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Classroom Management Checklist

Teacher _______________________________ Grade/Subject ________

In Place Status Essential Practices
Full Partial Not
Classroom Management
1. 5 to 1 positive to negative interactions (# observed
# ositive # !egative
". #lassroo$ rules % e&pectations are posted' taught
directl(' practiced' % positivel( rein)orced.
*. +))icient transition procedures taught' practiced' %
positivel( rein)orced.
a. +ntering #lassroo$ , !
b. -ining up , !
c. #hanging activities , !
d. +&iting #lassroo$ , !
.. T(pical classroo$ routines taught directl(' practiced %
positivel( rein)orced.
a. Start o) da( , !
b. Group /or0 , !
c. 1ndependent Seat /or0 , !
e. 2btaining $aterials , !
). See0ing help , !
g. +nd o) da( , !
5. 3ttention getting cue/rule taught directl(' practiced' %
positivel( rein)orced.
4. #ontinuous active supervision across settings %
activities' including $oving throughout setting %
5. 6es0s/ roo$ arranged so that all students are easil(
accessible b( the teacher.
7. !ecessar( $aterials and supplies are accessible to
students in an orderl( )ashion.
8. 9inor proble$ behaviors $anaged positivel('
consistentl( % :uic0l(.
1;. #hronic proble$ behaviors anticipated %
11. Students are provided with activities to engage in i)
the( co$plete wor0 be)ore other students in the class.
Instructional Management
1. 9ajorit( o) ti$e allocated % scheduled )or instruction.
". 3llocated instructional ti$e involves active acade$ic
engage$ent with :uic0 paced instruction.
*. 3s0s clear :uestions and provides clear directions o)
.. 3ctive acade$ic engage$ent results in high rates o)
student success (8;< =).
5. 3ctivel( involves all/ $ajorit( o) students in lesson' this
includes providing activities/instruction to students o)
var(ing s0ill levels
4. 1nstructional activities lin0ed directl( to $easurable
short % long ter$ acade$ic outco$es.

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