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The case against Deputy Pres-
ident William Ruto at the Interna-
tional Criminal Court (ICC) could
be dealt a big blow after the pros-
ecution applied to withdraw a
crucial witness from testifying.
The Ofce of the Prosecutor
(OTP) wants the case against Ru-
to and his co-accused radio jour-
nalist Joshua Sang adjourned to
June to enable them put their
house in order.
Prosecution Counsel Anton
Steynberg made the application
before the Trial Chamber V(a)
yesterday to withdraw witness
number 25, who was scheduled
to testify starting today.
Surprisingly, the prosecution
lawyer admitted that during the
Kenyas Bold Newspaper
Friday, May 16, 2014
No. 29589
KSh 60/00 TSh1,500/00 USh2,700/00
Tourists leave Kenya over travel advisories
Hundreds of Western tourists are literally
eeing holiday resorts on Kenyas coast follow-
ing Wednesdays travel advisories by their re-
spective countries.
The UK, US, Australia and France have all
advised their citizens against travelling to the
region. Last evening, chartered aircraft arrived
from Europe and left Mombasas Moi Interna-
tional Airport with hundreds of tourists fear-
ful of terrorist attacks despite assurances of
safety by the Government.
In Mombasas South coast, some of the
tourists evacuated had arrived just a day ear-
lier, signalling that most Westerners had taken
the advisories seriously. Some hotels lost vir-
tually all their guests after their mainly British
visitors left.
At Diani Sea Resort, one of the hotels on
the south coast that was most affected, around
125 Britons were to be airlifted by yesterday
Echoes from the past
More trouble for Bensouda on Ruto witnesses
President Uhuru Kenyatta with county administrators at the Kenya School of Government in Nairobi yesterday, when he assigned
them controversial new duties meant to strengthen their role of co-ordinating the functions of national Government in the counties.
Memories of eras gone by come to life as Uhuru poses with ofcers of the defunct Provincial
Administration that Jubilee has retitled and given executive powers, angering governors
The group picture of President Uhuru Kenyatta with of-
cers of Government formerly called provincial administrators
donning their formal gear of days gone by symbolising serika-
li (Government) stands out. Taken on the front lawn of the Ke-
nya School of Government, the picture echoes the past three
governments Kenya has had, which rode on the back of
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Senators clashed over the pro-
posed Sh226.66 billion allocation to
county governments, with the Oppo-
sition terming claims that it reects a
43 per cent of sharable revenue, a de-
Opposition MPs claimed that it
amounted to betrayal to give the allo-
cation to counties when the Division
of Revenue Bill was proposing reten-
tion of Sh799 billions to national gov-
While the Jubilee senators insisted
that it had to stick to the law and cal-
culate the percentage of the county
gures to the constitutionally stipu-
lated last audited accounts approved
by Parliament, the CORD senators
said the gures should be seen along-
side the Sh1.026 trillion, which is the
expected revenue for the next nan-
cial year.
There were heated arguments as
senators from both sides defended
their position, prompting Deputy
Speaker Kembi Gitura to rule that de-
bate should only revolve on what is
stipulated in the law. Unfortunately
the gures we can deal with here, ac-
cording to the Constitution, is the last
audited revenue approved by Parlia-
ment, which happens to be those of
2009/2010 of Sh529 billion. Any other
gure you quote is only hypothetical,
ruled Gitura.
Minority Leader Moses Wetangula
led the Opposition members in chal-
lenging the gures, arguing that it is
misleading for the Government to
take its cheap propaganda that it
was giving 43 per cent to counties.
What we are giving to counties is
a pittance. It is a sad day that as we
share resources we are retaining the
lions share at the national level, ar-
gued Wetangula.
But Wetangula came under attack,
especially from Majority Leader
Kithure Kindiki and the Finance Com-
mittee Chairman, Mandera Senator
Billow Kerrow, who had seconded the
Bill, saying the Bungoma Senator was
a member of his committee, which
had deliberated on the Bill and agreed
on the gures.
It is a shame that some members
of our committee, who had three
months to question these gures, are
now coming before the House to dis-
pute the same, said Kerrow.
But senators accused their col-
leagues in the National Assembly of
failure to approve revenue audited by
the Auditor General.
rst disclose to them all the notes and
video clips recorded during a session
on Wednesday when the witness was
being prepared by to testify.
Further, Khan asked for a disclo-
sure of all the expenses and benets
incurred by the prosecution on the
witness since October 2013.
The lawyer also asked for disclo-
sure of all the oral and written conver-
sations between the OTP and the Vic-
tims and Witnesses Unit (VWU)
regarding witness number 25.
He asked that the withdrawal re-
quest not be granted until they had re-
viewed the video and determined if
they needed the witness.
However, the prosecution indicat-
ed that it has no objection if the de-
fence wishes to consult with the wit-
ness with a view to calling him during
their case. By reviewing the video, the
Ruto defence hopes to establish
whether or not the witness, who was
already on the courts premises, had
expressed willingness to testify.
Sangs lawyers did not oppose the
application to withdraw the witness,
but insisted that he should never be
Setback in Ruto case as prosecutor
seeks to withdraw crucial witness
Nairobi Senator Mike Mbuvi, Deputy President William Ruto and radio journalist Joshua Sang in The Hague, Nether-
lands, yesterday. [PHOTO: DPPS]
County governments should incorporate library
services in development projects to promote public
access to information, Sports Cabinet Secretary
Hassan Wario has said.
Dr Wario (pictured) said information is powerful
because the public will be able to participate in the
decision making process to ensure their interests are
appropriately taken care of.
With statistics showing that about 24.9 per cent
of Kenyans are illiterate, the Cabinet Secretary said
stakeholders must work together to reverse this.
He spoke during the ofcial opening of Kenya
National Library Service in Nakuru where he said all
world democracies and nations whose literacy lev-
els are high are easy to govern. Leaders should nd
proper ways of informing people of development
projects to be implemented. This can only be suc-
cessful if illiteracy levels are curbed, said Wario.
He said the ministry is committed to completing
a Sh2.4 billion Vision 2030 agship project that will
house the National Library of Kenya and the Kenya
National Library Services headquarters.
Counties told to plan for library services in development
witnesss preparation, it became clear
that the witness was unable to accu-
rately recall, or give a coherent and
consistent account of critical parts of
the evidence the Prosecution had in-
tended to lead from the witness.
In the circumstances, the prose-
cution does not consider that the wit-
nesss evidence is sufciently relevant
or reliable to call as a prosecution wit-
ness, particularly bearing in mind the
limited court time available to the
prosecution and the consequent need
to present the most cogent and reli-
able evidence, he told the bench.
Interestingly, Rutos defence team
opposed the application putting a
condition that they rst be given cru-
cial evidence, including a video of the
witness preparation exercise recorded
on Wednesday.
And as the Chamber decides on
the withdrawal application today, it
will also rule on whether or not Ruto,
who is already in The Hague, should
be allowed to return to the country
just in case there are more proceed-
Witness 25 is so crucial to the pros-
ecution that pulling him out of the list
could be detrimental to the case.
This is one of the witnesses whose
evidence was relied on to conrm the
charges against Ruto and Sang by the
Pre-Trial Chamber in 2012.
His evidence was used 25 times
during the pre-trial hearing and about
17 times when the prosecution briefed
the court on the need to commence
the case. He is the witness who, as the
link-person for the prosecution, also
procured about ve other witnesses.
Some of the witnesses he linked to
the prosecution later pulled out, and
the Government was ordered by the
court to trace them and compel them
to go and testify, either from Kenya or
any other place.
Soon after the prosecution had ap-
plied to withdraw the witness, Rutos
defence lawyer Karim Khan objected
and requested that the prosecution
called in future.
However, the lawyers representing
the victims Wilfred Nderitu supported
the application for withdrawal.
Steynberg said the witness would
never be called once taken out of the
He said the OTP had already dis-
closed all the expenses and benets
made to the witness, and there was
nothing more to disclose, adding that
there was no other conversation that
had taken place between the ofce
and the VWU
Mr Steynberg said they were ready
to disclose the video to the Chamber
but not to the defence, adding howev-
er that they could disclose the notes.
In their ruling the judges observed
that part of Rutos request had already
been disclosed and they were only to
decide on whether the video should
be disclosed. The judges also noted
that the evidence of witness 25 had
been heavily relied on during the con-
rmation of the charges against Ruto
and Sang.
The Chamber ordered that the
proceedings resume today when the
Ruto defence will address the court on
their decision after reviewing the vid-
eo. The judges also ordered that the
witness remains at The Hague.
When applying for Ruto to be ex-
cused from attending proceedings to-
day, Khan said the DP had organised
his national diary and, under the cir-
cumstances, there was nothing much
he was doing at The Hague. Ruto is re-
quired to attend the proceeding of the
rst ve days of every new session. He
travelled to The Hague on Tuesday.
The court declined to excuse him im-
mediately, but ruled it would decide
The new development comes amid
speculation that one of the 17 wit-
nesses had also frustrated the prose-
cution and declined to travel to The
Hague once at the Jomo Kenyatta In-
ternational Airport.
Her testimony was heard entirely
in camera. Another witness is also
said to have vanished in a supermar-
ket in Eldoret while en route to the
Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
Senators differ
over proposed
fund allocation
Continued from P1
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Uhuru holds impromptu meeting
with key budget committee
President Uhuru Kenyatta yester-
day held a meeting with members of
a key committee that deals with ap-
proval of the budget.
The members of the Budget and
Appropriations Committee (BAC)
were called to State House for an in-
formal meeting with the Head of State
to discuss the provisions in the
2014/15 budget and government pol-
The chairman of the committee,
Mr Mutava Musyimi (Mbeere South)
had told the MPs to be ready for the
afternoon date with President Kenyat-
The meeting comes just weeks af-
ter the committee and Parliament re-
jected the approval of Sh1.6 billion to
be paid out to Anglo Leasing rms. It
was held on the day the Parliamenta-
ry Budget Ofce (POB) raised doubts
about the Governments ability to
oat the Sh36.1 billion sovereign
bond. Weve had a desire to see the
President for the past nine months.
Some of us met him in Nanyuki (in
Team that declined to
okay Anglo Leasing
payout weeks ago
summoned to discuss
budget provisions
March) but not all us were there. What
he wants is a conversation, Musyimi
told the lawmakers at their meeting in
Parliament buildings.
Musyimi did not expressly reveal
the details of the presidential meet-
ing, but the timing when the MPs are
working on the budget and with the
Executive desperate to have the con-
troversial Anglo Leasing payments
approved could a pointer to what
was on the table.
Senior Deputy Director in the PBO,
Martin Masinde, told the committee
that there was uncertainty regard-
ing the bond. It is a roundabout way
of telling the MPs that failure to clear
the Anglo Leasing debts was going to
open the door to a more expensive ex-
ercise, which might in the end prove
costly to the country, he said.
The Government is restructuring
the National Youth Service (NYS) to
effectively execute its mandate, Presi-
dent Uhuru Kenyatta has said.
The President said NYS was criti-
cal especially at this time when the
Government is keen on ensuring the
youth play a key role in the countrys
development agenda.
He spoke when he witnessed the
swearing-in of Dr Nelson Githinji as
the new Director General of NYS at his
Harambee House ofce.
President Kenyatta congratulated
the Director General on his appoint-
ment and wished him well in his new
The President urged Githinji to
serve the country and youth with ded-
ication. I am sure you are capable of
delivering to the youth and the coun-
try. Your organisation is important in
helping us to mainstream youth in de-
velopment, he said.
Dr Githinji was until his new ap-
pointment the Tourism Secretary and
replaces Mr Kiplimo Rugut who has
been re-deployed.
The Swearing-in ceremony was
conducted by the Principal Adminis-
trative Secretary at the Presidency
Stephen Kirogo. It was also witnessed
by Cabinet Secretaries Felix Kosgei
(Agriculture), Davis Chirchir (Energy
and Petroleum), Joseph ole Lenku (In-
terior and Coordination of National
Government) and Ann Waiguru (De-
volution and Planning).
Civil society organisations yesterday staged
a demonstration in Nairobi to condemn the ab-
duction of hundreds of schoolgirls in Nigeria.
The demonstration was organised by Africa
unite (FEMNET), Nigerian Students Association,
Gender Violence Recovery Centre, Equality Now,
Men for Gender Equality and AKILI DADA. They
criticised the Nigerian Government and Africa
for the sluggish response to the abduction of
more than 300 girls by Boko Haram a month ago.
The campaign dubbed Bring back our girls was
happening simultaneously in 21 other African
nations. It is unacceptable that the highest of-
ce in Nigeria took more than two weeks to re-
spond to these tragedies, said Kerubo Abuya, a
member of FEMNET.
The group marched from Uhuru Park to the
Nigerian High Commission mobilising the pub-
lic to show solidarity with the abducted girls and
present a petition to the ambassador.
Speaking outside the Nigerian high commis-
sioners ofce, the organisations called for the
Nigerian Government to take immediate action
to locate and rescue the girls and prosecute
those behind the kidnappings. They said the
Government should strive to rebuild schools and
reafrm the girls right to security and education
to restore their dignity.
The organisations called for the urgent ac-
tion and support of the governments of Camer-
oon, Chad and Niger to swiftly determine wheth-
er the girls were transported into their countries
and assist in their rescue.
Let political negotiations be done political-
ly. Women and children should not be used as
weapons of war or bait for negotiations, said
Kennedy Otina, the director of Africa Unite.
Duncan Obelle, a minister at the Nigerian
High Commission, assured them the message
would reach his government, saying religious
balance is what led to escalation of the matter.
Nigeria has a 50-50 religious balance of
Christians and Muslims. The Government has
not ruled out options for negotiations with the
Islamist militants, said Obelle.
director sworn
into ofce
Kenyans push for release of kidnapped Nigerian girls
Mutava Musyimi John Mbadi
The chairman of the House com-
mittee on Constituency Development
Fund, Moses Lessonet, told The Stan-
dard that the committee was keen to
meet the Head of State to get his per-
spective on where he wants to take
the country.
Lessonet said the MPs were keen
to have the President address the
wage bill, wastage in government, se-
curity and devolution and lobby to
have the money for CDF to be in-
creased to the Sh35 billion that had
been approved by the House.
But John Mbadi (Suba) was not
impressed. He dismissed the meeting
as a waste of time and an attempt by
the Executive to compromise MPs.
He is compromising the indepen-
Page 3 / NATIONAL NEWS Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
dence of the National Assembly.
Theres no provision in law that when
we make the budget, we consult the
President. Even if we were to be mag-
nanimous and agree to have a meet-
ing with him, we ought to have wait-
POB and meet him when we have
substantive issues to raise, he said.
Next week, BAC will meet the Na-
tional Treasury and other state or-
gans, as they appear before MPs to de-
fend their respective budgets.
Meanwhile, BAC is angry that the
national Treasury failed to obey House
resolutions on how much money
should be given to specic govern-
ment State organs.
The MPs were shocked when the
economists and scal analysts from
the POB said the Treasury had ignored
their proposals. They were outraged
when they realised that a redundant
State organ, which Parliament had
scrapped, had been allocated money
in the budget for the next nancial
Musyimi got surprised when he
heard that the Poverty Eradication
Commission was still in the books.
We said that it should be scrapped,
and I notice that the Cabinet Secre-
tary for Treasury Henry Rotich has
given them money. The commission
will have to be scrapped, perhaps with
sanctions, said Musyimi.
In the budget estimates, the com-
mission has been allocated Sh23.5
Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
evening, said the hotels Managing
Director Harald Kampa.
Out of these, 108 had only arrived
a day before the travel advisory was
The tide of evacuations and can-
cellations of bookings has sparked
fears of job losses.
In Nairobi, the Government
strongly protested the travel adviso-
ries, terming them as unfriendly
acts coming from our partners who
have equally borne the brunt of
global terrorism.
The challenges arising from acts
of terrorism require concerted efforts
to ght it and not behaving in a man-
ner that accelerates it by causing fear
and panic, Foreign Affairs Principal
Secretary Dr Karanja Kibicho said in
statement yesterday. (See separate
story page 11).
Mr Kampa, who is also the Coast
regions Kenya Association of Hotel
Keepers and Caterers (KAHC) chair-
man, told The Standard that Britains
Tomson Airline was pulling out.
I am just surprised because the
advisory was clear that Diani was not
affected, but now all Britons are out,
said Kampa. He said layoffs in the
hotel industry were now inevitable.
We have told our casuals that
starting Monday there is no job while
a number of the permanent employ-
ees will be sent on leave. Everything
has crumbled, including our appren-
tice programme, which is now on
hold, explained Kampa.
Several tour agents working with
visitors from Britain were also count-
ing losses after most of them cancelled
their bookings.
At JT Safaris, for example, a total of
32 British tourists had cancelled their
bookings for yesterday, according to
Ms Mercy Muchiri, a reservations of-
Tourists fee Kenyas Coast after advisories
A section of Serena Beach Resort and Spa in Mombasa, deserted as tourists
cancel bookings and ee the area after four Western countries issued travel
For only a day we have 32 cancel-
lations and have refunded around
2,000 dollars and 1,000 pounds, said
Ms Muchiri.
She said there has been so much
inconvenience as most of the tourists
have refused to come out of their ho-
tels to cancel their bookings, forcing
them (JT safaris) to go for them.
Several other bookings have also
been cancelled online. The agency
usually takes visitors to Tsavo, Am-
boseli, Masai Mara, Nakuru and Mt
Kenya. Kwale County Governments
Executive member in charge of Tour-
ism, Mr Adam Sheikh, said yesterday
he was not sure of the number of Brit-
ons being evacuated.
I dont know the exact number
but yesterday plans were going on for
them to be own out of the Coast re-
gion in one plane, said Sheikh.
The Britons have been occupying
several hotels in Diani where UK
termed as safer compared to Watamu,
Malindi and Mtwapa.
Adam conrmed that the tourists
were occupying Sea Lodge, Baobab
and Palm Beach hotels in Kwale
County, adding that the British For-
eign and Commonwealth Ofce ad-
vised against all but essential travel to
Mombasa Island and within 5km off
the coast, from Mtwapa creek in the
north to Tiwi.
In Mombasa, tourism experts said
the advisories by Britain and Australia
are a deadly blow to tourism in Kenya
that will drive the sector to its knees.
Although several British tourists an-
nounced their departure from south
coast hotels some said they would
defy pressure to leave.
And The Standard learnt that two
chartered aircraft were to y in from
Britain to evacuate dozens of British
tourists booked in various hotels
Managing director of TPS Serena
Hotels (Africa), Mr Mahmud Jan Mo-
hamed told The Standard at the Moi
International Airport (MIA) yesterday
that the advisories are a major blow to
Kenyan tourism.
It is devastating. Advisories have
been issued before. Coast tourism
continues to face challenges and this
is like the nal nail on the cofn,
Mohamed said.
He added that Kenyan tourism has
continued to suffer due to a combina-
tion of factors, including the Westgate
attack and the general negative pub-
licity out of Kenya.
Mohamed said the industry needs
clarication on what exactly is driving
the UK government to order for such
advisories that come with evacua-
Our government should come out
in the open and give total assurance
to the travel world that Kenya is safe
for all, he said.
British tourist Benard Dewsbury,
64, from Birmingham, United King-
dom announced his deance of the
travel advisory and plans to continue
his holiday.
I jetted in on Tuesday and will be
here for the next two weeks. Kenya
has always been like my second home
since I rst landed here in the early
80s, said Dewsbury who is staying at
a resort in the north coast.
But he was categorical that the UK
has every right to advise its citizens on
matters of security. He said his gov-
ernment had not directly contacted
him over the advisory and he had
only come to learn of it in the local
I have no plans yet to pack my
travel bags and head home. I am en-
joying every bit of it here and my next
move is safari, Dewsbury said.
Even as hoteliers reacted to the
advisories, it emerged two aircraft
belonging to the UKs (UK) airliner,
Thomson Fly, a charter operator were
Continued from P1 scheduled to land at the Moi Airport
last night at 8.25pm and 9.15pm from
Gatwick, London to evacuate hordes
of British tourists.
Britain warned of potential terror-
ist attacks in Kenya and urged its citi-
zens to immediately leave Mombasa.
The latest warnings, issued on
Tuesday and Wednesday, may further
damage Kenyas tourism sector.
Britains Foreign Ofce said that
save for essential travel, all its citizens
should avoid Mombasa and the sur-
rounding area following recent ter-
rorist attacks and the continuing ter-
rorist threat in the area.
Kenya Association of Hotelkeepers
and Caterers (KAHC) Coast branch
Executive ofcer Sam Ikwaye ex-
pressed the industrys concern at de-
cision to issue the advisories against
While we appreciate the respon-
sibility of the UK government and that
of Australia towards their citizens, We
have a country and a nation to live
in, Ikwaye said.
United Nations World Tourism
Organisation (UNWTO) Africa Re-
gional Vice President Dr Kenneth
Ombongi said what Kenya needs is
support and not advisories.
Terrorism is global and never a
Kenyan problem. It has never and will
be conned to geographical boundar-
ies, said Ombongi who is also the
Principal of Utalii College.
Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan
Joho said despite the travel advisories
Mombasa was still relatively safe.
Today, I have had audience with
visiting dignitaries from the National
Defence College of India who are on
a working tour of Kenya, Joho said.
Joho spoke at the Sarova White-
sands Resort after meeting the mili-
tary delegation led by Mr Abhay Tri-
phati. The group was accompanied by
Indias Assistant High Commissioner
to Kenya, Mr Ramesh Kumar.
