oil -an
@@. Oil -an *rain -lug
@<. Oil Dloat %upport
@;. 6rankshaft ,earing *oel
@B. 6rankshaft ,earing 6ap to
6rankcase %cre
@A. Oil Dloat !ssembly
@E. Oil Diller 0ube
@?. Oil Diller 6ap and Level
@9. *istributor Oiler
S!A1!.2G -$(.C'$ O2 UPG1A&$,
In starting on an upgrade, hold the vehicle ith the hand brake, disengage the clutch and shift the transmission into lo speed,
then accelerate the engine ith the foot accelerator in the regular ay hile simultaneously releasing the hand brake and
engaging the clutch
S(.F!.2G G$A1 .2 !1A2SF$1 CAS$,
0he transfer case is essentially a to speed transmission, hich provides a lo and a direct gear and also a means of
connecting the engine poer to the front a&le. It is an au&iliary unit attached to the rear of the standard transmission.
6ontrol of the transfer case is through the to shift levers, Dig. = No. =9 and No. @:. 0he left lever, No. @:, is used to connect
and disconnect the poer to the front a&le. 0he right lever, No. =9 is used to shift the transfer case gears to secure either
L3ighM 7direct drive8 or a very lo gear ratio for heavy pulling re.uirements.
Instructions for shifting gears in the transfer case are as follos2 %ee Dig. <.
=. 0o engage front a&le drive, depress the clutch pedal, release accelerator and move the left hand shift lever 7No. @:8 to
rear position
@. #ith the front a&le drive engaged, the right hand lever 7No. =98 may be shifted to the rear into L3ighM 7direct8 or
forard into LLoM. 0he LNeutralM position miday beteen L3ighM and LLoM is for use hen the poer take$off belt
drive is used. 0he vehicle cannot be driven hen this lever is in LNeutralM.
<. 0o disengage the front a&le drive, depress the clutch pedal, release the accelerator and shift the left lever to the forard
position. 0he transfer case can be operated only in L3ighM 7direct drive8 hen the front a&le drive is disengaged.
;. %hifting from high to lo transfer case gear should not be attempted e&cept hen the vehicle is practically at a
standstill. 0he front a&le drive must be engaged for this shift. Release the accelerator and depress the clutch pedal N move
the left hand shift lever to the rear position to engage the front heel drive, then move the right hand shift lever to forard
position 7lo transfer case gear8.
B. %hifting from lo to high transfer case gear may be accomplished at any time, regardless of vehicle speed. Release
accelerator and depress clutch pedal and shift right hand lever into rear position.
US$ OF FOU1 W($$' &1.-$,
0he LUniversal FeepM is e.uipped ith four$heel drive and transfer case to provide additional traction and a lo gear ratio for
use on difficult terrain and to provide lo speed pulling poer for industrial and agricultural use. Dour$heel drive should be
used only hen greater traction and poer are re.uired than provided by the standard transmission and lo gear.
!void the use of four$heel drive on hard surfaced highays as it ill result in rapid tire ear and hard shifting of the transfer
case gears. %hould hard shifting occur, disengage the clutch, start engine, shift the transmission into reverse gear, back the
vehicle a fe feet, and disengage the clutch. If transfer case is in lo range, shift into high, then disengage front a&le drive 7left
lever forard8.
S!$$1.2G 32UC3'$ O.' S$A',
#hen parking during cold, et eather, sing the front heels from right to
left to ipe aay moisture adhering to the front a&le universal 'oint housings
and oil seals, Dig. B. 0his ill prevent free"ing ith resulting damage to the oil
seal felts. #hen the vehicle is stored for any period, the front a&le universal
'oint housings should be coated ith light grease to prevent rusting.
(ow to Save Gasoline
=. In cold eather economical starting of the engine is easily obtained by pressing don on the accelerator pedal once or
tice, then push don on the clutch pedal and start engine using the choke sparingly. *o not use the choke hen starting a
arm engine.
@. *o not use the choke e&cessively hile engine is arming up and never leave it out longer than absolutely necessary.
<. !ccelerate gently. 0ramping on the accelerator pumps more gasoline into the cylenders than can be effectively used.
;. 3olding the car in second gear until you get up to high speeds may easily double the gasoline you should use in getting
under ay. %hift into high gear at about @: miles per hour.
B. Dast driving uses up more gasoline. 0ravel at moderate speeds if you ant gasoline economy.
A. *ecelerate to a gradual stop. %udden stops, like sudden starts, are asteful of gasoline.
E. -ark your car in the shade if possible, hot sun evaporates gasoline.
?. *on)t drive your tires ith less than the proper amount of air pressure. Under$inflated tires mean more road friction, more
ork for the engine to do $$ and therefore more gasoline consumed. %ee 50ire -ressure5.
9. Keep the battery charged up in good condition. It helps starting and provides good ignition thereby reducing loss of
=:. Letting the engine idle for long periods astes gasoline.
==. ,e sure that the carburetor is in proper condition for ma&imum mileage and poer.
=@. One faulty or dirty spark plug may aste as much as =: percent of your gasoline. 3ave the spark plugs tested
=<. Keep your car ell lubricated at all times, and be very careful to follo the instructions on 5Lubrication5.
=;. Keep the radiator filled to the proper level( your engine ill remain at a more constant temperature. !n overheated engine
uses more gasoline.
=B. 6heck the operation of the automatic heat control on the e&haust manifold. 0he purpose of this heater is to arm the
mi&ture of air and gasoline as it leaves the carburetor, in order to give better vapori"ation. 7%ee +anifold 3eat 6ontrol8.
=A. It is a good idea to have a complete engine tune$up every B,::: miles, or at least tice a year $$ in the Dall hen preparing
for #inter driving and again in the %pring. 0he Oner %ervice -olicy entitles you to an ad'ustment and complete
inspection ithout charge at the end of the first =::: miles.
CJ2A Operation and Care
Manual -- General 'u+rication
General 'u+rication
0he use of high grade lubricants and regular application is specially essential hen operating the LFeepM because of the
diversified service it performs. 0he amount of trouble free service received ill be in proportion to the care given. Lubricate
the vehicle in accordance ith the type of service performed.
0he folloing pages should be referred to for instructions covering grade and .uality of lubricant for all parts of the vehicle.
0he mileage instructions should be folloed hen the vehicle is used for road ork. It is impossible to give accurate hourly
instructions because of the diversified service and conditions under hich the vehicle may be operated. 0he hours indicated are
appro&imate. 0o obtain ma&imum service, good 'udgment must be used to lubricate the vehicle according to the type of ork
being done. !s an e&ample N hen used as a farm tractor under dusty conditions the chassis should be lubricated daily as the
ne lubrication forces grit and dirt, hich has accumulated during the day, from the bearing surfaces. Under these conditions,
the air cleaner should also be cleaned and refilled daily or under e&treme conditions tice daily.
,ecause of the importance of correct lubrication, detailed recommendations, unit capacities and specifications are given in the
folloing paragraphs.
'u+rication Speciications
6hassis Lubrication
0ransmission and 0ransfer 6ase
*ifferentials $$ Dront and Rear
%teering /ear
#heel ,earings
Universal Foints 7Dront !&le %haft8
Universal Foints 7-ropeller %haft8
-oer 0ake$Off 3ousing
!ir 6leaner
!ype 'u+e,
6hassis Lube.
+ineral /ear Oil
3ypoid Oil
%teering /ear Lube.
#heel ,earing Lube.
Universal Foint Lube.
6hassis Lube.
+ineral /ear Oil
1ngine Oil
1ngine Oil
1ngine Oil
No. :
%!1 ?:
%!1 9:
%!1 =;:
No. @
No. :
No. :
%!1 ?:
%ame /rade as used in engine
%ame /rade as used in engine
%ee ,elo
No. =
%!1 9:
%!1 9:
%!1 =;:
No. @
No. =
No. =
%!1 9:
%ame /rade as used in engine
%ame /rade as used in engine
%ee ,elo
!bove 9:G D.................%!1 <:
Not Loer than <@G D...%!1 @: or <:
!s Lo as H=:G D........%!1 @: #
!s Lo as $=:G D.........%!1 =: #
0o temperatures belo $=:G D, use %!1 =: # plus =:I kerosene.
$2G.2$ 'U*1.CA!.O2,
Lubrication of the engine is accomplished by means of a force$feed continuous circulating system. 0his is effected by means of a gear type
pump, located e&ternally on the left side of the engine, and driven by a spiral gear on the camshaft.
0he oil is dran into the circulating system through a floating oil intake. 0he floating intake does not permit ater or dirt to circulate, hich
may have accumulated in the bottom of the oil pan, because the oil is dran hori"ontally from near the top surface.
!n oil pressure gauge is mounted in the instrument panel, hich indicates the pressure being supplied to the circulating system. Dailure of
the gauge to register may indicate absence of oil, leakage or a fault in the lubrication system and the engine should be stopped immediately.
If there is plenty of oil in the reservoir the mechanical fault must be corrected before starting the engine. %tandard gauge reading is
appro&imately <B at <: miles per hour and =: at idle speed.
0he .uantity of the oil in the crankcase is measured by the bayonet type oil level indicator hich is combined ith the oil filler cap located in
the oil filler pipe at the right side of the engine. #hen the oil level is belo the LDullM mark, pour sufficient ne oil into the reservoir to bring
the level to the LDullM mark.
#hen the vehicle leaves the factory the crankcase is filled to the correct level ith oil of the proper viscosity for the Lbreak$inM period. #hen
the vehicle is used on the highay, completely drain the engine oil at B:: miles and at =::: miles, then every @::: miles thereafter, by
removing the drain plug in the loer left side of the oil pan. Replace the drain plug and refill ith ; .ts 7B .ts. hen the engine oil filter has
been drained8 of fresh oil. Dor heavy industrial or dusty field ork, change the oil at the first =: hours, and each B: hours thereafter. 0o
secure ma&imum engine life, atch the condition of the oil closely and should it become contaminated, due to conditions under hich the
vehicle has been operated, change it immediately.
!lays drain the oil hen the engine is arm. 0he benefit of draining is, to a large e&tent, lost if the crankcase is drained hen the engine is
cold, as some of the foreign matter ill remain in the bottom of the oil pan.
!t least once a year, preferably in the %pring, remove the oil pan and floating oil intake and ash thoroughly ith cleaning solution.
C(ASS.S 'U*1.CA!.O2,
#hen lubricating the chassis refer to the Lubrication 6hart. Dor highay travel, clean and lubricate points @, <, ;, B, A, E, ?, 9, =:, and ==
each =::: miles. #hen used in industrial or agricultural ork the period for lubrication depends entirely upon the type of ork being done.
#hen doing dusty field ork, lubricate these points daily as grit and dirt ill ork into the bearing surfaces and cause rapid ear unless
forced out by ne lubricant. 0he importance of using a good grade of chassis lubricant can not be e&aggerated, for the cost ill be more than
repaid by longer ear and good service.
O.' F.'!$1,
0he oil filter should be dismantled, cleaned and the filter element replaced at the end of the first @::: miles of highay travel, or =:: hours
of industrial or field use. *rain the filter at each oil change to prevent the old oil contained in the filter from mi&ing ith and contaminating
the ne oil. Replace the element at each ?::: miles of highay use or @:: hours of industrial or field use.
A.1 C'$A2$1,
6are of the air cleaner is 1O0R1+1LY I+-OR0!N0 N especially hen the vehicle is used under dusty conditions. 6lean and refill the air
cleaner reservoir to the level mark, ith oil of the same grade used in the engine, at etch engine oil change. #hen the vehicle is used for field
ork, clean and change the oil in the cleaner *!ILY and under dusty conditions 0#I61 *!ILY. #hen cleaning, use a long scre driver or
other suitable tool to dislodge dirt sticking to the bottom and sides of the intake passage in the body of the cleaner.
S!$$1.2G G$A1,
6heck the level of the lubricant in the steering gear housing every =::: miles. !void the use of cup grease, graphite, hite lead or heavy
solidified oil. Remove the plug in the steering gear housing and use a hand gun to fill the housing sloly.
WA!$1 PUMP 4 C'U!C(,
0he ater pump and clutch release bearings are prelubricated at assembly and the lubricant lasts for the life of the bearings.
0o oilers are provided, one at each end( three to five drops of engine oil is recommended every =::: miles. ,e sure to slip the commutator
end hole cover back in place.
S!A1!.2G MO!O1,
0he oil hole cover on the commutator 7front8 end slips to one side( put three to five drops of engine oil in this hole every =::: miles. ,e sure
to slip cover back in place.
.G2.!.O2 &.S!.*U!O1,
0he oiler on the distributor should be lubricated every =::: miles ith several drops of engine oil, Dig. E, No. A. !lso place one drop of light
engine oil on the ick, No. @ located in the top of the shaft, hich is accessible by removing the rotor arm and sparingly apply soft grease on
the breaker arm cam No. ;, and a drop of oil on the breaker arm pivot, No. <. %ee -RO-O1R +!IN01N!N61 for Dig. E.
SP$$&OM$!$1 A2& &1.-$,
%ome of the speedometers supplied are e.uipped ith a ick type oiler located on the drive shaft boss directly above the tube and shaft
connection to the speedometer head. Lubricate this oiler ith a fe drops of light oil tice each year. Remove the drive shaft from the tube
once each year, clean it thoroughly and lubricate ith a good .uality light graphite grease.
U2.-$1SA' JO.2!S 5P1OP$''$1 S(AF!6,
1very =::: miles lubricate the propeller shaft universal 'oints and the slip 'oints ith a good .uality lubricant. Lubricate daily for field ork.
U2.-$1SA' JO.2!S 5F1O2! A7'$ S(AF!6,
0he front a&le universal 'oints are enclosed in the steering knuckle housings, hich are filled ith lubricant so re.uire no attention other than
checking each =::: miles to be sure the housings are filled to plug level. Once each year or every <:: hours of field ork the a&le shafts and
universal 'oint assemblies should be removed, thoroughly cleaned and the housings filled ith ne lubricant.
W($$' *$A1.2GS,
Dront heel bearings should be removed, thoroughly cleaned, checked and replaced tice yearly or every A::: miles. 0he rear heel
bearings are e.uipped ith hydraulic lubricators. Lubricate them sparingly to guard against surplus oil saturating the brake lining. !n oil
relief hole at the top of housing, Dig. <@, No. =, indicates hen the bearing is filled ith oil.
