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with: Victoria, Mallory, and Isabella

Our Original Tower Designs
My drawing (Victoria)

Partners drawing (Mallory)

Partners drawing (Isabella)

Our Tower : Before
Positive Features
The tower is very sturdy it can hold
the weight of the sandbags
The tower followed all of the rules

Getting the tower to stand straight-
Figuring out the exact mathematical
calculations for the tower

Drawing of your tower

Photo of you tower (with team members in it)

Our Tower: After
How many sand bags did it hold?
What wave made your tower fall?
P-Wave (first shake)

What actually made it fall?
Not enough tape, not a big enough base

What could you have done differently?
Built a bigger base, used more tape

Drawing of your tower AFTER!

Photos of your tower AFTER!

Jordan, Cole, Katelyn
Positive Features
Beautiful design
Great use of popsicle sticks for side

No place for Grandpa Bill
Tower not tall enough

Drawing of the tower

Photos of the tower

Jon, Soumi, and Cerah
Positive Features
Good base
Stayed together for a LONG time

It fell apart a little at a time
It broke a lot while the were building

Drawing of the tower

Photos of the tower

Max S., Jack, and Joseph
Positive Features
Sturdy base
Well-designed structure with the
diamond shapes

It went from big to small to fast
Base was too close to being too big

Drawing of the tower

Photos of the tower

Earthquake in the Greater Los Angeles
12:00 a.m. on 3/4/14
Greater Los Angeles Area
About 2100 km away from Wichita
2.7/can be detected by seismograph/can be felt at the epicenter
Many small earthquakes there because it is on the edge of a plate

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