Bullying in Schools: by Bailey Manson

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Bullying in Schools

By Bailey Manson
With a Show of Hands…
 How many of you like vegetables? It can be any
vegetable—carrots, peas, green beans, corn,
asparagus, spinach. Any of those and more.
 Now, how many of you like the last two:
asparagus or spinach?
 You probably noticed that a lot of hands went
down, but a few of them stayed up. I want
those hands that are still up to stand up.
 Look around you. You are different than every other
person in the world, and those that are standing up
are different than the others in the classroom. Don’t
feel bad, you are not weird, you are not odd. You are
simply unique. You are different and you should
applaud yourself for that. You are willing to show
that you are unique and your own person. You know
who you are and are proud of yourself.
What Would You Do If…
 What would you do if someone made fun
of you because you like different things
than the others? Would you run? Cry? Or
would you simply ignore it? Everyone
reacts differently, but no matter how you
do, you know you will probably still be
made fun of. Think about how that would
or already has made you feel. Not to
happy, huh?
Volunteer Time!
 I am going to need
a volunteer for the
next bit, do I see
any hands?

 Scary, huh?
Now, for the Moment
We’ve All Been Waiting
 Now, whoever you are (Just kidding) I
want you to punch me on the arm. Go
ahead, you wont get in trouble, I
promise. Give it your best shot.
 *silence*
 *more silence*
 *even more silence…*
 How many of you found that
 *All raise hands*

 Now, how many of you want to be

on my side of the punch?
 *All hands go down*
 Everyone has feelings, as hard as it seems
to believe, and you shouldn’t crush them.
By doing so, you are just hurting yourself
in the process, and getting ride of another
good soul that could help this world. When
you bully someone—whether it’s physical
or not—you just increase the chance of
that person becoming a bully. Most all
bullies are people who were bullied
themselves some point in their life.
My turn’s over!!!
 Yeah, yeah, I know what your
thinking. AWWW, Bailey is gone…
yeah. Well, say hello to
 *shudders and moves away*
The bully

PowerPoint by Georgia brown

Ways to stop bullying
 Avoid the person bullying you
 Ask for help from a teacher or parent
 Travel with a group so the bully will most
likely not go near you
Places to go for more info on
bullying and how to get help
 http://kidshealth.org/kid/feeling/emotion/b
 http://middle-school-life.suite101.com/arti

 www.stopbullyingnow.com
Were I got my info
Georgia’s time is over!
 YAYYY!!!
 Now say hello to Chris!!

 *crickets chirp*
Why kids are bullies

Read on to see why kids bully

others around them.
Why kids might bully
 He might be different then the other
kids or a kid that might have problems
with their temper.
 Kids that bully are generally aggressive
at a young age and they get a rise out of
other kids.
 Some kids might be a bully if they have
gotten bullied some time in there life.
 Bullies usually go
after kids that are
,friendless ,or
 Okay, now I’m bored. Who agrees?
 That’s what I thought.


What is bullying?
 Name-calling, gossiping
and more.
 Some is physical violence

and attacks.
 The last one is Extortion or

stealing of money.
What to look for!
 A change in attitude, eating or
sleeping habits.
 Lowered self-esteem

 Unexplained injuries and bruises

 Fear of doing after school programs

What parents can do to
 They can talk to their kids about
 Ask if they know any bulling at

their school.
•Help around the school to
make sure your kid is safe.
 TIFFANY TIME!!! w00t!

By: Tiffany Easley

The types of bulling
There are many different types of bullying.
 Physically There is physical bullying, mental bullying,
 Emotionally emotional bullying, and cyber bullying. These
types of bullying are always occurring
 Cyber somewhere even if u don’t see it. These are
the main types that usually happen the most
and sometimes the types of bullying go to far.
Physical bullying

Physical bullying is happening everyday somewhere.

In almost every case the victim doesn’t speak out
because their afraid that the bullying will get worse.
So the bullying goes on and effects a lot of children
and students. Physical bullying is when people use
the fists or push around other people. Kids the are
being victimized by bullies don’t always speak out do
to the fear of the bullying getting worse.
Emotional bullying

Emotional bullying is just

one of the many types of
bullying. Everyday certain
teens wake up afraid to go
to school or to even walk
out of their house. Millions
of students are having a
problem with bullying. The
parents, teachers, and
other adults are worried
even if they don’t see it
occurring, but they know
how extreme bullying can
 AWWWW!!!!

 Oh, well. Who wants to do

something fun before we leave?

 Awesome.
One more slide…
 Don’t be shy for this next part, GET UP

 w00t!! DANCING!!!

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