!1A2M.SS.O2 A2& !1A2SF$1 CAS$,
*rilled passages are provided beteen the transmission and transfer case housings for circulation of the lubricating oil to provide unit
lubrication of the to assemblies. 0he oil level should be checked each =::: miles or at each lubrication. *rain and refill at each A::: miles
or <:: hours of field ork.
2ote8 !"e re9uire)ents o t"ese "ousin#s are s)all or econo)y: t"ereore: it is very i)portant t"at t"e lu+rication +e c"an#ed
every ;00 "ours w"en t"e ve"icle is used or dusty ield wor<,
F1O2! A2& 1$A1 &.FF$1$2!.A'S,
0he differential gears re.uire e&treme pressure lubricant, hich is suitable for hypoid gear type a&les. 0he level of the lubricant in these units
should be checked every =::: miles. *o not mi& different types of hypoid lubricants. *rain and refill the housings each A::: miles or tice
yearly. Use a light engine or flushing oil to clean out the housings.
2ote8 &o not use water: stea): <erosene: or #asoline or lus"in#, . t"e oil is deco)posed: dis)antlin# is necessary,
!t each lubrication, check the oil level in the governor housing. Use oil of the same grade used in the engine to maintain the lubricant at filler
plug level. *rain and refill the housing at each <:: hours of operation.
POW$1 !A3$-OFF S(AF! A2& PU''$Y &1.-$ (OUS.2GS,
6heck the lubricant level at each lubrication 'ob, maintaining the lubricant at filler plug level. %hould the poer take$off be used fre.uently,
change the lubricant each <:: hours.
CJ2A Operation and Care
Manual -- Proper Maintenance
%'$'" ",% '%&#%' #% 3415'! &A"A&'
!ue to the presence of carbon monoxide 6a poisonous -as in the exhaust of the en-ine7 never rub the en-ine for
any len-th of time while the vehicle is in a small closed -ara-e. 1penin- the doors and windows will lessen the
dan-er considerably, but it is safest if ad.ustments are bein- made that reuire the operation of the en-ine, to
run the vehicle out0of0doors.
0he old adage 5!n ounce of prevention is orth a pound of cure5 as never more true than hen applied to any motor vehicle.
0he importance of regular systematic inspection cannot be over$emphasi"ed. %mall and seemingly unimportant faults, if
neglected, may gro into e&pensive ma'or repairs. Regular inspections and prompt correction of small faults ill go far toard
holding don maintenance e&pense, eliminating delays in productive operations and upholding the high standard of reliability
and performance built into your 5Feep5 at the factory.
$2G.2$ !U2$-UP,
Dor best performance and dependability the engine should have a periodic tune$up tice yearly, preferably in the %pring and
Remove the spark plugs, clean them thoroughly and space the electrodes to .:<:5 7:.EA mm.8 gap.
6lean and tighten the battery cable terminals, the battery ground connection and the ground strap on the right side of
the engine at the front engine support 7%ee Dig. =:8.
Remove the distributor cap and inspect the contact points. !d'ust the points to .:@:5 7:.B= mm.8 gap. %ee Dig.E No.B.
6heck the ignition timing.
6heck the valve tappet clearance. !d'ust to .:=;5 7:.<BA mm.8 clearance ith engine hot or cold.
6lean the fuel pump filter screen and check fuel line connections.
Remove ventilator valve Dig. =@ and clean.
%tart the engine and allo it to run until thoroughly arm then set the carburetor idle scre so the engine ill idle at
A:: rpm. 7vehicle speed of appro&imately A mph8.
!d'ust the carburetor lo speed idle scre so that the engine ill idle smoothly.
NO012 %hould the engine fail to perform satisfactorily and the trouble is definitely traced to the carburetor, consult your
#illys$Overland *ealer. 6arburetor service is speciali"ed and should not be undertaken unless the unit is thoroughly
-A'-$ A2& .G2.!.O2 !.M.2G
Inlet opens 9 degrees before top centre
Inlet closes B: degrees after bottom centre
1&haust opens ;E degrees before bottom centre
1&haust closes =@ degrees after top centre
%park %etting
%park set top centre ith automatic spark controls at rest, hen using lo octane fuel.
Diring Order
0appet setting for valve timing
Number of flyheel teeth
Piston Measure)ents ro) !op Centre
:<95 79.9= mm.8
<.EE@5 79B.?= mm.8
<.E995 79A.;9 mm.8
.:B;5 7:.=; mm.8
5I/N5 BG ,06
.:@:5 7:.B= mm.8
C($C3.2G -A'-$ !.M.2G
0o check the valve timing, ad'ust the inlet valve tappet No. = cylinder to .:@:5 7:.B=
mm.8. Use care in making this ad'ustment that the measurement is accurate ith
feeler gauges and that the tappet is resting against the loest surface of the camshaft
cam. Rotate the crankshaft clockise until piston in No. = cylinder is ready for the
intake stroke. 7+ark 5I$O5 $$ intake open $$ on the flyheel is in the centre of the
engine.8 #ith the crankshaft in this position, valve timing is correct if No. = intake
valve tappet is 'ut tight against the end of the valve stem. !fter checking, ad'ust all
of the tappets .:=;5 7:.<BA mm.8.
%hould the timing be incorrect it is advisable to consult your #illys$Overland *ealer
.G2.!.O2 !.M.2G
=. 6ondenser
@. Lubricating #ick
<. ,reaker !rm
;. ,reaker 6am
B. *istributor -oints
A. Oiler
E. !d'ustment Lock
?. !d'usting %cre
0he breaker points should be cleaned and ad'usted to .:@:5
7:.B= mm.8 opening. Remove all of the spark plugs e&cept
No. =. Rotate the crankshaft until No. = piston is coming
up on the compression stroke hich can be determined by
the resistance in the cylinder. Remove the spark plug and
continue to turn the engine sloly until the mark 5I/N5 on
the flyheel is in the centre of the timing hole at the right
rear. 0his places the piston in the correct position to set the
Loosen the distributor clamp and rotate the distributor assembly until the
distributor rotor arm points to No. = terminal in the distributor cap and the
distributor points 'ust start to break. 0o advance the timing, turn the
distributor in a clockise direction( to retard it, turn in a counter$clockise
direction. 0ighten the clamp scre firmly but do not overtighten it.
0he engine firing order is =$<$;$@.
!fter setting the timing, revolve the crankshaft to complete turns, to make
sure all backlash is eliminated, and check the timing to the flyheel mark
Ignition timing must be accurately set to obtain the ma&imum efficiency of
the engine. Information above is given only to enable the operator to place
the vehicle back in service should trouble develop. !t the first opportunity,
have your #illys$Overland *ealer check the setting ith a neon timing
lamp hich can also be used to check the automatic spark advance
operation, by accelerating the engine.
CJ2A Operation and Care
Manual -- Proper Maintenance
5part 2 -- $n#ine Fails to Start: Oil Syste)6
$2G.2$ FA.'S !O S!A1!
%hould the engine suddenly stop or fail to start, check the cause as follos. !lso see 1mergency 6hart.
+ake sure there is gasoline getting to the carburetor 7Note2 %hould the trouble be traced to the gasoline supply see
DU1L %Y%01+8 and that the ignition sitch is LONM.
6heck ignition circuit iring connections to be sure they are tight and clean.
6heck that the distributor breaker points are smooth, have a flat contact ith each other and are set to the proper gap
7.:@:M8. If the points are rough, replace them or temporarily smooth them ith a breaker point file.
Inspect the distributor cap and rotor for cracks, carbon runners or burned places. If they are found replace the part.
%ee that the current is reaching the distributor breaker points. 0o make this test, turn on the ignition sitch, remove
the distributor cap and turn the engine until the breaker points are open, then holding one end of a piece of ire on the
breaker arm, strike the other end on a clean, unpainted surface of the engine. No flash indicates a poor or open
connection beteen the sitch and distributor or an open circuit in the coil. If the ire and connections leading to the
coil are in good condition, then an open primary in the coil is apparent and a ne coil ill be necessary.
If a flash occurs hen testing the primary, as outlined above, it indicates that the primary circuit is all right and the trouble is
elsehere so the secondary coil circuit should be tested as follos2
0o test the secondary coil circuit, remove the distributor cap and turn the engine until the breaker points are making contact.
0urn LONM the ignition sitch and remove the high tension ire 7center ire8 from the distributor cap. 3old this ire about
one$eighth of an inch from a clean, unpainted surface of the engine, then open and close the breaker points ith the finger,
giving them a short, snappy break. ! fat, flame$coloured spark indicates the coil is in good condition. No spark indicates the
secondary inding of the coil is open, hile a thin, stringy spark indicates an internally shorted coil or a loose or inoperative
condenser. 6ondenser trouble ill also be indicated by badly burned breaker points.
%hould the test sho a thin, stringy spark, check the condenser first. ,e sure that the mounting scre is tight and is making a
good ground connection to the distributor body and also that the connecting ire to the distributor points is not broken or the
connection loose. %hould no trouble be found in the condenser mounting or connection, install a ne condenser hich ill
locali"e the difficulty in either the coil or the condenser. No repairs can be made to either the condenser or coil, it being
necessary to replace them if inoperative.
MA2.FO'& ($A! CO2!1O'
0he manifolding is designed to utili"e the e&haust
gasses of the engine to provide a .uick means of
heating the inlet manifold, thereby reducing the
length of time the choke must be used after starting
a cold engine and making the engine more fle&ible
during the arm up period. 0he heat control valve,
Dig. 9, hich controls the amount of e&haust gasses
by$passed around the intake manifold insures more
complete vapori"ation of the fuel. 0his control is
fully automatic.
=. 3eat 6ontrol 4alve Lever
@. 3eat 6ontrol 4alve Lever
6lamp ,olt Nut
<. 3eat 6ontrol 4alve %haft
;. 3eat 6ontrol 4alve Lever
6lamp %cre
B. 3eat 6ontrol 4alve ,i$+etal
%pring #asher
A. 3eat 6ontrol 4alve
6ountereight Lever
E. 3eat 6ontrol 4alve ,i$+etal
?. 3eat 6ontrol 4alve ,i$+etal
%pring %top
0he valve shaft should turn freely in the manifold at all times. Note that the thermoplastic spring, No. E, should be assembled
above the metal stop, No. ?.
$2G.2$ MOU2!.2GS
0he rubber engine mountings, hich are attached to the frame side rail brackets and
to the support plate, prevent fore$and$aft motion of the engine, yet allo free
sideise and vertical oscillation hich neutrali"es vibration at the source. Keep the
mountings tight. ! loose engine may cause vibration, clutch chatter or high fuel level
in the carburetor.
0he rubber surface of the mountings partially insulates the engine from the frame. 0o
assure a positive electrical connection beteen the engine and the frame, a ground
strap is provided at the right front engine support under the generator. %ee Dig. =:.
0he to attaching scres must be kept tight and the connections clean. ! loose or
poor connection may result in hard engine starting, lo charging rate of the
generator or sluggish operation of the starting motor.
0he oil pump assembly is provided ith a pressure relief valve hich controls the ma&imum oil pressure at all speeds.
0he standard controlled pressure is <B lps. at <: mph. and =: lbs. at the idle speed of A:: rpm. as registered by the dash gauge.
-ressure may be ad'usted by installing or removing shims beteen the relief plunger spring and the spring retainer. !dd shims
to increase the pressure or remove to decrease.
=. 6over %cre
@. 6over
<. 6over /asket
;. Outer Rotor
B. %haft and Rotor
A. ,ody
E. *riven /ear
?. /asket
9. /ear Retaining -in
=:. Relief 4alve Retainer
==. Relief 4alve Retainer
=@. Relief 4alve %pring
=<. Relief 4alve -lunger
0he oil pump drive shaft drives both the pump and
the distributor assembly. %ee Dig. @. %hould it be
necessary to remove the oil pump assembly, first
remove the distributor cap and carefully note the
position of the rotor to allo reinstallation ithout
disturbing the ignition timing. #hen the pump is
installed, use care that the driving key on the end of
the distributor shaft is correctly meshed ith the slot
on the end of the pump shaft. 0o make the
installation ithout disturbing the ignition timing, the
pump gear must be correctly meshed ith the
camshaft gear to allo mesh of the distributor driving
key and slot ith the distributor rotor in the original
position. %hould it be necessary to reset the ignition
timing, refer to the previous page.
=. Dan !ssembly
@. #ater -ump ,earing and %haft !ssembly
<. #ater -ump %eal #asher
;. #ater -ump %eal !ssembly
B. #ater -ump Impeller
A. -iston
E. #rist -in
?. 0hermostat !ssembly
9. #ater Outlet 1lbo
=:. 0hermostat Retainer
==. 1&haust 4alve
=@. Intake 4alve
=<. 6ylinder 3ead
=;. 1&haust +anifold !ssembly
=B. 4alve %pring
=A. 4alve 0appet %elf$Locking !d'usting %cre
=E. 1ngine -late $ Rear
=?. 6amshaft
=9. Dlyheel Ring /ear
@:. 6rankshaft -acking $ Rear 1nd
@=. 6rankshaft ,earing Rear *rain -ipe
@@. 6rankshaft ,earing Rear $ Loer
@<. 4alve 0appet
@;. 6rankshaft
@B. Oil -ump and *istributor *rive /ear.
@A. 6onnecting Rod 6ap ,olt
@E. Oil Dloat %upport
@?. Oil Dloat !ssembly
@9. 6rankshaft ,earing 6entre $ Loer
<:. 6onnecting Rod !ssembly $ No. @
<=. 6onnecting Rod ,olt Nut Lock
<@. 6rankshaft ,earing $ Loer Dront
<<. 6rankshaft Oil -assages
<;. 6rankshaft 0hrust #asher
<B. 6rankshaft /ear
<A. 6rankshaft /ear %pacer
<E. 0iming /ear 6over !ssembly
<?. Dan and /enerator *rive ,elt
<9. 6rankshaft Oil %eal
;:. %tarting 6rank Nut !ssembly
;=. 6rankshaft 6arrier Key
;@. Dan and /overnor *rive -ulley Key
;<. 0iming /ear Oil Fet
;;. Dan, /enerator and /overnor *rive -ulley
;B. 6amshaft 0hrust -late
;A. 6amshaft /ear Retaining #asher
;E. 6amshaft /ear Retaining %cre
;?. 6amshaft /ear 0hrust -late Retaining %cre
;9. 6amshaft /ear
F'OA!.2G O.' .2!A3$
0he floating oil intake 7No. @?, Dig. @8 is attached to the
crankcase ith to scres. 0he construction of the float
and screen cause it to remain on top of the oil, preventing
the circulation of ater and dirt.
