Case Presentation Winter

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Case Presentation Form Assignment

1. Counseling interns name: Lyndsey Hepworth

2. Client/Students first name, age, grade, gender, sexual orientation (if known),
race/ethnicity, religion, economic class (free-reduced lunch), first generation, family
background (parents? Siblings?), and/or other basic relevant demographic
The students name is Student
She is in 10
grade, 15 years old
Sexual orientation is unknown
She is of Hispanic/Latino ethnicity, her first language is Spanish
She is Catholic
She was born in Washington
She does not have an IEP or 504
She is on free-reduced lunch

3. Date session occurred; session number; length of session
Session occurred 2/19 and was about 25 minutes in length. We have met 3 times
in formal counseling sessions and see each other often; she tries to go to MAP
every Monday and Thursday, so we see each other there.

4. Use S.O.A.P. (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan) notes to capture the
presenting issue:
Subjective: Student may be confused or overwhelmed with school options. While
she may be overwhelmed, I am happy she is considering her options and planning
in advance.
Objective: Student was well-groomed during our session and was happy to catch
up with me. She told me her family was coming to Latino Family Night and
about going to see her favorite band perform in March. Her main concern is her
academic plans for next year.
Assessment: The root of her presenting concern is psychological in nature; her
thoughts and planning has led to her confusion about what to do.
o Specific: Check in with student once I learn more about the dental
program at Sno-Isle.
o Measureable: The next time we meet, asking about her current
thoughts about next year and compare them to the baseline of this
session and her wanting to do both Sno-Isles and Running Start.
o Attainable: Yes.
o Realistic: Very realistic and is my job to be well informed.
o Timely: Check in will occur within two weeks. We will do her 4 year
road map and a grad plan.
a. Microlevel: I will be working one-on-one with Student over the remainder of
the year so that she feels comfortable in her decision making.
b. Mesolevel: Continue doing guidance units on options juniors and seniors
c. Macrolevel: Continue to help create a college going culture.

5. What multicultural factors are at play? How multicultural factors influence the client-
counselor relationship?
Family plays a very important role in her life. It is important for me to come from
a place of understanding; knowing that many of her schemas may be rooted from
a family perspective rather then hers alone. As she is my client, I will focus on
her, but understand that her family plays a major role in her life.

6. What counseling theories are you using in this session and what evidence do you have
to support this?
Used solution focused counseling. Focused on her concern and how to alleviate
that concern.
Rogers Person Centered Theory. Throughout the session I used unconditional
positive regard.
Adlers Individual Psychology. I listened to my client explore her thoughts
concerning her academic options.

7. List three things that you did well in the session with the client. List three things that
you can improve on in your session with the client.
I listened to her and let her explain her thought process. I was inquisitive about
her goals after high school as that effects what she should do now. I highlighted
the pros and cons of each programs.
Being more knowledgeable about Sno-Isles vs. Running Start. More open ended
questions. Ask her to do a little more research also and come back with her

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