The Drama That Happens If Malay Folktale Characters Were Reincarnated

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Time: Sultans Era
Introduction of the Historical Character in the Sultans Era
(spotlight for individual characters)
1. Tanggangs Mother: Oh dear Son!

2. Tanggang: Mother! (quickly cups his mouth)

(Tanggangs wife walks in)

3. Tanggangs Wife: Who is that old wretched lady? (Looks at the mother) Son? (looks at
tanggang) Honey, I thought you said your mother was dead, surely she must be mistaken.
(lights, fade out and fade in, insert sound effect to mark transition).

4. Badang: Who am I? Who am I? Im Badang, the one who made a deal with the devil!

.(lights, fade out and fade in, insert sound effect to mark transition)..

5. Putri Gunung Ledang : .and the 7
condition a bowl of your sons blood, tuanku.

.(lights, fade out and fade in, insert sound effect to mark transition)..

6. Bawang Putih: Pohon beringin.
Humming the Pohon Beringin song beautifully and cheerfully.

7. Bawang Merah : Pohon beringin
Humming the Pohon Beringin song, but sound terribly bad.

(Lights Fade out ) (Insert sound effect)
Transition: Reincarnation of the characters to modern era.
....Fast Forward to Modern Era.



Introduction of the reincarnated characters
Time: Modern Era
Setting: Airport, gate R3 waiting room.
A stewardess stands behind a ticket booth positioned before a line-up of chairs. Tanggang, Badang,
and Putri Gunung Ledang wait in line to pass through the ticket booth with their luggage bags.
Recorded voice: (The KLIA bell rings),
Attention to all passengers boarding flight R2H, flight R2H to Kuantan, Malaysia, the departure gate
has been changed from Gate A5 to Gate R3. Thank you
(Chinese version)
(Tamil version)

Scene 1
Stewardess: Your ticket and passport please sir.
(Tanggang hands in his documents)
(reads passport) Good Evening Mr. Tanggang!
Tanggang: Its Donald Tanggang, so please call me Donald. Im best friends with Donald Trump, you
Stewardess: Right, of course. May I know why you are visiting Malaysia, Kuantan to be precise?
Tanggang: My visit is purely business, really, Ill be closing a business deal with a local company
down in Kuantan.
Stewardess: Owh! Good Luck on your business then.
Tanggang: (Leaned in, in a flirty manner to whisper) Even better, wish me luck that I dont get cursed
by some old women.
Stewardess: (by now very irritated, she yells) NEXT!.
(as Tanggang was about to leave the counter. Li Po, his wife, enters the stage and immediately cuts
the long queue to reach all the way to the front)

Li Po: Honey!, Honey! (bumps her bag wildly into people to make her way through) Im here. You
shouldve waited for me to finish my coffee, you know I cant get on a plane without my cup of
(Tanggang just ignores her and took a seat)
(Turns her attention to stewardess, and widened her eyes)
Li Po: Were you talking to my husband!
Stewardess: Yes Madame, Your ticket and passport please.
Li Po: Oh right!
(Smiles sheepishly, and hands over her documents to Merah)
Stewardess: Chinas Passport, Welcome Madame Li Po.
Li Po: Im watching you (gestures two fingers pointing to the eyes).
Stewardess: Have a nice trip, then.
Stewardess: Ticket and Passport please sir! (looks at passport) Good Evening Mr. Bad Ang!
Badang: Evening Ladies.
Stewardess: May I know the nature of your visit to Malaysia?
Badang: Visiting an old friend. By the way, is there any chance you can get me seated on the plane
right, now, I really hate waiting in this waiting room, Ill give you a good 5 digit American bucks if you
can arrange that for me now. (takes out a cheque note)
Stewardess: Im sorry sir, No, that is not possible. We have a no-gift policy. Enjoy your visit sir,
thank you.
Badang: No problem, more money for me.
Stewardess: Your ticket and passport please, (looks at passport), Welcome Miss Ledang! You are
from Indonesia. May I know the nature of your visit?
PGL: Im here for a holiday, Ive lived in the mountains for far too long. I heard the beach in Telok
Cempedak is beautiful.
Stewardess: hahahha, enjoy your holiday then Miss Ledang.
(The stewardess returns backstage, to change costumes into Tanggangs mother)

Scene 2
Li Po: Your favourite coffee, a venti Iced non-fat, caramel late.
Tanggang: Thanks.
As soon all the passengers were seated, they all simultaneously, took out their electronic devices
(hp, ipods, mp3s, tablets, ipads).
Suddenly all the electronic devices went haywired, signal was lost. Everyone gestured their devices
up trying to search for a signal.
Suddenly, different type of ringtones were blaring all at once all the devices phone, tablets, ipads
were all ringing at once.
(A sound effect of the whole room locked down from all four corners) *can be retrieved from the
closing down of a shops grill*
All passengers simultaneously look from each four corners to the source of the sound and realized
themselves locked in the room.
As soon as the lights were back on, all the passengers read their incoming message together.
(read in ascending volume order)
Lights fade in and fade out quickly twice. Characters freeze.

Merah and Putih: (walks to centre front of the stage, hands folded to their waist) Welcome to the
gate of Retribution.
Both girls gave a curt bow to the audience, they both then look at each other in the eye, snared, and
walked towards opposite end of the stage.