Once each year remove the float, screen and tube and clean
thoroughly ith a suitable cleaning fluid. #hen replacing,
place some sealer on the gasket here the tube bears
against the engine crankcase. ! leak at this point ill
allo air to enter the oil suction line seriously affecting oil
C1A23CAS$ -$2!.'A!O1
0he crankcase ventilating system provides thorough,
positive ventilation hich reduces to a minimum the
formation of sludge. In operation 7see Dgi. =@8 clean air
flos from the air cleaner through the short connecting
tube to the oil filler tube and then through the crankcase
and valve compartment to the intake manifold. !ny
vapours in the crankcase are carried into the manifold and
burned. -ositive air circulation reduces oil temperatures
and the formation of moisture due to condensation. !ir
flo is controlled at the manifold by the control valve.
,e sure there are no air leaks at the tube connection
beteen the air cleaner and oil filler tube, and that the oil
filler tube cap gasket is in good condition. !lays keep the
cap locked securely in place.
#hen tuning the engine of grinding valves, remove the control valve and clean it thoroughly. If this valve is blocked ith
carbon, the ventilating system ill not operate and should the valve fail to seat, it ill be impossible to make the engine idle
CJ2A Operation and Care
Manual -- Proper Maintenance
5part ; -- $n#ine $lectricals:
Fuel and Coolin# Syste)s,6
0he generator is a <B$ampere, to$brush unit hich does not re.uire ad'ustment to increase or decrease output. 0his is
accomplished by the regulator hich limits the current generated to that hich is re.uired by the battery. 0he generator
charging rate, as shon by the ammeter, ill be lo hen the battery is ell charged and correspondingly higher as charging
is re.uired.
!s a general rule it ill not pay an oner, not e.uipped ith speciali"ed test e.uipment, to undertake generator repairs. 0here
are some ad'ustments hich may be made ithout this e.uipment and hich are covered belo.
%hould the generator stop charging, e&amine all connections in the charging line to be sure they are clean and tight. !lso note
the condition of the commutator and brushes. If the commutator is dirty and discoloured, it can be cleaned by holding a piece
of No. :: sand$paper against it ith the engine running at idle speed. *o not use emery or carborundum cloth.
0he brushes must slide freely in their holders and should they be badly orn or oil soaked, they should be replaced. 1&cessive
arcing beteen the cummutator and brushes usually indicates incorrect seating of the brushes against the commutator or high
mica insulation beteen the commutator segments. Incorrect seating may be corrected by draing a piece of No. :: sand$
paper around the commutator ith the sanded side against the brush. !fter sanding, blo the carbon dust and sand from the
%hould the above attention fail to make the unit operate satisfactorily, consult your #illys$Overland *ealer.
-O'!AG$ 1$GU'A!O1
0he regulator must be ad'usted ith great accuracy( hear as ell as voltage and amperage must be considered hen ad'usting
it. %hould trouble develop in the regulator either consult a #illys$Overland *ealer or install a ne one.
&.S!1.*U!O1 ASS$M*'Y
0he distributor delivers the spark to the right cylinder at the right time. 0he mechanical breaker, built into the distributor, opens
and closes the primary circuit at the e&act time for ignition. %ee Dig. E on the first page of -roper +aintenance.
0he distributor cap should be kept clean for efficient operation. It should be inspected periodically for cracks, carbon runners,
evidence of arcing and badly corroded high tension terminals. If any of these conditions e&ist, the cap should be replaced.
Inspect the distributor rotor for cracks or evidence of e&cessive burning at the end of the metal strip. !fter a rotor has had
normal use, the end of the metal strip ill become burned. If burning is found on top of the rotor, it indicates the rotor is too
short and should be replaced. Usually then this condition is found, the distributor cap segment ill be burned on the hori"ontal
face and the cap should also be replaced.
0he distributor contact points should be kept clean and not burned or pitted. 0he contact gap should be set at .:@:5 7:.B= mm.8.
#hen making ad'ustments, be sure that the fibre block in the breaker arm rests on one of the high points of the cam. !d'ust the
points by loosening the lock scre and turning the eccentric head scre. Recheck the gap after tightening the lock scre.
%hould ne contact points be installed they should be aligned so as to make contact at the centre of the contact surfaces. ,end
the stationary contact bracket to secure correct alignment and then recheck the gap.
Keep spark plug porcelains clean. *irty porcelains ill cause hard engine starting and poor operation especially in damp
0he spark plug electrode gap should be set at .:<:5 7:.EA mm.8. 0oo ide gap ill cause misfiring, especially at high speeds
and hen operating ith open throttle, hile a small gap causes poor idling. Uniform gap setting assures smooth engine
It is recommended that spark plugs be replaced at intervals of each =:,::: miles of service for, because of erosion, the spark
loses intensity.
S!A1!.2G MO!O1
0he starting motor re.uires little attention e&cept regular lubrication. It is a standard three$bushing type motor ith right$hand
type ,endi& spring.
It is not advisable to lubricate the ,endi& drive shaft. In use dirt and dust ill cling to the ,endi& shaft, if lubricated. In time
the shaft may become gummy, preventing engagement of the ,endi& pinion ith the fly$heel ring gear, especially in cold
eather. %hould the starting motor turn ithout turning the engine, remove the motor and ash the ,endi& assembly
thoroughly ith cleaning solution.
0he fuel system consists of the fuel tank lines, fuel pump, carburetor
and air cleaner. 0he most important maintenance attention is to keep
the system clean and free of ater, also periodically inspect for leaks.
%hould the vehicle be stored for an e&tended period, the fuel system
should be completely drained and the engine started and alloed to run
until the carburetor is emptied. 0his ill avoid o&idation of the fuel,
resulting in the formation of gum in the units of the system.
/um formation is similar to hard varnish and may cause trouble in the
fuel pump valves or the carburetor float valve may become stuck or the
filter screen blocked. /um formation can be dissolved by acetone,
obtainable in most drug stores. In e&treme cases, it ill be necessary to
disassemble and clean the fuel system, hoever, often one pint of
acetone placed in the fuel tank ith about one gallon of gasoline ill
dissolve any deposits as it passes through the system ith the gasoline.
0he 6arter carburetor, +odel #.O.$B9A% is a precision instrument
designed to deliver the proper fuel and air mi&tures at all engine
speeds. 6arburetor parts ear little( the chief cause of faulty carburetor
is blamed for poor engine performance hen the trouble is elsehere
7see 1+1R/1N6Y 6!R*8. *o not disturb the carburetor until it is
proven that the trouble is not elsehere. %hould it be determined that
the carburetor is at fault consult your #illys$Overland *ealer.
0he carburetor is provided ith an e&ternal ad'ustment to secure
smooth engine idle. Dig. =;, No. =B. 0o set this ad'ustment, proceed
asa follos2
+ake sure that the choke is in a fully open position 6lose the idle
ad'ustment by turning it to the right or in against the seat( then open it
one and one$.uarter turns. %tart the engine and run it until operating
temperature is obtained, then turn the ad'ustment in or out slightly until
the engine fires evenly. Open the throttle for a fe seconds alloing
the engine to clean the manifold. Recheck the ad'ustment, then set the
throttle stop scre at an idle speed of A:: tpm. or appro&imately A
miles per hour in high gear.
=. -ump Operating
Lever !ssembly
@. 6hoke 4alve
<. 6hoke %haft and
Lever !ssembly
;. +etering Rod
B. No""le
A. No""le, Retaining
E. +etering Rod *isc
?. Neddle, -in, %pring
and %eat !ssembly
9. Dloat and Lever
=:. Lo %peed Fet
==. Idle #ell Fet
=@. +etering Rod Fet
and /asket !ssembly
=<. +etering Rod
=;. No""le -assage
-lug and /asket
=B. Idle !d'ustment
=A. Idle !d'ustment
%cre %pring
=E. Idle -ort Rivet
=?. 0hrottle 4alve
=9. -ump Fet
@:. -ump Fet %trainer
@=. -ump Fet %trainer
@@. Intake ,all 6heck
@<. *ischarge *isc
6heck !ssembly
@;. -ump -lunger
@B. -ump -lunger and
Rod !ssembly
@A. -ump !rm %pring
@E. -ump 6onnecting
@?. -ump !rm and
6ollar !ssembly
DI/. =; 6!R,UR10OR
FU$' &.FFUS$1
0he engine is e.uipped ith a fuel diffuser built as part of a thick insulting gasket hich is installed beteen the carburetor
and the intake manifold. In operation the diffuser causes intense sirling of the fuel and air in the manifold. Under some
operating conditions this results in a drier and more satisfactory fuel mi&ture.
0he fuel pump is of the diaphragm type attached to the left side of the crankcase and operated from an eccentric on the
camshaft, Dig. =<. 0he pump dras gasoline from the fuel tank, through a filtering screen mounted in the pump sediment
chamber and forces it to the carburetor. 0he pump pressure is ; P lbs. at =AM above the outlet at =?:: rpm. 1ngine speed.
0he sediment chamber can be removed by backing off the thumbscre nut sufficiently to permit singing the ire clamp to
one side. 0he bol or cover should be ashed and iped dry and the screen dried and then cleaned ith a stiff brush. #hen
reassembling the bol, make certain that the cork gasket is not broken( reverse it and position it flat on the seat then install the
bol and tighten the thumb nut securely. !fter cleaning, start the engine and carefully inspect the bol to guard against
Lack of gasoline in the carburetor may be caused by the folloing conditions2
/asoline tank empty.
Leaking tubing or connections.
,ent or kinked tubing.
6logged fuel lines N 7or fro"en8.
%ediment bol on fuel pump loose.
*irty screen.
6arburetor inlet valve stuck shut.
%hould the carburetor flood 7too much gasoline8, check the unit to make certain that the needle valve Dig. =;, No. ?, is seating
properly and that the float No. 9 is not stuck.
6!U0ION2 *o not attempt repairs hich re.uire disassembling of the fuel pump other than cleaning as special care is
re.uired. It is recommended that all fuel pump trouble be taken up ith your #illys$Overland *ealer.
FU$' SUPP'Y !A23
0he capacity of the fuel tank is =: P gal. 7U.%.8. #hen filling the tank, care should be used that no foreign matter or ater
enters the tank. Once each season, at a time hen the fuel supply is lo in the tank, remove the drain plug in the bottom to
drain out sediment and ater hich may have accumulated.
0he practice of checking the condition of the cooling system of you Feep hile lubricating it ill guard against costly delays in
service. Inspecting the condition of the radiator and heater hoses( also the fan belt and ater pump ill eliminate the possibility
of an overheated engine due to a ater leak or loose fan belt.
1A&.A!O1 ASS$M*'Y
0he radiator is designed to cool the ater under all operating conditions hoever, the core must be kept free from corrosion
and scale and the air passages free of chaff, dust and mud.
!t least tice a year flush out the cooling system. ! good ay to do this is to remove the drain cock at the bottom of the
radiator and that in the cylinder block under the generator. -lace a hose in the radiator filler opening and ad'ust the flo of
ater to e.ual that draining from the to openings. %tart the engine and allo it to run until the cooling system is thoroughly
flushed. !fter flushing it is advisable to install a corrosion inhibitor in the system to prevent rust and scale. 0his may be
obtained from your #illys$Overland *ealer.
%hould the air passages become clogged, do not use a metal tool of any kind to clean them. Use compressed air or ater
pressure and clean from the rear, forcing the dirt out through the front of the radiator.
1A&.A!O1 F.''$1 CAP
0he cap is of the pressure type, hich prevents evaporation and loss of cooling solution. ! pressure up to ; P pounds makes
the engine more efficient by permitting a slightly higher operating temperature. 4acuum in the radiator is relieved by a valve in
the cap hich opens at P to = pound vacuum.
&1A.2.2G COO'.2G SYS!$M
0o completely drain the cooling system, open both drain cocks( that at the bottom of the radiator and also in the cylinder block
under the -enerator. Remove the radiator cap to break any vacuum hich might prevent thorough draining.
! =;BG to =BBG D. thermostat, Dig. @, is used to provide .uick arming and to prevent overcooling during normal vehicle
operation. 0he temperature at hich this unit operates is set by the +anufacturer and can not be altered. 0he thermostat should
be checked first, should sudden overheating occur, as failure to operate ill nearly block the ater circulation. !s a check,
remove the thermostat and if the overheating is eliminated, install a ne one.
($A! .2&.CA!O1
0he heat indicator is of the hydraulic type and is connected to a bulb mounted in the ater chamber of the cylinder head, by a
capillary tube. %hould this unit fail to operate, it should be replaced as it is not practical to either repair or ad'ust it.
0he ater pump assembly Dig. =B is a centrifugal impeller type, of large capacity to circulate the
ater in the entire cooling system.
0he sealed type double$ro ball bearing is integral ith the shaft and is packed at the time of
assembly ith a special high melting point grease, so re.uires no lubrication.
FA2 *$'!
0he fan and generator are driven by a L4M$type belt. 0he drive is on the sides of the belt, therefore
it is not necessary to ad'ust it tight, hich might cause e&cessive ear on the ater pump and
generator bearings. !d'ust the belt by singing the generator aay from the engine until the belt
can be depressed =M by thumb pressure miday beteen the pulleys.
CJ2A Operation and Care
Manual -- Proper Maintenance
5part = -- $lectrical Syste)6
$'$C!1.CA' SYS!$M
0he iring diagram 7Dig. =A8 shos the general arrangement of all of
the electrical circuits, together ith all the units in correct relation to
the position in hich they are found. Regular inspection of all
electrical connections avoids failures in the electrical system. #hen
tracing any one particular circuit, note that the ires have different
coloured tracers to identify each individual ire.
