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Fr ench Eur opean Gov er nm ent Bond Mar k

et Br ok er Tec Client List

Bar clay s Bank Plc
BNP Par ibas SA
Cit ir oup Global Markets Ltd
Com m er !bank "G
Cr edit "r icole C# B
Cr edit $uisse Sec. (Europe) Ltd
%ansk e Bank "$
%eut sche Bank AG
Goldm an $achs International Ltd
&$BC France
# NG Bank NV
'e((er ies International Ltd
'P Mor an Sec. Ltd

Mer r ill Ly nch International

Mor an $t anley International Ltd
Nat i) is

Nom ur a International Plc

*oal Bank o! Scotland Plc
Banco $ant ander SA
$cot iabank Europe Ltd
$ociet e Gener ale SA
+B$ Ltd
+nicr edit Bank AG Munic"
Copy r iht , c- # C"P plc ./0#. "ll r iht s r eser v ed1 "ll in(or m at ion cont ained her ein is (or in(or m at ional pur poses only and is t he int ellect ual pr oper t y o( # C"P plc and2 or
one o( it s r oup com panies , 3 # C"P3 - . *edist r ibut ion is pr ohibit ed1 # C"P does not accept any liabilit y (or any loss or dam ae4 ho5 soev er caused4 ar isin (r om any er r or
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Broker$ec Europe Lt d4 # C"P $ecur it ies Lt d 6 # C"P $ecur it ies +$" LLC - London br anch ar e aut hor ised and r eulat ed by t he Fin an cial %onduct "u t h or it y . Broker$ec
Lt d 6 # C"P $ecur it ies Lt d ar e m em ber s o( t he London $t ock E) chane1 For (ur t her r eulat or y in(or m at ion4 please see 5 5 5 1icap1 com .

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