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Class : 2013-2014 ACADEMIC YEAR

5th Grade English Wr!sheet
"A#E $O - E%er&ises
Circle the correct options
1. When you make pizza, you ___ have some pizza sauce.
have to has to don't have to doesn't have to
2. You also ___ have some cheese on top of the pizza.
have to has to don't have to doesn't have to
3. You ___ have peppers on your pizza, but you can if you want to.
have to has to don't have to doesn't have to
4. !oo" pizza ___ taste !oo".
have to has to don't have to doesn't have to
#. $o, you ___ choose the pizza toppin!s that you like best.
have to has to don't have to doesn't have to
%. &ersonally, ' love tomatoes, so ' always ___ have tomatoes on my pizza(
have to has to don't have to doesn't have to
). You ___ make your own pizza, you can buy a pizza from a pizza shop if you want to.
have to has to don't have to doesn't have to
*. &izza tastes best when it+s hot, but you ___ eat hot pizza. You can eat it col" too.
have to has to don't have to doesn't have to
,. -he secretary ___ know how to type.
have to has to don't have to doesn't have to
1.. secretary ___ be a woman. -he secretary can be a man.
have to has to don't have to doesn't have to
11. ___ the secretary ___ work $atur"ays/
Do / have to Does / have to Do / has to Does / has to
12. 0o, he1she ___ !o to work on satur"ays.
have to has to don't have to doesn't have to
13. -he secretary also ___ answer the company+s phones....
have to has to don't have to doesn't have to
14." he1she ___ file reports every week.
have to has to don't have to doesn't have to
1#. ___ the secretary ___ use a computer/
Do / have to Does / have to Do / has to Does / has to
1%. Yes, 2e or she ___ use a computer.
have to has to don't have to doesn't have to
1). &eople ___ eat foo" to stay alive.
have to has to don't have to doesn't have to
1*. &eople ___ eat pizza an" can"y to stay alive. -hey can choose healthy foo".
have to has to don't have to doesn't have to
1,. person ___ "rink water to stay alive.
have to has to don't have to doesn't have to
2.. person ___ smoke ci!arettes to stay alive.
have to has to don't have to doesn't have to

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