0he battery is of A$volt, =B$plate, =::$ampere hour capacity. It is
located under the hood on a bracket attached to the right hand side
rail of the frame and held firmly on the base ith a hold$don frame
and to studs and ing nuts.
6heck the battery once a eek ith a hydrometer and at the same
time check the electrolyte level in each cell( add distilled ater to
maintain the solution level B>?M 79.B@ mm.8 above the plates. !void
overfilling and do not fail to replace the filler caps and tighten
securely. If the plates are e&posed for any length of time, they can be
seriously damaged, therefore, it is important to add enough ater to
keep the plates covered.
! hydrometer reading of =.@?B to =.<:: indicates that the battery is
fully charged. %hould the reading fall belo =.@@B, it ill be
necessary to recharge the battery or else use lights and the battery
sparingly until the battery has had an opportunity to build itself up
6oating the battery terminals ith a light grease ill protect them
from corrosion. 0he battery must be held securely in place, otherise
it may shift, resulting in loose connections, broken cells or other
%hould a sufficiently charged battery fail to crank the engine, it is
probably due to loose or corroded terminals or ground connections.
0he terminal connections should be removed and all corrosion
cleaned from them, as ell as the posts, to insure proper contact.
6lean and tighten the grounded connection on the frame. 6lean and
tighten the engine ground cable located on the right hand side of the
engine Dig. =:. 0his connection is necessary, due to the rubber
engine mountings.
0he fuel gauge circuit is composed of the indicating unit, mounted on the instrument panel, and the fuel tank unit, connected
by a single ire through the ignition sitch.
%hould the gauge fail to register, check all ire connections to be sure they are tight and clean( also be sure both units are ell
grounded. If, after this check, the gauge does not indicate properly, remove the ire from the tank unit and connect it to a ne
tank unit hich must be grounded to the tank or frame for test. 0urn the ignition sitch LONM and move the float arm through
its range of travel, atching the dash unit to determine if it indicates correctly. If it fails to do so, the trouble is probably in the
dash unit and it should be replaced.
%hould a ne tank unit be unavailable for this test, disconnect the tank unit ire at the instrument panel gauge. 6onnect one
lead of a Av., = 6- test light to the instrument panel unit terminal and ith the ignition sitch LONM ground the other. If the
unit is operating correctly the pointer ill move appro&imately three$.uarters across the dial.
*o not attempt to repair ither unit( replacement is the only procedure.
'.G(!.2G SYS!$M
0he iring of the lighting system is shon in Dig. =A. 0he lighting circuit is protected by an overload circuit breaker mounted
on the back of the main light sitch and no replaceable fuse is re.uired. It clicks off and on in the event of a short circuit in the
iring. 0he upper and loer headlight beams are controlled by a foot sitch located on the toe board at the left of the clutch
MA.2 '.G(! SW.!C(
0he main light sitch Dig. =? has three positions. #hen the sitch control knob is all the ay in, all
lights are turned off. -ulling it out to the first position turns on the parking lights( all out to the second
position, the driving lights.
%hould it be necessary to install a ne light sitch, refer to the iring diagram, hich indicates the
correct ires to install on the several terminals. 0o remove the sitch, loosen the set scre in the side
of the sitch control knob and remove the knob by unscreing. 0he retaining nut may then be removed
and the sitch removed through the rear of the instrument panel.
S!OP'.G(! SW.!C(
0he stoplight sitch is of the diaphragm type and is located in the front end of the brake master cylinder. #hen the sitch
becomes inoperative, it is necessary to install a ne one.
($A&'AMP A.M.2G
3eadlamps may be aimed correctly by using an aiming screen or all, Dig. =9, providing a clear, level space of @B feet from
the front of the headlights to the screen or all is available.
0he screen should be made of light coloured material and should have a black centre line for use in centering the screen ith
the vehicle. 0he screen should also have to black vertical lines, one on each side of the centre line at a distance e.ual to the
lamp centres.
-lace the vehicle on the floor ith the tires inflated to the recommended pressure for highay use. %et the vehicle @B feet from
the front of the screen or all so that the centre line of the vehicle is in line ith the centre line on the screen. 0o position the
vehicle, stand at the rear and sight through the indshield don across the col and hood. +easure from the floor to the centre
of the headlamp and mark a hori"ontal line on the screen < inches less. 0urn on the headlamp upper beam, cover one lamp and
check the location of the beam on the screen. 0he centre of the Lhot spotM should be centred on the intersection of the vertical
and hori"ontal lines. If the aim is incorrect, remove the headlamp door scre and remove the door, then ad'ust the to scres
in the mounting ring and move the headlamp unit until the beam is correctly aimed, then tighten. 6over the headlamp aimed
and ad'ust the other in the same manner.
CJ2A Operation and Care
Manual -- Proper Maintenance
5part > -- !rans)ission and A?les6
0he clutch is of the single, dry plate type consisting of a pressure plate assembly, having three
pressure springs, three release levers( and a spring cushioned, faced driving plate mounted on a
hardened steel, splined hub. 6lutch release is accomplished by moving the release bearing toard the
flyheel. 0he three springs located in the clutch bracket provide the driving pressure, thus, hen the
foot pressure is removed from the pedal, the springs force the pressure plate forard against the
driven plate, gradually and smoothly applying poer to the heels.
!s the clutch facings ear, the clearance beteen the release levers and the release bearing is
decreased. 0he effect on the clutch pedal is to decrease the free travel, hich is the distance the pedal
moves aay from the toe board before the release bearing comes into contact ith the release levers.
!d'usting the length of the clutch control cable to increase the free travel of the clutch pedal, restores
the proper clearance beteen the release levers and the release bearing. %ee Dig. @:.
0he release bearing and clutch pedal must be in their proper positions. No ad'ustment of the clutch proper is re.uired to
compensate for ear of the facings, but a clearance of appro&imately =>?M 7<.=@ mm.8 should be maintained beteen the
release levers Dig. @=, No. =; and the release bearing No. E. 0o obtain this clearance, ad'ust the length of the clutch control
cable No. =?, so that the pedal has =M 7@B.;: mm.8 free movement from the fully engaged position before any resistance can be
6!U0ION2 !void the practice of resting the foot continuously on the clutch pedal hile driving and do not slip the clutch
e&cessively instead of shifting gears. %lipping the clutch causes e&cessive heat, ith the result that the clutch is finally made
=. 6rankshaft
@. 6lutch %haft ,earing
<. Dlyheel Ring /ear
;. 6lutch Dacings
B. 6lutch -ressure -late
A. 6lutch -ressure -late ,racket
E. 6lutch Release ,earing
?. 6lutch Release ,earing %pring
9. 0ransmission +ain *rive /ear ,earing
=:. 0ransmission +ain *rive /ear ,earing
==. 6lutch *riven -late and 3ub
=@. 6lutch -ressure %pring
=<. 6lutch !d'usting %cre
=;. 6lutch Lever
=B. 6lutch Release ,earing 6arrier
=A. 6lutch 6ontrol Lever Dulcrum
=E. 6lutch 6ontrol Lever
=?. 0ransmission +ain *rive /ear
=. +ain *rive /ear
@. +ain *rive /ear ,earing Retainer
<. +ain *rive /ear ,earing Retainer Oil %eal
;. +ain *rive /ear %nap Ring
B. +ain *rive /ear ,earing %nap Ring
A. +ain *rive /ear ,earing
E. %ynchroni"er %hifting -late
?. %hift Rail 6ap
9. %hift Rail $$ 3igh and Intermediate
=:. %hift Rail -oppet ,all
==. %hift Rail -oppet %pring
=@. %hift Dork $$ 3igh and Intermediate
=<. 6ontrol 3ousing
=;. 6ontol lever %upport %pring
=B. 6ontrol Lever 3ousing -in
=A. 6ontrol Lever Dulcrum ,all
=E. /ear %hift Lever
=?. %hift Dork $$ Lo and Reverse
=9. %liding /ear $$ Lo and Reverse
@:. +ain %haft ,earing !dapter
@=. +ain %haft ,earing
@@. +ain %haft #asher
@<. +ain %haft Nut
@;. +ain %haft
@B. Idler and 6ountershaft Lock -late
@A. 6ountershaft /ear ,earing Rollers
@E. 6ountershaft 0hrust #asher Rear $$
@?. 6ountershaft
@9. 6outnershaft 0hrust #asher Rear $$ ,ron"e
<:. 6ountershaft /ears
<=. 0ransmission 6ase
<@. +ain %haft %econd %peed /ear
<<. 6rankshaft ,earing %pacer
<;. %ynchroni"er ,locking Ring
<B. 6ountershaft 0hrust #asher Dront $$ ,ron"e
<A. 6ountershaft ,earing #asher
<E. Intermediate and 3igh %peed 6lutch %leeve
<?. Intermediate and 3igh 6lutch 3ub
<9. %ynchroni"er Ring
;:. intermediate and 3igh 6lutch 3ub %nap Ring
;=. +ain %haft -ilot ,earing Roller
0he transmission is a heavy duty, three speed synchromesh type unit ith cane type shift. It is attached to the rear face of the
flyheel bell housing and is supported on a rubber insulator at the frame centre cross member ich forms the rear engine
support. %hift is smooth and positive through a cane type control lever mounted in a shift housing at the top of the assembly.
-oppet balls and springs retain the gears in mesh and an interlock prevents shifting into to gears at one time. %hould any
trouble be e&perienced ith the transmission assembly, consult your #illys$Overland *ealer.
!1A2SF$1 CAS$ ASS$M*'Y
0he transfer case Dig. @< is an au&iliary unit located at the rear of the transmission. It is essentially a to speed transmission,
hich provides a lo and direct gear, also a means of connecting the drive to the front a&le. 0he shifting mechanism is located
on the transfer case for engaging and disengaging the drive to the front a&le, also for shifting the gears.
=. Output %haft Oil %eal
@. %peedometer *riven -inion
<. Output %haft ,earing %hims
;. Intermediate %haft
B. Intermediate /ear 0hrust #asher
A. Intermediate /ear
E. +ain %haft /ar
?. Intermediate /ear ,earing
9. Output %haft 6lutch /ear
=:. Output 6lutch %haft -ilot ,ushing.
==. 6ompanion Dlange !ssembly N Dront
=@. Output 6lutch %haft
=<. Output 6lutch %haft ,earing
=;. Output 6lutch %haft ,earing %nap Ring
=B. Output %haft ,earing 6ap
=A. Output %haft ,earing 6one and Roller
=E. Output %haft /ear
=?. Output %haft %liding /ear
=9. %peedometer *rive /ear
@:. Output %haft
On hard surface and level roads, disengage the front a&le by placing the transfer case shift lever in the forard position. %ee
Dig. < in /100IN/ %0!R01*. 0he right hand lever controls the gear ratio( lo and high. 0he lo gear can only be engaged
hen the left hand lever is in the engaged 7rear8 position for front drive. -roper position for disengaging a&les to use the poer
take$off ith the vehicle standing is shon as LNM in Dig. < in /100IN/ %0!R01*.
,oth the transmission and the transfer case are precision built units. No e&ternal ad'ustments are possible and should attention
be necessary, it is advisable to consult your #illys$Overland *ealer.
I+-OR0!N02 6heck the units at each lubrication to guard against lubricant leakage. Dor economy the capacity is small N
change the lubricant in accordance ith instructions in /1N1R!L LU,RI6!0ION.
P1OP$''$1 S(AF!
0he drive from the transfer case to the front and rear a&les is completed through to propeller shafts each e.uipped ith to
universal 'oints. 0he splined slip 'oints at the transfer case end of each shaft allos for variations in distance beteen the
transfer case and the a&les, due to spring action.
P1OP$''$1 S(AF!
0he drive from the transfer case to the front and rear a&les is completed through to propeller
shafts each e.uipped ith to universal 'oints. 0he splined slip 'oints at the transfer case end
of each shaft allos for variations in distance beteen the transfer case and the a&les, due to
spring action.
1&amine both propeller shafts periodically for foreign matter hich may become rapped
around them. 6heck for dents or a bent shaft and make sure that the universal 'oints attaching
bolts are tight at all times. 0he universal 'oints have needle type bearings and are so designed
that correct assembly is very simple. No hand fitting or special tools are re.uired. 0he 'ournal
trunnions and needle bearing assemblies are the only parts sub'ect to ear, and hen it
becomes necessary to replace these parts, the propeller shafts should be removed from the
vehicle to facilitate replacement.
#hen reinstalling, note that the slip 'oints are marked ith arros, Dig. @;, at the spline and the sleeve yoke. !lign the arros
so the yokes of the universal 'oints at the front and rear of each shaft are in the same plane, hen assembled, to avoid
vibration. 0he 5U5 type attaching bolt nuts should be tightened evenly ith appro&imately the same pressure on each nut.
F1O2! A7'$
0he front a&le is a live driving unit ith hypoid drive gears, Dig. @A, and spherical steering knuckles, Dig. @B, containing
constant velocity type a&le shaft universal 'oints.
=. 6ap, #heel 3ub $$ Left or Right
@. 6ap %cre
<. %him -ack, !d'usting, Dront !&le Universal
;. 6one and Rollers, #heel ,earings
B. %pindle, Dront #heel
A. ,rake *rum
E. ,rake 6ylinder !ssembly $$ Dront
?. -late, ,acking, Dront and Rear ,rake
9. 6up, King -in ,earing
=:. Nut
==. -in, King
=@. 6one and Rollers, King -in ,earings
=<. Oil %eal, %teering Knuckle, !ssembly
=;. Universal Foint !ssembly, Dront !&le
=B. ,ushing, !&le %haft, Dront
=A. %him -ack, !d'usting, King -in ,earing $$ 0op
or ,ottom
=E. -in, Lock, King -in
=?. -in, ,rake %hoe !nchor
=9. ,rake %hoe and Lining $$ Dront
@:. Oil %eal !ssembly, 3ub
@=. #heel 3ub ,olt Nut $$ L.3. and R.3. 0hread
@@. 6up, #heel ,earing $$ Inner or Outer $$ Dront
and Rear
@<. Nut, !&le %haft
=. 3ypoid ,evel *rive /ear and -inion %et
@. *rive -inion Oil %eal
<. Universal Foint 1nd Yoke !ssembly
;. *rive -inion Nut
B. -inion %haft ,earing 6one and Rollers 7Outer8
A. -inion %haft ,earing 6up
E. -inion ,earing !d'usting %hims 7Dront and
?. *rive -inion ,earing 6one and Rollers 7Rear8
9. *rive -inion ,earing 6up 7Rear8
=:. *ifferential ,evel -inion +ate %haft Lock -in
==. *ifferential !d'usting %hims
=@. *ifferential ,earing 6one and Rollers.
