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Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi Justifies the Killing of Israeli Women and Children in Suicide

Following are excerpts from a speech given by Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi, which aired on Iqra
TV on March 12, 2!"
Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi: his international terrorism! we keep hearing a"out! which is led "#
America - we re$ect all these forms of terrorism% We accept onl# Jihad and resistance to restore the
rights! the lands! and the hol# places%
Some people call this terrorism% America! its allies! and its satellites want to present an# t#pe of
resistance as terrorism% Our "rothers in &alestine are the first among these 'terrorists%' he# are
defending their land! their honor! and their hol# places! so how can the# "e terrorists( )i*ine laws!
international laws! moral *alues! and e*en the laws of nature itself%%%
According to Allah+s creation! when a foreign o"$ect enters the human "od#! Allah mo"ili,es a
special arm# inside the "od# to e-pel these foreign o"$ects% his is the nature of Allah+s creation% So
how can the# "e considered terrorists(
Sharon and his criminal gang are not considered terrorists! and .the Americans/ displa#
understanding to their positions! sa#ing that the# are defending themsel*es! while the &alestinian
positions are not understood% he# are the ones who are considered terrorists! and whoe*er supports
them! defends them! or stands "# them is considered a terrorist $ust like them%
I am a terrorist! and so are )r% +Amara! Sheik Ku"eisi! and )r% Al-0ashir% We are all terrorists!
"ecause we sa# the# ha*e a right to self defense! and "ecause we permit these mart#rdom-seeking
operations! and call them 'mart#rdom-seeking' operations! and re$ect those who call them suicide
operations! "ecause the# are an#thing "ut suicide% he# ha*e the right to defend themsel*es%
At times! a woman or child ma# "e hurt% 1irst of all! in Israeli societ#! e*en women are recruited to
the arm#% Israeli societ# is militaristic to the core% 2en and women are recruited! either to the
regular arm# or as reser*ists% If children are hurt! the# are hurt unintentionall#% hese are necessities
of war%

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