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Sheikh Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi Criticizes Fatah and Calls to Donate Money to the Hamas

Following are excerpts from a Friday sermon delivered by Sheikh Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi, aired on
Qatar TV on April 21, 2006
Sheikh Yousuf Al- Qaradhawi: !srael makes threats" #he $"S" makes threats and %oycotts
&Hamas'( and so does the )"$" """ $nfortunately( amon* the +alestinian factions( some ,oin those
who are hostile to the +alestinian -eo-le and its choice"
! remind them - and es-ecially our %rothers in Fatah( who are ery -owerful and many""" ! remind
them of their !slamic reli*ious roots( which were %ased on resistance and .ihad from day one" #hey
announced their motto/ 01eolution until ictory"0 ! remind A%u Mazen of his oath to Allah from
day one - 1eolution until ictory" ! remind them of this" All the attem-ts to reach what they call
-eace( %ut is in fact surrender( are com-letely futile( and will not *et them the sli*htest thin*"
#he +alestinian -eo-le has sacrificed its %lood" !t has easily sacrificed its souls( for the sake of its
cause( its reli*ion( and its homeland" Should we not *ie them money2
#he .ews throu*hout the world - des-ite their well-known stin*iness( miserliness( and selfishness(
and des-ite their worshi- of *old""" #he .ews contri%uted *enerously to the .ewish state( %efore and
after its esta%lishment( and they are still contri%utin* to this day" Shouldn3t the Ara%s and Muslims
contri%ute for their sacred cause2
Accordin* to !slam( any land inaded %y the enemy( een if it is only a small -iece of land - it is the
duty of its -eo-le to defend it" !f they cannot or are remiss in this( it %ecomes the duty of their
nei*h%ors - and so on( until it includes all the Muslims of the world" ! %eliee that the Muslims
throu*hout the world hae %ecome res-onsi%le for the li%eration of +alestine and Al-A4sa Mos4ue"

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