=<. *ifferential ,earing 6up
=;. Oil %eal *ifferential 1nd
=B. !&le %haft 7Left8
=A. /ear 6over %cre Lockasher
=E. /ear 6over %cre
=?. *ifferential ,evel %ide /ear
=9. *ifferential -inion +ate
@:. *ifferential ,evel -inion +ate %haft
@=. /ear 6arrier 6over
@@. *ifferential 6ase
@<. /ear 6arrier 6over /asket
@;. !&le %haft 7Right8
@B. 3ypoid ,evel *rive /ear %cre
@A. *rive /ear %cre Locking %trap
0he differential is mounted in a housing similar to that used in the rear a&le, e&cept that the drive pinion shaft is toard the rear
of the front and to the right of the centre of the a&le. 0his design allos placing the front propeller shaft along the right side of
the engine oil pan ithout reducing the road clearance under the engine. 0he a&le is of the full floating type and the a&le shafts
can be removed ithout dismantling the steering knuckles.
Once each year have your #illys$Overland *ealer remove the front a&le universal 'oint and shaft assemblies to thoroughly
ash out the steering knuckle housings and check the shim ad'ustment of the universal 'oints. !fter checking, the universal
'oint housings must be refilled ith good .uality lubricant as specified in the LU,RI6!0ION section.
0he lubricant is retained in the steering knuckle housings by felt oil seals mounted in tin retainers attached to the inner face
of the housings, Dig. B in the /100IN/ %0!R01* section. 0hese seals also prevent dirt and grit entering the housings.
Inspect the seals regularly and replace them promptly if damaged.
Keep the spring loaded air vent or breather, mounted in the center housing cover, free of dirt at all times.
1$A1 A7'$
0he rear a&le is the semi$floating type, Dig. @E. 1nd float of the a&le shafts is ad'usted by the shims placed beteen the brake
backing plate and the a&le flange.
0o remove a shaft for reshimming or replacement, first remove the hub cap and bend back the tongues on the shaft lock nut.
Use a heel puller to remove the heel hub. Remove the bolts holding the brake dust shield, the grease and bearing retainer
and the brake assembly. !lso remove the shield and retainer. -ull out the shaft, using care not to lose the bearing ad'ustment
shims. %hould the end of a broken shaft be inside the a&le housing tube, the broken end can usually be removed by making a
loop in a piece of ire and orking the loop over the end of the shaft using the ire to pull it from the housing. #hen the shaft
is replaced, ad'ust the bearing ith the shims to allo proper end play of the shaft. %ee LRear #heel ,earingsM in the
%U%-1N%ION section.
=. #heel 3ub 6ap,
Left or Right
@. !&le %haft Nut
<. #heel 3ub
;. ,rake *rum
B. ,rake 6ylinder
!ssembly, Rear
A. ,acking -late, Dront
and Rear ,rake
E. ,rake 6ylinder
,leeder %cre
?. ,rake 3ose
9. !&le %haft /rease
Retainer, Outer
=:. 6one and Rollers,
!&le %haft ,earing
==. !&le %haft, Left
=@. *ifferential
,earing, 6one and
=<. *ifferential
,earing !d'usting
=;. 3ypoid ,evel
*rive /ear and -inion
%et 7+atched8
=B. -inion ,earing
-ositioning %hims
=A. -inion ,earing
6one %hims
=E. *rive -inion Oil
=?. Universal 1nd
Yoke !ssembly
=9. *rive -inion
,earing Oil %linger
@:. *rive -inion
,earing 6one and
Roller, Dront
@=. *rive -inion
,earing 6up, Dront
@@. *rive -inion
,earing 6up, Rear
@<. *rive -inion
,earing 6one and
Rollers, Rear
@;. *ifferential ,evel
-inion +ate %haft
Lock -in
@B.!&le %haft, Right
@A. *ifferential ,evel
%ide /ear
@E. *ifferential Oil
Diller -lug
@?. *ifferential ,evel
-inion +ate
@9. *ifferential ,evel
-inion +ate %haft
<:. 3ypoid ,evel
*rive /ear %cre
<=. *rive /ear %cre
Locking %trap
<@. *ifferential 6entre
<<. *ifferential
,earing 6up
<;. *ifferential /ear
6arrier 6over /asket
<B. !&le %haft /rease
Retainer, Inner
<A. !&le %haft ,earing
/rease 6onnection
<E. !&le %haft
,earing, 6one and
<?. *ifferential
,earing %hims
<9. ,rake %hoe
!nchor -in
;: ,rake %hoe and
Lining !ssembly
CJ2A Operation and Care
Manual -- Proper Maintenance
5part @ -- *ra<es6
0he foot or service brakes are hydraulically actuated in all four heels. 0he brakes are of the to$shoe, double anchor type and
have chrome$nickle alloy iron drums. 0he hand brake is mechanically operated through a cable and conduit to an internal
e&panding type brake mounted on the propeller shaft at the rear of the transfer case.
FOO! *1A3$S
In operation, pressure is applied to the hydraulic li.uid in the master cylinder through the foot pedal, forcing the li.uid through
the lines and into the heel cylinders. 0he pressure forces the pistons in each heel outard, e&panding the brake shoes
against the drums. !s the pedal is further depressed, higher pressure is built up ithin the hydraulic system, causing the brake
shoes to e&ert greater force against the brake drums. !s the brake pedal is released the brake shoe return springs pull the shoes
together forcing the fluid out of the cylinders and back into the lines toard the master cylinder.
0he master cylinder may be reached by removing the five scres in the inspection cover on the toe board belo the steering
column. Keep the master cylinder reservoir full at all times. Use only genuine hydraulic brake fluid. 6heck the level each =:::
miles and use care, hen removing the filler cap, that no dirt enters the reservoir. 0he fluid capacity is appro&imately Q pts.
0he hydraulic brake system must be bled henever a fluid line is disconnected or air enters the system due to lo fluid level in
the master cylinder reservoir. ! leak in the system may be indicated by a LspongyM pedal. !ir trapped in the system is
compressible and does not permit pressure, applied to the brake pedal, to be transmitted solidly to the brakes. %hould bleeding
be re.uired, consult your #illys$Overland *ealer.
*1A3$ S(O$ A&JUS!M$2! 4 M.2O1
#hen the brake lining becomes orn the effective brake pedal travel is reduced. 0he effective
travel may be restored by ad'usting the brake shoes.
Dirst make sure that there is PM pedal travel, ithout moving the master cylinder piston,
hich is necessary to prevent the brakes from dragging due to e&pansion of the hydraulic
Fack up the heels to clear the floor. !d'ustment is made by relocating the brake shoe
eccentrics Dig. @?. Loosen the lock nut for the forard brake shoe and hold the nut hile
turning the eccentric toard the front of the car, ith another rench, until the shoe strikes
the drum. 0urn the heel ith one hand and release the eccentric until the heel turns freely
then hold the eccentric and tighten the lock nut. 0o ad'ust the reverse or rear shoe, repeat this
operation e&cept turn the eccentric toard the rear of the car. *o this on all brakes and check
the fluid level in the master cylinder reservoir.
!s pressure is e.ual in all parts of the system, the brakes are self$e.uali"ing
(A2& *1A3$
0o ad'ust the hand brake the se.uence belo should be folloed2
+ake sure that the brake handle on the instrument panel is fully released. /ive due attention to the cable and operating linkage
to see that they do not bind. %hould the cable fail to slide freely into the conduit, remove and lubricate it.
Rotate the brake drum until one pair of the three sets of holes are opposite the to ad'usting scre heels in the brake. Use the
edge of the holes as a fulcrum for a suitable ad'usting tool or a scre driver, rotate each notched ad'usting scre by moving the
handle of the tool aay from the centre of the drive shaft until the shoes are snug in the drum. ,ack off seven notches on each
ad'usting scre heel to secure the correct running clearance beteen the shoes and the drum.
%hould either the foot or hand brakes re.uire relining or other e&tensive ork, contact your #illys$Overland *ealer.
=. ,rake 3ose $ Dront !&le to
@. ,rake 0ube $ +aster
6ylinder to Dront 3ose
<. ,rake 0ube $ 0ee to Dront
,rake 3ose, Right
;. ,rake -edal
B. ,rake 3ose $ Dront !&le
A. ,rake 0ube $ #heel
6ylinder to
E. #heel ,rake 6ylinder $
?. ,rake 3ose %pring Lock
9. ,rake 3ose !ssembly
=:. Rear ,rake 0ee
==. ,rake 0ube $ Rear !&le
0ee to
Right Rear !&le
=@. #heel ,rake 6ylinder $
=<. ,rake 0ube $ Rear !&le
0ee to
Left Rear ,rake
=;. ,rake -edal %haft
=B. +aster 6ylinder 1ye ,olt
=A. +aster 6ylinder ,oot
=E. ,rake 0ube $ +aster
6ylinder to Rear 3ose
=?. ,rake +aster 6ylinder
=9. Rear !&le 0ee
@:. ,rake 0ube $ 0ee to Left
,rake 3ose
@=. ,rake 3ose $ Dront !&le
@@. ,rake 0ube $ #heel
6ylinder to 3ose
CJ2A Operation and Care
Manual -- Proper Maintenance
5part A -- Steerin# and Suspension6
=. 0ie Rod $ Right
@. 0ie Rod %ocket $ Right
<. Knuckle and !rm $ Right
;. %teering ,ell 6rank
B. %teering 6onnecting Rod
A. %teering /ear !rm
E. %teering /ear !rm !ssembly
?. Knuckle and !rm $ Left
9. 0ie Rod %ocket $ Left
=:. 0ie Rod $ Left
==. %ocket !ssembly
=@. %teering ,ell 6rank -in
=<. %teering ,ell 6rank 6otter -in
=;. %teering ,ell 6rank %haft
S!$$1.2G SYS!$M
0he L%teering %ystemM is illustrated in Dig. <:. It re.uires little attention other than proper lubrication and maintaining correct
alignment. !lignment may be thron out by striking curbs or other obstructions.
Looseness in the steering system ill also affect alignment. It is impossible to satisfactorily align front heel ithout first
ad'usting the various connections, including the front heel bearings.
0he correct toe$in of the front heels is <>A;M N <><@M hich must be accurately measured for satisfactory front tire ear and
steering. 0he best method of checking heel alignment is by the use of the heel alignment device, hich is available in most
every ell e.uipped shop.
-eriodic inspection and tightening of the steering parts ill aid greatly in maintaining alignment. Keep the steering connection
rod and tie rod ball 'oints snug( they must operate freely ithout lost motion. Keep the steering gear arm No. A tight on the
lever shaft and the steering housing bracket tight on the frame. Dor ad'ustment of the front heel bearings see the ne&t section,
LDront #heel ,earingsM.
0he bell crank No. ; is mounted on the frame front cross tube and sivels on to needle bearings. 0he mounting shaft is
removable from the frame bracket by driving out a tapered locking pin. 0he bell crank tie$rod ball is replaceable. %hould the
bell crank become bent or damaged, install a ne part.
*o not tighten the steering gear to dampen out steering trouble. %hould trouble develop, consult your #illys$Overland *ealer,
as he has a definite procedure for the inspection and ad'ustment of the steering system.
=. 3ousing Oil %eal
@. Lever %haft !ssembly
<. 3ousing Oil Diller -lug
;. %teering 6olumn 6lamp !ssembly
B. 6am R #heel 0ube !ssembly
A. %teering 6olumn Oil 3ole 6over
E. 3orn #ire 6ontact ,rush !ssembly
?. %teering #heel
9. %teering 6olumn ,earing %pring
=:. %teering 6olumn ,earing %pring
==. %teering 6olumn ,earing !ssembly
=@. %teering 6olumn R ,earing !ssembly
=<. %teering #heel R 3orn ,utton Nut
=;. 3orn ,utton
=B. 3orn ,utton %pring
=A. 3orn ,utton %pring 6up
=E. %ide !d'usting %cre
=?. 3ousing !ssembly
=9. 6am ,earing ,alls
@:. %teering /ear !rm
@=. 3ousing ,ushing $ Inner
@@. 3ousing ,ushing $ Oute
F1O2! W($$' *$A1.2GS
0he front heels are mounted on to opposed tapered roll bearings. 0hese bearings are ad'ustable for ear and their
satisfactory operation and long life depends upon periodic attention and correct lubrication. Loose front heel bearings may
cause e&cessive ear and ill affect front heel alignment. If the bearing ad'ustment is too tight, the rollers may break or
become overheated.
0o check the ad'ustment, first raise the front of the vehicle so that the tires clear the floor. 6heck the brakes to be sure they are
free and fully released. #ith the hands, check sideise shake of the heel. If the bearings are correctly ad'usted, shake of the
heel ill be 'ust perceptible and the heel ill turn freely ith no drag.
%hould the test indicate that ad'ustment is necessary, remove the hub cap a&le shaft nut, asher, driving flange and shims. %ee
Dig. @B. #heel bearing ad'ustment ill then be accessible. ,end the lip of the nut locking asher so that the ad'ustment lock
nut and asher can be removed. Rotate the heel and tighten the ad'usting nut until the heel binds slightly. 0hen back off the
nut =>A turn, or more if necessary, making sure the heel turns freely ithout sideise shake. Replace the locking asher and
lock nut and bend over the locking asher lip. 6heck the ad'ustment and reassemble the driving flange, nut and hub cap, being
sure to replace the shims.
1$A1 W($$' *$A1.2GS
1ach rear heel is carried on a single tapered roller bearing hich is ad'usted by shims placed beteen the brake backing plate
and the a&le flange.
6heck heel bearing ad'ustment in the same manner as the front heel. %hould the check determine that ad'ustment is
re.uired, remove the hub cap( remove the cotter pin, the a&le shaft nut and use a heel puller to remove the heel hub.
