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How to add values to polygons to make a trend map to use in Petrophysical Modeling

When modeling a reservoir, sometimes you wont have enough data, or good enough quality
well/seismic data to control the distribution of properties. One way to try to solve that is making a
trend map to use in co-kriging in Petrophysical Modeling.
1. First of all, you will need to create polygons and give them values to use as input in the Make/edit
surface process.
2. To add values to polygons, use the Pops up Z value selector tool.
3. In this case, just to demonstrate how it works, polygons in lobe shape were created. The values
assigned to polygons were 0.05 (the pink one), 0.15 (blue) and 0.25 (green), to limit porosity
property to have a maximum value of 0.3.

4. The polygon was used as Main input in make edit surface and a boundary polygon were used to
limit the reservoir area.

5. In case the result surface has values out of the range between 0 0.3, you can use the following
equation to clip it.

Trend surface

6. This result surface can be used in Petrophysical Modeling as the following picture shows:

7. In this case the Collocated co-kriging method with constant coefficient value set to 0.8, will almost
honor the trend_surface. If you want to not honor so much the surface, put lower coefficient

Result property.

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