Page 5 Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
Uhuru gives more
powers to county
the provincial administration chain
starting with the top commanders at
Ofce of the President down to the
PCs, DCs, DOs and chiefs.
Also prominent is the Presidents
statement during the event yesterday,
where he was seen by critics to be
bringing back the old and discredited
provincial administration. In effect,
the critics said, the President was dis-
respecting the second tier of govern-
ment governors and county execu-
tives and assemblies.
President Kenyatta opened a bitter
row with governors by giving county
commissioners substantial powers to
implement programmes for the na-
tional government in the regions.
The president delegated 10 execu-
tive powers to the 47 county commis-
sioners, including high-prole roles in
security, alcohol regulation and roads
management that reinforced their po-
sition as his point men in the re-
The announcement by the Head of
State prompted angry reactions from
Governors who interpreted it as an at-
tempt to impose the provincial ad-
ministration on their counties and
whittle down their inuence.
President Kenyatta directed the
county chiefs to ensure peace and se-
curity in their regions, coordinate the
policies and programs of the national
government and any other national
functions that may be delegated to
Others are oversight of national
roads management, policies and pro-
grammes at the county level and han-
dling issues of alcohol and drug abuse
and overseeing national immunisa-
tion programs.
Also included are anti-poaching
measures and reading out speeches of
the President or Cabinet Secretaries.
I have given you the powers there-
fore, there is no reason for corruption.
No reason or excuse. If you are in
charge, you must be held account-
able, Uhuru told the public servants
at the Kenya School of Government
He spoke during the launch of two
policies: Decentralisation of Human
Resource Management in the Civil
Service and a Framework for Strength-
ening the Delivery of National Gov-
ernment Functions at the County Lev-
Shortly after Uhurus announce-
ment, the Council of Governors (CoG)
hit out at the Jubilee government for
what they termed as an attempt to re-
instate the provincial administration
as a more powerful monster.
We are going to study those new
roles and decide whether to go to
court, declared CoG Chairman Isaac
Ruto at a hurriedly convened press
conference at the Boma Hotel in Nai-
robis South C.
The Governors by law are the
chief executive ofcers of the counties
and you cannot have two CEOs in a
county, added Mr Ruto.
The Governors claimed that there
is a deliberate scheme to delay the
transfer of Class D (and below) roads
to counties so that funds are retained
at the national level in the next nan-
cial year.
The council will challenge this by
all means necessary, warned Nyeri
Governor, Nderitu Gachagua. The
President Uhuru Kenyatta presents a booklet on the strengthening of provin-
cial administration to Mombasa County Commissioner Nelson Marwa yester-
day. [PHOTO: PCSU]
Governors alleged that Interior Cabi-
net Secretary Joseph Ole Lenku had
ordered the provincial administrators
not to work with them.
Uhurus action to delegate powers
is drawn from Article 132 (3b) of the
Constitution and Section 7 of the Na-
tional Government Co-ordination
Act 2013, which provides guide-
lines on how the President may coor-
dinate and delegate functions to the
national government ofcers.
I will hold you responsible if the
level of immunisation is low in your
county. You have been given the abil-
ity to discharge your functions and so,
there is no excuse and remember,
While he gave them powers, he
was quick to take away their po-
tential to have impunity in the dis-
charge of their mandate. Authority
is not given to you to abuse. Where
authority is given, it comes with
responsibility. Anyone who makes
unfair decisions and abuse power
and mismanage resources will have
the severest sanctions, said the
He also warned the Cabinet Sec-
retaries and other public offcials
against engaging in endless meet-
ings at the expense of service to cit-
izens and that they would be man-
agers at all times, and would have
to be knowledgeable on any issue
happening within their dockets
Page 6 / NATIONAL NEWS Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
none of us is indispensible, Uhuru
told the County Commissioners.
However, Governors maintained
that Uhuru could only give executive
powers to what is provided to him in
law, adding that Kenyans had de-
manded the scrapping of the provin-
cial administration. They maintained
that the President was duplicating du-
ties, pointing out that the County
Government Act provides for Sub
County ofcers and Ward administra-
This in particular is a manifesta-
tion of a multipronged approach to
weaken devolution. Ruto said add-
ing: Kenyans high expectation with
this Constitution may fail.
The President warned that failure
to implement Government policies
and programmes would cost the com-
missioners their jobs. He cautioned
them that they would personally be
held accountable for any failure in the
discharge of their duties as represen-
tatives of the National Government.
The tough talking Uhuru warned
the county chiefs to deal with cattle
rustlers and drunken teachers and to
ensure that citizens get the required
services at the county level in the
The Council of Governors
(CoG) has criticised Members of
the County Assemblies (MCS) for
the current wave of impeach-
ments terming it as mob justice
and lynching.
The Governors led by CoG
Chairman Isaac Ruto maintained
that the impeachment proceed-
ings do not meet the constitu-
tional threshold, citing the case
of Kericho Governor Paul Chep-
kwony who was ousted on
The High Court of Kenya has
said, and we wish to reiterate the
position, that the removal of a
governor is a serious mater, not-
ed Mr Ruto after a meeting with
the governors.
Speaking yesterday in Nairo-
bi, the governors maintained
that one could only be removed
from ofce if he was personally
involved in sleaze, citing a recent
ruling by the High Court.
They also said there must be
evidence that a governor had
stolen funds, which can be traced
in his accounts or his associates
or tried to inuence procure-
He (governor) cannot be
guilty by the mere fact that he is
the CEO of a County. Roving al-
legations here and there does
not meet the threshold, Ruto
The governors called on the
Senate to reject the impeach-
ment proceedings.
They also called on the bi-
cameral Parliament to review the
County Government Act 2012 to
introduce a threshold for im-
According to the governors,
even the recall clause for other
elected leaders including the
MCAs, requires that they must
have served for at least 24
For the others, there is due
process, for governors there is
no due process, Ruto com-
A number of governors are
facing the axe from MCAs who
have been criticised for misusing
their powers.
Governors lash out at MCAs
over wave of impeachments
shortest time possible.
This means that the County Com-
missioners will also cascade the heat
to Sub-County Commissioners and
the local administration to implement
national government policies.
Uhuru challenged the Cabinet
Secretaries and other senior public
servants to manage their staff for
maximum service delivery. There
should be no excuse that I have been
frustrated by my junior staff. You
must manage your staff. If any nan-
cial and human resources are mis-
managed, you will be held responsi-
ble. Kama mimi silali hata nyinyi
hamutalala (If am not sleeping, nei-
ther will you), said the Head of
He told the Cabinet Secretaries
and the Principal Secretaries that the
authority given to them comes with
great responsibility and is not for
He warned that public ofcers
who make unfair decisions and abuse
those that they serve would have the
severest form of punishment and
sanctions. In the past, ministers have
often apportioned blame and respon-
sibilities to their juniors whenever
claims of mismanagement and issues
of corruption arise.
Continued from P1
REA/2014-2015/PQ/010 Pre-Qualifcation of
Contractors for the
installation of Solar
PV Systems in
The Rural Electrifcation Authority would like to extend
the closing date for the above mentioned tender as
22.05.2014 at 10.00 am 30.05.2014 at 10.00 am
Please note that all other terms and conditions of tender
remain the same.
Ag. Chief Executive Ofcer
NATIONAL NEWS / Page 7 Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
The High Court has suspended the
swearing in of Embu Deputy Gover-
nor Dorothy Nditi as county boss.
This is until a court case by some
residents challenging the impeach-
ment of Mr Martin Wambora is con-
Principal judge Richard Mwongo
shelved the process after temporarily
putting on hold the resolution of the
Senate and Embu county assembly to
impeach Wambora for a second
Among the residents grounds of
argument is that the special commit-
tee that deliberated and recommend-
ed the removal of Wambora was the
same one that had suggested the same
resolution to impeach him.
One of the petitioners, Alloise Nj-
agi, in a sworn afdavit said: The
aforesaid members of committee to
perform the role of hearing the gover-
nor were quasi judicial in character, in
a situation where they had already
dealt with the same case.
The judge restrained the speaker
of the county assembly from swearing
Residents dispute Wambora ouster
Locals appeal saying
the same team that
backed his removal
also endorsed his
in Ms Nditi, pending the hearing and
determination of the case lodged in
court by over 35 residents.
Residents told the judge that given
the resolution passed by Senate and
the Gazette notice No 3222, it was
likely Nditi would be sworn in as pro-
vided by the Constitution.
The case before judge Mwongo
states that Embu residents will be
prejudiced if the case is not heard and
determined without suspending the
Senate resolution.
Public participation was not done
and residents of Embu were not con-
sulted over the need to impeach their
democratically elected leader, said
lawyer Okenyo Omwansa who repre-
sents them.
The petition has raised serious is-
sues that will have a bearing on the
establishment of the county govern-
ment. Constitutionally, Embu gover-
nors ofce remains vacant pending
hearing and determination of the
Wamboras lawyer, Wilfred Nyamu,
said he believes in the sovereignty of
the law and that he is ready to argue
his clients case.
Nyamu said: The cat has nine
This is after the court once again
issued stay orders of the Senates
May 13 resolution to impeach Wam-
But Tharaka Nithi Senator Kindiki
Kithure maintained the governor was
ousted in accordance with the law.
Embattled Embu Governor Martin Wambora leaves the Milimani Law Courts on
Impeached Kericho Governor Paul
Chepkwony is condent that the Sen-
ate will clear him of all charges lev-
elled against him by the county as-
Speaking to The Standard, Chepk-
wony said efforts to block a vote of no
condence by the county legislators
did not bear fruit, leading to his
I tried my level best to seek audi-
ence with the members of the county
assembly to resolve the matter, but it
proved futile. They had made up their
minds, he said.
He added: Some took a hardline
stand and it was impossible to even
engage them.
Chepkwony reiterated that he had
tried to maintain a good working re-
lationship with the MCAs and was
surprised they decided to sack him.
He sought to explain that the out-
standing issues had nothing to do
with outing the law, but he believes
they are political.
I have not contravened the Public
Procurement and Disposal Act or the
Public Finance Management Act, or
grossly violated the law, he said.
The assembly yesterday ousted
Chepkwony, citing 15 grounds for his
removal. He becomes the second gov-
ernor to be impeached.
Chepkwony: I
tried my best to
block removal
Page 8 / NATIONAL NEWS Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
Journalist Walter Barasa has moved
to the Court of Appeal to challenge a
decision by the High Court that sanc-
tioned his arrest and extradition to
the ICC.
This came as the ICC said the Ke-
nya Government has an obligation to
arrest journalist Walter Barasa and
surrender him to the court to face
witness-tampering charges.
ICC Outreach Co-ordinator Maria
Kamara said yesterday in Nakuru the
Government has an obligation to
fully co-operate with the court by ar-
resting Barasa and extraditing him to
The Hague.
But Barasa, through lawyer Kibe
Mungai, wants the appellate court to
restrain the Director of Public Prose-
cution and the Interior Cabinet Sec-
retary from arresting and surrender-
ing him to the court.
The honourable court be pleased
to grant an order of injunction to re-
strain the respondents from arresting
and surrendering Barasa to the ICC
pending ling, hearing and determi-
Barasa wants court to stop arrest
Journalist appeals
extradition decision
to The Hague even
as ICC asks Kenya to
speed up process
nation of the appeal against the High
Court decision, submitted Mungai.
Mungai is also asking the appeal
court to stay further criminal pro-
ceedings pending before the lower
court against Barasa and any other
proceedings that would lead to his
arrest and extradition to the interna-
tional court until his appeal is heard
and determined.
Barasa submits that in a constitu-
tional petition, he had challenged the
legality of the criminal proceedings
under part four of the International
Crimes Act and had also questioned
the constitutionality of the proce-
The applicant is extremely ap-
prehensive that unless the orders
sought are granted forthwith the pro-
cess for his surrender to the ICC would
become a mere formality and irre-
versible for all practical purposes in
views of the judgment made on Janu-
ary 31, submitted Mungai.
Barasa is accused by ICC Prosecu-
tor Fatou Bensouda of offering bribes
to witnesses in the case against Dep-
uty President William Ruto and radio
journalist Joshua Sang.
Kamara was, however, quick to
add that the process of handing him
over to the court is domestic and the
ICC could not determine or dictate
how it should be conducted.
Kamara said the court has not
made any ndings so far on lack of
co-operation by the Government.
ICC Outreach Co-ordinator Maria Kamara during a press conference at a Naku-
ru hotel, yesterday. She said Kenya has an obligation to hand over journalist
Lawyers have protested bitterly
against the handcufng of Homa Bay
MP Peter Kaluma in open court saying
the action was demeaning and em-
Law Society of Kenya Chairman
Eric Mutua told Senior Principal Mag-
istrate Peter Ndwiga that it is against
public policy and constitutional rights
to handcuff an ofcer of the court
while in the dock.
Mutua, who is defending the MP in
a Sh10 million land fraud case, said a
suspect is never handcuffed while in
the dock as he is not a threat to the
security of the court.
Police ofcers must conduct
themselves with decorum in discharg-
ing their civil duties, Mutua said.
The LSK chairman said lawyers
must not be caused to suffer because
of what they do in the course of their
duties. He said Mr Kaluma is in the
dock because of his work.
Lawyer John Khaminwa said the
trend being set by police to arrest and
drag lawyers into court, should stop.
Mutua, Khaminwa and 10 other law-
yers are representing Kaluma in the
matter before court.
The magistrate lifted the arrest
warrant and directed the legislator to
deposit Sh50,000 awaiting the courts
verdict on July 29 on whether or not
he will make his plea.
Lawyers protest
MPs handcufng
in land case
Page 9 Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
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Insurance operates on the basis that
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There are also various religious teachings
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You need insurance because losses and
misfortunes occur from time to time. In most
cases when incidents such as res, sicknesses,
motor accidents and death occur, you are not
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and relatives who unfortunately, (in most
cases) are often short of money and therefore
do not help much. In extreme cases, we
see cases of families disposing off assets at
throw away prices because of the emergency
situation. It is even sad when such assets are
sold to pay for medical bills and the patient
whose bills need to be paid dies. No doubt
this is double tragedy. And while insurance
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it denitely helps cushion those who have
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Life has a lot of uncertainties. By buying
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While you cannot avoid the misfortunes
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insurance policy, you will recover from your
nancial loss. So as to fully appreciate the
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Identify your risks and needs and 1.
prioritize them. Remember that not all risks
are insurable and your insurance needs
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bought a similar product and it sounds good.
Insurance is not a straight tting jacket!
Discuss your risks and needs with 2.
an insurance company or a broker or an agent
near you. Always compare policy benets
against premiums of several insurance
companies before you settle on one. A
colleague once mentioned that insurance
intermediaries (brokers and agents) are
like doctors who diagnose and prescribe
medication for their patients in that they
should help you identify that area in which
you are hugely exposed and advice the right
insurance product for you!
Match the available insurance 3.
products to your needs and choose the one
that best meets your needs at affordable cost.
When you match your needs with the policy,
it is highly unlikely that you will cancel the
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will have understood it and known exactly
that which you are getting into. Once again
remember to purchase only that cover that
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prioritization. Where possible avoid instances
of buying more or less than you need.
Perhaps the most signicant benets of
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assets and the resultant peace of mind that
one has when they have an insurance policy.
There are also other benets like savings,
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Lastly, remember that your health is your
wealth- sicknesses strike without notice;
take charge of your health and consider
buying a medical insurance cover. The future
belongs to the educated-with education
becoming increasingly expensive; consider
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Accidents occur anytime, anywhere-consider
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accidents (even those from accidental stair
case falls).
If you Value It; Insure It!
Twitter: @noellamutanda
The Author is the Head;
Corporate Communications,
Insurance Regulatory Authority
Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard Page 10 / NATIONAL NEWS
The National Youth Service (NYS)
plans to recruit a minimum of 20,000
youths every year. This is aimed at
curbing radicalisation of jobless youth
by vigilante groups, Cabinet Secretary
for Devolution and Planning Anne
Waiguru has said.
The 21,870 servicemen and women
are further expected to train 227,670
more youths once they nish their
training at the NYS.
Waiguru said the youth are going
to serve the nation for a period of
between four and six months under
paid labour while being supervised by
the 21,870 youths.
If you ask the youth what makes
them get involved with the vigilante
groups, most of them will say it is due
to unemployment. We thought that if
we gave them an identity and signi-
cance, then we will be able to deal
with the problem of insecurity, she
Waiguru noted that the Govern-
ment would restructure the NYS such
that apart from training youths, the
body would also champion social
transformation driven by the youth.
NYS to recruit 20,000 every year
The CS was speaking yesterday in
Nairobi during the launch of the
5-point vision of the NYS. She also
gave a detailed breakdown of how the
youths are going to be divided in the
new structure.
The youths are going to be regi-
mented into 15,178 squads. Each
squad will have 15 youths, making a
total of 323 squads in each county.
While in the camps, the youths will
be expected to make a mandatory
saving of Sh100 every day which will
be deposited in a squad account.
The collective account, she notes
will help them bond and the money
they save will come from the payment
they get from NYS. These squads will
also have the opportunity to apply for
funds being issued by the Govern-
Meanwhile, the Government has
procured equipment worth more than
Sh5 billion from the Chinese Govern-
ment to be used at the NYS.
Ms Waiguru said the exercise is
part of the Government efforts to re-
structure the institution. The machin-
ery will arrive in the country next
month. Further, the restructuring
programme is aimed at encouraging
the national service concept to enable
the youth graduating to serve in vari-
ous capacities before completely join-
ing the labour market.
She said the equipment would be
installed in seven schools under the
NYS management in the country and
assist in training the high number of
youths expected to join the institu-
Senior Counsel Paul Muite has
warned that corruption is creeping
back to the Judiciary, despite tough
measures introduced after the Consti-
tution was promulgated in 2010.
Muite, who was addressing a
seminar organised by the Law Society
of Kenya in Nakuru, said the ght
against corruption should take a ho-
listic approach and should not focus
only on judges and magistrates.
We need to acknowledge that cor-
ruption has crept back despite the
Constitution which required vetting
of all judges and magistrates, he said.
The vetting exercise, which was
launched two years ago to restore
public condence in the Judiciary, has
so far seen 53 judges and 72 magis-
trates vetted by the Judges and Mag-
istrates Vetting Board.
Muite said if corruption is not
checked, there would be a breakdown
in public condence. He challenged
lawyers to be at the forefront in elim-
inating the vice. You cant expect
judges or magistrates to be corrupt
free while the rest of system perpe-
trates the vice, he added.
He added that the Judiciary should
embrace technology and allow pro-
ceedings in all courtrooms to be re-
corded verbatim contrary to the
practice where judges and magistrates
take notes during court sessions.
Muite warns
against graft in
Devolution and Planning Cabinet Sec-
retary Anne Waiguru presents a new
blueprint to the National Youth Ser-
vice Director Dr Nelson Githinji during
the launch of a new vision for the NYS
in Nairobi yesterday. [PHOTO: MOSES
Devolution CS says
training will alleviate
joblessness among
youth and help curb
Pursuant to section 5(6) of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution, section 4 of the
Commission for the Implementation of theConstitution Act, 2010 and in the spirit of
upholding the principle of public participation under Article 10 of the Constitution,
theCommission for the Implementation of the Constitution (CIC) hereby seeks public
views on the Government Owned Entities (GOE) Bill, 2014 and the National Sovereign
Wealth Fund Bill, 2014.
The purpose of this advertisement is to afford the people of Kenya an opportunity to
participate in the lawmaking process as required under the Constitution, by offering
their views on how best the GOE Bill, 2014 and the National Sovereign Wealth Fund Bill,
2014 can be aligned with the letter and spirit of the Constitution. The views may address
compliance to articles 10, 232, 131, 132, 153, 179, 183,226, the Fourth schedule of the
Constitution amongst others and other existing legislation.
CIC is currently undertaking internal review of the GOE Bill and invites members of the
public, affected entities and ofces to submit written memorandum within a period of
one week. (by 23
May, 2014).
The Bill may be accessed from our website: Written memorandum
may be delivered, posted or emailed to the address herein below.
Contact details:
P. O. BOX 48041-00100
Tel. No: 0202323510, 0204443216, 0732000313,
Charles Nyachae
Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard NATIONAL NEWS / Page 11
as bandits
shoot 2
people dead
in Samburu
The Government of South Sudan
is now accusing the international
community of taking sides in the on-
going conict.
The new allegations ahead of the
peace talks slated for Addis Ababa
may yet again derail the negotiations
that seek to end the six-month crisis.
President Salva Kiirs administra-
tion has singled out neighbours Su-
dan and the US, accusing the two of
fuelling the crisis for selsh interests.
Juba believes Khartoum is supply-
ing rebels with additional ghters and
arms to conrm to the world its long
held view that the south was not ready
for governance and self-rule.
South Sudan is also of the view
that the West and especially the US
wants an administration in place that
can help them wrestle the control of
oil resources from Chinese rms.
Information and Broadcasting
minister Michael Lueth told reporters
in Nairobi, that the west has shown bi-
as in the conict and reiterated Kiirs
remarks that the cessation of hostility
agreement signed last week was un-
der duress.
What you are witnessing in South
Sudan is a proxy war. Its no longer the
issues of rebels verses the Govern-
ment, said Lueth. He claimed Riek
Machar has made a deal with US.
Government scoffs
at travel advisories
issued by 4 nations
The US, UK and two
other countries have
warned their citizens
against visiting certain
regions in Kenya
The Government now says travel
advisories by four Western countries
over high threats of terror attacks are
not only unfriendly but also aimed at
causing unnecessary fear and panic.
The Foreign Affairs Ministry
termed the move as unfriendly acts
coming from partners who have
borne the brunt of global terrorism.