Remove the bolts holding the brake dust shield, the grease and bearing retainer and the brake assembly. Remove or install
shims, Dig. <@, No. @ to ad'ust the bearing ith .::=5 to .::<5 end float hich ill be 'ust perceptible hen tested by hand. 0he
shims available for this ad'ustment are .::<5 $ .::B5 and .:<:5 thick.
1&amine the grease retainer to be sure it is serviceable $$ replace it if in doubt, and reassemble.
MA.2!$2A2C$ OF W($$' *$A1.2GS
#hen the vehicle is used for road ork, lubricate and ad'ust the front heel bearings once each
year( if used in dusty field ork, tice each year.
0he bearings should be given more than casual cleaning. Use a clean stiff brush and suitable grease
solvent to remove all particles of old lubricant from the bearings and hubs. !fter the bearings are
thoroughly cleaned, inspect them for pitted races and rollers and check the hub oil seals.
Repack the bearing cones and rollers 7see LU,RI6!0ION %160ION8 and reassemble in the
reverse order of dismantling. !d'ust them as directed in the preceding paragraphs.
Lubricate the rear heel bearings sparingly. Oil forced from the oil relief hole No. =, Dig. <@,
indicates hen the bearing is amply lubricated.
%hould it be necessary to ad'ust the bearings, clean them thoroughly and repack them ith the
recommended lubricant.
MOU2!.2G A2& &.SMOU2!.2G W($$'S
0he heel mounting nuts and studs on both left heels have left hand threads to prevent them from being loosened by heel
action. 0he studs are identified by an 5L5 stamped on the end. 0he left hand threaded nuts are identified by a groove cut around
the he&agonal faces. 0o remove the left heels, the nuts must be turned RI/30, and to remove the right heels, turned to the
0he recommended tire pressures are as follos2
A2:: & =A 0ires
E2:: & =B 0ires
@?$<: lbs.
@:$@= lbs.
0he importance of correct tire inflation cannot be overemphasi"ed. 0o secure the ma&imum tire life and most efficient vehicle
operation, it is imperative that these pressures be maintained for all normal vehicle operations.
0hen the vehicle is used ith driver only doing agricultural ork on very sandy or muddy soil, increased flotation and heel
traction may be secured by decreasing the pressure of the A2:: & =A tire to =? to @: lbs., and the E2:: & =B tire to =; lbs. %hould
unusual operating conditions re.uire this reduction in pressure, use care that the tires are inflated to the recommended pressure
immediately hen normal operation is resumed.
0o secure ma&imum tire ear, the heels should be sitched at least tice each year. 0he rear heels should be moved to the
opposite front positions and the right front heel moved straight back to the right rear position. -lace the spare on the left rear
and use the left front as a spare.
0o remove a tire from a drop centre rim, first deflate completely and then force the tire aay from the rim throughout the
entire circumference until the bead falls into the centre of the heel rim, then ith a heavy scre driver or tire removing tool,
used opposite the valve, remove one side of the tire at a time and remove the inner tube.
Installation of a tire is made in the same manner by first dropping one side of the tire into the centre of the rim and ith a tire
tool, spring the bead over the heel rim, using care not to damage the inner tube.
#hen mounting the heel, alternately tighten opposite stud nuts to prevent heel obble. !fter nuts have been tightened ith
the heel 'acked up, loer the 'ack so heel rests on the floor and retighten the nuts.
SP1.2GS A2& S(AC3'$S
0he springs should be periodically e&amined for broken or shifted leaves, loose or missing rebound clips, angle of the spring
shackles and the position of the springs on the a&le saddles. %prings ith shifted leaves to not have their normal strength.
+issing rebound clips may permit the leaves to fan out or break on rebound. ,roken leaves may make the vehicle hard to
handle or permit the a&le to shift out of line. #eakened springs may break causing difficulty steering.
0he front springs are interchangeable, as are the to rear.
0he front ends of the front springs and the rear ends of the rear springs are shackled, using 5U5 type shackles ith threaded
bushings. 0he rear ends of the front springs and the front ends of the rear springs are bron"e bushed and pivoted on bolts in the
shackles mounted on the frame.
0he spring shackle threaded bushings use right and left hand threads, depending upon here they are to be used. %i& bushings
are used ith right hand threads and to ith left hand threads. Dor identification the right hand threaded type have plain
he&agonal heads. 0he left hand have a groove cut around the heads.
0he to left hand threaded shackles can be identified by a small forged boss on the loer shank of the shackle. 0hey are used
at the left front and the right rear springs ith the left hand threaded end don at the spring eyes.
0he bushings are anchored solidly in the frame brackets and spring eyes and the oscillation taken beteen the threads of the
5U5 shackle and the inner threads of the bushings. 0he lubrication of the shackle bushings is very important and should not be
neglected, or e&cessive ear of the bushings and 5U5 shackles ill occur.
#hen making installation of a ne 5U5 shackle or bushing, follo the procedure belo2
0he shackles are installed ith the bushing he&agon heads to the outside of the frame. Install the shackle grease seal and
retainer over the threaded end of the shackle up to the shoulder. Insert the ne shackle through the frame bracket and the eye
of the spring. 3old the 5U5 shackle tightly against the frame bracket and start the upper bushing on the shackle, care being
taken hen it enters the thread in the frame, that it is not cross$threaded. %cre the bushings on the shackle about halfay, and
then start the loer bushing, hold the shackle tightly against the spring eye and thread this bushing about halfay, then
alternating from top bushing to loer bushing, turn them in until the head of the bushing is snug against the frame bracket and
the bushing in the spring eye is =><@5 aay from the spring measured from the inside of the he&agon head to the spring.
Lubricate the bushings ith high pressure lubricant and then try the fle& of the shackle, hich should be free. If the shackle is
tight, it ill cause spring breakage and it ill be necessary to rethread the bushings on the shackle.
S(OC3 A*SO1*$1S
0he shock absorbers are of the direct action type giving to$ay control, hoever they are not ad'ustable. 0hey dampen
spring action, as the vehicle passes over irregularities in the road. 0he shock absorbers are mounted on rubber bushings at both
top and bottom. %hould s.ueaks occur in the bushings, add a flat asher on the mounting pins to place the bushings under
greater pressure and prevent movement beteen the rubber and metal parts.
*O NO0 U%1 mineral oil to remove s.ueaks.
CJ2A Operation and Care
Manual -- Proper Maintenance
5part B -- Cold Weat"er Precautions6
#ith the approach of cold eather, in regions here the temperature drops belo the free"ing point, precautions must be taken
to prevent free"ing of the ater in the cooling system. #hen ater free"es it e&pands and may burst the radiator and cylinder
,e careful to drain the system completely 7see 6OOLIN/ %Y%01+8 hen putting up the vehicle in cold eather, unless it is
kept in a heated garage or an anti$free"e solution has been added to the ater to sufficiently loer the free"ing point of the
cooling mi&ture.
A2!.-F1$$C$ SO'U!.O2
It is important that the cooling system be made leak$proof before installing any anti$free"e solution. %hould there be any doubt
regarding the condition of either the radiator or heater hoses, replace them.
6ommon anti$free"e solutions available are alcohol and ethylene glycol. 0he distillation or evaporating point of alcohol
solution is appro&imately =E:G Dahrenheit. 0he operating temperatures of the Feep hen used as a farm tractor and especially
hen used for belt ork through the poer take$off is somehat higher. !s a result, alcohol ill not be satisfactory to use as
an anti$free"e due to evaporation. %hould it be necessary to use it, the solution must be checked often ith a hydrometer to
guard against damage due to free"ing. !lcohol is satisfactory for highay use, hoever is must be checked fre.uently to make
certain that free"ing ill not occur at anticipated temperatures.
1thylene glycol has a much higher evaporating point than alcohol, so may be used at higher operating temperatures ithout
loss of the solution. In a tight cooling system, ater only is re.uired to replace evaporation losses, hoever, any solution lost
mechanically through leakage or foaming must be replaced ith additional solution.
0he capacity of the cooling system is == .ts. 0he folloing table shos the correct .uantity of both alcohol and ethylene
glycol for protection at the various temperatures indicated2
A'CO(O' $!(Y'$2$ G'YCO'
<:G = ;>B :.9;A = ;>B :.9;A
@:G @ =>? = ;>B @.:== @ = @>< =.?9@
=:G < =>; @ ;>B <.:EB < @ =>@ @.?<9
:G ; =>; < <>; ;.:@@ < <>; < =>? <.B;9
$=:G B ; =>? ;.E<@ ; =>@ < <>; ;.@B?
$@:G B =>@ ; =>@ B.@:B ; <>; ; ;.;9B
$<:G A <>; B @>< A.<?? B =>@ ; =>@ B.@:B
$;:G E =>; A A.?A= A B B.AE?
0he engine should be operated to thoroughly mi& the solution.
$2G.2$ O.'
In cold eather it is important that a lighter grade of engine oil be used so that the engine may be started easily and to assure
an ade.uate flo of oil to every part of the engine. Use oil having a lo cold test hich ill not congeal at the temperature to
hich it ill be sub'ected.
G$A1 'U*1.CA!.O2
3ard shifting of the transmission gears in cold eather is a positive indication that the transmission lubricant is either too
heavy grade or the .uality allos it to congeal at the prevailing temperature. 0his condition ill also probably apply to the
transfer case and the differentials. If the oil is too heavy to allo ease in shifting, it is too heavy to properly lubricate the close
fitting parts. 6hange the lubricant to a lighter grade ithout delay.
CJ2A Operation and Care
Manual -- $)er#ency C"art6
No ad'ustment should be made, or any parts tampered ith, until the cause of the trouble is ascertained, otherise ad'ustments
hich are properly made may be destroyed. 0he trouble should be analy"ed first.
S!A1!.2G MO!O1 W.'' 2O! !U12 $2G.2$
,attery eak.
,attery connection dirty or loose.
,attery or engine ground ire connections loose.
,attery to starting motor ire connections loose at starting motor end.
%tarter sitch contacts dirty.
%tarter gear stuck.
$2G.2$ FA.'S !O S!A1!
No fuel.
No ignition current 7see omE8. +ay be due to failure to turn on the sitch or to a broken or disconnected ire.
%park plug points improperly set. %et to .:<: inch 7:.EA mm.8.
*istributor points improperly set. %et to .:@: inch 7:.B= mm.8.
6ylinders or manifold flooded ith fuel. #ith ignition sitch on, choke open 7control pushed all the ay in8, hold
accelerator all the ay don and rotate the engine hich ill reduce the fuel supply in the cylinders.
+oisture on high tension terminals of the spark plugs or distributor cap. #ipe terminals dry ith a rag.
/as mi&ture too lean. 6hoking is necessary to start cold engine.
$2G.2$ S!OPS
Lack of fuel.
*isconnected ire.
Lack of oil.
6arburetor flooding.
1ngine overheated.
*istributor breaker points dirty or pitted.
$2G.2$ M.SS$S A! A'' SP$$&S
Daulty iring.
Douled spark plugs. 0he spark plugs should be short circuited one after another by touching a hammer or ood handle
scre driver from the cylinder to the terminal of each spark plug. #hen one is reached hich makes no difference in
the running of the engine, it is an indication that the plug is at fault. Remove and clean. If porcelain insulator is
cracked, install ne plug.
%park plug points improperly set.
-oints too close together or too far apart may cause missing.
%park plug points should be set to .:<: inch 7:.EA mm.8.
!ccumulation of carbon or oil on spark plug porcelain.
6orrosion on end of spark plug cables at distributor cap connection.
*istributor faulty.
,reaker arm sticking.
-oints improperly set or burned and pitted.
0he correct point opening is .:@: inch 7:.B= mm.8.
Daulty condenser or coil.
#ater in fuel.
1ngine overheated.
$2G.2$ M.SF.1$S A! 'OW SP$$& O2'Y
Intermittent flo of fuel.
-oor ignition or compression.
*istributor points improperly ad'usted or making poor contact.
Incorrect timing.
Daulty condenser.
%park plug points are too far apart 7on pull8 or too close together 7on idle8.
!ir leak at intake manifold connections.
70he engine ill run but ill not pull the car under a heavy load.8
Ignition improperly timed.
Lack of fuel or carburetor flooding.
*ragging brakes.
1ngine overheated because of lack of oil or ater.
-oor compression.
Improper valve timing.
6lutch slipping.
1&haust pipe or muffler obstructed.
Daulty cylinder head gasket.
Insufficient tappet clearance.
One or more improperly fitted pistons or piston rings.
4alves not seating properly.
POPP.2G *AC3 !(1OUG( !($ CA1*U1$!O1
70his usually indicates a too lean mi&ture.8
*irt in carburetor. 7Duel pump strainer dirty, see DU1L %Y%01+.8
#ater in fuel.
!ir leak at intake manifold connections.
Incorrect ignition timing.
Incorrect valve timing.
Inlet valves holding open.
%park plug ires connected to incorrect plugs. Diring order =$<$;$@.
$2G.2$ O-$1($A!.2G
Lack of proper lubrication.
%toppage of ater circulation, faulty thermostat ot lack of ater.
%lipping fan belt.
Ignition timing improperly set.
CJ2A Operation and Care
Manual -- $?tra $9uip)ent6
+uch of the utility of the Feep is due to the e&tra e.uipment hich has been designed to adapt it for farming and diversified
occupations and industries. 0he maintenance and use of this e.uipment is outlined in the folloing paragraphs.
GO-$12O1 53.2G S$$'Y6
0he governor is a centrifugal type unit hich gives precision control of engine speeds.
#hen speed control is not desired it should be disengaged ith the tin$pin type clutch No.
=, Dig. <<. Never engage this clutch ith the engine running. 0o operate it pull the cap
outard and rotate it S turn in either direction until you feel the to lugs drop into the
recesses provided. 0he governor is engaged hen the lugs are in the deeper recesses. 0he
shallo recesses lock it in the disengaged position. %ome governor clutches are controlled
by a spring loaded lever mounted at the top of the governor housing the operation of hich
is obvious.
