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ANISbgvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv ATHIRAH BUX BT
Alhamdulillah, we finally settle our big project for LGA3104 which to dramatized a short
story to public, in which we choose the pupils of SK Jejawi to be our targeted audience. It has
been held on 13
March at SK Jejawi. There are four groups whose presenting the drama on
that day. There are The Little Red Riding Hood, Hansel and Gretel, Wizard of Oz and Travel
with Danial.
First of all, I would like to thank god for giving me the opportunity to complete all the
tasks contain inside LGA 3104 question assignment. Allow me to show my greatest appreciation
to my respected lecturer, Madam Rozita bt Rashid. The presence of Madam Rozita, in guiding
me throughout the tasks had contributed a lot in helping me completing my assignment. Her
hard work in delivering lots of useful knowledge to my friends and me in the class for this
semester would never be in vain. I could say that Madam Rozita had put so much effort
especially when it comes to her lecture hour. I really love when it comes to Madam Rozita
lecture. I find that she has her own way in delivering knowledge because the way she
demonstrates things to my friends and I is not the same as other lecturers. Whenever Madam
Rozita was giving her lecture, I will always have a pen and a paper on my table just to jot down
important key words that she suggested during her lecture. This is mainly because I feel so
interested and eager to listen to her lecture. Her clear voice, her language, he eye-contact, and
her body language makes me feel so close with her. Besides that, we will also have some sort
of discussion on our assignments and tasks. Madam Rozita did her part in explaining things that
we do not understand and commenting on our drafts of our assignments. I really appreciate all
the positive and negative comments that she gave. I take all the comments as the opportunity
for me to learn to be more effective in teaching my pupils in future.
Before we perform our play we had to undergo a few preliminary process. Such as, the
process of selecting, process of adapting and last but not least process of performing. It is
essential and vital for us to be fully prepared before performing our play. All the important
aspects need to be considered before we could perform the play. This is to prevent any
unwanted incidents to happen and befall on us. In the midst of selecting the script to be used for
our group play, we had a minor setback. There are so many good script to choose from, each
and every one of our group members script have their own strong qualities. It took us quite a
while to pick the most suitable and appropriate script to be used for our group play.
In the selecting and adapting process, we have a few stories that are in our list. First, it
was Cinderella, but then when we heard other group already taken the story, we changed it
into Hansel & Gretel. But then, we also heard that the second group already took it, so
changed it once more again into another stories. One of our group member suggest that
Wizard Of Oz because it contains a very good moral value as it goes chapter by chapter.
Every character in that stories play a very clear good behavior and their characteristics can be
read by the students very well. Thus, we finally choose Wizard Of Oz.
Kamel Hafiz, our director had asked us to bring a few types of Wizard of Ozs scripts,
either its the original one or it has been adapted into a new version.All of us has been given
sometime to make a research, and to find the scripts. We choose one day to read through all
the scripts that we had found. We highlighted the keypoints and importance sentence in the
story. The scripts that we have found are very long and there are so many unnecessary
additional scenes that we think is not important to the story. Thus, we cut them all. We make the
scripts shorter, easier in the language level and we make the scripts more alive for children.
Selection and adaptation process may seems as a very simple and easy task to do, but
for me, it requires focus and details. The tools of the storyteller are so deceptively simple and so
basically human that storytelling is often neglected as a way of teaching listening and talking. It
is, however, a powerful way for children to listen to and use spoken language (Ralston, 1993;
Roney, 1989). Its also a wonderful way to share traditional literature and stories of the past,
whether historical events or even personal life stories perhaps yours or your students.
When we as teachers choose stories or ready-made plays, we need to be aware of why we are
using them at all. We need to know what the educational purpose is that we are endeavoring to

Tapping into this natural interest in drama play can give educators a way of providing
students of any age with an enjoyable learning experience through which they not only gain
knowledge but develop many life skills. For example, drama play provides the opportunity to
hone the skill of co-operation. Learning to cope with the inevitable differences in opinions and
working styles is of utmost importance if a project is to be successful.

In the drama, I have been selected to play the role of the evil witch (Witch of North) as
on stage, but meanwhile at the backstage, I am the sounds man that plays the most important
role in the drama which is setting up the sounds, music, special effects and the behind stage
narrator. Before staging, I need to revise with the director first to what sounds does he needs,
how loud the volume should the music being played, what is the right time to insert the sounds.
For me, it is not that difficult to find suitable soundtracks and special effects sounds because I
still have those sounds that we use I in our previous Macbeth Dramatization in our semester 2
PPISMP 3 years ago. Luckily, all those soundtracks are still in a good condition in my computer.
Theres only a few sound effects that I have to downloads from the internet. Although it seems
to be a very easy task, but, I spend a lot of hours on making a complete and satisfying sound
system. I go through every music and sounds and I cut the unnecessary song. The most
challenging part for me is that, when Im downloading too much songs and sound effects from
the internet, my computer becomes corrupted and a few files were missing. I need to download
them all again and all of this really put me in stress because the dramatization will be staged in
less than 48 hours. But Alhamdulillah, everything goes well although not having not enough
rest. I learnt that I should have a backup plan. For example, I should transfer all the important
files into my external hard disk.
I am very satisfied with the process of staging our drama. Maybe we already have a lot
of practice nights and days. My friends also play their role very efficiently and I am so proud of
them. They are doing their best, all out and the improved a lot than what we had during our
practiced. Only a few minor error errors that was caused by my computer occurs. A sudden
hang by the computers really spoil the scene. I know it is beyond our expectations, but I think
next time we should have two computers to manage the sound system. Maybe we also should
have someone with a better computer to set up the sound system. My computer is not well
enough and it was so old to perform better and to run things efficiently. To my team mates, Im
sorry for the inconvenience.
I believe strongly that our group had done the best, especially with our props and
costumes. All of us are not very creative enough to draw or to create the props, but we still have
our efforts on findings the real pros and costumes. We bought our costumes at one of the
famous bundle shop in Kangar. We try to get it real by combining and mix and match it with
what we already have. This is due to the budget limitation in our groups. We dont want to spend
a lot in costumes as we need to spend a lot in make ups. I swear, our make ups costs a lot
because every character need make up.

Working with my friends in order to settle our drama, I realized a few things. The most
important thing is that we have to have a very good relationship and there should be no
miscommunications, misunderstandings, and cooperative is still the key point. When a person is
so down and demotivated, believing he cannot do the play, the others should play the role. We
must support and motivates him. This is a big group work task that really need mutual
At the end of the day, I had gained so many inputs while completing this assignment. I
had learned many useful acting skills and how to plan and prepare a play and also performing it
on stage. Working in a big group had taught me to be more cooperative and to contribute all my
efforts and give full commitment when working as a group, to achieve great results and
outcome. I learned how to be more patience and selfless, put the group needs before me in
order to complete the objective of the assignment. All of this experience will benefit me in the
near future and I surely will cherish all the moments we shared together in completing this

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