The United States, United Kingdom,
Australia and France have warned
their citizens against visiting some re-
gions and towns.
In a statement, Foreign Affairs
Principal Secretary Karanja Kibicho
said issuance of such travel advisories
only plays to the whims of bad ele-
ments in society whose aim is to
spread fear and panic.
The challenges arising from acts
of terrorism require concerted efforts
to ght and not behaving in a manner
that accelerates it by causing fear and
panic, he said.
The Western nations had singled
out specic areas including Garissa,
Eastleigh, slums and areas within
60km of the Kenya-Somali border.
The death on April 1 of a promi-
nent cleric in Mombasa has led to un-
rest and increased tension in the ar-
ea, the British Government said
referring to the killing of Sheikh
Abubakar Alias Makaburi.
Britain pointed out that there may
be further disturbances in the Mom-
basa, particularly on Fridays after
However, Kibicho said the four na-
tions should understand the reper-
Moses Gift Osinya, brother of ba-
by Satrin Osinya whose story touched
the nation, was presented with the
Jubilee Insurance award yesterday
for his bravery in rescuing his broth-
er during the Likoni church terror at-
The 13-year-old carried his in-
jured brother from the scene and
took him to nearest hospital using a
rickshaw (Tuk tuk).
I am grateful that Jubilee Insur-
ance has recognised my efforts to
save my brother. I thank God Satrin
is fully recovered and I consider him
my hero for conquering the bullet,
said the Standard Seven pupil at
Bethlehem Academy in Ruiru.
I am proud of my son for his
courage to save his little brother. It is
because of him that we still have Sa-
trin with us, said his father Benson
The judges described his seless
deed as admirable especially for his
age. Gift was named alongside Mzee
Job Kipkoech, a Mogotio resident
who has helped tortoises cross the
busy Mogotio-Marigat road for the
last 56 years. His aim is to make sure
that no tortoise crossing the road ev-
eryday in search of water on one side
and vegetation on the other is
crushed by vehicles plying the busy
While applauding the 76-year-
old, Kenya Wildlife Service Deputy
Director Benjamin Kavu urged all
Kenyans to emulate his actions.
Mogotio is highly populated with
the leopard tortoise, the hunchback
tortoise and the endangered pan-
cake tortoise species.
Baby Satrins brother nally feted
The United States, United
Kingdom, Australia and France
have warned their citizens
against visiting some regions
and towns
The Western nations had sin-
gled out specifc areas includ-
ing Garissa, Eastleigh, slums
and areas within 60km of the
Kenya-Somali border
See what others are saying,
join us Online:
cussions of terrorism because they
have equally borne the brunt.
The Government of Kenya would
like to assure all Kenyans and friends
of Kenya that our security forces re-
main vigilant and will continue to
thwart any attempt to disrupt peace,
he said. The PS reafrmed the com-
mitment of the Government to ght-
ing terrorism and assured tourists and
visitors of their security.
The Foreign and Commonwealth
Ofce (FCO) warning cited Nairobis
high density settlements, including
Kibera, Mathare, Huruma, Mukuru
kwa Njenga, Mukuru kwa Reuben, Ko-
rogocho, Kariobangi, Kangemi, Mwiki
and Kawangware, for high crime lev-
Kibera is a tourist attraction, with
foreigners and aid workers visiting it
after it was cited as one of Africas larg-
est slums. British citizens have further
been advised to avoid Mombasa Is-
land and areas within ve kilometres
of the coast from Mtwapa Creek in the
north to Tiwi in the south following
recent terror attacks.
Moses Gift Osinya (centre) receives the Samaritan Award from Ezekiel Mutua (left) from Ministry of Information
and Communication and Jubilee Insurance Company Chief Executive Ofcer Patrick Tumbo during the Jubilee Insur-
ance Samaritan Awards ceremony at a Nairobi hotel yesterday. [PHOTO: ELVIS OGINA/STANDARD]
South Sudan blames America,
Khartoum over conict
Friday, May 16, 2016 / The Standard
Tussle over former
Kangundo tycoon estate
A family court sitting in Nairobi
has brought to an end the long
and protracted administration
tussle over the estate of a former
Kangundo tycoon who died
in 1982. The matter has been
pending in court for the last
30 years. Three administrators
who have been duly conrmed
by Two High Court judges; Luka
Kimaru and William Musyoka will
now manage the estate of Paul
Musau. Consequently, a
surveyor has been appointed
by the court to oversee the
subdivision of the 600 acres
located in Kangundo and
the same be distributed to
the beneciaries of the late
Musau who died aged 140
years. The two judges upheld
the judgement of appellate
judge Justice Roselyne
Nambuye who entered
the nal decision on the
administration of the estate
by appointing Benjamin
Wambua, Antony Musau and
Joseph Muthiani as joint
West African denied
entry into Kenya
A West African
businessmans attempt to
gain entry into the country
has been dismissed by the
High Court. Hassan Isah
had moved to court seeking
orders to compel the Ministry
of Immigration to allow him
entry into the country after
he was denied permit. Isah, a
country sales manager with
Seasoning Company, Kenya
branch, had applied for an
entry permit, which was
denied by the Department of
Immigration. He told the court
that he applied for employment
with the West African company
and was given the job and
posted to the Kenyan branch.
He accused the Immigration
department of violating legal
processes and of corruption. The
process of issuing and renewing
entry permits was riddled with
fraud, corruption and violation
of various legal processes,
Justice Weldon Korir heard. He
was denied entry on what the
Immigration department termed
as failure to meet the necessary
go ahead and make the payments be-
fore the case is heard and deter-
The society wants the application
to be placed before the Chief Justice
so that he appoints a bench to hear
and determine the case.
LSK argues that the petition should
be heard by an even number of judges
because it raises substantial ques-
tions of law under the Constitution.
Mwamu told the court that the is-
sues involved are of grave public im-
portance and involve good gover-
nance and management of public
LSK is seeking orders to stop the
Treasury and the Attorney General
from paying any money related to the
18 Anglo Leasing types of contracts.
Also being sought is an order com-
pelling Treasury Secretary Henry Rot-
ich and AG Githu Muigai to produce
in court evidence of any payments
made so far to First Mercantile Secu-
rities Corporation within seven days.
LSK has faulted a judgment against
the Government of Kenya issued by a
court in London in favour of First
Mercantile Securities Corporation
and Universal Satspace (North Amer-
ica) LLC companies.
LSK argues that the judgment of
High Court of Justice Queens Bench
had been arrived at without the Ke-
nyan government being given a fair
Lawyers want Treasury
Cabinet Secretary
stopped from paying
Sh1.4b sought by two
LSK in second
bid to stop Anglo
Leasing payments
Homa Bay MP Peter Kaluma at the Milimani Law Courts yesterday where he
was charged with defrauding Deborah Aduda of Sh10 million allegedly meant
for a piece of land in Karen, Nairobi, in 2012. He did not take plea and was re-
leased on a Sh50,000 bond. The case will be heard on July 29. [PHOTO: FIDELIS
Four people were yesterday
charged in a Nairobi court with im-
personating police ofcers.
Yussuf Hussein, Ali Marshallo,
Mahboub Hassan and Muhdin Abdile
were accused that on May 13 in East-
leigh they falsely presented them-
selves as Administration Police of-
They allegedly forced Samuel
Mwangi, a taxi driver, to ferry them
using his vehicle purporting to be car-
rying out their duties as police of-
The four were also charged that on
the same date, they were found with
a pair of police handcuffs and an Ad-
ministration Police certicate of ap-
pointment bearing the name of Abdi-
rizak Mohammed Sheikh.
The document, which is the prop-
erty of the National Police Service,
was suspected to have been unlawful-
ly obtained.
According to the prosecution, the
four accused persons hired a taxi at
Mayuyu in Eastleigh, presenting
themselves as police ofcers.
They showed the driver the alleged
police appointment certicate, hand-
cuffs and a police communication
When they alighted at their desti-
nation and having not paid the taxi
driver, they identied themselves to
the members of the public as author-
ities and started arresting some of
them, probably to extort money.
The public, however, got suspi-
cious and called the police.
Appearing before the Makadara
Chief Magistrate Emily Ominde, the
four denied the charges and were re-
leased on a cash bail of Sh50,000 or a
bond of Sh100,000 with a surety of a
similar amount each.
The case will be heard on August
Four charged with impersonating AP ofcers
Two parties have been enjoined in
a case led by the Media Council of
Kenya and three leading media hous-
es challenging the legality of new laws
to regulate the industry.
Justice Isaac Lenaola yesterday al-
lowed the Consumer Federation of
Kenya (Cofek) and the Information
Communication Technology Con-
sumers Association of Kenya (ICTAK)
to be enjoined in the case that also
challenges two appointments by In-
formation Cabinet Secretary Fred
ICTAK had argued that it would
add value to the proceedings as it is
constituted by experts in the informa-
tion technology sector and that no
one else can represent their grievanc-
es better.
The three media houses; Nation
Media Group, The Standard Group
and the Royal Media Services moved
to court seeking to declare the ap-
pointments illegal and against media
freedom as enshrined in the Constitu-
Lawyers Issa Mansur and James
Orengo representing the houses and
journalists respectively said the deci-
sion by the Cabinet Secretary to de-
clare vacancies in the Media Council
and the Appeals Tribunal was irregu-
lar and should be struck out.
ICTAK argued that the CS did not
follow the law in making the appoint-
ments, saying he breached the provi-
sions of Legal Notice 183 of 2013.
ICTAK Secretary General Kamotho
Njenga said the legal notice, in para-
graph 6(2) (e), allows the appoint-
ment of a maximum of six people,
who should not be public ofcers.
The CS proceeded to include per-
sons who are public ofcers as per Ar-
ticle 260 of the Constitution. Some
members include university lecturers
who under the law are public ser-
vants, explained Kamotho.
Cofek, ICTAK
enjoined in suit
media laws
British journalist
contests revocation
of her work permit
A British journalist declared an
alien and her work permit revoked
has moved to court to challenge the
decision. Lucy Hannan, through law-
yer Kethi Kilonzo, led a petition at
the High Court in Nairobi seeking to
have the decision by the Ministry of
Interior nullied.
The journalist says her fundamen-
tal rights have been infringed upon
because she was not notied before
Interior Cabinet Secretary Joseph Ole
Lenku revoked her work permit on
October 30, 2013.
Ms Hannan came to Kenya in 1988
and has been working in the country
as a journalist, human rights author
and lmmaker. She argues that the
Government had not ofcially in-
formed her of the decision to revoke
her work permit.
The Law Society of Kenya (LSK)
has launched a second attempt to
stop the Government from paying
Sh1.4 billion to two Anglo Leasing
LSK led an urgent application
yesterday seeking to be allowed by the
High Court to move to the Court of
Appeal to appeal a decision by High
Court Judge David Majanja declining
to issue temporary orders stopping
the payments.
It would be grave miscarriage of
justice not only for the applicants but
for the country if respondents are al-
lowed to deal with the matter of pay-
ing out huge sums unbudgeted for
and not approved by Kenyans be-
cause of the corrupt nature, said LSK
lawyer James Mwamu.
Judge Isaac Lenaola directed that
the case be heard on May 26.
LSK wants the court to stop the
Treasury from paying the money to
First Mercantile Securities.
Mr Mwamu told the court that LSK
is apprehensive that unless the appli-
cation is heard urgently, Treasury may
In the dock over land deal
Page 13 Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
Sh28m to fight terror?
Estimates puzzling
The Standard is printed and published by the proprietors,
Newsdesk: 3222111
Fax: 2213108
Group Managing Editor (Print): Kipkoech Tanui
Registered at the GPO as a newspaper.
Clear lines needed as Provincial Administration returns
ational security matters continue to occupy
the minds of many. Kenyans must never relax
their vigil because the threat of terrorist
attacks has not yet been eliminated.
There are frantic efforts by our security forces to
clear the threat of Al-Shabaab and allow citizens to go
about their business without worrying about their
safety. The safety of the citizens and country remains
in the hands of the Army and the Police. The Inspector
General of Police and the Cabinet Secretary for Interior
have come under attack for seemingly fumbling in
conducting security operations. What is emerging is
that they dont have enough funds to effectively run
their operations. Enough funds to deploy personnel to
collect intelligence necessary to disrupt the terrorist
networks or neutralise their cells.
While budgetary allocations to some public offices
whose role is purely ornamental, public relations and
entertainment, have been given upwards of Sh40
million, the Anti-Terrorism Police Unit, charged with
the gargantuan task of making Kenya safe, received a
paltry Sh28 million in the same Budget. Does this
signal serious intent on the part of Government in
fighting terrorism or is it merely playing an appeasing
game with an increasingly agitated public? Or was this
an oversight?
Security is a vital aspect of our lives. Budget plan-
ners must allocate enough funds to the ATPU to ensure
mobility and facilitation of methods of gathering
information necessary in unearthing terrorist activi-
ties. Budget proposals were embarked on at a time
when Kenya had been subjected to a series of attacks
and better consideration should have been given if
truly, the Government cared about making Kenya safe.
Removal of tints on PSVs will not accomplish much.
The matter of arms can be handled well with better
policing of entry points into Kenya and the refugee
camps. And the unit to do that effectively is the ATPU.

Kenyu's BoId Newspuper 1hursday, becember 20, 2012

No. 29227
kSh50/00 1ShI,000/00 uShI500/00
Madzrzd|, hara get
Week te p|ck |ezder
toW1lWub oW A6 2
8 VlIA|l klMIAl zad k0f|Nf 08A|A
TheJubIIeeAIIIunceonTuesduy secufedun
exIfu week Io InIofmIhe BegIsIfuf oI PoIIIIcuI
PufIIes Ihe nume oI IIs pfesIdenIIuI cundIduIe
IoIIowIng Ihe Iupse oI InIIIuI 14-duy pefIod
counIIng IfomDecembef 4.
ThIs meuns DepuIy PfIme MInIsIefs
Uhufu KenyuIIu und MusuIIu MuduvudI huve
mofe IIme Io compfomIse on wheIhef one
oI IhemwIII be pIcked ug-beufef by wuy oI
consensus of deIeguIe sysIem.
II wus dIsugfeemenI beIween Ihe Iwo ovef
Ihe Iwo sysIems IhuI Ihfew Ihe uIIIunce InIo
conIusIon und deIuyed numIng oI u ug-
beufef IhIs week.
BuI even us Ihe pefIod Iof negoIIuIIons
wIdened, MuduvudI`s cIosesI uIIIes
muInIuInedIhuI whuIevef Ihe ouIcome, IheIf
cundIduIe wouId funInIhe Mufch4 eIecIIon.
MuduvudI`s nuIIonuI cumpuIgn coofdInuIof
Df MukhIsu KIIuyI feveuIed Ihe pufIy wus
expIofIng uII uvenues Io uddfess Ihe Impusse.
We huve Ihe exII wIndowund IIme Is noI on
8 fIfk 0l0
PfesIdenI KIbukI cIosed hIs
b0-yeuf coIoufIuI hIsIofy In Puf-
IIumenI wIIh un exhofIuIIon Io
MPs Io use Ihe House`s poIenIIuI
Io fudIcuIIy IfunsIofm peopIe`s
The PfesIdenI, who wus show-
efed wIIh pfuIse by uII MPs
some oI whom huve been hIs
bIIIef cfIIIcs , couId noI hoId
buck hIs |oy us he gfuceIuIIy ex-
IIed Ihe IegIsIuIIve house.
The PfesIdenI femInIscedovef
Ihe gfeuI uchIevemenIs oI Ihe
10Ih PufIIumenI, und sIngIed ouI
Ihe enucImenI oI Ihe new Con-
sIIIuIIon uIIef un eIusIve 20-yeuf
seufch us sIundIng ouI.
GIvIng hIs hnuI uddfess Io Ihe
House, Ihe Heud oI SIuIe who
Is Ihe IongesI sefvIng Membef
oI PufIIumenI uppeufed Io
seI Ihe Iempo Iof Ihe comIng
eIecIIons when he suId Ihe
counIfy`s IuII poIenIIuI cun onIy
toW1lWub oW A6 7
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Parting shot
!ir k|t tt |rj |tr msrtr
resident kibaki
MichaeI Lewa Ahmed Shaf NeIseu 1ee
Meses Lechich Ahmed omar ric MeIchizedeck
WAlRoBl Bl6 RAt
8tandard Ipsos Opinion
poll puts Wanjiru, 8onko
ahcad, PACL8 4, S 8 6
kbF BoSS 1RM
Ccncral Karangi`s
tcrm cxtcndcd by
two ycars, PACL 3
I|1| ||es |s
erertet |s|t
t|ste II
ALSo lWSlb
S1oRY oW A6 10
SIx AdmInIsIfuIIonPoIIceoIhcefs wefeyesIefduysenIencedIodeuIhIof Ihemufdef
oI seven IuxI dfIvefs In Kuwungwufe, NuIfobI, In 2010. SEE FULL STORY 17
1oB tW1R
Your daily page on
employment news
and views, PAGE 12
he legality of County Commis-
sioners has been a subject of
debate since their appointment
by former President Kibaki. Last year, High
Court judge Mumbi Ngugi ruled that their
appointment was unconstitutional.
Yesterday, President Kenya launched
the policy framework on decentralised
management of the human resource in
public service. County Commissioners, the
direct representatives of the Central
Government at the county level will most
likely eclipse the governors, sparking off a
fresh round of confrontation on matters of
seniority and protocol.
Speaking at the Kenya School of
Government, the President was unequivo-
cal in stating that the county commission-
ers had veto power in their respective
counties. While highlighting a number of
issues that have given the Government a
bad name, the President fingered lethargy
in Government and the lackluster perfor-
mance of public officers as the reasons
why Government is perceived to be either
unwilling or unable to deliver quality
service to the citizens. It is a truism that
those who are supposed to give service to
the public have turned around to be the
once being served. The commercialisation
of services, absenteeism, laxity in govern-
ment offices and institutions, create need
on the public side, and a conducive
environment for corruption to thrive.
Need and urgency conspire to create a
situation where free services are expedi-
tiously procured upon payment of some
fee. While the law says this is illegal, for
the willing giver and taker, necessity and
need override other considerations. Unless
the Government streamlines services in its
offices by sticking to specifics and time-
lines, this, the simplest type of corruption
will be with us infinitely.
The primary responsibility of civil
servants is to serve the public. And while
offering that service, the principal of
servant leadership must be applied.
Emphasis must be laid on efficiency and
accountability. The President was correct
in observing that many senior Govern-
ment functionaries have shirked their
responsibilities by hiding behind nonexis-
tent endless meetings, seminars and the
pretext of orders from above. A lot of
things have gone wrong at various levels of
governance without anybody taking
responsibility for them. Under the new
order, county commissioners have been
given the onus and direct responsibility of
executing Central Government functions.
However, this should not give them the
carte blanche to usurp the powers of the
governors in running the counties. With
clear work guidelines, the matter of
superiority should never arise since the
governors and commissioners mandate is
to serve the public. Commissioners have
been charged with ensuring that security
is given, civil servants honour their
responsibilities, illegal brews are extinct,
cattle rustling and poaching are con-
tained, roads are passable and account-
ability is observed.
As direct presidential representatives,
they will preside over national functions
and read presidential speeches in addition
to being the Government spokesmen in
the counties.
What will be the county governments
role in the provision of basic services that
the county commissioners too have to
oversee? These include health, sanitation,
garbage collection and education? This
provides an environment for a blame
game when things fail. This will have to be
addressed to avoid unnecessary friction
and stalling of public services.
Discrimination in the military
Three years after the demise of dont ask,
dont tell, an estimated 15,000 members of
the military still must lie about themselves
in order to go on risking their lives for their
country. When Congress eliminated the law
against gay men and lesbians serving openly
in the military, the Pentagon left in place an
equally unfounded prohibition on transgender
people.It was gratifying, then, to hear Defense
Secretary Chuck Hagel say in an interview on
ABCs This Week on Sunday, Every qualied
American who wants to serve our country
should have an opportunity if they t the
qualications and can do it. After all, unlike
the ban on openly gay soldiers, the rule on
transgender people is just a rule. There is no
law prohibiting them from serving openly.
Chris Christie plays the blame game
Chris Christies presidential prospects are
sagging and it has nothing to do with those
steel cables spanning the Hudson River. The
sprawling controversy, which began with bridge
lane closures in Fort Lee, New Jersy., to punish a
political foe, has given the governor a reputation
for running New Jersey in a vindictive and even
thuggish manner. But this would hurt him less in
the 2016 Republican presidential primaries than
the loss of the central rationale for his potential
candidacy: that he returned New Jersey to scal
health. CBS Newss Bob Schieffer, assigned to
interview Christie onstage Wednesday at the
Peter G. Peterson Foundations annual scal
summit in Washington, laid out the bad news:
$807 million budget shortfall; downgrades by
credit-rating agencies; worry that the state
cant pay its pension obligations; and slow job
The NHS is a source of national pride
Over the past century, medical science has
made extraordinary leaps in its ability to help us
live long and live well. Progress on dying well,
however, is less clear-cut. A century years ago,
85 per cent of us died at home. Novels from the
period detail the rituals and last rites that would
precede the nal hours. Afterwards, it was not
uncommon for the body to be displayed in the
house, for relatives and well-wishers to visit and
pay their respects. This was a society in which
death was still knitted closely into the fabric of
ordinary life. Today the picture is different. With
half of all deaths in England now occurring in
hospital, a damning report from the Royal College
of Physicians and the Marie Curie Palliative Care
Institute warns that too many patients are now
dying badly in NHS wards around the country.
