Dzhaner 1

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Dzhaner Ahmed

My name is Dzhaner and I am a 17 year-old girl. I am living in the countrysie in a small

town called Agres. I have been living there since 200 and I li!e it because it is in the
middle o" a beauti"ul area surounded by a breath-ta!ing landsca#e. I really li!e this country.
It is $ust something di""erent because it has something magical. I love every morning when
it begins to get light% the sensation when I can "eel the sunshine grazing and warming my
I am such a nervous #erson% I can&t wait "or a while% I am always moving around and doing
lots o" things. My "riends say they li!e s#ending time with me because I am very "unny% we
always end laughing. I am also reliable% #eo#le can trust me% and con"ident about mysel". I
li!e doing things well and my teachers say that I am a res#onsible #erson.
'hat else can I say about me(
I love house and electro music% and my "avourite D)s are *ardwell% +ic!y ,omero% -alvin
*arris% Avicii and Martin .arri/. *owever% I li!e other !ind o" music such as ,n0 and my
"avourite artists are )essie )% 1inie 1em#ah and )ustin 1imberla!e. My "avourite music band
is ,udimental.
I love animals and as a matter o" "act I have got three dogs% nine cats and one o" them is
living at home with us. I&ve got a lot o" #igeons% some rabbits and two little #ara!eets.
I am very e/cited about this #ro$ect. I am loo!ing "orward to meeting all o" you and it will
be a great #leasure to host some o" you.

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