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2014 Oaklane Driving 2014 Oaklane Driving

Experience Open House and Experience Open House and

equipment flea Market equipment flea Market
Sunday June 22nd 11 am 4 pm Sunday June 22nd 11 am 4 pm
Oaklane Quarter Midget Racing Club is hosting a Driving Experience
Open House on Sunday June ! "#$ %ro& ## a& to $ p&' Here(s a
chance %or you to display any racing e)uip&ent *cars! parts! sa%ety
e)uip&ent! trailers! etc'+ you are interested in selling' ,n these tough
econo&ic ti&es! the &e&bers o% Oaklane are o%%ering this opportunity to
you %ree o% charge' -ou are .elco&e to sell any kind o% racing
e)uip&ent you &ay have / it is not li&ited to )uarter &idget ite&s'
0e are expecting a good turn out o% driving experience .inners %ro& the
Motorsports Sho. and .e .ill be starting our Spring 1ovice School the .eekend' 2his is a great opportunity to appeal to %a&ilies
interested in racing and also bene%its the %a&ilies to ac)uire the needed
e)uip&ent to get started'
-ou &ay arrive to set up starting at 3 a& and all trailers &ust be
re&oved by 4 p&' 2o reserve your spot! please contact Donna Osborn at
*#5+ 6#478934 or e&ail secyoaklane:veri;on'net
Directions to Oaklane Speedway:
From Route 78 Take Route 78 to Route 309 Take Route 309 Sout! to "uakertown #ontinue t!rou$! "uakertown
%appro& ' miles past ((3) to Toll$ate Road *ake a ri$!t onto Toll$ate Road and $o appro& + mile to ',,, Toll$ate Road
Turn le-t into t!e entrance -or t!e .ort! /enn 0un #lu1 and 1ear le-t at t!e end o- t!e dri2eway

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