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April 11, 2014

To Catie Holkers SDA Portfolio Committee:

It has been an honor and a privilege to get to know Catie over the past two years. We have
taken several classes together, been partners for group and community work, and grown to love the
same functional area of this field. Catie has also become my confidantthe person I turned to the most
during my time in the program. It meant a lot to me when she asked that I write this letter because I
cannot say enough about Caties talents, tenacity, compassion, and work ethic. She was meant to be at
Seattle Universityshe is a person with and for others. I have not just observed this; I, too, have been
strengthened through her ability to challenge others in their development.
When Catie and I first met, she authentically shared her doubts about choosing this career path.
We bonded over our lack of awareness around theories and concepts, but I have come to witness her
growth. She has a knack for deep reflection that evolves into a critique of her self-awareness, and she is
assertive in advocating for her own development. Catie has come to realize what she is most passionate
about in regards to education, and it makes me excited for her future. College access work is something
we both aspire to be a part of, and I believe Catie will be a real change agent in this sector of higher
education. She has flourished at Summer Search and lights up when she talks about the organization. Its
very meaningful work for her, and Catie has also identified how she can be an advocate for
underrepresented populations in other areas such as community colleges and orientation experiences.
I am certain of Caties love for learning since we often end up talking about education even
when we are spending time together outside the classroom. I appreciate her point of view, and she is
quick to give feedback or advice. This past summer, for example, I was writing a research paper over
college access programs and needed some help from someone who knew the topic area. As I was just
mentioning how frustrated I was with the development of the piece, Catie offered to look it over. Hours
later, she sent me a thorough copy with edits, and my paper was much better because of it. In a
separate capacity, and as part of the editorial board for MAGIS: A Student Development Journal, Catie
showcased her values for technical details and rich content. Additionally, for a majority of her time in
the program, Catie worked full time. Her ability to handle the demands of full time academic and
professional endeavors shows her commitment to anything she believes in.
My final words on Catie are this: she is a person who cannot be separated from the professional
she shows up as; this, in my opinion, is something to be admired. She is committed to continually
developing herself as she guides others through their own development, and she brings her whole self
to every encounter she has. I have been greatly impacted by Caties grace and impact, and I cannot wait
to hear of what she contributes to the field. I am thankful graduate school brought us to the same place
so we could grow together in tough but purposeful ways. I am certain Catie will develop relationships
with students and create the same outcome. They will be sure to remember their steadfast advisor and
mentor just like I will be sure to remember my unwavering friend and colleague.

Eden C. Tullis

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