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Lecia a cincea Lesson Five


Exercise 1 Exerciiul 1

a. Answer the following questions: Who are you? What nationality are you?
Where are you from? Where do you live? What is your job? What language
do you speak?
Rspunde la urmtoarele ntrebri: Cine eti? De unde eti? Unde
locuieti? Ce profesie ai? Ce limbi vorbeti?

I am Minnie. Im a Romanian. Im from Oradea. Oradea is in Romania. Now I
live in England. I am a teacher. I teach French. I also speak Romanian and
Sunt Minnie. Sunt romnc. Sunt din Oradea. Oradea este n Romnia.
Acum locuiesc n Anglia. Sunt profesoar. Predau franceza. Mai vorbesc
romna i engleza.

b. Please, answer the following questions: Who is he/she? What nationality
is he/she? Where is he/she from? Where does he/she live? What is his/her
job? What language does he/she speak? Rspundei, v rog, la urmtoarele
ntrebri: Cine este el/ea? De unde este el/ea? Unde locuiete el/ea? Ce
profesie are el/ea? Ce limbi vorbete el/ea?

He is Jim. He is my friend. He is an Englishman. He is from London. He
lives in London. He is an architect. He speaks both English and French.
El este Jim. Este prietenul meu. Este englez. Este din Londra. Locuiete la
Londra. Este arhitect. Vorbete att engleza ct i franceza.

She is Isabela. She is an Italian. She is from Italy. She lives in Venice. She
is an artist. She speaks Italian, English, Greek, German and Portuguese.
Ea este Isabela. Este italianc. Este din Italia. Locuiete la Veneia. Este
artist. Vorbete italiana, engleza, greaca, germana i portugheza.

He is Boris. He is a Pole. He is from Warsaw, Poland. He lives in Krakow.
He is a doctor. He speaks Polish. He speaks English, too.
El este Boris. Este polonez. Este din Varovia, Polonia. Locuiete n
Cracovia. Este doctor. Vorbete poloneza. Vorbete, de asemenea, engleza.

She is Dolores. She is Spanish. She is from Barcelona. She lives in Spain.
She lives in Madrid. She is a business woman. She speaks Spanish and
Ea este Dolores. Este spaniol. Este din Barcelona. Locuiete n Spania.
St n Madrid. Este om de afaceri. Vorbete spaniola i engleza.

He is Dimitri. He is a Russian. He is from Russia. He lives in Moscow. He is
a pilot. He speaks only Russian.
El este Dimitri. Este rus. Este din Rusia. Locuiete n Moscova. Este pilot.
Vorbete doar rusa.

She is Marie Claire. She is French. She is from France. She lives in Paris.
She is a dancer. She speaks only French.
Ea este Marie Claire. Este franuzoaic. Este din Frana. Locuiete la Paris.
Este dansatoare. Vorbete doar franceza.

He is Ali. He is a Turk. He is from Turkey. He lives in Ankara. He is an
engineer. He speaks Turkish and French.
El este Ali. Este turc. Este din Turcia. Locuiete n Ankara. Este inginer.
Vorbete turca i franceza.

Exercise 2 Exerciiul 2

Put and answer the following questions:
Pune i rspunde la urmtoarele ntrebri:


Does Dolores live in Spain? Yes, she does. / Yes, she lives in Spain.
Dolores locuiete n Spania? Da, locuiete. / Da, ea locuiete n Spania.

Does Boris cure people? Yes, he does. / Yes, he cures people, he is a
doctor. Boris vindec oameni? Da, vindec. Da, el vindec oameni, el este

Does Isabela live in Madrid? No, she doesnt. / No, she doesnt live in
Madrid, she lives in Venice. Isabela locuiete la Madrid? Nu, nu locuiete. /
Nu, ea nu locuiete la Madrid, locuiete la Veneia.

Does Dimitri speak Spanish? No, he doesnt. / No, he doesnt speak
Spanish, he speaks only Russian.
Dimitri vorbete spaniola? Nu, nu vorbete. / Nu, el nu vorbete spaniola,
vorbete doar rusa.

Is Marie Claire a dancer? Yes, she is. / Yes, she is a dancer. Marie Claire
este dansatoare? Da, este. / Da, ea este dansatoare.


Jim isnt a Turk, is he? No, he isnt a Turk, he is an Englishman.
Jim nu este turc, nu-i aa? Nu, nu este turc, este englez.