OPINION / Page 15
FRANCIS ANYENDA } Stop discriminating against persons with disabilities
local television station re-
cently carried a story of a
Form Three girl, who was
discontinued from school because
her urine and stool cannot be con-
trolled due to a condition referred
to as Spina bida.
The argument of the school ad-
ministration was that because of
her inability to control the stool
and urine, the girl smells and this
makes the classroom smell too.
Spina bida is characterised by in-
complete development of the
brain, spinal cord, and/or menin-
ges (the protective covering around
the brain and spinal cord).
Complications as a result of
spina bida range from minor
physical problems with little func-
tional impairment to severe physi-
cal and mental disabilities. Spina
bidas impact is determined by
the size and location of the malfor-
mation, whether it covered, and
which spinal nerves are involved.
All nerves located below the mal-
formation are affected to some de-
The higher the malformation

Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
UhuRuto shouldve stuck to the possible
bill that has been accentuated by
the wastefulness in Jubilee.
The other four are: the loose
patches sewn into the Jubilee fab-
ric by its rivalry among majority
ethnic-based shareholders; the re-
ality of Americas and Europes
cash cutbacks manifested by col-
lapsing programmes; the growing
certainty that even without Mr
Raila Odinga, there are issues that
refuse to go even if not raised by
him; and the faade that China
and its renminbi currency are in
terms of addressing immediate
Friends, we all may not have
solutions to the situation the Jubi-
lee leadership has found itself in,
but we must also remind them
that borrowing and borrowing
without serious cutbacks in public
spending, cutting wastefulness in
government, and ending the pre-
tense that China, to whom we have
given our soul, will give us Heaven.
The bill will be waiting for us to
settle even as we repair the won-
derful infrastructure they have giv-
en us.
The point is really simple; Uh-
uru and Ruto must now realise
they are no longer the university
students of old, but the present-
day student who has no delusion
on how brutish and competitive
life after college is. Yes, it is time to
cut on dreams, seal the leakages,
and generate wealth. It is to leave
the high table where chewing and
swallowing is the only exercise.
Hey, you also realise we Ieft out
The Hague yes, that was deliber-
The writer is Group Managing
Editor (Print) at The Standard.
long time ago, university
students had lofty and
impractical dreams. Be-
cause they were few, they were
sure they would get jobs, so job-
lessness was not one of their fears.
The world waiting outside the lec-
ture theatres was big and could t
all of them, many got jobs even be-
fore graduating, the best of them,
that is.
Company executives, I am told,
pitched camp in lecture rooms
trying to convince the youths why
their companies were the best em-
ployers. Coca Cola, Kenya Brewer-
ies, Kenya Airways and British
American Tobacco and East Afri-
can Industries were among the
best destinations for young gradu-
ates then.
But surreal as life was, there
was a crushing impatience by the
youths (who are now in their late
50s) to get into this life. This was
captured aptly by the legendary
Bishop Alexander Kipsang Arap
Muge when he counselled the
young: Dont be like university
students who want to graduate to-
day, buy a Peugeot 504 saloon to-
morrow, and marry and get a son
on the third day!
Several things happening with-
in the Jubilee administration open
oodgates of memories in my
mind related to this analogy. In
governance, especially within the
context of highly ethnicised poli-
tics like ours, it is tempting for our
leaders to make promises that
they know are either unachievable
due to nances or scale, or may
take a long time right up to the
next generation.
This situation (and which is
why I referred to tribe) is fertile
ground for politicians to delude
their followers because instead of
being critical, most lay more em-
phasis on the tribal factor. That is
why instead of some MPs allied to
Deputy President William Ruto
lobbying for strategies to protect
the prices of milk from being
crashed by the emerging monop-
oly buying off every available dairy
rm, they are more concerned
with the removal of former NYS di-
rector Mr Kiplimo Rugut.
Why? Their fury is two fold;
Cabinet Secretary Anne Waiguru
replaced him with former Presi-
dent Kibakis State House Comp-
troller Nelson Githinji. Then, as if
to lay bare the umbilical cord be-
tween Kibakis administration and
Uhurus, Githinji is sworn in be-
fore Uhuru at State House. The
question to ask is how many chaps
just didnt leave State House or the
power-base wherever it is after
Kibaki left. If the URP MPs answer
this question well and truthfully,
they will know a few things about
what is happening around Gov-
We must also remember that
the effective footbridge, one year
later, between Kibaki and Uhurus
administration, remains four pow-
erful chaps: Mr Francis Kimemia,
Mr Mutea Iringo (all of who Rutos
team want evicted because of
something to do with the ICC, but
on whom Uhurus side is clearly
not in agreement), as well as Na-
tional Intelligence Director Mi-
chael Gichangi and then the high-
est ranking man in the Presidency
outside Uhuru and Ruto Mr Jo-
seph Kinyua. There are a few oth-
ers like Waiguru (who incidentally
commands the respect we accord
naked electricity wires) who form
part of this footbridge.
Let us go back to the university
student and his lofty dreams. The
Jubilee administration came to
power with good dreams, an-
chored by such sweeteners as free
everything from hospitals to
schools, free laptops for all chil-
dren, cash for youth and women
and the old too, as well as promis-
es of phenomenal growth in all
sectors, including railways, air-
ports, agricultural plantations,
polytechnics and two others that
came off the lips of the two pow-
erful gentlemen like honey: dou-
ble-digit economic growth and
jobs-creation by the second!
Now like the modern-day uni-
versity student, the harsh reality
has hit all of us in the face; kumbe
sio rahisi (so it is not easy).
There are ten problems that
even the Chinese, on whom I shall
say something about in conclu-
sion, wont help much because a
debt is a debt, is a debt. Listening
to several top brains in govern-
ment, there are ten problems,
some inherited, that are spoiling
the Jubilee dream and testing the
strength of its backbone.
They are terrorism and general
insecurity; the sinking reality the
Anglo Leasing billions payout is
inevitable; the reality that hostility
to and the effort to bait and cage
the media, is counterproductive;
that you can ght Devolution by
even reinstating the old order
through the discredited Provincial
Administration, but it has its own
poisonous fangs; that borrowing
and borrowing will only take you
far; and the runaway public wage
occurs on the back, the greater the
amount of nerve damage and loss
of muscle function and sensation.
That explains the reason why Vir-
ginia cannot control her urine and
The expulsion case brings to the
fore increased cases of discrimina-
tion and exclusion of persons with
disabilities in the country despite
many legislative and legal frame-
works existing that protect the
rights of persons with disabilities.
Everywhere they live, people
with disabilities are statistically
more likely to be unemployed, illit-
erate, to have less formal education
and less access to support net-
works. They are further isolated by
discrimination, ignorance and
In recent times, there have been
increased cases of persons with
disabilities being discriminated
against in all several spheres of life
in employment, education, social
gatherings, at family level. Address-
ing the great moral challenge that
is poverty and disability means fo-
cusing on removing the structural
and attitudinal barriers that ex-
clude people with disabilities in all
sectors of life.
Disability is a rights issue and
not a matter of discretion! This is
clearly laid down in the UN Con-
vention on Rights of Persons with
Disabilities. The Convention on the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities
and its Optional Protocol was ad-
opted on December 13, 2006 at the
United Nations Headquarters in
New York.
The purpose of the Convention
is to promote, protect and ensure
full and equal enjoyment of all hu-
man rights and fundamental free-
doms by all persons with disabili-
ties. Both the Convention and its
Protocol came into force on May 3,
The Convention establishes
disability not only as a social wel-
fare matter but as human rights is-
sue and matter of law. Kenya rati-
ed the convention in 2008.
Kenya also enacted the Persons
with Disability Act in 2003 which
among other things protects and
promotes the rights of Persons with
disabilities in Kenya.
The rights recognised by the
Convention and the Act cover al-
most all aspects of life from justice
to transport, through employment
to information technology and so-
cial health policy.
Article 54 of the Constitution of
Kenya recognises and specically
details rights of persons with dis-
Further, the Constitution in Ar-
ticle 43 recognises economic and
social rights of every person in-
cluding the right to; Highest attain-
able standard of health; Housing;
Sanitation; Freedom from hunger;
Clean and safe water; Social secu-
rity; Education; Emergency treat-
ment; Appropriate social security
There is therefore need to en-
sure that all necessary measures
are taken by each one of us to en-
sure benets and opportunities for
persons with disabilities as embed-
ded in the Constitution and other
legislative frameworks are utilised
for persons with disabilities to rea-
lise their full potential.
Mr Anyenda
is Senior PR Ofcer at the
National Council for Persons
with Disabilities
have been in-
creased cas-
es of persons
with disabil-
ities being
ed against
in several
spheres of
life in em-
social gath-
erings and at
family level
and Ruto
must now
they are no
longer the
students of
the old, but
the pres-
who has
no delu-
sion of how
brutish and
tive life af-
ter college
Never bite the hand that
feeds you, or you might go
hungry. The spelling might
have been on the wall for Ki-
dero when, recently, nobody
voted for him during the
governors elections, not even
governors from ODM. Legisla-
tors from ODM have been
that he has been
intent on rock-
ing the party
and undermin-
ing Raila Odinga
in Nyanza. If,
at a later date
the Supreme Court hoists the
STOP sign, will he go running
to ODM and Baba?
Talk of getting priorities
wrong! Media reports have it
that in a desperate attempt
to dull the pangs of hunger, a
family in Baringo County killed
a neighbours cat and fed on it.
What a sad story this is. Others
have died. The government
sees the suffering in Somalia
and South Sudan and rushes to
their aid. But more weird is the
fact money for Anglo Leasing
is available in billions, but a
measly thousands to bail out
families facing starvation can-
not be found. Its a tough life.
First, President Salva Kiir
sensationally claimed those
who assisted his country get
independence were respon-
sible for the war in South
Sudan after failing to get
what they bargained for.
Next comes the claim that he
signed the peace agreement
with Dr Riek Machar under
duress. Now he is blaming the
West for the delay in holding
elections. The most sensible
thing to do is throw in the
towel. Mr President, you lost
your bearings.
So Mr Aden Duale is too big
for the police to arrest, eh?
There is a complaint. After in-
sulting fellow legislator Jamleck
Kamau through an sms, the
latter lodged a complaint with
the police. Duale has refused
to honour summons to visit the
police hence the issuance of the
warrant, but the police are so
scared of his title they dare not
arrest him. Huh!
And nally...
Three roommates who
bought a used couch for $20
found $40,000 (Sh3.4m)
in cash stashed inside and
returned the money to the 91-
year-old widow who had hid-
den it there. WABC-TV in New
York City reports that a State
University of New York at New
Paltz student and his two
roommates found the money
stuffed in envelopes hidden
in the couch they bought from
the Salvation Army in early
March. One envelope had a
womans name on it. After
debating what to do, they
delivered the money to the
woman the next day.
Follow us!
The electorate must have a say in
the impeachment of governors
The views expressed by Commission for
the Implementation of the Constitution
(CIC) chairman Charles Nyachae that the
law regarding impeachment of governors
needs to be reviewed is timely and
should be supported. It is true that the
law is susceptible to misuse by malicious
individuals. A number of MCAs are taking
advantage of this loophole to settle
scores with governors who do not meet
their selsh whims. Going forward, the
public who voted for governors needs to
have a say in their removal from ofce. -
Philip Mbindyo
The law on tinted windows should
apply to PSVs and private vehicles
The Inspector Generals idea of
impounding PSVs with tinted windows is
a good initiative in ghting against the
upsurge of crime in our country, more
so terrorism. It should be welcomed and
implemented also for private vehicles.
Let us not forget that many private
vehicles have been used in the recent
past by criminals, some as escape cars
and more recently to ferry bombs. The
police cannot only focus their attention
on tinted PSVs, let them focus on all
vehicles Kenyans need to be safe. -
Kiplimo Timothy
Let us build strong institutions that
will benet all Kenyans
When Kenyans voted for a new
Constitution, we thought this was the
beginning of better days for us. However,
if what is going on in our counties is
anything to go by, we fear that even the
much touted Vision 2030 will be nothing
but empty words. Our leaders are failing
us; we elect them hoping that they will
work for our interests but instead they
turn the tables on us. We need to change
the way we do things in Kenya. Lets
avoid individualism. Lets not condemn
and politicise every situation but instead
build institutions for a better nation. -
Moses Okeyo
Pedestrians must stop breaking
trafc regulations at will
It has become a daily occurrence
that pedestrians get run over on our
superhighways and other city roads
thanks to the breaking of set trafc laws.
Some city residents have adopted an
I dont care attitude and cross roads
wherever they please. This despite the
fact that there are designated areas for
pedestrians footbridges, for example,
provide the safest places for crossing
roads. Unfortunately, residents prefer to
compete with speeding vehicles, which
risks not just their lives but those of
motorists. - Grifn Luke Owino
Calls for university fees
reduction are appropriate
The call by Kenyan university
leaders for the Government to re-
duce fees charged to students is
welcome and should receive sup-
port from all Government leaders.
The fees being currently charged
are already very high and some of
us students have a problem raising
the amount. More than 90 per cent
of students who make it to public
universities come from poor fami-
The intention by Education
Cabinet Secretary, Jacob Kaimenyi,
to take a Motion to Parliament
aimed at increasing the current fees
is misguided.
For many students, the familys
nancial base is not very strong
and many struggle to pay even the
current fees. If the Motion sails
through, this will be one way of dis-
couraging learning in Kenya.
Students will not be able to raise
the high fees and will, therefore,
have no option but to drop out of
The solution to students prob-
lems is not to raise the fees; if any-
thing, it is to lower the fees, as is be-
ing proposed by the student
If it becomes too hard to lower
the fees, then they should be left
the way they are.
Currently, students in the regu-
lar programme pay about Sh30,000
a year. They are also entitled to ap-
ply for Helb loans and bursaries of
between Sh35,000 and Sh60,000
based on their needs.
Those students who opt for the
parallel programmes cater for their
full expenses, unlike their regular
counterparts who are subsidised by
the Government.
Yet even when they are subsi-
dised, students in regular pro-
gramme really struggle to pay their
Before Prof Kaimenyi takes this
Motion to Parliament, he needs to
consult widely to avoid killing the
dreams of many young minds.
He should seek to hear what stu-
dents and stakeholders in the edu-
cation sector have to say.
Many students in universities
have great dreams for the future
and all they are waiting for is to get
their degrees so they can go and
start implementing their ideas.
Government should do every-
thing possible to support these
dreams. It should not appear to be
at the forefront of killing them.
I think what the Government
should be doing now is increasing
the chances of students access to
extra loans. The current amount al-
located to students by Helb is not
enough. It should be raised a little
so that it can cater fully for stu-
dents needs.
Members of Parliament should
be prepared to kick this Motion out
as soon as it gets to the chambers.
They should not allow young peo-
ple to be exploited.
These are the people who cam-
paigned and voted for them and it
is now time they fullled the prom-
ises they made then.
{David Mwaura, Maseno University}
Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
Leaders must shape up or ship out now
Over the last few days, Embu
Governor Martin Wambora has
dominated the better part of the
news coming from from all media
houses for his spirited ght in try-
ing to retain his seat.
As I watched the news bulletins,
a number of questions crossed my
mind in relation to the verdict ar-
rived at by the 36 senators, 35 of
whom voted to impeach Wambora
a second time.
Following this decision, Wamb-
ora was expected to remain out of
public ofce for a whole decade on
charges of corruption and violation
of the Constitution.
This story has made me want to
hail the Government for its close
monitoring of performance among
its ofcers.
This should be a lesson to other
governors that the spotlight is be-
ing shone on them and as such,
they need to remain accountable
for every decision they make as
county CEOs.
The current scenario takes me
back to January 2011, when the
Minister of Education at the time,
Sam Ongeri, warned head teachers
against forcing students to repeat
classes lest they faced with imme-
diate interdiction.
A student who was forced to re-
peat was one who had consistently
performed poorly in his academic
The same thing can be said to be
happening now. In simple terms,
what the Government wants is to
drive the message home that no
public ofcer will be given a chance
to re-do something that they should
have done well in the rst in-
Once given a chance, make the
best out of it and you will be sure to
enjoy the benets that come along
with having such a status in soci-
{Sarah Njeri, Timboroa}
How to write us: Letters should be addressed to: The Editor, Letters, P O Box 30080, Nairobi, Kenya or e-mail
The views expressed on this page are not those of The Standard. The Editor reserves the right to edit the letters. Correspondents should give their names and
address as a sign of good faith, though not necessarily for publication.
Tinted windows not a
conduit for terror
A clear lack of organisation in
police response to terrorism has
been the subject of discussion
ever since the Al-Shabaab
problem began.
The Westgate incident was
a clear example of lack of
preparedness by the Kenya
Police to act swiftly and
decisively when terrorists strike
The latest directive by the
Inspector General of Police
David Kimaiyo that all vehicle
owners need to pull down
any tinted material from the
windows of public and private
vehicles is supposedly aimed at
exposing suspicious individuals
hiding inside vehicles, or those
with motives to cause terror.
This directive has been criticised
because it contravenes the
written law, which has been
tailored specically for public
service vehicles.
The correct approach would
be for the Inspector General to
rst amend the law to make the
enforcement a legally binding
The fact that hand grenades and
other ammunition are able to
get into Nairobi, Mombasa and
other towns from elsewhere
without police detection
clearly shows that the police
service is failing in its mandate
to control arms smuggling into
the country.
These weapons are deadly
and it is hard to stop a
terrorist from detonating them
once they are in his or her
Is it, therefore, not logical that
emphasis is placed on ensuring
these arms do not nd their way
into Kenya? Shouldnt police be
watching our borders more?
{Nashon Tado, Nairobi}
Parents violating
trafc laws
There are currently many initiatives
being taken to stem road accidents as
well as ght terrorism by the police.
In my opinion, one of the habits
among road users that needs urgent
elimination is the latest fad among
young parents. Every weekend, there
seems to be a competition in which
the father places his baby between
him and the steering wheel while driv-
ing, and the mother has her baby
standing on the front passenger seat or
between the two front seats while driv-
The risks that such actions cause
for the children, drivers and other road
users do not need a study to be pub-
lished but the proper use of the par-
ents brain. We do not even need a me-
dia campaign to have such parents do
what is right nor a Press release from
the Inspector General to ask police to
arrest such parents.
It is important that deliberate ef-
forts are made to put an end to this
show off behaviour that is not only
careless but also callous on the par-
ents part.
If the statutes do not provide for
punishment for these habits then there
is need for our legislators to urgently
put such provisions in place.
If this is the role of the childrens de-
partment, then that ofce needs to
have children protected from this ob-
vious danger.
It is high time we started ensuring
that children within a certain age
bracket are safely strapped in ap-
proved baby car seats, which should,
by now, be a requirement for all par-
ents who carry children in their cars.
{Tom Arody, Nairobi}
Where is Kebs in
illicit brew saga?
It is not that Kenyans like consum-
ing illicit brews but that when a prod-
uct reaches their hands, the assump-
tion is that it must have gone through
the necessary testing.
Kenyans put their trust in Govern-
ment agencies tasked with ensuring
that all consumables are certied t
for human consumption before being
allowed into the market.
The function of Kenya Bureau of
Standards (Kebs) is to make sure that
all products being sold in the market
have reached the required standards.
Therefore, when death occurs,
questions must be asked regarding the
role these agencies play. Is Kebs, for ex-
ample, really keen on the products be-
ing brought into our markets?
The Government must ensure that
consumers do not fall into the hands
of unscrupulous traders who want to
make quick money without regard for
our health or our lives.
All agencies tasked with looking out
for our wellbeing must now decide
whether they are going to do the work
assigned to them or will continue to al-
low this wanton loss of life.
{Risper Kwamboka, Nakuru}
The forum where truth is well told
Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
Inmates at
Kamiti Maximum
Security Prison
receive the Holy
Communion after
their baptism by
John Cardinal
Njue, recently.
Eating the bread of life
eldom do antagonists sit
shoulder to shoulder in
any dispute, but one has
to give it to Dr Evans Kidero and
the man contesting his election
as city governor. His name is Fer-
dinand Waititu but since he has
too many aliases, lets stick to his
widely used nickname, Baba
Kideros consternation, mo-
ments after learning he had been
ousted as Governor was only
matched by Baba Yaos raw, cry of
victory. He truly enjoyed being
back on the podium, and soon a
crowd, no doubt brought to town
for that express purpose, surged,
clinging to his every word just as
some clung to his coat-tails.
Those few moments of Baba
Yaos glory were enough to show
Nairobians what they have been
missing: someone to stir things
up, quite literally, by marshalling
a cast of energised followers fully
devoted to their leader, if at times
one given to misdirecting his
ock, as he did at Kayole moons
For those who have forgotten,
Baba Yao decreed, in that vibrant,
enthused manner that evokes
goose bumps in his supporters,
that some community should be
expelled from their midst for al-
leged errors of omission or com-
Baba Yaos momentary victory
came after Kideros yearlong stint
in ofce andthrough it, Nairobi-
ans had a chance to reect on the
missed opportunities, the sort
that Baba Yao could have exploit-
ed to the hilt.
There was the matatu strike
that paralysed the city for a day
or two, when matatu owners pro-
tested enhanced parking levies.
Kidero, who surprised friend
and foe alike last year when he
twangad some pretty-faced city
politician, did not demonstrate
such aggression when dealing
with rogue matatu operators.
In such instances, Nairobians
must have missed Baba Yao, the
man who never saw a scufe he
did not wish to join. For those
who have not seen Baba Yao in
action, they should have no
doubt about the mans willing-
ness to soil his hands and joining
in the fray.