Scene 3
Tanggang: Were trap, all the doors are locked.
Li Po: Trap? What do we do? What do we do? Honey what do we do? (Starts sobbing in front of
Tanggang) I dont wanna die yet, Im too young to die. Im too beautiful to die. Noooo!(Screams
Badang: Get a grip people! First, shouldnt we figure out whats happening here. Think!
PGL: Why is this happeningLets look at the possibilities here. Terrorist attack? A government
Badang: Forget about that! Finding someone to blame is not going to help us out of this mess.
Tanggang: Maybe the clue is in the message, Maybe thats the key to getting us out of here?
PGL: What did the message say Who do you really love? Maybe If we honestly answer the
question, they will let us out?
Badang: Now you are using your head.
PGL: Who do I really love?
(PGL takes a step front stage, other characters freeze)
PGL: I used to love a man, by the name of Tuah, but he loved another man, Datuk Mahmud, his
boss. Tuah respects his boss and loved his work more than anybody else to the point that there was
just no room for me. All these while, I had been patiently waiting for Tuahs proposal, but instead it
was his boss, Datuk Mahmud who proposed to me. Can you believe that!
Merah: If you cant have Tuah, nobody should. Curse him, lets hope he never gets married to
anybody. As for Mahmud, he deserves to pay for your lost love.
PGL: Hes promised me the stars and the moon. Its true he had all these legit papers saying they will
name a star after my name. My name! (Laughs) What do I need that for? The only thing Id love to
have now is REVENGE on both of them, wasted my youth waiting for Tuah only to have that dream
crumpled by some idiot Datuk Mahmud.
Merah: If he can promise you the stars and the moon, he can surely give you more than that.
Putih: (Profusely shakes her head) No, Dont!
PGL: In that case what should I ask him as my dowry.
Merah: Give him a list of 7 things impossible things for him to do to prove his love for you.
Putih: Do you seriously want to marry that Datuk for revenge, hes already an idiot, dont be an idiot
yourself! Revenge is not what you should be seeking, youll only hurt yourself more.

Merah: You know you want revenge, come with me (gestured her pointing fingers to herself)
(PGL exits the stage with Merah, Putih exits the other way)

Scene 4
(the other characters unfreezes to realize that PGL is missing)
Li Po: Shes gone! That lady just now, she was just beside me now shes gone!
Tanggang: Maybe she failed to answer the question.
Badang: or maybe she managed to answer the question, thats how she got out. What was the
question again? This is so stupid. Who do I love?
(Badang takes a step front stage, other characters freeze, Merah and Putih makes an entrance)
Badang: I love myself & I love my money. There Ive said it. You happy?
Putih: At least hes honest.
Merah: Thats true.
Badang: What do you want from me? Come on, Ive answered your question. Now, will somebody
please get me out of here. Okey, look, Let me talk to your superiors. Ive got loads of money, Ill be
sure to pay you well if you can just get me out of here. If not, at least let me make a phone call, only
then can I transfer the money to you. Somebody! Anybody!
Merah: True to the end, always bribing your way out of trouble. You wanna make a deal with the
devil, Come on!
(Badang exits the stage with Merah, Putih exits the other way)
Scene 5
Li Po: Honey, whats happening? I dont like this, where di d all those people go? (shaking and
Tanggang: Looks like we are running out of time. Those people either managed to find a way out or
they died.
Li Po: Okey, Who do I really love?
Li Po: (takes a step front stage) Thats easy I love you honey! You know that, dont you Honey! Ive
never lied to you, You love me too right? Tell me!
(As Tanggang takes a step to the front stage, Li Po freezes in character)

(Merah and Putih enters stage)
Tanggang: Who do I really love?
Merah: Yes Tanggang, who do you really love? (Orbits and Stares at the frozen Li Po)
Tanggang: (looks at the frozen Li Po) Its true shes been nothing but loyal to me. Its not that I
wanted to lie to her, its just that Ive missed the timing to tell her. Now every time she tells me she
loves me, I hate her more. I hate myself.
Tanggang: (takes out a hidden picture in his wallet to stare at it)
Putih: The question you should be asking is, Who deserves your love the most? Shouldnt that be
your mother?
(Mother enters stage on the right side and stands parallel to Tanggang and Li Po).
Tanggang: Mother!
(gestures a stabbing pain to the heart)
Putih: Now is the time to tell your wife about your mother.
Merah: But the question is, how do you explain yourself? She thinks you mother is dead. Will your
wife still love you when she knows you lied about your mother?
Putih: If she loves you enough surely she will accept your mother in her life.
Merah: But dont forget, theres a status difference, you know.
Putih: Your finally coming back home after so many years, shes probably waiting for you at KLIA
already. You cant possibly avoid meeting your mother after all that she has sacrificed for you. You
owe it to her for being where you are right now.
Merah: What will happen to your business then if she leaves you and your father-in-law stop his
funds. Think carefully Tanggang.
Putih: Nothing good ever comes from abandoning your mother. You are better than that. Just
because you choose your mother doesnt mean you are abandoning your wife.
Tanggang: I dont know, I dont know who I love anymore.
(Lights out)


Scene 6
(KLIA bell rings. Last call to passengers boarding flight R2H, flight R2H to Kuantan, Malaysia is ready
for boarding)
Li Po: Honey, Honey, wake up! Wake up! Were the only ones left here.
Tanggang: (immediately wakes up) Theres something I need to tell you, Ive been meaning to tell
you this.. I., I, I..
Li Po: What?
Tanggang: I love you.
Li Po: aahhh! Thats so sweet, you havent said that in 3 years, 5 months, and 3 days 5 hours and 33
second. Thank you. Lets go we are late, we need to get on the plane. The beach is calling. Any later
we will be cursed to stones at Telok Cempedak beach!
(Li Po and Tanggang exits stage)
All the Characters come out the stage and their last bow.

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