0he belt tension may be ad'usted by raising or loering the governor in the slotted
mounting holes Dig. <;, No. ==. Keep the pulleys and belt free of dirt and oil. ,elt slippage
ill effect governor operation and a tight belt may cause rapid ear of the governor shaft
and bearings. !d'ust it to allo =M depression miday beteen the pulleys ith thumb
0he controlled engine speed may be varied ith the hand control mounted on the dash. #ith this control in against the dash,
the controlled engine speed is =::: rpm. 0he speed is increased @:: rpm. -er notch, as the hand control is pulled out. 0he top
speed is @A:: rpm. In the 9th notch. 0he hand control is released by turning the handle S turn in either direction.
#hen the governor is to be used, stop the engine, engage the governor clutch and pull the hand throttle fully out to allo the
governor to take over engine speed control. #hen the governor clutch is disengaged, release the hand throttle by S turn in
either direction.
GO-$12O1 A&JUS!M$2!
+echanical ad'ustment of speed control is obtained by ad'usting the length of hand cable control assembly No. B, Dig. <;.
Dirst check the carburetor throttle rod to make certain the throttle opens and closes fully. *isconnect the accelerator spring and
eliminate any bind or stiffness in the throttle connections and carburetor linkage. Dree operation of the throttle is necessary to
prevent surging of the governor hen the engine is placed under load. !fter checking, reconnect and leave it there.
%et the dash hand throttle in the fully open position and leave it
there. !ll the ad'ustments are made ith the throttle in this
!d'ust the length of the spring loaded governor$to$throttle link No.
=< to allo e&act assembly beteen the short or loer governor
lever and the carburetor throttle lever ithout moving either lever
and ith the throttle fully open. 0he length of the link after
ad'ustment should be appro&imately AM beteen the centres of the
ball sockets. 0ighten the ad'ustment lock nut and install the spring
loaded governor$to$throttle link.
1ngage the governor clutch by turning the control on the pulley
hub until the pins drop into the deeper recesses. -lace the governor
hand control, mounted on the instrument panel, in the closed or
LINM position and check to be sure the hand throttle is fully open.
%tart the engine and allo it to run until operating temperature is
0he governed engine speed is controlled by the position of the upper or long governor lever. !d'ust the yoke No. B, Dig. <; on
the hand control cable and attach it to the governor arm hen the arm is positioned to give an engine speed of =:::rpm. %afely
'ack up the rear heels and be sure the front heel drive is not engaged. #hen driving the rear heels in high or direct
transmission gear, the speedometer ill read =B mph. at an engine speed of =::: rpm.
In some cases it maybe necessary to ad'ust the surge scre at the rear of the governor to eliminate surge. %hould this be
necessary, loosen the lock nut and turn the slotted scre until the engine stops surging hen the governor hand control is
suddenly operated from lo to high speeds then tighten the lock nut. Use care in making this ad'ustment2 should the scre be
turned in too far, governor speed control ill be lost.
GO-$12O1 5MO2A1C(6
%ome vehicles are e.uipped ith the +onarch governor. 0his governor is similar in design and operation to the King %eeley
type described above. 3oever, engagement is through a spring loaded lever control mounted at the top of the governor body.
0o engage the drive unlatch the control lever and allo the spring to carry the engaging clutch forard.
#hen ad'usting this governor follo the above instructions in every detail e&cept the ad'ustment of the spring loaded
governor$to$throttle link No. =<. !d'ust this link ith appro&imately =>=AM slack or lost motion. No surge ad'ustment is
re.uired or provided ith this governor, hoever this slack or lost motion is provided to cushion any slight irregularities in
governor control.
6hange the oil in the governor at each engine oil change, using the same grade oil used in the engine. Dill it to the level plug
opening sloly N do not overfill. %hould any trouble occur hich re.uires disassembly, consult your #illys$Overland *ealer.
POW$1 !A3$-OFF W.!( S(AF! A2& *$'! PU''$Y
0he complete poer take$off consists of three assemblies( the shift unit 7mounted on the transfer case8, the shaft drive
assembly and the pulley drive assembly 7mounted at the rear of the vehicle8. 0he rear units are driven through the shaft
assembly by a propeller shaft and to universal 'oints.
0he assembly, mounted at the rear of the vehicle, is designed to drive trailed e.uipment or operate belt driven machines. 0he
shaft and pulley speeds conform to %!1 standards and are obtained at the ma&imum tor.ue speed of the engine. Dor
information covering the poer take$off shaft and pulley speeds, see the chart on the L-oer 0ake$Off and 4ehicle %peedsM
F1O2! U2.! O1 S(.F! ASS$M*'Y
0his assembly, attached to the rear of the transfer case and operated from the transmission main shaft, provides a gear shift for
control of the poer take$off. 0he shift assembly is lubricated from the transfer case and no attention is re.uired other than the
regular lubrication of the transfer case.
Keep the attaching scres tight at all times. !lays disengage the clutch hen shifting the gear. #hen using the belt drive, do
not attempt the shift until the machine being driven has LcoastedM to a stop.
=. Dork and Rod
@. ,all
<. Lever
;. Nut
B. %pring
A. ,utton and %pring
E.0runnion and ,all ?. 6up
9. ,earing
=:. %nap Ring
==. -late
=@. /asket
=<. Retainer
=;. /asket =B. /ear
=A. Oil %eal
=E. Oil %eal
=?. Oil %eal
=9. /ear and %haft
@:. 6up
@=. 6one and Ro
ller @@. %hims
@<. %pacer
@;. %hims
@B. %hims
@A. -inion
@E. 6one and Roller
@?. 6up @9. %haft
<:. /asket
<=. %hims
<@. /asket
<<. /ear
<;. %haft
<B. /asket <A. #asher
<E. Oil %eal
<?. ,all ,earing
<9. /ear and %haft
;:. %pacer
;=. /asket
P1OP$''$1 S(AF! A2& U2.-$1SA' JO.2!S
0he poer take$off propeller shaft is tubular and has to universal 'oints. 0he 'oints are enclosed by housings and boots,
hich contain the lubricant. 0he tor.ue capacity of the propeller shaft is far greater than that developed by the engine and as
there is very little fle&ing of the 'oints, this unit ill re.uire no attention for the life of the vehicle under normal use other than
an inspection at each regular vehicle inspection, to guard against loose companion flange attaching scres or leakage of
lubricant at the boots. %hould the poer take$off be used often for continuous operation, disassemble the 'oints and repack
them ith lubricant once each year.
POW$1 !A3$-OFF S(AF! &1.-$
0he si&$splined = <>?M poer take$off shaft provides a poer output to operate trailed e.uipment.
!lays use four heel drive hen toing poer driven e.uipment. %election of the most satisfactory governed engine speed,
as ell as transmission and transfer case gear shift positions ill depend upon the soil conditions and the poer re.uired to
pull the trailed e.uipment( also hen operating agricultural machines, upon ground and machine speed re.uirements and crop
#hen toing poer driven farm machines, under average conditions, the most satisfactory operation ill be secured by using
either No. B or No. A governor position ith both the transmission and transfer case gears in the lo range position. 0his
engine speed and gear combination provides a ground speed of from ; to ; P miles per hour and a poer output shaft speed of
B<B to A:: rpm. Under e&tremely heavy crop conditions it may be found that the machine being operated cannot handle the
volume of the crop hich is cut at this ground speed. 0o handle the crop, it is necessary to reduce the ground speed ithout
changing the poer output shaft speed. 0his is accomplished by interchanging gears No. << and No. =B as shon in Dig. <B.
0hese to gears form a drive ratio ithin the poer output unit of either @: to @; 7B to A8 or @; to @: 7A to B8. 0he original
factory assembly is made to provide a ratio of @: to @; N the @:$tooth gear assembled on the input shaft and the @;$tooth gear
on the output shaft as shon in Dig. <B.
0o interchange the gears, first remove the poer take$off assembly from the vehicle and drain the lubricant from the housing.
Remove the bearing retaining plate No. ==, Dig. <B. ,end back the lips of the nut locking asher and remove the bearing
retaining nut. 0he cover may then be removed ith the bearing assembly. Use care not to lose the shims hich are placed
beteen the gear hub and the bearing cone. 0he gear may be slipped from the shaft through the cover opening.
0he other gear may be removed in the same manner after removing cover plate. Interchange the gears and reassemble in
reverse order ith the long side of the gear hub toard the cover opening. Use care that the shims are replaced in the same
position relative to the bearings from hich they ere removed. *o not overlook refilling the housing ith lubricant.
0he speed of the output shaft in relation to the vehicle ground speed is important. 0o aid in the selection of engine speeds and
gear ration positions, refer to the chart on the L-oer 0ake$Off and 4ehicle %peedsM page hich shos both the shaft and
vehicle speeds through the range of governor controlled engine speeds and in all transmission and transfer case gear positions.
6!U0ION2 #hen the vehicle is reversed, the shaft drive ill turn in the reverse direction. %ome farm machines ill be
damaged if reverse driven. #hen operating trailed e.uipment, be sure to disengage the poer take$off ith the shift lever
before reversing the vehicle. ,eing able to reverse some poer driven machines is an advantage to aid in freeing the machine
should it become clogged in operation.
Inspect the poer take$off unit periodically and add sufficient lubricant to keep it at filler plug level. Keep the attaching scres
tight at all times and the breather or vent free of dirt.
#hen using the shaft drive, alays install the shield hich is provided for the safety of the operator.
PU''$Y &1.-$ ASS$M*'Y
0he pulley drive assembly, ith ?M pulley, is driven through the poer take$off shaft. It is held in position ith four cap
scres and can be .uickly removed or installed. !lays remove this assembly hen it is not in use to avoid damage through
#hen operating the pulley drive assembly use care that the vehicle is correctly aligned so the belt runs at the centre of the
pulley. *o not tighten the belt e&cessively2 hen too tight, rapid ear of the drive parts of both the machine being driven and
pulley drive assembly may occur. If correctly ad'usted the hand brake ill hold the vehicle hen ample drive tension is placed
on the belt.
0he belt pulley drive is operated from the transmission main shaft, giving the same poer and speed ratios that are provided by
the transmission for the vehicle on the highay. 0o operate the pulley ith the vehicle standing, place the au&iliary 7right
hand8 transfer case lever in the neutral position, designated as LNM in Dig. <.
0he nine governor controlled engine speeds in con'unction ith the transmission gear shift positions provide a large selection
of pulley speeds. %elect the governor and transmission gear shift positions that ill provide the recommended speed of the
machine being driven. +achines driven belo this speed ill seldom do a satisfactory 'ob hile speeds above normal ill
cause rapid ear and are, in some cases, dangerous. 0he table on the L-oer 0ake$Off and 4ehicle %peedsM page is provided
as a guide in selecting the correct control positions to secure the recommended speed.
6!U0ION2 #hen the belt drive is used, ground the vehicle ith a bar or piece of chain so static electricity is dissipated or
sparks might cause a fire in dusty or inflammable surroundings.
Keep the housing filled ith lubricant to the level of the filler plug. 7%ee 5Lubrication 6hart5.8
F1O2! PU''$Y &1.-$ U2.!
0he front pulley drive unit hich may be installed at the rear of the poer take$off front or shift unit is used to drive
compressors, pumps, generators, etc., mounted in the vehicle to the right and behind the drivers seat. 0he AM pulley may be
ither to or four$grooved for multiple L4M$type belt drives and ill deliver up to @< horsepoer.
#hen multiple drive belts are used it is important that each belt carry an e.ual share of the load. #hile this type belt had a
steel core, some stretching may occur, and should one belt break or become damaged, all should be replaced. %hould the belts
be removed, mark them to permit reinstallation on the same pulleys from hich they ere originally removed. *o not tighten
the belts e&cessively.
*O&Y $2C'OSU1$
,oth front and rear canvas body enclosures are available. 0he front enclosure may be installed independently and the side
curtains hich are mounted on steel frames are hinged to open as doors. 0he hinge pins may be lifted from sockets to allo
.uick removal of the doors.
0he rear enclosure is attached to the front top and is provided ith curtain lights in each side. ! rear curtain ith light
completes the enclosure.
!s a general rule good .uality soap and ater ill clean the indos in the curtains. %hould they become soiled ith grease,
kerosene or naphtha may be used.
!void the use of ben"ene, acetone or lac.uer thinners, as they ill soften the surface and make the indos opa.ue. +any
spray type indo glass cleaners contain some of these ingredients, so avoid their use.
Rubbing the indos ith a dry cloth ill build up an electrostatic charge hich ill cause dust to cling to the surface. %uch a
charge may be dissipated by blotting the indo surface ith a clean, damp chamois. !fter cleaning apply a liberal coating of
automobile or furniture a& as a protection against dirt.
F1O2! $2C'OSU1$ .2S!A''A!.O2
Dirst select the front top bo assembly parts. 0he to side bos are offset at the loer ends and eyes are located near the top
curved ends. 0he centre connecting bo has an eye located at the centre.
!ssemble the centre bo in the to side bos, ith the eyes e&tending toard the indshield and mount the assembly in the
body sockets.
0he doors are supported at the top and bottom ith hinge support brackets hich are not interchangeable as they are made in
rights and lefts.
%elect the upper brackets hich are made as clamps( the large 'as are formed to span the indshield support and the small
'as to form the door hinge socket. %elect a set of 'as 7one having a clamp stud8 hich ill assemble ith the hinge socket
vertical and in line ith the bracket mounted on the body belo.
!lso select the correct upper side rail 7a rod appro&imately <:M long ith one end curved8 hich ill assemble ith the curved
end ne&t to the indshield ith the curve e&tending up and out and ith the elded eye e&tending in.
!fter selecting the correct parts install the clamp bracket, ith the stud e&tending in and place the eye in the curved end of the
side rail over the stud on the inside of the clamp bracket. 0ighten the stud nut ith the clamp bracket positioned so the side rail
is level ith the top of the indshield. !ttach the rear end of the side rail to the eye on the top bo ith the bolt lockasher
and nut provided. +ake the same assembly on the opposite side.
Ne&t install the attaching side curtains hich carry the door latches. 0he right and left sides may be easily selected as the lap of
the seam goes inside. -lace the upper end of the rod in the curtain through the eye mounted on the side rail and attach the loer
end at the holes provided in the body. -lace the bolt heads on top.