Whether that means grabbing
stones and hurling them at those
he and his followers perceive as
their adversaries, or giving one a
serious thumping.
Put another way, most prob-
ably, matatu operators wouldnt
have had the temerity to block
city roads with Baba Yao in charge
because he would have respond-
ed in kind and driven them out of
town with stones.
There was also the issue about
trafc marshalls that are yet to
take over city roads, in spite of
their training, apparently be-
cause the boys in blue want to re-
tain a presence on the roads.
Kidero acquiesced to those
demands without a ght, and the
men in blue stayed put. Imagine
if it were Baba Yao being teased
into a ght! He would have mar-
shalled his many supporters,
The Commission on Administrative Justice, al-
so known as Ofce of the Ombudsman, launched
an awards scheme this week to honour public ser-
vants. Artist Wanjohi Nyamu writes the inaugural
award should go to the Ombudsmans ofce for
coming to his rescue, after a simple matter of
transferring a cars logbook, which should ordi-
narily take a month, was extended into a six-
month ordeal by Kenya Revenue Authority of-
It all started last November. Wanjohi claims
there are many brokers at Times Tower who work
in cahoots with ofcials there. The problem, he
adds, is that they charge more than the Govern-
ment receives. A man who approached him de-
manded Sh10,000 to facilitate the transfer in one
day twice the amount the Government received
in transfer fees. Wanjohi ignored the broker and
dutifully queued, paid the requisite fees and left
his logbook for transfer. He then waited for two
When he returned, the logbook could not be
traced. Neither had the transfer been effected.
Thats when he reported the matter to the Om-
budsmans ofce, who promptly wrote to KRA
seeking answers to his query. KRA miraculously
found the missing logbook and instructed him to
pay some fee that had not been disclosed at the
time of transfer application.
Wanjohi received his new logbook last week
after a whole six months. He thinks this could not
have happened without the intervention of the
Ombudsman. His only wish is that many more
Kenyans should get to know about the Ombuds-
mans ofce and report the rot in public service
that they have had to endure.
My heart goes out to nominated MP
Oburu Odinga, who is experiencing rst-
hand what ordinary folks do on a regular
basis: dealing with an indifferent police
Last week, Oburu claimed his younger
brother Tingas life is in danger, and he
submitted that he was ready and willing
to record a statement with the police. Or-
dinarily, it is the police who should have
initiated the statement recording, but
they were simply not interested, even
though their mantra is utumishi kwa wote
(service to all).
But since Oburu is his brothers keeper,
he took it upon himself to seek audience
with Criminal Investigations Department
(CID) boss Ndegwa Muhoro.
The name Muhoro means cool, and
the top cop took things very calmly. He in-
vited Oburu to go back to Bondo where he
rst made the claims, and record his state-
ment there.
Effectively, Muhoro was telling Oburu:
take your village gossip back where it be-
longs. Oburu insists it is the Nairobi ofce
that should handle the claim, particularly
because the matter goes beyond our bor-
East African leaders, he claims, are
hatching the threat against his brother. I
dont know if other powers are involved,
especially Americans, given that Tinga is
cooling off somewhere in Boston.
Artist taken for a ride as KRA hails
Ombudsman for timely intervention
Oburu and the dose of indifference
ordinary folk get as service to all
Momentary return of Baba Yao kicked
off energised audit of Kideros tepid reign
some of who behave like out-
lawed militias, and fought tooth
and nail to take over the streets.
Thats what leadership is all
So if a by-election is in the off-
ing, then the city would be ener-
gised once more, and those who
enjoy street antics that Baba Yao
is famous for, would be en-
thralled to no end.
And once more, it would be
down to the class sensibilities
that dened the last election, the
difference being that Kideros
tepid reign in which so little has
been achieved would be mea-
sured against Baba Yaos street
antics that could yield so much
rouble rousing. And given Ke-
nyans love for the dramatic, the
sort that Baba Yao so ably repre-
sents, there could be interesting
times ahead.
Want to be young again?
Scientists could soon
have the answer
Page 18 / NATIONAL NEWS Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
This is because the brain had
more densely connected neu-
rons in the hippocampus, which
are said to be crucial for memo-
ry. Muscle strength in the older
mice was also found to be com-
parable to the younger ones af-
ter the transfusion process.
But what may excite those
who would like to be young
again is the nding by the scien-
tists that even the younger mice
appeared to be more rejuvenat-
ed than before upon administra-
tion of the compound.
There have also been similar
studies that have shown that
certain compounds can actually
have an anti-ageing effect on an-
Already, there are some re-
searchers, like those at the Uni-
versity of New South Wales who
are reportedly planning to start
human trials as early as next
year. But this will require extra
studies on the long-term effects
of young blood running in the
older veins.
The ageing process we dis-
covered is like a married couple.
When they are young, they com-
municate well, but over time, liv-
ing in close quarters for many
years, communication breaks
down, David Sinclair of Harvard
University said in a press re-
This comes at a time when
scientists the world over are
holed up in laboratories in an at-
tempt to answer the ageing
Already, many developed
countries are suffering from an
ageing population crisis and
such a breakthrough may just be
the answer that may slow their
burden of caring for the old.
Some of the worst hit include
the Britons, the Chinese and the
Japanese among the developed
countries where the crisis is de-
scribed to be growing to a scale
as that of the nancial crisis.
China has already announced
plans to ditch its one child poli-
cy as the ageing crisis looms.
The crisis is also catching up
with developing countries as the
quality of life improves and bet-
ter healthcare services are avail-
able to their population.
But those who would benet
most from such a breakthrough
would be the wealthy popula-
tion and people in the entertain-
ment industry, some who are al-
ready spending a fortune to try
and turn back the clock of time.
The ageing process
is like a married couple.
When they are young,
they communicate
well, but over time,
communication breaks
down. David Sinclair,
Harvard University
A breakthrough by researchers in the US in partially reversing
ageing of the brain in mice could give people wishing to be young
an opportunity to experience youthfulness again
Scientists have
been successful in
proving that
transfusing old
mice with blood
from younger mice
reverses ageing of
the brain in the
older one. [PHOTOS:
work. Some wealthy people had
started experimenting with the
idea as early as the 1400s until
Pope Innocent VIII tried it while
on his deathbed and failed.
Blood from three boys was
used in Pope Innocents experi-
ment. But in a tragic twist, all the
three boys and the pope died.
But the latest development
has renewed the prospects of re-
versing old age using young
blood several centuries later.
The lead scientist of the
study, Saul Villeda, told The
Times newspaper that the re-
search raises prospect of thera-
pies that could slow the decline
of memory and mental abilities
with advancing years.
A huge nding is the fact
that cognitive ageing is not nal
or static, but rather that there is
a certain level of reversibility,
Mr Villeda from the University of
California, San Francisco, is
quoted to have said.
In the study published early
this month in an online journal
Nature Medicine, 18-month-old
mice were given plasma from
three-month-old mice eight
times over three weeks. A control
group received plasma from
mice their own age.
As human lifespan increases,
a greater fraction of the popula-
tion is suffering from age-related
cognitive impairments, making
it important to elucidate a means
to combat the effects of ageing.
Exposure of an aged animal to
young blood can counteract and
reverse pre-existing effects of
brain ageing at the molecular,
structural, functional and cogni-
tive level, the report reads in
The study adds that at the
cognitive level, systemic admin-
istration of young blood plasma
into aged mice improved age-re-
lated cognitive impairments in
both contextual fear condition-
ing and spatial learning and
Our data indicate that expo-
sure of aged mice to young blood
late in life is capable of rejuve-
nating synaptic plasticity and
improving cognitive function, it
adds. Those given young blood
learnt more quickly a task that
involved nding a hidden plat-
form across a pool of water.
They were also reportedly
better at nding the platform
later. What is more is that the
brains of the treated mice re-
sembled those of younger mice.
Blood from younger people
could soon be used to slow and
even reverse the ageing pro-
This follows a breakthrough
by scientists in the United States
in partially reversing ageing of
the brain in mice.
Human beings could be next
in what could allow people to
feel young again, if not partly
turn back the clock of time.
The study found that repeat-
edly transfusing older mice with
blood from younger animals,
they performed much better at
learning and other memory
tasks. The authors suggest that
circulating proteins in the blood
plasma of the young mice are at
least partly responsible for the
Though the idea that blood
from young people could coun-
ter ageing is not entirely knew, it
has never been scientically
proven that the process could
NOTICE / Page 19 Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard Page 20 / NATIONAL NEWS
Rustlers kill four herdsmen, steal 200 livestock
Four Turkana herdsmen were shot dead by
suspected bandits and over 200 livestock sto-
The men were herding their livestock at
Kaitiwo village when a group of suspected cattle
rustlers opened re on them.
According to Turkana South MP James Lom-
enen, the bandits killed the four herdsmen on
the spot while two others sustained serious in-
juries and were rushed to hospital. He said the
bandits, who numbered over 30, drove the sto-
len animals towards Ombolion.
Lomenen expressed concern over the in-
creasing insecurity and called on the Govern-
ment to bolster security along the Turkana
border with Pokot. He said the Governments
move to disarm Turkana reservists had only
served to worsen the situation.
The police disarmed one community and
left out the other. This has led to an increase in
cattle rustling incidents in the area. The Govern-
ment should offer protection after disarming
reservists, he added. The MP also said insecu-
rity was to blame for the displacement of villag-
ers and was raising poverty levels.
Villagers have been eeing the affected ar-
eas fearing for their lives. Livestock is the life-
blood of the people in this part of the country,
said the MP.
He added he was committed to ensuring last-
ing peace in the region and hinted that he would
initiate a peace meeting.
A villager who spoke to The Standard on
phone explained that the attack had left them
without a source of livelihood.
The Wednesday evening incident brings the
total number of villagers who have been killed
in Turkana South to eight including two Kenya
Police Reservists in the recent past.
Turkana South OCPD Kipsang Changach said
police had launched an investigation into the
Experts want more re-
sources devoted to medical
colleges to enable them train
more health workers to
match the countrys de-
Providing equitable and
affordable health care, health
training and research will
remain crucial components,
said Dr John Odondi, head of
Directorate of Clinical Ser-
Speaking during the third
Scientic Conference at Ke-
nya Medical Training College
(KMTC), Dr Pacica Onyan-
cha said there were imbal-
ances between the supply
and demand of health work-
ers thus the need for expan-
sion of KMTC, the private
sector, and build more uni-
She said: It is estimated
that there is a shortage of at
least 817,992 doctors, nurses
and midwives needless to
mention the shortage of
other categories of health
Dr Onyancha pointed out
that competing interests in
the relationship within and
among the Health and Edu-
cation ministries and training
institutions inevitably lead to
fragmentation of effort and
limited impact in addressing
the weak production capaci-
She said poor education
and training capacity results
in low investment and re-
sources to build the neces-
sary human and institutional
capacity to produce more
health workers.
KMTC Board Chairman
Prof Philip Kaloki called for a
more strengthened partner-
ship between the county
governments, medical train-
ing colleges, universities, re-
search institutions and hos-
pitals to ensure sustainable
health care.
Experts: Health sector in
dire need of workers
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P.O. BOX 90420 80100 MOMBASA
Or deposited in the Tender Box situated at the reception area of the Vice Chancellors
Of ce so as to reach the institution on or before 29
May 2014 at 10.00a.m. Tenders
will be opened thereafter in the main conference room, 2
Floor, Administration
Block. Bidders are invited to attend or send their representatives if they so wish.
Prices quoted MUST BE inclusive of all taxes expressed in Kenya Shillings and
remain valid for at least Ninety (90) days after the closing date of the tender notice.
Tenderers are required to note that only those registered for VAT and up to date with
their income Tax and VAT Returns will be considered. Tenderers must attach copies
of PIN Certicate, VAT Registration Certicate, Certicate of Registration and Audited
Accounts for the last Three Years (2010, 2011, and 2012).
Technical University of Mombasa reserves the right to accept or reject any tender(s)
and does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any bidder. Any CANVASSING
whatsoever will render the prospective bidder ineligible for participation.
The Standard and Na-
tion Media Group journal-
ists have been awarded a 23
per cent salary increment
among other benets fol-
lowing the signing of a Col-
lective Bargaining Agree-
ment (CBA).
The CBA was signed
during meeting attended
by the management of Na-
tion Media Group (NMG),
Standard Group Limited
(SGL) and Kenya Union of
Journalists (KUJ) ofcials
during a ceremony held at
Stanley Hotel in Nairobi on
NMG Editorial Manager
David Aduda and KUJ
Chairman Oscar Obonyo
said the agreement was
signed following a series of
In the agreement, KUJ
members will from now get
a salary increase of 11 per
cent, which will be back-
dated to April, while they
will also get a 12 per cent
salary increase from April
next year.
The CBA commenced
on April 1 and shall remain
in force for two years until
March 31, 2016, said
The event was also at-
tended by SGL Human Re-
source Director Pauline
Kiraithe, Eric Kivuva (legal
ofcer) and Andy Kagwa
(editorial manager), while
NMG was represented by
Human Resource Director
David Kiambi and legal of-
cer Sekou Owino.
The two media organi-
sations are pro-union, said
Ms Kiraithe.
In the new CBA, em-
ployees going on annual
leave will be entitled to
Sh11,076 for the rst year
and Sh12,738 in the second
year and will not have to
forfeit the allowance if leave
is not taken.
The CBA also pushes the
members retirement age
from 55 to 60 years.
Meanwhile, parliamen-
tary journalists have elect-
ed new leaders.
Among those elected
were NMGs Caroline Wafu-
la to the position of chair-
person and SGL journalist
Moses Njagih as deputy
NATIONAL NEWS / Page 21 Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
in road
UDF lawmakers support Ngilu on land audit
to all land registries countrywide.
When Ngilu started this war, I was
sceptical and did not support her but
after seeing the outcome I now sup-
port her fully. She has won my heart.
UDF MPs will also block any attempt
to remove her in Parliament, Savula
The MPs said digitalisation and
the clean-up of registries would end
land rackets that have been blamed
for the loss of many lives.
Ngilu ordered a 10-day audit at Ar-
dhi House that began last week.
Meanwhile, Parliament is headed
for another clash with the Executive
after the parliamentary budget ofce
rejected Treasurys move to deprive
the NLC of over Sh1.3 billion.
The House Budget Ofce, in a re-
port presented before the National
Assembly Lands Committee, ques-
tioned why Treasury had allocated
NLC Sh606 million instead of the Sh2
billion they approved.
The report also questions Trea-
surys move to increase the allocation
to the Lands ministry to Sh22.6 billion
from the Sh15.6 billion the House ap-
The report also said there is a pos-
sibility of a clash on functions be-
tween the ministry and NLC as both
have indicated the implementation of
similar issues, which include issuing
of title deeds.
UDF MPs have backed Lands Cab-
inet Secretary Charity Ngilus move to
close the central registry to facilitate
an audit while asking her to extend
the exercise to all counties.
Led by Lugaris Ayub Savula and
Navakholos Emmanuel Wangwe, the
MPs said they were happy with the
recovery of 10,000 missing les at
Ardhi House.
Having been a victim of missing
land les, I am happy with Ngilus
work. I am sure most Kenyans also
support her on this. I hope my le is
among those recovered. The Lands CS
has done a good job, Wangwe said.
Addressing journalists in Nairobi,
the legislators appealed to Ms Ngilu
and the National Lands Commission
(NLC) to bury the hatchet for the good
of Kenyans and implementation of
land reforms.
We want Ngilu to help streamline
the land sector and people responsi-
ble for hiding les arrested and pros-
ecuted for subjecting Kenya to much
agony and torture, Savula said.
The two said banks should now be
free to offer Kenyans credit using land
documents as security.
The clean-up should be extended
MPs say clean-up
should be extended to
all counties as it will
save Kenyans from
being exploited
Scribes awarded
23pc pay rise
Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard Page 22 / NATIONAL NEWS
MPs representing people living
with disabilities have called on the
Kenya Civil Aviation Authority (KCAA)
to take action against Fly540 airline
for alleged discrimination of persons
with disabilities.
The call came in the wake of al-
leged mistreatment of Worldwide
Gospel Church Bishop Joseph Kos-
It also emerged that Senator God-
liver Omondi, representing people
with disabilities, has been a victim of
discrimination by the same airline.
Meanwhile, Parliamentary Com-
mittee on Equal Opportunities Chair-
man Johnson Sakaja has disclosed
that the committee had summoned
the management of the airline to ap-
pear before it to answer to accusations
of abusing the rights of people with
special needs.
We have received the complaints
in regard to the unfortunate incident
and we have called them (Fly540) to
appear before us, Mr Sakaja said.
Ms Omondi disclosed that Bishop
Kosgeis incident was not the rst act
of its kind by the airline company.
MPs demand action against Fly540
Legislators accuse the
airline of mishandling
PLWDs, with latest
incident being that
of Bishop Kosgey
In 2011, while travelling from
Turkana to Nairobi, I was also a victim
of the same discrimination by the
same airline. They even had the au-
dacity to inform me that they did not
know that the air ticket was being
procured for a person with disability,
otherwise they would have declined
to take my money, claimed the Sena-
She added: We are challenging
them to make it public that it is their
policy not to deal with people with
disabilities. We also ask them to close
down their business as discriminating
against people with disabilities is a
violation of the Constitution. The au-
thorities should not allow anyone to
operate in violation of the law.
Kenya Disability Parliamentary
Association (KEDIPA) Chairman Isaac
Mwaura said they would not allow the
airline and other public service op-
erators to discriminate against the
people with special needs.
It has now become an interna-
tional practice that airlines must
reasonably accommodate the needs
of persons with disabilities. It should
be noted that accessibility is a right as
per Article Eight of the Convention on
the Rights of Persons With Disabilities
of which Kenya has ratied, said Mr
We are saddened that milestones
made under our Constitution are be-
ing watered down by such retrogres-
sive practices as displayed by Fly540,
We demand an immediate apology
from the airline, he added.
Nominated Senator Godliver Omondi and MP Isaac Mwaura addressing the
press yesterday in Nairobi. They called for disciplinary action against the man-
agement of Fly540 airline. [PHOTO: BONFACE OKENDO/STANDARD]
Fallen hero and co-founder of
Starehe Boys Centre Joseph Gikubu
was yesterday laid to rest amid acco-
lades from leaders and thousands of
Gikubu died on May 8, 2014. He is
said to have worked closely with the
late Dr Geoffrey Grifn and Geoffrey
Geturo for more than 55 years when
there was dire need to build a stable
capacity for the local people to take
charge of the nation.
Former President Mwai Kibaki
described the late Gikubu as a dedi-
cated Kenyan who served without
The sad news of the passing on of
Gikubu brought forth memories of his
dedication to the welfare of young
Kenyans while serving at Starehe Cen-
tre. There is no doubt that he was a
visionary leader, Mr Kibaki said.
The former president, a close
friend of Gikubu, urged Kenyans to
emulate his deeds and challenged the
elderly to help young Kenyans make
the best out of their talents.
Do not think of the great contri-
bution you can make to help a needy
person. Instead, your smallest contri-
bution is of importance because no
contribution is small, he said.
Kibaki further cautioned Kenyans
against tribalism.
Kibaki, Uhuru
pay tribute to
late Gikubu
The County Government of Kitui hereby invites sealed bids from eligible registered Suppliers of ECDE desks and various water projects from various
locations within the County. Details on the scope of Desks for each sub-county shall be indicated in the tender documents.
Preference will be given to eligible suppliers domiciled within the sub counties of Kitui County in line with the Preferences and Reservations Provision
Amendments of Legal Notice No. 114.
Tender No. Tender Name Reserve Amount/Price Eligibility
CGoKTI/358/2013-14 Supply and Distribution of ECDE Desks in various ECDE Centres as
specied (quantity 6250)
20,000,000.00 All bidders
CGoKTI/359/2013-14 Supply of metallic water tank (quantity 1No.) 24,000 litres 250,000.00 All bidders
CGoKTI/360/2013-14 Mulinduko Borehole 1,250,000.00 All bidders
CGoKTI/361/2013-14 Mbangwani earthdam 3,491,615.00 All bidders
CGoKTI/362/2013-14 Ikuyuni Pipeline Extension 2,023,085.00 All bidders
CGoKTI/363/2013-14 Ithengeli Kisovo Pipeline Extension 2,500,000.00 All bidders
CGoKTI/364/2013-14 Nzanzeni Pipeline Extension 2,499,900.00 All bidders
CGoKTI/365/2013-14 Kakululo Pipeline Extension 1,499,495.00 All bidders
CGoKTI/366/2013-14 Kivou Pipeline Extension 2,459,654.00 All bidders
CGoKTI/367/2013-14 Kitulani Borehole equipping and point source installation 2,300,000.00 All bidders
CGoKTI/368/2013-14 Drilling of Kawambemba borehole 1,400,000.00 All bidders
CGoKTI/369/2013-14 Supply of metallic water tank (quantity 1No.) Kathumulani 100M

steel Water Tank
1,800,000.00 All bidders
Mandatory Requirements
Interested bidders should note that only those meeting the criteria indicated below as minimum, supported by relevant documents at submission will be
considered for further evaluation:-
1. Provide copies of VAT, PIN and Tax Compliance Certicates;
2. These tenders are reserved for bidders with proof of having businesses that are located and operate within the 8 sub-counties of Kitui County.
