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Instituto Nacional

Guideline for the Project

Describing someone by using adjectives

Monitors name:_______________________________________ Group:____________
Teacher: Hall Yahaira

Objctive: The following Project is intended to input a series of phrases and words useful to start
conversations in English. The elaboration of such oral exposition is the final result after a series of
practices by using the vocabulary enlisted about adjectives.

The teamwork must do the following activities:
1. Choose a topic to perform an audio: a)interview about How to describe someone
b) a blind date
2. Think about the content of the conversation, by using many of the descriptive words taught
In class, and by watching the videos available at:

3.The group can take details from the videos: settings such as: on the street
At school
In the park
Any other creative place

4. Before uploading the video of what the group finally did as the montly test The group must
also prepare one of the follolwing tools : a movie maker, my collage or a singsmith. (softwares are
available in the section Resources at the teachers website.

5. After the group upload their video, they must turn in the two rubrics posted in the section:
Project of Audio: rubric # 1: Read and discuss the Teachers evaluation of the video uploaded
Rubric # 2: Fill and turn in the collaborative Work Skills rubric


Before starting to design the video, students must downoad rubric #1 about the guideline of the
project: Guideline for project.docx rubric 1

During the elaboration of the Project, the monitor must observe every detail of the performance
of the group to complete the rubric about how the group developed its performance. The use of
this rubric will help the students for further works.
Rubric of the Collaborative Work Skills.docx rubric 2

The group must also discuss previous the elaboration of the Project, the criteria for the evaluation

Rubric for the evaluation of the video.docx rubric 3

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