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Lesson Plan

Lesson Topic/Focus: Chameleon Date: 17 /06/13

VELS Domain(s): Sci ence Grade(s)/Year Level(s):
VELS Dimension(s): Science Inquiry Skills Duration of Lesson:
15 min
Standard(s)/Learni ng Outcome(s):
- Students will learn about what a chameleon is, learn about their habi tats, diets and some
other special features about chameleons
- Students will be able to tell what a chameleon i,
- Students will be abl e to list what a chameleon lool<s li ke
- Student will be abl e to list what kinds of foods chamel eon eats
- Students will be abl e to know where chameleon lives
- Students are able to descri be and wri te a sentence or two about chameleons, what a
chameleon looks li ke, the habitats and features on a chameleon
- If students can use the information giving and use a report format and list the facts about
Teaching Focus for Pre-service Teacher:
a) A pre-service teacher's focus teachi ng ski ll for observation by the associate teacher.
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b) Teaching ski lls that the pre-service teacher would like to personall y develop (selected
with the associate teacher).
- Time management
- Having a cl ear, loud voices
- Giving clear instructi ons and expl anati ons
Background to t he learning:
a) References for Teacher background.
httQ://twistedsifter. com/2012111 /ten-t h nt-know-about-chameleon s/
htt12://www.findfast. org/facts-about-chameleons. htm
1 . html
b) Identify pupils' current knowledge.
Lesson Resources:
- Whi te board
- Different websites on facts about chameleons.
- "The mi xed up Ct1ameleon" by Eric Carte
Content of Lesson:
Int roduction: 5 Mi nutes
Discuss and ask students where what they know about chameleon? If they have seen one
Go through the PowerPoint about the chameleon ( Get Students to read each slides or
teacher read)
Development: 10 Minutes
Write and discuss i n dot points on white board:
Step 1: what a chameleon is?
Step 2: what a chameleon looks li ke? What are some features of a chameleon
Step 3: where does chamel eon li ve? Where do we find them?
Step 4: what are some foods the chameleon eats?
Step 5: Special features or information
Consolidation and Practice 5-1 O Minutes
Students are to copy and write in their writing book about the things that they have learnt
using dot points or in full sentences and list the different things we discussed about
chameleons ( looks li ke, eats li ves and other special features)
Earl y Finishes- extension activities
- Draw a picture of chameleon in its habitat.
Ask student to share what they learnt today or found interesting about chamel eons?
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Post Lesson Review and Evaluation:
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Teacher Effectiveness:
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