3. The Tender Form and Condential Business Questionnaire must be fully lled and signed by authorized person(s) with full names of Directors/
Owner(s) , and copies of company registration Certicates (CR12) and ID cards of the Director(s)/owner(s) must be attached;
4. A breakdown of the supply of ECDE Desks shall be as outlined in the tender documents.
Further, tenders from the following tenderers shall be treated as non-responsive and therefore subject to automatic disqualication:-
1. A tender from a tenderer whose Directors/Owners/Shareholders are either Public Servants, State Ofcers or their Spouses and or their Children;
2, A tender from a tenderer who has a history of default on previously awarded tenders.
3. A tender from a tenderer whose tender sum is outside the threshold of plus or minus 10% of the ofcial reserve amounts/prices as provided.
Eligible candidates are requested to inspect prior to purchasing the tender documents and obtain any clarications concerning the tender documents from
the Ofce of the Head of Supply Chain Management Services, Kitui County Treasury Building, P.O. Box 33 90200, Kitui.
Bid documents will be obtained on payment of a non-refundable fee of Kshs.1,000.00 per set in bankers cheque payable to Kitui County Government
Revenue Collection Account at the County Treasury in Kitui Town.
Completed tender documents (copy and original) enclosed in plain sealed envelopes and marked with the tender number and name, shall be deposited
outside the Ofce of the CEC Member/Minister for Finance and Economic Planning at the County Treasury on or before 12.00 noon, Friday 30
Bids received after closing date and/or time shall not be accepted. Tenders will be opened publicly immediately thereafter in the presence of participating
bidders or their representatives who choose to attend.
Bids shall be valid for a period 120 days after bid opening and submission of Tenders must be accompanied by bid security of 1% of the quoted total bid
price and must be in Kenya shillings or its equivalent in freely convertible currency. (No bid security would be required for rms belonging to Youth, Women
and People with Disabilities. However this category of businesses shall be required to sign a Bid Security Declaration Form to be provided to the eligible
applicants in this category.)
All candidates whose application will have been received within the specied date will be notied of the results of their applications immediately and after
the nal decision is reached.
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP Kenya) Country Ofce wishes to
contract the services of a consultancy rm to formulate the national volunteerism policy
that provides regulatory framework as well as guidelines on volunteerism with the focus
on gender equality and compliance with the main priorities and strategies at country level,
including devolved governance.
Application process
For the full Terms of Reference (ToR) and requirements please visit UNDP Kenyas Website:
Sealed proposal documents comprising the technical proposal and the nancial proposal
in separate sealed envelopes clearly marked NATIONAL VOLUNTEERISM POLICY IN THE
REPUBLIC OF KENYA: RFP/UNDPKEN/012/2013: should be dropped at the UNDP
TENDER BOX placed at the main entrance reception of UN Complex in Gigiri and addressed
The Deputy Country Director (Operations)
United Nations Development Programme Kenya,
Block N, Third Floor, UN Complex, Gigiri, PO Box 30218, 00100
Nairobi, Kenya
A pre-bidding conference will be held on Wednesday, 9 October 2013 at 10.00 a.m. in
the UNDP Conference Room, Ground Floor, Block N.
Interested bidders wishing to attend the pre-bidding conference shall contact by e-mail: to conrm their attendance, not later than 3.00 p.m., Tuesday
8 October 2013 for UNDP to be able to facilitate access to the UN Complex.
United Nations Development Programme
Empowered lives
Resilient nations
UNDP Kenya reserves the right to accept or reject any submissions.
UNDP Kenya invites applications for the following position:
Position Information
Post Title:
Contract Type:
Direct Supervisor:
Coordinator, Information Centre for Extractive Sector
Service Contract
Task Manager, African Development Bank (AfDB)
One year, renewable subject to funding and performance
Date of Issue:
Closing Date:
15 May 2014
23 May 2014
With the increasing prospects for oil, gas, and minerals in Kenya, the African Development Bank (AfDB) in collaboration with the
Government of Kenya and other stakeholders has established the Information Centre for the Extractives Sector to promote knowledge
and evidence-based stakeholder dialogue. The Centre aims to become a credible and relevant source of information on the extractive
sector in Kenya, and to promote the sustainable development of the extractive sector in Kenya though collecting, collating and sharing
information to various partners.
The Centre will be headed by the Coordinator, who will be assisted by a team of technical experts and support personnel within the AfDB,
funded and contracted by several development partners.
He/she will report to the designated AfDB Task Manager, under the ultimate oversight of the Advisory Committee (comprised of the AfDB,
Government of Kenya, UNDP Kenya, DFID and other contributing development partners).
Based on request from the AfDB to UNDP Kenya to jointly establish and operationalize the Secretariat, UNDP Kenya is recruiting a
National Ofcer to be seconded to the AfDB to ll this position.
Required Skills and Experience
Advanced university degree in public administration, political science, international relations or other relevant feld.
Lxperience and understanding of issues related to governance, public policy, and public engagement in the oil, gas or mining sectors.
Hinimum 7 years of relevant experience working in programme/policy advisory role, handson experience in design, coordination,
implementation and monitoring and evaluation of development projects in Extractive Industries and establishing inter-relationships
among international organizations and national governments.
Knowledge of how to develop and implement public communication campaigns.
Lxperience in entrepreneurship with good management and diplomatic skills.
Lxperience in team management with ability to build and maintain high performance teams.
Strong interpersonal skills, analytical and excellent communications and writing skills.
Lxperience in building partnerships and working on Lxtractive lndustries in Kenya, highly desirable. An excellent network of contacts
in industry, the public sector and civil society organizations working with extractive industries in Kenya will be a strong asset.
The full terms of reference for the position can be accessed on the UNDP Kenya e-Recruitment portal on the UNDP Kenya website
UNDP, as a matter of practice, does not charge any application, processing or training fee at any stage of the recruitment process.
UNDP is an equal opportunity employer which strives to achieve overall balance in its stafng patterns.
NOTICES / Page 23 Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
The Kenya School of Government (KSG) is a State Corporation established under the Kenya School of Government Act (No. 9
of 2012). Its role is to provide learning and development programmes that inculcate public service values and ethics in the
National and County Governments for the delivery of quality services to Kenyans. KSG contributes to the transformation of
the public service, to function effectively, innovatively, and in a results-oriented and accountable manner.
Item No Tender reference No. Tender Name
1 KSG/COR/2/2013-2014 Customer satisfaction survey
Employee satisfaction survey
Work environment survey
Alcohol and drug abuse prevalent survey
1 KSG/NRB/9/2013-2014 Staff medical insurance
2 KSG/NRB/11/2013-2014 Life Insurance
The School is inviting sealed tenders from eligible and competent rms for the above tenders. The rms should be well
established with experience in their respective elds.
Complete tender documents shall be obtained from Kenya School of Government, Nairobi, procurement ofce,
administration ofce-basement after payment of a non-refundable fee of Ksh1000 per document to the KSG cashier. The
document can also be downloaded free of charge from the KSG Website: No enquiries will be answered 7
days to the closing date.
Complete documents are to be enclosed in plain sealed envelopes marked respective tender numbers and be addressed to:
The Director General
Kenya School of Government
P.O. Box 23030-00604, NAIROBI
And be placed in the Tender Box at the reception, administration Centre at KSG Nairobi as to reach not later than 12.00
Noon on 30
May, 2014.
The tenders will be opened on the same day immediately after the closing in Meeting Room 1 Ground Floor of the
Administration Centre and tenders or their representatives who wish to witness the opening are welcome.
Communication in regard to any tender must be in writing through email address: All clarications
and/or amendments will be published in KSG website and tenderers are required to check for any addendums
or amendments in the course of the bidding period prior to the closing date.
Canvassing or any attempt to inuence the outcome of any tender will lead to disqualication.
Tender No: KSB/T/04/2014
Tender Name: Design, Construction, Supply, Installation, Testing, Training, Commissioning and Handing over of Nine
Number Cane Testing Units at Nine Number different Cane Buying Centres in the Republic of Kenya.
The Kenya sugar Board invites tenders from eligible candidates for Design, Construction, Supply, Installation, Testing,
Training, Commissioning and Handing over of Nine Number Cane Testing Units at Nine Number Different Cane Buying
Centres in the Republic Of Kenya as a turnkey project.
Interested candidates may obtain further information from the Head of Sugar Technology and the Procurement Ofce, KSB
Headquarters. The Tender documents can also be viewed and downloaded free of charge from the Boards website:
Or obtained by any interested tenderer upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Kenya Shillings 1,000/= payable to our
accounts ofce in cash or Bankers cheque. Candidates are advised that the fee does not include postage charges.
Completed tenders should be submitted accompanied by a tender security issued by a reputable bank or insurance
company so as to be received on or before Friday 20
June, 2014 at 11.00 a.m. Failure to provide tender security will lead
to disqualication of the tender.
Prices quoted shall be inclusive of all duty and taxes and shall remain valid for 90 days from the closing date of the
Mandatory Pre-tender site visit by tenderers or their representatives will be on 27
, 28
& 29
May, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. The
Pre site timetable is contained in the Tender document.
Completed tender documents shall be submitted in plain sealed envelope clearly marked:
Tender No: KSB/T/04/2014: Nine Cane Testing Units and marked DO NOT OPEN BEFORE 20
JUNE, 2014 AT 11.00
a.m. and addressed to:
The Chief Executive Officer,
Kenya Sugar Board
Sukari Plaza, Building,
P.O. Box 51500- 00200,
Or be deposited in the tender box situated at the main reception of the Kenya Sugar Board headquarters so as to reach the
undersigned on or before FRIDAY 20
June, 2014 at 11.00 a.m. local time.
Tenders will be opened at 11.30 a.m local time at the Kenya sugar Board Headquarters Board room, in the presence of
tenderers/ representatives who choose to attend the opening. Late tenders shall be rejected.
KSB is not necessarily bound to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right to accept or reject any tender without
giving reasons for its decision.
Page 24 / ADVERTISERS ANNOUNCEMENT Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
am delighted to join the community
of nations to mark this years World
Telecommunication and Information
Society Day (WTISD). I particularly welcome
this years theme, Broadband for Sustainable
Development as it is appropriate for Kenya
given our committment to achieve universal
access to broadband connectivity.
Kenya committed to achieve universal
access to broadband connectivity
the Kenya government is counting on ICTs
to meet the targets set out in its national
development plans.
Broadband connectivity is a critical
element today in ensuring that information
and communication technologies are
used as efective delivery vehicles for
health, education, governance, trade and
commerce in order to achieve sustainable
socio-economic growth.
In this respect, our Government
recognizes the communications sector as
Message from the Cabinet Secretary
Dr. Fred Matiangi
Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Information
Communications and Technology (ICT)
I wish to commend International
Telecommunications Union (ITU) and
the Broadband Commission for Digital
Development for taking the lead in
advocating the roll-out of broadband
as a means of achieving faster
development and for ensuring that ICTs
are recognized by governments as the
most transformative tool to fast-track
sustainable development.
ICTs have changed the way we live,
interact, communicate, work, entertain
and do business. The technologies have
shrunk distance, and injected ef ciency
in production and distribution systems
and the provision of government and
other social services easier and more
cost-efective. It is no wonder that access
to communications services is now
considered a basic human right. Indeed,
broadband strategy. The Strategy aims to
transform Kenya to a knowledge-based
society driven by high capacity nationwide
broadband network. The Strategy further
highlights the funding mechanisms
to achieve the set targets including a
Broadband Venture Capital Fund and
exploiting existing instruments such as the
Growth Enterprise Market available within
the Capital Markets as well as increased
government spending on ICT of up to 5
per cent.
According to a World Bank report on
broadband, there is a direct correlation
of broadband penetration to economic
growth whereby for every 10 per cent
broadband penetration, a countrys
economic growth rises by 2.5 per cent.
In recognition of the potential of ICTs,
a plan to ensure access to broadband
services in all the 47 counties is underway.
I believe that this will spur economic
activities which will in turn reduce the
prevailing pressure exerted by rural-urban
migration. Further, this shall provide a solid
foundation for the Standard One pupils
laptop project which will prepare the
children of Kenya to champion the next
phase of ICT innovations.
In conclusion, I wish to call upon all
players in the ICT sector to play a more
productive role in our economies by
giving priority to broadband infrastructure
development to support the modern needs
of businesses, governments and citizens.
one of the major drivers of the domestic
economy. According to the Economic
Survey 2013, the Communication sub-
sector expanded by 5.3 per cent in 2012
compared to a 4.3 per cent growth in
The ICT sector has continued to play
a central role in generating new jobs
and providing additional revenue to the
exchequer. As a result of competition,
our mobile telecoms industry is playing a
key role in deepening fnancial inclusion
through innovative products such as
mobile payments and banking. Through
the increase of access to the internet,
many more Kenyans are trading online and
this is a trend that is set to grow in the next
few years.
The economys short to medium term
forecasts sustained and rising growth
based on a number of fundamentals
including continued implementation of
the three pillars of Kenya Vision 2030 and
implementation of the 9-point Jubilee
Government Action Plan. These two
economic strategies strongly advocate
for heavy investment in the ICT sector to
attain the set out goals.
Last year, my Ministry, together with
other strategic partners, launched the
National Broadband Strategy (NBS) which
is a framework for the deployment of
broadband in Kenya. Indeed, Kenya now
becomes the second country in Africa,
after South Africa, to launch an elaborate
The potential of the internet and other ICTs in bridging the digital divide
Message from the Director General,
Communications Commission of Kenya
arking the World
Telecommunication and
Information Society Day
annually is a reminder for society to
continue raising awareness on the
possibilities that the Internet and
other communication technologies
present. It also grants us the
opportunity to refect on options we
can employ as a nation to bridge the
digital divide.
This years theme, Broadband
for sustainable development in
particular, is quite compelling as it
calls on us to take another look at
how we can develop and exploit the
broadband ecosystem. The National
Broadband Strategy launched last
year established a roadmap that
draws clear steps to help achieve
high capacity infrastructure and get
on board, more devices to access this
infrastructure. In addition, it creates
the realisation that content is critical
Francis Wangusi, MBS
Director-General CCK
if we are to put the infrastructure in
good use. I believe with the policy
and legal environment that exists, the
broadband horizon for Kenya is wide.
Broadband access is key to
accelerating progress towards our
national development goals, if we are
to use ICT contribution to Kenyas GDP
as an indicator. ICT is touching peoples
lives as witnessed in the last few years
of internet uptake, particularly as Kenya
continues to adopt best practices for
deploying broadband networks and
services. At the end of December
2013, there were 31 million mobile
subscribers, representing 76.9 per cent
penetration. Internet subscriptions
were recorded at 13.1 million, while
internet users reached 21.2 million.
With the majority of Kenyans accessing
internet through their mobile handsets
and the local ICT innovations have
given rise to a good launch pad for
fast-tracking broadband connectivity
in Kenya. International Internet
bandwidth available in the country
is over 862,473.9 Mbps , yet the used
bandwidth (connectivity) is still below
42.4 per cent. This situation presents
the enormous potential we have in
achieving our broadband objectives
as a country.
For many Kenyans, ICTs are a way
of life and it is dif cult to imagine
life without the conveniences of ICTs.
However, we must also pose to think
of how ICTs can be a positive force for
personal development, empowerment
and institutional framework for
inclusive development for persons
with disabilities. Historically, persons
with disabilities have been excluded
from equitable access to resources
and services (including education,
healthcare, etc.). It is now evident
that ICTs can enable and accelerate
the social and economic inclusion of
persons with disabilities. As a country,
we can take on the opportunities that
will help concrete actions that can help
us progress towards the achievement
of a disability-inclusive development
CCK is one of the key institutions
implementing the National Broadband
Strategy. It is our mission to
continue to build on the Universal
Service Fund projects and other
access initiatives that will ensure all
in Kenya have access to ICTs. CCK
pursues regulatory interventions
with the users in mind. As we
encourage infrastructure sharing
to achieve optimal utilization of ICT
resources and emphasize on quality
delivery of service, it is our aim that
Kenyans will indeed experience the
transformation in their lives through
the power of ICTs.
In our 2013-2018 Strategic Plan,
we purpose to create an enabling
environment for existing and
potential investors; ensure healthy
competition; facilitate widespread
infrastructure and quality services
but even more importantly, enhance
our internal systems to match
sectoral demands.
In conclusion, CCK is committed
to continue transforming the lives
of Kenyans through progressive
regulation of the ICT sector.
CCK is committed to
continue transforming the
lives of Kenyans through
progressive regulation of
the ICT sector.
World Telecommunication
and Information Society Day
ADVERTISERS ANNOUNCEMENT / Page 25 Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
Cabinet Secretaries Dr. Fred Matiangi, ICT and Ms. Anne Waiguru,
Devolution and Planning during the launch of the National Broadband
Strategy (NBS) in July 2013.
The World Telecommunication and
Information Society Day (WTISD), celebrated
on 17 May, was set aside to raise awareness
of the catalytic potential of the Internet and
other ICTs to societies and economies and in
bridging the digital divide.
The day marks the anniversary of the
signing of the frst International Telegraph
Convention and the creation of the
International Telecommunication Union (ITU).
World Telecommunication Day
World Telecommunication Day has been
celebrated annually on 17 May since 1969,
marking the founding of ITU and the
signing of the frst International Telegraph
Convention in 1865.
World Information Society Day
The World Information Society Day is
celebrated on 17 May every year following
a UN General Assembly resolution adopted
in 2006 to focus on the importance of ICT
and the wide range of issues related to the
Information Society raised by the World
Summit on the Information Society (WSIS).
World Telecommunication and
Information Society Day
In November 2006, the ITU Plenipotentiary
Conference in Antalya, Turkey, decided
to celebrate both events on 17 May as
World Telecommunication and Information
Society Day. Member States and sector
players celebrate the day annually by
organizing national programmes aimed at,
among other things, exchanging ideas on
the theme adopted by the Council which
this year is Broadband for Sustainable
Development and sharing the refections
with ITU and member states.
2014 Theme: Broadband for
Sustainable Development
Broadband infrastructure development
is a critical element in ensuring that ICTs
are used innovatively as delivery vehicles
for health, education, governance, trade and
commerce in order to achieve sustainable
socio-economic growth. Education is a
keystone for educating people with regard
to the impact and consequences of their
activities for sustainable development,
thereby ensuring a better future for all.
The theme for WTISD-14, Broadband
for Sustainable Development, focuses
attention on multi-stakeholder
commitment to achieve universal access
to broadband connectivity and content and
foster political will on achieving this objective;
identify key gaps in broadband research and
development, infrastructure, and packaged
development of applications and services;
defne policy priorities for action in the areas
of allocating radio frequency spectrum for
broadband, universal access obligations
and innovative fnancing mechanisms; and
lead to technological solutions, particularly
in the extension of broadband access into
rural areas.
About the World
and Information
Society Day (WTISD)
Dr Hamadoun I. Tour
Secretary General, ITU
education, governance, trade and
commerce in order to achieve
sustainable socio-economic growth.
ITU is therefore committed
to achieving universal access to
broadband connectivity and to
foster the political will needed to
achieve this objective.
This year, on World
Telecommunication and Information
Society Day, we focus on the
theme: Broadband for Sustainable
Broadband for Sustainable Development
Message from ITU Secretary-General
It is now well recognized
that digital development is a
transformative tool to fast-track
sustainable development. In order to
realize its full potential, it is essential
to roll-out high-speed broadband
networks, making it afordable as
well as universally accessible.
In this respect, ITU and the
Broadband Commission for Digital
Development are at the forefront
of advocating the roll-out of
broadband as a means of achieving
sustainable development. This was
further underlined by the World
Telecommunication Development
Conference this year to focus on the
theme Broadband for Sustainable
ITUs thrust to push the
broadband agenda for sustainable
development focuses on the dual
goals of supporting the deployment
of mobile broadband and the
continued rollout of fxed-line
technologies along with a thrust
on meeting the global challenges
of our times, such as combating
climate change. Broadband-based
ICT networks are powerful cross-
cutting enablers to achieve the three
pillars of sustainable development
economic growth, social inclusion
and environmental balance.
I call upon our partners
governments, industry, academia
and technical experts to identify
key gaps in broadband research
and development, infrastructure,
and packaged development of
applications and services; defne
policy priorities for action in the
areas of allocating radio frequency
spectrum for broadband, universal
access obligations and innovative
fnancing mechanisms; and to seek
leading edge technological solutions,
particularly in the extension of
broadband access into rural areas,
least developed countries and small
island developing states.
Let us put our resources together
to harness the catalytic role of ICTs in
achieving sustainable development.
It is the key to ensuring a better
future for all.
Increasing access to broadband services in Kenya
orld Telecommunication
and Information Society
Day 2014 marks the 149th
anniversary of the establishment of
ITU in 1865. The remarkable history
of ITU exemplifes its stellar role in
connecting the world to the most
advanced and innovative means of
communication, from the days of the
telegraph to the Internet and mobile
broadband which now allows us to
be in touch anytime, anywhere with
friends, family, colleagues and even
The right to communication is
central to the information society; it
is a key principle for equitable and
universal access to information and
knowledge that in turn empowers
people to meet their aspirations and
achieve their development goals.
Broadband connectivity is a critical
element today in ensuring that
information and communication
technologies are used as efective
delivery vehicles for health,
using the broadband network.
Infrastructure development in Kenya
has been bolstered by the National
Optical Fibre Backbone Infrastructure
(NOFBI) and most recently, the County
Connectivity Project that are aimed
at ensuring the whole country is
connected to the international cables.
Mobile data services remain the
key driver of access to the internet
as mobile networks spread their
footprint into the underserved
areas, with increased provision of
data and value-added services to
users. Mobile penetration in Kenya
was 76.9 per cent as at the end of
December 2013 which is above the
African penetration rates estimated
by International Telecommunications
Union (ITU) to be 41 per cent.
