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Large Group Time (Circle Time) Planning Form

Name: Cinco de Mayo Music and Movement Date: May 15, 2014

Length of large group time: 8:20am to 8:40am

Size of group: All children Age of children: 3-5 years old


Activity #1
o First I will
Go over our schedule for today (Daily schedule). We will be looking at the
activities that are planned for today.

o I chose this activity because
Children like being involved in what will happen as well as it will allow them to
think about what will be happening today.

Activity #2
o Next, I will
Introduce music to children.

o I chose this activity because
For children to begin listening and looking at how other children might react to
the music.

Activity #3
o Next, I will
Bring the child made maracas.

o I chose this activity because
Children will be able to put their own music while still dancing as well as
remembering what they have created and what it can be used for.

Transition Activity
o Finally, I will end my circle time and transition the children by
Asking children what they learned today.

o I chose this transition activity because
Children will be able to look back to what we learned and say what they liked and
disliked about the activity.

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