-lace the top deck covering over the top bo and attach the front end on the fasteners across the top of the indshield. Dasten
the covering to the top bo ith the to outer flaps. 3ook one end of the centre supporting brace in the eye at the top centre of
the indshield frame and make the covering taut by hooking the rear end in the top bo eye. Dasten the centre top attaching
flap over the rear end of the supporting brace.
%nap the door 'ambs, hich are part of the top covering, around the side rails at the top of the door openings.
Install the doors and attach the front sides to the body and indshield supports. It is necessary to open the indshield to button
the upper fasteners.
!ttach the rear curtain, pulling the holding straps at the bottom taut only.
1$A1 $2C'OSU1$
!ssemble the centre section of the rear top bo beteen the side sections and install the assembly in the body sockets. -lace
the top over the bo and fasten the front end to the rear of the front top.
0he side curtains are made for the right and left sides, but hen correctly installed the straps are at the bottom and on the
inside and the cutout corners are placed at the upper rear. Install both the side and rear curtains. !ttach and pull don the
straps taut only.
=. 6over -late /asket
@. /ear ,o&
<. 6apstan %haft /rease Ditting
;. 6apstan %haft 0hrust #asher
B. 6apstan %haft Retaining %cre
A. 6apstan %haft %cre Lockasher
E. 6apstan %haft %cre
?. 6over %cre
9. 6over %cre Lockasher
=:. 6apstan %haft ,ushing 7Upper8
==. 6apstan %haft ,ushing 7Loer8
=@. Diller -lug
=<. #orm %haft Oil %eal
=;. #orm %haft Needle ,earing
=B. #orm and /ear %et
=A. #orm %haft ,all ,earing
=E. ,earing Retainer 6ap /asket
=?. ,earing Retainer 6ap
=9. /ear ,o& 6over -late %cre
@:. /ear ,o& 6over -ate %cre Lockasher
@=. 6over -late
@@. *rain -lug
0he capstan inch is designed for B::: lb. -ull, using either QM or =M manila rope. 0he orm gears have a ratio of EB to =
hich provides a rope speed of =9 feet per minute ith an engine speed of =@:: rpm. ! shift lever is mounted on the assembly
for engagement control.
1ngage the drive ith the engine idling only and ithout load2 limit the engine speed to =@:: rpm.
Lubrication is important because the parts must ithstand high pressures hen operating at ma&imum pull. Diller and drain
plugs are provided in the gear housing ith an oil level stick on the filler plug. 0he oil capacity is one .uart of %!1 9: gear oil
in %ummer and %!1 ?: in #inter. 6hange the oil tice each year N in Dall and %pring.
3ydraulic fitting No. <, Dig. <A, is provided to lubricate the capstan spindle, the position of hich is indicated by the arro
cast on the gear bo&. 0o lubricate the spindle, align the opening in the capstan ith arro. Use chassis lubricant to lubricate the
spindle, also lubricate the rope roller at each end and the shift rail and the drive shaft bushing in the inch drive support
bracket mounted on the front of the engine. Use an oil can to lubricate the inch drive universal 'oints.
! cotter pin is used to pin the inch drive shaft to the universal 'oint at the engine end and acts as a shear pin to prevent
overloading. %hould this pin shear off, be sure to replace it ith a cotter pin of the same si"e. *o not replace it ith a solid pin
or drill the hole oversi"e for a larger pin.
F1O2! *UMP$1 W$.G(!
0he best performance of a four$heel drive vehicle is achieved hen the load is e.ually
distributed for traction on the front and rear heels. 0his e.ual distribution is disturbed
hen the vehicle is used for dra bar ork because the load on the rear heels is
increased and that on the front heels decreased. 0he addition of a @AB$pound front
bumper eight e.uali"es this load.
#hen the load is e.uali"ed the front and rear a&les do appro&imately the same ork
hich results in an e.ual and prolonged life of these parts and more satisfactory vehicle
0he bumper eight Dig. <E is held in place by four bolts and is provided ith hand holes
for lifting. *o not add sand bags or other eights in the vehicle. #hen driving over
rough terrain, ith the bumper eight in place, the driver should e&ercise due care.
CJ2A Operation and Care
Manual -- Plowin# Met"od: P!O and -e"icle Speeds6
0o avoid loss of time and minimi"e turning at the headlands hile ploing a
field, the folloing procedure is recommended2
Lay out the field lengthise in convenient lands or sections as shon by the
back furros in Dig. <?. 0he idth of the lands ill vary according to the field
si"e( hoever, make the lands as near ten rods in idth as possible. %hould the
lands be too narro, time ill be lost in turning at the headlands and in
completing dead furros( if too ide, time ill be lost in driving across the
-lo a shallo marker furro across each end of the field, parallel ith and @:
feet from the end, to act as a guide in keeping the headlands straight.
%et up a target at each end of the field to indicate the line of the first back
furro. -lo a furro beteen the headland marks, using the target as a guide
to keep the furro straight and parallel ith the edge of the field. 0urn and plo
a second furro against the first to complete the back furro. It is advisable to
have the plo set to turn a shallo furro and use care that the second furro
does not overlap the first, otherise an ob'ectionable ridge ill be formed the
length of the field. Ne&t ad'ust the plos for standard depth and plo around the
back furro until the unploed space at the side of the field is e.ual to the idth
of the headlands previously marked off.
0hro a ne back furro in the same manner at the ne&t back furro line and plo around it until the unploed portion
beteen the lands e.uals that hich has been ploed around the ne back furro. 0o reduce driving distance, plo around
the unploed portion beteen the to back furros until it is completed to form a dead furro. #hen ploing the dead
furro, set the plos shallo to prevent forming an ob'ectionable trench the length of the field.
6ontinue ith ne lands, started by back furros, until the idth of the unploed ground at each side of the field e.uals the
marked$off headlands at each end of the field.
If it is desired, to prevent close turns, the operator may plo one side of a back furro returning across the field ploing the
opposite side of the ne&t back furro. -loing around the to back furros until the to ploed sections are ide enough to
allo easy turns may save some time.
Ne&t plo the headlands around the field. -lo the ground out toard the edge2 ne&t time the field should be ploed in toard
the centre. If it is decided to plo LoutM, start at the outer edge, ploing around the field until the headlands are completed.
0his ill leave a dead furro around the field at the inner edge of the headlands. 0o plo LinM, start at the inner edge of the
headlands and the dead furro ill be at the outer edge of the field.
Power !a<e-O and -e"icle Speeds
0o satisfactorily operate most poer$driven e.uipment, the operator should kno the speed of the poer take$off shaft or the
belt pulley as ell as the vehicle ground speed. ! great variety of speeds are made available by the manual governor control,
the gear ratios in the transmission and transfer case and by interchanging the gears in the poer take$off housing.
0he tables belo indicate the speeds for each of the nine positions of the manual governor control. Note that the shaft speeds
are all computed ith the vehicle in four$heel drive and that of the belt pulley in the transmission drive only. Reference to
these tables ill be of material assistance especially in the operation of the farm combine or grain seperator.
Power !a<e-o S"at Speeds 51,P,M,6 and -e"icle Ground Speeds 5M,P,(,6
Power !a<e-O Gear 1atios
@:$@; R!0IO @;$@: R!0IO
0ransmission /ear In 0ransmission /ear In
Lo Intermediate 3igh Lo Intermediate 3igh
r In
ALo B9B ;.;; =:E; ?.:@ =AAA =@.;B ?BE ;.;; =B;E ?.:@ @;:: =@.;B @:::
3igh B9B =:.?= =:E; =9.B= =AAA <:.@B ?BE =:.?= =B;E =9.B= @;:: <:.@B
Pulley Speeds 51,P,M,6 -- B% Pulley, Power !a<e O Gear 1atios,
@:$@; R!0IO @;$@: R!0IO
0ransmission /ear In 0ransmission /ear In
Lo Intermediate 3igh Lo Intermediate 3igh 1ngine %peed
= @BB ;A: E=; <AE AA< =:@? =:::
@ <:A BB@ ?BE ;;: E9B =@<; =@::
< <BE A;B =::: B=; 9@? =;;: =;::
; ;:? E<E ==;< B?E =:A= =A;B =A::
B ;B9 ?@9 =@?B AA: ==9< =?B= =?::
A B=: 9@= =;@? E<; =<@A @:BE @:::
E BA= =:=< =BE= ?:E =;B? @@A@ @@::
? A=@ ==:B =E=; ??= =B9= @;A? @;::
9 AA< ==9E =?BE 9B; =E@< @AE; @A::
CJ2A Operation and Care
Manual -- &irections or Orderin# Parts6
#hen ne parts are necessary, it is recommended that these be ordered from the nearest #illys$Overland *ealer.
*o not order parts in a letter in hich some other sub'ect is treated.
#hen ordering parts for a particular vehicle, give the model, engine, and serial number of the vehicle.
0he serial number ill be found stamped on plate located on the outside of the left frame side rail at the front end, and at the
left side of the driverTs seat on the floor riser.
1ngine number ill be found stamped on top of the ater pump boss at the front end of the cylinder block.
Never order in sets, but give the e&act .uantity of the parts desired.
%pecify both the part number and the name of the part in full, and if similar parts are used on both the right and left$hand sides,
specify for hich side you ant the ne part or parts, because many parts made for right and left sides are not interchangeable.
If in doubt as to the parts needed, take the broken parts to your dealer, or send them to the factory by prepaid e&press. #rite
your name and address plainly on the package, so that it can be identified hen received.
#rite, stating hat you are sending and the purpose for hich it is sent regardless of any previous correspondence. !ll parts
are held until advice is received.
/ive definite shipping instructions N hether the ne parts are to be sent by e&press, freight or parcel post.
In ordering parts by telegram, be sure to send the message prepaid and to confirm it by ritten order, bearing notation,
L6onfirm #ire Order.M
NO012 -arts replaced under the terms of the #arranty must be left ith the #illys$Overland *ealer ho makes the
replacement, if full credit is e&pected.
0his is important for oners to kno hen travelling outside the territory in hich their vehicle as originally purchased,
particularly hen credit for old parts cannot be established to satisfaction of the *ealer.
In this connection, a forarding address should be given by the oner in order to insure the receipt of proper credit.
!661-0 ONLY /1NUIN1 D!60ORY -!R0%
CJ2A Operation and Care
Manual -- 'u+rication C"art
DI/. =E $$ 63!%%I%, %3O#IN/ -!R0% R1UUIRIN/ LU,RI6!0ION
C"assis *earin#s: 2os, 2: ;: =: >: @: A: B: E: /0: //
6lean and lubricate each =::: of road service. +ake certain each
bearing surface is properly lubricated and oil all clevis pins, yokes,
hood hooks and the upper end of the hand brake conduit. Lubricate
these parts *!ILY hen using the vehicle for field ork as the ne
lubricant ill force the old from the bearings and the grit and dirt
hich may have accumulated. Use No. : chassis lubricant for inter
and No. = in summer.
$n#ine Cran<case: 2o, /
*rain engine oil hen hot and refill ith fresh oil each @::: miles of
road service. Dor poer take$off and field operation change the oil at
each B: hours. #atch the condition of the oil closely and should it be
contaminated due to conditions of operation, change it immediately.
#hen changing oil, alays drain the oil filter to prevent the dirty oil
in the filter from mi&ing ith the ne. 6hange filter unit at each
?::: miles of highay travel and each @:: hours of industrial or
field ork.
!rans)ission and !ranser Case: 2o, /2: /;
6heck the level in the housings each =::: miles. 6hange oil at each
A::: miles of road service or <:: hours of field ork. Note that the
re.uirements of these housings are small for economy and it is
important that the oil level be checked regularly and changed at the
time specified hen the vehicle is used in heavy duty service.
Front and 1ear &ierentials: 2o, /B
6heck the level at each =::: miles and change the oil each A:::
miles of road service and <:: hours of field ork. Use e&treme
pressure 7hypoid type8 lubricant.
Front A?le 3in# Pin *earin#s and Universal Joints: 2o, /=
6heck oil level each =::: miles. 6hange the lubricant at each A:::
miles of road service and <:: hours of field service.
Steerin# Gear: 2o, />
6heck lubricant level each =::: miles. #hen level is lo use a hand
gun to fill the housing sloly. !void the use of cup grease, graphite,
hite lead or heavy solidified oil.
Power !a<e-O and *elt Pulley (ousin#s: 2os, /@: /A
6heck the lubricant level each time the vehicle is lubricated. %hould
the units be used fre.uently change the lubricant each <::: hours.
.#nition &istri+utor: 2o, /E
Lubricate each =::: miles or e.uivalent in field service. -lace
several drops of engine oil in the oiler at the side of housing( also
place a drop of light oil on the ick in shaft under the rotor and
sparingly apply soft grease on the breaker arm cam and a drop of oil
on the breaker arm pivot.
Generator and Startin# Motor: 2os, 20: 2/
-lace three to five drops of oil in the oilers each =::: miles. *o not
Governor: 2o, 2;
!t each lubrication check the level in the housing. note that three
plugs are provided( drain plug, level plug and filler plug. Dill the
housing to the filler plug level ith the same grade oil used in the
engine. !void overfilling.
Air Cleaner: 2o, 22
Dor normal operation clean the air cleaner and replace the oil each
@::: miles using the same grade used in the engine. 6lean this unit
and change oil in accordance ith conditions of operation $$ tice
daily hen the vehicle is used in e&tremely dusty field service.
Power !a<e-O Universal Joints: 2o, 2>
Dor average service the original factory lubrication ill last the life
of the vehicle. If the poer take$off is used often for continuous
operation, disassemble and repack once each year.
Front W"eel *earin#s: 2o, 2=
Remove the front heel bearings and clean them thoroughly each
A::: miles of road service or <:: hours of industrial service after
hich repack them ith heel bearing lubricant.
1ear W"eel *earin#s: 2o, 2@
Lubricate the rear heel bearings sparingly ith a compressor. %ee
#311L ,1!RIN/%.
NO01 $$ 0he ater pump and clutch release bearings are
prelubricated and the lubricant lasts for the life of the bearings. %ome
of the speedometers supplied are e.uipped ith a ick type oiler
located on the drive shaft boss directly above the tube a d shaft
connection to the speedometer head. Lubricate this oiler ith a fe
drops of light oil tice each year.
6!U0ION $$ *o not use mineral oil on the shock absorber rubber
mounting connections.

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