The Ministry of Information,
Communications and Technology
had initially implemented a 4,233km
National Optical Fibre Backbone
Infrastructure (NOFBI) with the aim
of linking 80 per cent of the districts
and rural towns. The National
Broadband Strategy (NBS) foresees an
extension of the NOFBI by 30,000km
including building additional links
to enhance redundancy. Alongside
the NBS, the Ministry of Information,
Communications and Technology
has revised the National ICT Master
Plan and is equally developing an
Information Security Master Plan to
grow the ICT industry.
The National Broadband Strategy
recognizes the importance of supply-
side of broadband. It envisages a
minimum of 5mbps to individuals,
homes and businesses for high
speed access to voice, data, video
and applications. In addition, the
NBS states that Government will
provide an enabling environment
to allow optimum market growth of
broadband services by leveraging
private sector investment in critical
infrastructure while ensuring open
access, technology neutrality, and
Additionally, the Government has
also initiated the Presidential Digital
Transformation of Government
project to create a technology-
enabled transformation of the public
sector in Kenya. Kenyans are now
poised to enjoy public services in one-
stop shop. On the other hand, there
will be more government shared
services and a national digital registry
for essential services. The government
programmes are motivated by the
need for improved national security
intelligence, higher economic returns
and productivity in the country.
Kenya now, has one of the most
liberalized communications markets
in the region operating under a unifed
and technology neutral licensing
regime, a regulatory aspect that
has seen increased demand for ICT
services. With an efective regulatory
regime, competition now reigns in the
various market segments including
broadcasting, telecommunications,
data, and postal/courier markets.
According to the World Bank report,
Kenyas ICT spend to GDP ratio (2006-
2013) is well above 12 per cent, an
estimation of USD 5 Billion. The plans,
initiatives and demonstrated growth,
Kenya can only stand to beneft for
higher broadband penetration.
As we join the world in marking
the 149th anniversary of the World
Telecommunication and Information
Society Day, Kenya boasts a robust
and progressive ICT sector. The
country has witnessed an explosion in
the uptake of ICT services as it heads
towards becoming a knowledge-
driven economy.
The communications industry is
one of the fastest growing sectors
of Kenyas economy, with a steady
contribution to GDP. According to the
2013 Economic Survey Report, the
communication sub-sector expanded
by 5.3 per cent in 2012 compared to
a 4.3 per cent growth in 2011. In the
report, ICT was identifed as one of the
sectors that created the bulk of new
jobs in 2012. This positive growth is
expected to continue as the demand
for services keep increasing and as
the Government plans to increase
expenditure on the sector by up to 5
per cent.
Kenyas growth trajectory in
internet access and use has over time
been boosted by the landing of four
submarine cables - SEACOM, TEAMS,
EASSy and LION 2.
A high-quality physical and
core network is crucial given that
broadband services are currently
only limited to urban areas which
covers only 18 per cent of the Kenyan
geographic space. The Governments
policy is to provide quality broadband
network across the country at low
cost of bandwidth. Ultimately, the
eforts work towards the vision for
information and knowledge based
society that will see an improvement
in the quality of life of citizens in
the way they work, live and learn
World Telecommunication
and Information Society Day
Page 26 / NOTICE Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
Keroche Breweries Limited wishes to inform our valued customers and distributors, that as per requirements by
the National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA), Keroche Breweries has indeed
complied with the stipulated conditions of verication for liquor manufacturers under the laws of Kenya.
All our brands have been submitted to NACADA for analysis and testing as requested.
As we have stated over the years, Keroche Breweries takes the protection and quality of our brands very seriously
because we believe this company stands for something. We wish to reiterate that all our brands go through continuous
stringent quality assurance processes as part of best international practices.
At Keroche Breweries, we are in full support of the governments directive to vet all manufacturers and importers
of alcoholic products countrywide, and having submitted all required documents and samples, we await our inclusion
into the list of veried manufacturers and importers of alcohol by NACADA. We wish to assure our customers and the
Kenyan public at large that Keroche Breweries brands are of the highest quality, that meets both local and international
quality checks.
Our brand portfolio is as listed below;
Summit Lager
Summit Malt
Crescent Vodka, Crescent Dry Gin, Crescent Brandy and Crescent whisky
Viena Ice Ready to drink Vodka
Viena Ice Lemon Twist Ready to drink Vodka
Valley Wines
Chief Executive Ofcer
Keroche Breweries Limited
Not for sale to persons under the age of 18. Do not drink and drive.
NOTICES / Page 27 Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
Commission on Administrative Justice (CAJ) invites applications from interested and eligible bidders for the
pre-qualication/registration as supplier(s) for the Financial Year 2014-2016 ending on 30
June 2016 as per
the under listed categories and description of goods and services.
No. Tender Number Item Description of goods and services Eligibility
1 CAJ/PREQ/01/2014-2016 Supply and Delivery of General Ofce Stationery Special Groups
2 CAJ/PREQ/02/2014-2016 Supply and Delivery of Computer Consumables and its related
3 CAJ/PREQ/03/2014-2016 Supply and Delivery of Computers, Laptops, Printers, Scanners,
Photocopiers and related computer accessories
4 CAJ/PREQ/04/2014-2016 Design, supply and delivery of branded Promotional materials:
T-shirts, Caps, Banners, carrier bags etc.
Special Groups
5 CAJ/PREQ/05/2014-2016 Supply and Delivery of General Ofce Furniture and ofce Equipment Special Groups
6 CAJ/PREQ/06/2014-2016 Supply of Newspapers and Periodicals Special Groups
7 CAJ/PREQ/07/2014-2016 Supply, delivery and installation of Computer Software and Hardware Open
8 CAJ/PREQ/08/2014-2016 Supply, Installation, Commissioning & servicing of Time attendance,
Access Control and CCTV
9 CAJ/PREQ/09/2014-2016 Provision of Bottled water (Mineral water)& Leasing of dispensers Special Groups
10 CAJ/PREQ/10/2014-2016 Supply of motor vehicle spare parts tyres, tubes/airbidge tyres and
11 CAJ/PREQ/11/2014-2016 Supply of fuel and lubricants (Electronic fuel card services) Open
12 CAJ/PREQ/12/2014-2016 Provision of Beverages, Sugar and Fresh milk Special Groups
13 CAJ/PREQ/13/2014-2016 Service and Maintenance of Computers, Printers and UPS Open
14 CAJ/PREQ/14/2014-2016 Service and Maintenance of Photocopiers, Telephones and Fax
15 CAJ/PREQ/15/2014-2016 Provision of Air Travel Agency Services (IATA Registered) Open
16 CAJ/PREQ/16/2014-2016 Service and Maintenance of PABX, and Telecommunications
17 CAJ/PREQ/17/2014-2016 Provision of Hotels, Conference and Accommodation Services Open
18 CAJ/PREQ/18/2014-2016 Provision of Ofce Refurbishment and Furnishings e.g. Curtains and
19 CAJ/PREQ/19/2014-2016 Provision of Car Hire and Taxi Services (Please state your geographical
locations preferably Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu, Eldoret, Nakuru,
Nyeri etc)
20 CAJ/PREQ/20/2014-2016 Provision of Courier and Freight Services Open
21 CAJ/PREQ/21/2014-2016 Provision of Event Organization, Exhibitions and Experiential/Road-
show services
22 CAJ/PREQ/22/2014-2016 Provision of General Insurance Services Open
23 CAJ/PREQ/23/2014-2016 Provision of Creative Design and printing Services Open
24 CAJ/PREQ/24/2014-2016 Provision of Advertising Agency services (Concept Design, artwork
execution and Media strategy & Buying etc)
25 CAJ/PREQ/25/2014-2016 Provision of printing services i.e Brochures, yers, banners, exes etc
(Youth category)
Special Groups
26 CAJ/PREQ/26/2014-2016 Service and maintenance of Motor Vehicles Open
27 CAJ/PREQ/27/2014-2016 Provision of Translation and transcription Services Open
28 CAJ/PREQ/28/2014-2016 Provision of Public Relation services Open
29 CAJ/PREQ/29/2014-2016 Provision of outdoor media services Open
30 CAJ/PREQ/30/2014-2016 Provision of Cleaning and Fumigation services. Special Groups
31 CAJ/PREQ/31/2014-2016 Repair and Maintenance of Ofce Furniture & Fittings. Open
32 CAJ/PREQ/32/2014-2016 Provision of re ghting and re protection equipment & training
33 CAJ/PREQ/33/2014-2016 Provision of signage Special Groups
34 CAJ/PREQ/34/2014-2016 Provision of Asset marking/tracking of asset system Special Groups
35 CAJ/PREQ/35/2014-2016 Provision of entertainment services (Djs Bands, Musicians, Models,
Hostesses, MCs, Dancers etc)
36 CAJ/PREQ/36/2014-2016 Provision of interior design and decoration services Special Groups
37 CAJ/PREQ/37/2014-2016 Provision of photography and video coverage and clips Open
38 CAJ/PREQ/38/2014-2016 Provision of public address system and related services Special Groups
39 CAJ/PREQ/39/2014-2016 Provision of creative design and editorial services Open
40 CAJ/PREQ/40/2014-2016 Provision of design, printing and binding services Special Groups
41 CAJ/PREQ/41/2014-2016 Provision of specialized services (writing, rapporteuring and
42 CAJ/PREQ/42/2014-2016 Provision of sign language Open
43 CAJ/PREQ/43/2014-2016 Provision of report typesetting, editing, printing and binding Special
44 CAJ/PREQ/44/2014-2016 Provision of monitoring and evaluation services Open
45 CAJ/PREQ/45/2014-2014 Provision of Research consultancy services (e.g. Customer
satisfaction, perception survey, media monitoring, Employee
satisfaction & work environment survey etc)
46 CAJ/PREQ/46/2014-2016 Provision of Legal Services Open
47 CAJ/PREQ/47/2014-2016 Provision of development, hosting and maintenance of website Open
48 CAJ/PREQ/48/2014-2016 Provision of management consultancy services (e.g. Training,
recruitment and selection services)
Special Groups include Youth, Women and Persons living with Disability who have been duly registered
with the National Treasury (Directorate of Procurement). They MUST show proof of registration by
providing the certicate of registration.
The Pre-qualication tender documents, containing submission information, detailed terms and conditions
of qualication may be obtained from the Procurement Ofce, located on the 2
Floor, West End Towers,
Waiyaki Way, Westlands, Nairobi between 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m., at no fee. Alternatively, the document may
be downloaded from the Commission website by visiting
Pre-qualication documents must be submitted in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked Pre-qualication/
registration documents for suppliers for nancial year 2014-2016 with category reference number be
deposited in the tender box located at the Reception, 2
Floor, West End Towers so as to be received on or
before 29
May, 2014 at 11.00am and addressed to:
Commission Secretary,
Commission on Administrative Justice (Ofce of the Ombudsman),
West End Towers, 2
Floor, Waiyaki Way
P.O Box 20414 - 00200

Applications will be opened immediately thereafter, in the presence of bidders or their representatives who
may wish to attend at 11.00am in the Boardroom on the 2
Floor, West End Towers.
The Government has allocated
Sh276m to the National Council for
Children Services (NCCS) for the re-
habilitation of street children.
This comes amid concern that the
number of street families in the coun-
try is on the rise due to escalating pov-
erty and social problems.
Council chairperson Hellen
Waweru said the funds would make a
difference in the lives of the minors.
She attributed the increase in the
number of destitute families to gen-
der-based violence, illicit brews and
marital differences.
She further noted that cases of
child labour were on the rise.
Ms Waweru pointed out that the
council was underfunded and lacked
adequate personnel to deal with in-
creased cases of child abuse.
She was speaking in Naivasha dur-
ing an induction workshop for mem-
bers of the council.
In a speech read on his behalf, La-
bour Cabinet Secretary Kambi Kazun-
gu noted with concern that the rising
population of children was bearing
Sh276m set aside
for street children
IDPs plead for
State help amid
hunger, disease
Over 600 displaced
persons say they
could be wiped out by
sickness if Government
fails to act urgently
Internally displaced persons from
Mumoi Camp in lower Subukia, Nak-
uru County, have held a demonstra-
tion to express what they termed a
long period of suffering.
The more than 600 IDPs accused
the Jubilee government of neglecting
them despite earlier assurances that
they would be resettled.
Led by their chairman Samwel
Chege Muchiri, the displaced persons
said they had been forced to walk
more than 60km after life in the camp
became unbearable.
The Government has been prom-
ising to resettle us but that word has
not come to pass despite various as-
surances that we will be resettled.
Ofcers from the Ministry of Spe-
cial Programmes did establish that we
are genuine IDPs but nothing has
been done apart from giving mere
promises, Muchiri said.
The IDPs, who claim they were
moved to Subukia Mumoi Camp after
the State had identied some land on
which to resettle them, said they were
suffering from airborne diseases, with
the elderly being the hardest hit.
They now fear some of them might
be wiped out by hunger and disease.
He added that they had not re-
ceived relief food or medicine from
the Government for the three years
since moving from the Gilgil camp on
December 16, 2011.
We have been surviving on well-
wishers contributions since the Gov-
ernment has continuously ignored
our plight despite several agreements
They held a demonstration
to express what they termed a
long period of suffering
They accused the Jubilee
government of neglecting
them despite earlier
assurances that they would be
They said they had been
forced to walk more than
60km after life in the camp
became unbearable
They said they were suffering
from airborne diseases and the
elderly were the hardest hit
See what others are saying,
join us Online:
with the deputy county commission-
We cannot wait to see our mem-
bers dying in the camp. The Jubilee
government should honour its prom-
ise, Muchiri added.
Parents say their children have not
been attending school due to hunger
and lack of basic commodities.
Our children are also affected in a
big way because they cannot attend
school like other children. They dont
have uniforms or books. We are suffer-
ing and asking the Government to ad-
dress this issue, said Joseph Maina, a
resident of the camp.
Nakuru County Commissioner
Mohammed Birik said he would look
into the issue, although their genuine-
ness as IDPs was questionable.
The Government resettled all
IDPs and we wonder where they were.
However, I will meet with their repre-
sentatives to chart a way forward,
said Mr Birik.
Indias Modi
on course
to become
A man has been killed at a Samb-
uru tourist resort after an argument
over a television remote control.
The elderly man, who was a cura-
tor at a tourist camp in Samburu
County, died after he was allegedly hit
by a security guard working within the
same camp.
It is said that the two employees
working at Intrepid Camp in Samburu
East Sub-county disagreed over which
channel they should tune in to watch
Mondays 7pm news bulletin.
A tussle then ensued that angered
the security guard to the point of hit-
ting the elderly curator on the head
using a club, killing him on the spot.
A witness who sought anonymity
told The Standard that the quarrel
started at 7 oclock in the evening as
news began.
They quarrelled when news was
about to run and differed over the pre-
ferred channel. They scrambled for
the remote control before the guard
hit the curator with a club, the wit-
ness narrated yesterday.
Samburu County Police Comman-
dant Patrick Wambane said investiga-
tions had been launched to determine
the cause of the elderly mans death.
The suspect is currently being held
at Archers Post Police Station.
Man killed after ght over
TV remote control
Activists from various civil rights groups march from Nairobis Uhuru Park
to the Nigerian Embassy in Nairobi yesterday. They demanded the release
of girls abducted in Nigeria over four weeks ago by Boko Haram insurgents.
Page 28 / NATIONAL NEWS Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
Bring back our girls!
Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard NATIONAL NEWS / Page 29
The impeachment of two gover-
nors has sparked outrage, with West
Pokot County Governor Simon
Kachapin blaming the move on witch
Kachapin criticised senators and
Members of County Assemblies
(MCAS), saying the leaders were hell-
bent on frustrating devolution out of
their grudge towards the county
He noted there was a problem
which needed to be solved immedi-
ately so as to prevent further wrangles
between the different arms of Govern-
ment, saying this would enable better
service delivery.
Personally, I am not happy with
Wamboras ouster and I am sure that
even the residents of Embu too are
angry about it since they are the ones
suffering from the aftermath, said
The county chief observed that
there was need for guidance and ex-
pressed his gratitude over the initia-
tive by Constitution Implementation
Committee to move across the 47
Fury on impeachment wave rages
West Pokot Governor
accuses senators and
MCAs of witch hunt,
says law should be
revised to offer advice
counties to nd out challenges of
Kachapin pointed out that the
public voted for the new Constitution,
hoping that the Senate would protect
devolution instead of turning it into a
lynch mob.
The Constitution framers did not
expect the Senate to act in the manner
in which they are, and we are asking
senators to take their time to do good
rather than turning into a lynch mob,
he added.
The county chief was speaking
yesterday at Kapsangar, along the
border of West Pokot and Elgeyo
Marakwet counties where he ofcially
opened a laboratory, classrooms and
toilets built at a cost of Sh7.4 million
through the support of community
development trust fund.
The governor further pointed out
that the senators behaved in a man-
ner that suggested they were happy
with actions which brought instability
in counties.
His sentiment comes barely a day
after Embu Governor Martin Wambo-
ra and his Kericho counterpart Paul
Chepkwony were ousted.
Kachapin said the law should be
revised to make impeachment be car-
ried out as a last resort after exhaust-
ing all other means.
He noted that governors were duly
elected through a democratic process
and should not be impeached at wish
since this compromised service deliv-
ery to the public.
Sharp divisions have emerged
among members of the Nakuru Coun-
ty Assembly over plans to oust the
Speaker Ms Susan Kihika.
A section of MCAs disgruntled
with her leadership have threatened
to introduce an impeachment Mo-
tion. They accused the speaker of
dictatorship and have been lobbying
their colleagues to support the move.
The MCAs, who are on a month
recess, also accused the Speaker of
being behind their removal from key
house committees. MCAs Stephen
Kuria and Steve Kihara said they are
tired of partisanship and disregard to
Standing Orders displayed by the Ms
At the centre of the disquiet is the
constant reshufing of house com-
mittee members allegedly depending
on ones loyalty to Ms Kihika.
Kuria claimed he was struck out of
the speakers panel after he took an
independent stand and refused to
support her political battles.
However, a group allied to the
speaker led by Naivasha East MCA
Samuel Waithuki termed the move as
an exercise in futility as those spear-
heading it do not have the numbers.
How comes out of 77 MCAs, only
about three are dissatised with her
leadership? We are daring them to
make good their threat and we will
humiliate them, Waithuki said.
Nakuru MCAs
row over bid to
oust Speaker
Risky affair
A boda boda operator carries passengers at Lokichar area in Turkana County.
The rider and the passengers threw caution to the wind, ignoring safety mea-
As earlier highlighted through the print media dated 30
April 2014, the Kiambu County Government is in the
process of preparing the 2014/2015 Finance Bill. As a stakeholder you are invited to send proposals to the
County Government through the address shown above or you may present your proposals, views or memoranda
at a stakeholders consultative meetings planned at the SubCounty level as per the following schedule showing
the date and venue.
Limuru 10.00 AM 19/5/14 Limuru Sub County Of ces
Kiambaa 10.00 AM 19/5/14 ACK Emmanuel Church Hall
Lari 10.00 AM 20/5/14 ACK - Kimende Hall
Githunguri 10.00 AM 20/5/14 PCEA Ayub Hall
Kikuyu 10.00 AM 21/5/14 St. Emmanuel ACK Hall
Kabete 10.00 AM 21/5/14 ACK Ndunyu Hall
Gatundu North 10.00 AM 22/5/14 Catholic Church Hall Kamwangi
Gatundu South 10.00 AM 22/5/14 Gatundu Catholic Church Hall
Juja 10.00 AM 23/5/14 Gachororo Dispensary
Ruiru 10.00 AM 23/5/14 Ruiru Catholic Church
Thika 10.00 AM 26/5/14 Defunct Thika County Council Chambers - opposite stadium
Kiambu 10.00 AM 26/5/14 Community Hall
Your written proposals should reach us on or before 27/5/14 and may be sent through post or emailed

Telegraphic Address Finance & Economic
Governor Kiambu Kiambu County
Tel: 067 29374 P. O. Box 2344-00900 KIAMBU,KENYA
Page 30 / NATIONAL NEWS Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
ed to terrorise passengers and unfor-
tunately we have lost two lives, Nyag-
wanga said, adding that security has
been beefed up.
Nyagwanga said Samburu East
District Commissioner Winston Mu-
rungi is engaging the community in
the area including Wamba town and
Archers Post in peace talks.
Samburu County Police Comman-
dant Patrick Wambane said one of the
suspects was recently charged with
the murder of a European but the
court had released him. He said the
inltration of illegal arms from neigh-
bouring countries has increased.
Ethiopia and Sudan are just here
and these communities have inter-
married, making every trade possi-
ble, said Wambane.
The injured are recuperating at
Wamba Mission Hospital.
Tension as bandits shoot 2
people dead in Samburu
Tension is high in Samburu East
after armed bandits shot and killed
two people in separate incidents on
Wednesday night.
In the rst instance, the bandits
shot a woman travelling in a Toyota
Probox that was ferrying miraa from
Isiolo to Wamba. In the second, they
sprayed a lorry with bullets, killing the
The Kenya Red Cross Society said
the two were killed after an unknown
number of bandits erected a road-
block at Learata on Wamba Road near
the junction connecting the road with
the Isiolo-Marsabit highway. Two oth-
er people were seriously injured in a
separate shooting at the same spot.
Following the shooting, residents
paralysed business in Wamba town
and blocked roads, protesting the in-
creased insecurity.
