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"Beneath the armour of skin

and bone and mind, most of

our colors are amazingly the

"Our flag is red, white, and
blue, but our nation is a
rainbow, red, yellow,
browns, black and white-
and we're all precious in
Gods sight."
-Jesse Jackson
About the Author
Daniela is a current student at the
University of Texas at El Paso. She
currently is a 1311 student and a
multicultural education researcher.
As an education major and a future
educator, Daniela believes it is very
important to have equality and
diversity for every student in the
Contact Daniela
Phone: (915)630-2792

Multicultural education refers to any
form of education or teaching that
incorporates the histories, texts, values,
beliefs, and perspectives of people from
different cultural backgrounds. It is
being able to work with and be
accepting to diversity in the classroom.
Why is Multicultural
Education Important?
It is important to create more
multicultural acceptable schools
because it is imporant to get students
to be more diverse and accepting of
others. Schools are growing with
students that come from very different
backgrounds and we have to teach our
children about those backgrounds and
their people. Although many are
against multicultural education, it is
important to remember the kids. Being
accepting of multicultural education is
to their benefit.
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Call To Action
The graph shows how 40% of students are
excluded for no reason at all. Many schools
claim to be open to multicultural
education but do nothing to help their
students come together regardless of their
differences. Seeing how many students are
studying in a country outside their own, it
is important to have equality for every
single student. It is important to get
involved and teach students from a young
age to be accepting of one another and all
their differences. Working with others
different than yourself is something you do
in your everyday life, it is important for
students to learn that quality at a young
age . It is also important to teach students
about the difference in religions,
ethnicities, and culture's. It gives every
student the opportunity to learn about one
another and express what is different
themselves. It is important to set the
example for students and get involved by
teaching students these qualities.

What is Multicultural
Table 2.Reasons why migrant children are group-excluded.

Reasons for exclusion
Ratio (%)
Because mother is a foreigner
No particular reason
Difficulties in communication
Differences in terms of attitudes or actions
Being rude

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