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According to CNN, India had a 12% literacy rate from 1947, and has gone up over

the years to 74% which is still well below the average. While China has a literacy
rate if 96% and a youth literacy rate of 99.6%. One of the main factors contributing
to this relatively low literacy rate is the lack of proper school facilities as well as the
sheer inefficiency of teaching staff across the government run education sector.
There is a shortage of classrooms to accommodate all the students in 20062007.

According to Ebscohost, In addition, there is no proper sanitation in most schools.
The study of 188 government-run primary schools in central and northern India
revealed that 59% of the schools had no drinking water facility and 89% no toilets.
Why would loving parents let their children go to school when they arent getting
the care that they need.

According to Brittanicas Article on China, China mainly focuses on Science in their
schools and a much higher quality in Cities than rural areas. All education is free in
China, except for higher Education, like America. Science is an extremely important
subject for moving into the future, so that gives China the advantage when looking at
potential to innovate.

According to the Facts on File news archives, a newspaper in 1944 stated that China
is enlarging their school systems to 1 public school per every 100 households. Since
this happened such a long time ago, it is clear that they have been doing this for a
long time.

1. Harry Education
2. Christine Gender Roles
3. Jake Education Sanitation
4. Greg Health
5. Maddie GDP
6. Megan Foreign Investments

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