Marie Claire is French, isnt she? Yes, she is. She is French.
Marie Claire este franuzoaic, nu-i aa? Da, este. Este franuzoaic.

Exercise 3 Exerciiul 3

Repeat the following sentences:
Repet urmtoarele propoziii:

I talk about him. Vorbesc despre el.
You talk about them. Vorbeti despre ei.
He talks about us. Vorbete despre noi.

She talks about me. Vorbete despre mine.
We talk about you. Vorbim despre tine.
You talk about her. Vorbii despre ea.
They talk about you. Vorbesc despre voi.

Exercise 4 Exerciiul 4

Translate into English the following sentences:
Tradu n englez urmtoarele propoziii:

Ce zi este astazi? Astzi este luni.
What day is today? Today is Monday.

Ce anotimp este acesta? Este primvar. Este vremea primverii.
What season is this? This is spring. Its springtime.

Ce lun este aceasta? Este aprilie.
What month is this? This is April.

Ce anotimp este acela? Este var. Este vremea verii.
What season is that? That is summer. Its summertime.

Ce lun este aceea? Este iulie.
What month is that? That is July.

Care sunt lunile de iarn? Decembrie, ianuarie i februarie.
Which are the months of winter? December, January and February.

Care sunt lunile de primvar? Martie, aprilie i mai.
Which are the months of spring? March, April and May.

Care sunt lunile de var? Iunie, iulie i august.
Which are the months of summer? June, July and August.

Care sunt lunile de toamn? Septembrie, octombrie i noiembrie.
Which are the months of autumn? September, October and November.

Exercise 5 Exerciiul 5

Translate into English the following sentences:
Tradu n englez urmtoarele propoziii:

Cum este vremea iarna?
What is the weather like in winter?

Iarna, vremea este rece i ninge. Cerul este mai mult acoperit. Uneori
suntem blocai de viscol.
In winter the weather is cold and its snowing. Most of the time, the sky is
cloudy. Sometimes we are stuck in the blizzard.

Cum este vremea primvara?
What is the weather like in spring?

Uneori, primvara, vremea este frumoas i este cald. Alteori vremea este
rea: vntul bate i cad ploi toreniale.
Sometimes in spring the weather is fine and its warm. Other times the
weather is bad: the wind blows and there are showers.

Cum este vremea vara?
What is the weather like in summer?

Vara, aerul este fierbinte i uscat. Temperatura poate urca pn la 40 de
grade Celsius la umbr.
In summer the air is hot and dry. The temperature can rise up to 40(forty)
degrees Celsius in the shade.

Cum este vremea toamna?
What is the weather like in autumn?

Toamna, vremea este capricioas. Uneori vremea este rea: este ceoas,
bate vntul i plou mult. Alteori vremea este frumoas. Este rcoare, cerul
este senin i este cald.
In autumn the weather is capricious. Sometimes the weather is bad: its
foggy, its windy and its raining a lot. Other times the weather is fine. Its
cool, the sky is clear and its warm.

i pentru c a venit vorba despre vreme, v amintesc exerciiile de dicie pe
care profesorul Higgins i le propune tinerei florrese Eliza Doolittle n filmul
My Fair Lady, ecranizarea piesei lui George Bernard Shaw Pygmalion:

The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.
n Spania, ploaia apare mai ales la es.

In Hartford, Hereford, and Hampshire, hurricanes hardly happen.
n Hartford, Hereford i Hampshire, uraganele se produc arareori.

n limba englez, ca i n limba romn, exist o mulime de expresii legate
de vreme. Iat dou pe care i propun s le nvei, chiar dac eti la

Its raining cats and dogs = plou cu gleata

Come rain or come shine! Tradus cuvnt cu cuvnt, ar nsemna: Fie
ploaie, fie soare, dar expresia echivalent n limba romn este Fie ce-o

Exercise 6 Exerciiul 6

Give the correct answers to the following questions!
Rspunde correct la urmtoarele ntrebri!

You have a pear, havent you? Ai o par, nu-i aa?
Yes, I have. Da, am.

You dont have a pear, do you? Nu ai o par, nu-i aa?
No, I dont. Nu, nu am.

He has a map, hasnt he? Are o hart, nu-i aa?
Yes, he has. Da, are.

He doesnt have a map, does he? Nu are o hart, nu-i aa?
No, he doesnt. Nu, nu are.

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