Kenya Red Cross Society co-ordi-
nator for Samburu County Mugambi
Gitonga said Wamba has become a
no-go-zone as a result of the pro-
They are threatening to burn any
vehicle seen moving and all shops and
businesses have been closed, said
Gitonga said at least four vehicles,
including a Probox carrying miraa
from Isiolo, a lorry, a Samburu Coun-
ty government vehicle and a private
Land Rover were attacked.
Samburu County Commissioner
Wilfred Nyagwanga said security per-
sonnel who are still tracking the ban-
dits have arrested two suspects.
A group of armed bandits decid-
Bandits shoot dead two people
in separate highway attacks in
Samburu East.
Two others were shot and
wounded at the same spot.
Bandits had erected a roadblock
in Learata on Wamba Road
Following the shooting, resi-
dents paralysed business in Wam-
ba town and blocked roads, pro-
testing the increased insecurity
A home guard keeps vigil after the
killing of two people by bandits
sparked violent protests in Wamba,
Samburu East. [PHOTO: GEORGE MU-
To double annual ower earnings in
Nyandarua from Sh500 million to Sh1
billion, the county government has part-
nered with the Kenya Flower Council to
market cut owers from small-scale
farmers in the region.
County Executive Ofcer in charge of
Agriculture Agatha Thuo said the county
is also working with large-scale ower
farmers to supply upcoming farmers
with seedlings.
This is an area that has not been ex-
ploited and yet it can bring a lot of reve-
nue to the county. Most farmers shy away
from investing in the sector for lack of
markets both locally and abroad and that
is why we are liaising with the ower
council so that they can nd ready mar-
kets for the produce, she said.
She said the county government has
also embarked on a programme to pro-
mote apple farming in the region. Ms
Thuo said the county will distribute free
apple seedlings to encourage farmers to
invest in the sector.
She said seedlings worth Sh500,000
had been purchased.
To counter adverse effects of
changing weather patterns, farm-
ers in the North Rift region should
venture into production of short
season crops, the Kenya National
Farmers Federation (Kenaff ) has
The farmers, who heavily rely
on rain-fed agriculture, were
urged to venture into horticulture
instead of being over reliant on
maize and wheat, which are af-
fected by erratic weather.
Stakeholders in the agriculture
sector said farmers can create
wealth through production of al-
ternative crops such as Irish and
sweet potatoes, sorghum, beans,
pigeon peas, cowpeas, ground-
nut, avocados and mangoes.
Irish potatoes are a food secu-
rity crop in case of poor perfor-
mance of maize. It can be an alter-
native crop to maize because it
has a ready market, said Kenaff
ofcial Grace Rono.
She said the by-products of
Irish potatoes can also be used to
produce detergents hence creat-
ing alternative income for pro-
ducers. Ms Rono said through col-
laboration with the Kenya
Horticultural Competitive Project
(KHCP), more than 1,200 farmers
have been equipped with new
techniques in Irish potato pro-
Farmers have been trained in
50 demonstration sites across the
county to enhance productivity.
Some have also been trained to
produce clean seed to reap the
benets of high demand for the
planting materials, she said.
Nyandarua seeks
to double ower
Rift farmers
urged to
change tack
NANDI: 100 charged with
outing Mututho laws
Some 100 people have been
arraigned at the Kapsabet Court since
Monday on alcohol-related charges.
These follow the weekend police
operations in Nandi Central
Sub-county where more than 100 bar
owners and illicit brew manufacturers
and users were arrested. The
operations were meant to weed out
operators who are outing the law.
Offenders were slapped with nes
ranging from Sh2,500 to Sh100,000
each or alternative sentences of
jail terms ranging from three to 12
SALGAA: Firm simulates oil
spill at road safety drive
A road safety awareness event was
recently held at the Salgaa trading
centre, with Total Kenya Limited
carrying out a simulated tanker oil
spill. Total MD Ada Eze commended
the work of St John rst aiders. St
John volunteers play an important
role in post-crash response. We are
here today to boost the capacity
of their personnel to give rst aid
treatment to accident victims and
ensure that they reach hospitals in
a stable condition, she said. The
simulated oil spill involved effective
crowd control, limiting the oil spill and
minimising environmental damage.
The Menengai Geothermal Power proj-
ect in Nakuru County will begin generating
electricity from the steam wells by Decem-
ber, Geothermal Development Company
(GDC) chairman Simon Gicharu has said.
Mr Gicharu said three independent
power producers have been awarded con-
tracts to start producing power at the 22
wells that have a capacity of 79.5 Mega
Watts. Power distribution from the site is
expected to be rolled out by 2015.
Gicharu, however, decried wastage of
resources at the Menengai project and is-
sued a six-month ultimatum to the man-
agement to streamline operations. He di-
rected the management to either employ
more drivers or put on sale 21 heavy com-
mercial trucks that are lying idle at the
Gicharu said the trucks, worth about
Sh400 million, are lying unused at the site
while the management has been spending
more than Sh1 billion to engage contrac-
tors to transport drilling rigs.
The management should either ap-
prove employment of the drivers for the 21
trucks or sell them to avoid further wastage
of resources, said the chairman who
toured the project. Gicharu warned that the
board may take drastic action if the man-
agement fails to come up with a clear pro-
posal on how best they plan to use the re-
sources at their disposal.
Effective utilisation of resources at our
disposal is key to the success of geothermal
power production for the Menengai project
and others that the company intends to un-
dertake in future. There is no point in hav-
ing trucks that are not in use, he said.
He decried the delay in production of
electricity at the Menengai project, saying
it did not make economic sense for GDC to
spend billions of shillings to drill steam
wells and then leave them idle.
Kenyans want to see electricity gener-
ated from the wells drilled here. That is
when we will realise that billions chan-
nelled to the project are utilised effective-
ly, he said. He said GDCs mandate was to
drill wells, manage geothermal reservoirs
and ensure a constant supply of steam
We have already signed agreements
with three independent power producers
and they are now in the process of signing
agreements with power distribution com-
panies before commencing work in De-
cember, said Gicharu.
22 new geothermal wells will
generate power by December
Friday October 21, 2008 / The Standard Friday October 21, 2008 / The Standard
Page 21 / COUNTY NEWS Page 23
Report shows assemblies
not accessible to public
Survey reveals
citizens cannot even
access Hansard
reports and draft Bills
from the Houses
A survey by Transparency
International (TI) shows that county
assemblies are largely inaccessible to
voters and the general public.
According to a report by TI,
county assembly activities are
characterised by lack of transparen-
cy as citizens cannot even access
Hansard reports and draft Bills.
The report follows a survey
assessing key actors in counties
conducted in Kwale and Kisumu.
The survey was carried out
between September and December
2013 and focused on the county
executive committees, the county
assemblies, political parties and the
police, among other actors.
According to TI Head of Finance
Justine Mutie, the assessment is
aimed at developing an action plan
for strengthening integrity at the
county level.
The (county) executive has clear
roles set out and adequate resources
to carry out their duties, but they are
using guidelines created for and in
use by the national government
because there is no localised
framework to manage the county
public service, reads part of the
The launch of the report that
took place at Hill Park Hotel in Kwale
was attended by Matuga Sub-county
Commissioner Kamunyan Chedo-
tum, Kwale County Deputy Speaker
Andrew Mulei and Majority Leader
Nassoro Mgutta, among others. The
study further revealed that the
potential to create awareness by civil
society organisations has also not
been fully realised.
The institutions at the national
government have the mandate to
oversee county operations, but the
national government oversight
efforts are still not as effective as
they should be, reads the report.
Among the recommendations in
the report is that the assemblies
should set aside certain days for
citizens to familiarise themselves
with their activities.
It also proposes setting up of
communication centres and
websites for citizens to access
relevant information about the
assemblies activities and those of
the executive.
The assembly, executive and
national anti-corruption bodies
should collaborate to establish and
publicise an independent pubic
complaint mechanism that can
resolve complaints against the
county assemblies and the execu-
tive, it adds.
It says that for county assemblies
to effectively carry out their
functions, the laws they make
should not contravene national
legislation and the Constitution.
The most crucial sectors
according to TI are county laws on
procurement, access to information
and public participation.
The county government should
establish clear structures of
engagement with the civil society
within its institutional framework,
added the report.
TI Head of Finance Justine Mutie
noted that devolution has made it
easier to uphold public sector
integrity compared to the previous
system of governance.
He said a functioning county
integrity system can play an
important role in sealing corruption
loopholes in the counties.
Laying strong foundations at the
county and national levels is key to
ensuring satisfactory services for
Kenyans as well as transparency and
accountability between county
structures and the national govern-
ment, stated Mutie.
A suspected vehicle side-mirror thief (in handcuffs) arrested outside Canon Towers along the busy Moi Avenue in Mom-
basa is led away by plainclothes police ofcers and members of the public. [PHOTO: MAARUFU MOHAMED/STANDARD]
Page 31
TIFF: MP accused of
undermining governor
Members of the Taita-Taveta
County Assembly have accused
Wundanyi MP Thomas Mwadeghu
of undermining Governor John
But in a rejoinder, the MP
(pictured) accused the MCAs of
failing to protect the Constitution
and the rule of law, adding that as
a senior leader in the area, he has
a right to comment on governance
matters. Led by ODM Chief Whip
Jason Tuja and Mbololo Ward
Representative Godfrey Mwambi,
the 35 MCAs said Mwadeghu should
keep off county matters.
They also described the MPs
performance in Parliament as
wanting, claiming he hardly
participates in debates. Instead of
ghting the county government, he
should concentrate on his national
duties, said Mr Mwambi.
CONSERVATION: Ofcial calls
for forest protection laws
The County Assembly of Kili has
been urged to pass laws to support
environmental conservation in the
County executive member for
Water and Environment Kiringi
Mwachitu said the laws are
urgently needed to protect forests
and other water catchment areas.
He raised an alarm over illegal
harvesting of trees for timber and
charcoal in Dakacha woodland in
Magarini Constituency.
The war to conserve important
sites like Dakacha woodland in
Magarini and other unregistered
Kaya forests in Kili County will
only be won if our MCAs will come
up with appropriate environmental
conservation laws, said Mwachitu.
He said they would soon launch
a tree planting drive in the area.
Monday, March 24, 2014
cil locks out public
sport from
city C
Residents received
the move varmly
as matatu operators
protested, but nov
council says all is vell
The Municipal Council of Kisumu
in conjunction with the trafc police
department has successfully locked
public transport out of the towns
Thanks to the combined forces,
no 14-seater matatu and boda boda
operates in the central business
district now.
And residents have praised the
effort, arguing sanity has been
restored in the CBD and trafc ow
was now smooth.
No matatus or boda bodas are
allowed to pick or drop passengers
at the CBD. The ban also applies to
tricycles and it has been in effect for
the past one week, though amid
Distances shortened
The authorities have also blocked
Oginga Odinga Avenue up to
Standard Chartered Bank junction to
ease trafc ow.
Passengers are now being
dropped at Jomo Kenyatta Highway
and trek to town.
The move follows successful
negotiations between the authority
and matatu operators whose
distances have now been cut short.
We are happy because the plans
have reduced our distance by
one-and-a-half kilometres, said a
matatu operator George Onyango.
According to the town authorities
the plan aims to decongest the city
and will remain in force until 2013.
Thereafter the council will
develop fresh plans to accommodate
the increased number of private cars
in town, a source from the council
Already, the number of private
cars streaming in the town has
peaked and the trafc department
anticipates the gure will rise.
The councils enforcement ofcer
in charge of the trafc order Adrian
Ouma said they would not back
down on the move.
WIN-win situation
Eng Ouma said matatu owners
appreciated the directive because
they still charge the same bus fare
despite the distance being short-
It is a win-win situation, the
matatu operators have all the
reasons to smile same as the
council, he said, as he asked them
to co-operate.
Kisumu Mayor Sam Okello
thanked the residents for allowing
them to bring sanity within the CBD.
There have been complaints of
matatu disorder within the CBD,
which have been disrupting smooth
operations of businesses.
With the new measures in force
people can now go about their
business easily without disruptions
by blaring sounds.
Nyanza PPO Njue Njagi promised
to support the council to restore
sanity and warned that those who
resist change would be arrested and
Eng Ouma said matatu owners
appreciated the directive because
they still charge the same bus fare
despite the distance being short-
It is a win-win situation, the
matatu operators have all the
reasons to smile same as the
Trafc Police ofcer redirects a matatu driver at Kisumu Bus Park entry, yes-
terday. Kisumu Municipal Council has re-routed trafc from the central busi-
ness district to de-congest the town. [PHOTO: TITUS MUNALA/STANDARD]
when the Council announced
the plan to reroute public
transport from the C8u, it was
received with mixed reactions
Pesidents welcomed it, say
ing it would help in planning
the town and reduce matatu
At frst, the public transport
operators complied for hours
before they regrouped to
protest the directive
however, yesterday the
council said operators and
Page 23
TANZANIA: Two suspects
ashed out of hotel, killed
Two suspected notorious
criminals who have been
terrorising tourists in Masai Mara
have been lynched by a mob
in Musoma, Tanzania. Nelson
Segeria and his accomplice were
ambushed inside a guesthouse in
the town and attacked by an irate
mob, which had identied them
as known gangsters. According
to Mara Triangle Chief Executive
Ofcer Brian Heath, two other
members of the gang escaped, but
security ofcers recovered one
AK-47 rie with 427 bullets.
Two suspected notorious
criminals who have been
terrorising tourists in Masai Mara
have been lynched by a mob
in Musoma, Tanzania. Nelson
Segeria and his accomplice were
ambushed inside a guesthouse in
the town and attacked by an irate
CORNERED: Two suspects
ashed out of hotel, killed
Two suspected notorious
criminals who have been
terrorising tourists in Masai Mara
have been lynched by a mob
in Musoma, Tanzania. Nelson
Segeria and his accomplice were
ambushed inside a guesthouse in
the town and attacked by an irate
mob, which had identied them
as known gangsters. According
to Mara Triangle Chief Executive
Ofcer Brian Heath, two other
members of the gang escaped, but
security ofcers recovered one
AK-47 rie with 427 bullets.
Two suspected notorious
criminals who have been
terrorising tourists in Masai Mara
have been lynched by a mob
in Musoma, Tanzania. Nelson
Segeria and his accomplice were
Kisumu County
Kisumu County
Kisumu County
The places
vhere babies
choose their
ovn names,
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Friday, May 16, 2014
Coast News
Long arm of the law
Page 32 / COAST NEWS Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
to get free treatment, shoes
Vihiga County Red Cross Society
branch has stepped up its bid to
ght jiggers in the region.
The organisation plans to
organising various camps where
affected individuals will be treated
for free and given shoes.
Newly crowned Miss Kenya Red
Cross Society 2013-14, Euphresher
Rinah Ageyo, said many people
shy away from admitting that
they are infested with jiggers and
thus the need for the sensitisation
Most people in the region live
in denial that jiggers only affect
other regions, but the truth is that
we have areas in the county that
are prone to jiggers and many
people are suffering in silence,
said Ms Ageyo.
Vihiga Red Cross ofcer in
charge of disaster management
Florence Achuya said they will also
organise a door-to-door campaign
to reach out to as many families as
ofcials put on notice
Teso North Sub-county
Commissioner Josephine Onunga
has warned that any provincial
administration ofcers found
abetting shady land deals will face
the full force.
Onunga, who was addressing a
public baraza in Angurai market,
Teso North Constituency, raised
concerns over rising cases of
fraudulent land deals in the area.
The Commissioner warned that
it is a criminal offence to sell the
same piece of land to multiple
buyers, adding that those taking
part in the illegal transactions will
be prosecuted.
Stern action will be taken
against ofcers who condone
crime, she cautioned in a security
meeting separately.
Onunga called upon all security
ofcers to intensify raids on
illicit brews including changaa,
Kangara and liquor brands
packed in sachets imported from
neighbouring countries.
Mombasa County Assembly has
joined calls for devolution of ferries
and harbours.
In a press statement read by Tono-
noka Ward Representative Saad Faraj
Ahmed, the MCAs claimed residnets
have never benetted from the Mom-
basa port despite it being domiciled
in the area.
Addressing 22 MCA in the commit-
tee room, Mr Faraj said the right of the
people of Mombasa to the resource
was guaranted under Schedule 4, Part
2 of the Constitution.
He said the Constitution expressly
gives Mombasa County Government
the mandate to manage county trans-
port systems within its jurisdiction,
including the business at its ferries
and the harbours.
Faraj criticised remarks KPA Chair-
man Danson Mungatana on Tuesday
that the port is national asset and
MCAs support push for
port to be run by county
and promised create a legislative
framework to facilitate such a bid if
called upon to do so. Such an action
is not futile as Mungatana claimed be-
cause it is within the connes of the
World set to mark Museums Day this Sunday
The worldwide community of
museums will celebrate Internation-
al Museum Day on May 18, 2014.
The theme for this years fete is
Museum collections make Connec-
Principal Curator Lamu Muse-
ums and World Heritage Sites Galga-
lo Rashid said that Lamu Museums,
which has over 10,000 objects, seeks
to offer students an opportunity for
interactive learning.
The museum is essential a place
of learning and teachers as well as
the stakeholders in education should
plan to maximise on this opportuni-
ty so as to make teaching and learn-
ing an exciting experience, the cu-
rator said.
He added: Museums are an im-
portant means of cultural exchange,
enrichment of cultures and develop-
ment of mutual understanding, co-
operation and peace among peo-
The ofcial said the theme for this
years celebrations was deliberately
chosen to demonstrates how muse-
um exhibitions have the ability not
only to tell a story, but to also engage
with the community through shared
According to Galgalo, the theme
is also a reminder that museums are
living institutions that help creating
bonds between visitors, generations
and cultures around the world.
The International Council of Mu-
seums (ICOM) established Interna-
tional Museum Day in 1977 to in-
crease public awareness of the role
of museums in the development of
In 2013, 35,000 museums hosting
events in more than 143 countries.
Created in 1946, ICOM is the on-
ly international organisation repre-
senting museums and museum pro-
fessionals on a global level.
As the world moves away from
traditional methods of engagement,
museums must nd new ways to en-
gage with their communities by mak-
ing their collections more accessible
and relevant, Galgalo explained.
Members of Mombasa County Assembly led by Tononoka Ward Rep Saad Faraj
Ahmed (right) address journalists at the County Hall. They supported calls for
devolution of Mombasa port and Kenya Ferry services. [PHOTO: GIDEON MAUNDU/
law of the land, he said.
They challenged the former Gars-
en MP to state what benets had ac-
crued to the people of Mombasa from
the port despite it raking in a whop-
ping Sh94 billion in the last four years
Faraj said they were convinced
that the county of Mombasa was bet-
ter placed to run the entity.
He said it is within their powers to
pass a law compelling transporters to
pay upto 50 US dollars per tonne of
cargo passing through the port to
benet residents.
We wish to reiterate our unwaver-
ing support for our Governor Hassan
Ali Joho and will do everything possi-
ble within our powers as mandated by
the law to support his endeavors, he
On Wednesday evening, The Na-
tional Alliance chairman for Momba-
sa Peterson Mittau opposed Johos
proposal for the takeover of the port,
saying it might open a oodgate of de-
mands from other mischievous coun-
ty administrations.
cannot be managd by the county gov-
ernment, adding that the assertion
negates the spirit of devolution.
The MCAs supported the county
leadership proposal to take over KPA
Buy a current issue of any international
magazine and get a past issue enclosed.
Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard COAST NEWS / Page 33
Tension as Government
withdraws security
from Tana Delta district
General Service Unit ofcers guard internally displaced persons in Tana
River at the height of tribal clashes between the Orma and Pokomo commu-
nities. The Government has started withdrawing the ofcers from the area.
Hundreds of General Service Unit
policemen deployed in clash-torn vil-
lages in Tana Delta District of Tana
River County in 2012 and 2013 have
been withdrawn.
The action has sparked fear among
returning victims of tribal violence
and the district security committee.
The last security ofcers left the
area on Monday, slightly a year after
some of the deadliest clashes between
the Orma and Pokomo communities.
There was renewed tension recently
following three ethnic-based killings
at a border village.
In 2012, close to 200 people were
killed and 1,000 houses burnt in eth-
nic violence over resources, political
competition and long-standing an-
cestral rivalry between the two
A judicial inquest into the clashes
said they were fuelled by armed eth-
nic militia on both sides, allegedly
trained and deployed by politicians.
Despite the end of the hostilities,
villages like Riketa remain deserted,
while thousands still live in displace-
ment camps.
The Tana Delta District Committee
on Security says it had no prior knowl-
edge of the GSU forces withdrawal at
a time when the committee was be-
ginning to consolidate some gains.
Ofcials who ordered the remov-
al of the GSU ought to have consulted
this committee before recalling them,
said Mike Kimoko, chairman of the
district security team, who is also the
deputy county commissioner .
He told The Standard that he learnt
of the GSUs removal from letters of re-
call shown to him by third parties. The
ofcers, who received their commands
separate from the district committee,
were required to leave Tana Delta by
As we speak now, tension is very
high. The person who ordered the re-
moval of the ofcers was ill advised,
he lamented.
Kimoko said he had deployed peo-
ple to man Semikaro, Ozi, Kileleng-
wani and Chamwanamuma villages.
We do not have enough regular
and administration police ofcers to
man the villages and perform other
duties, said Kimoko, who indicated
that he would request the national
government to deploy ofcers from
the Rapid Deployment Unit.
Recently, Tana River Governor
Hussein Dado warned people who
were fuelling fresh clashes.
We are aware of members who
have made it a habit to incite others,
said Dado.
The governor revealed that the
county government has plans to com-
pensate all victims of the clashes, and
asked them to forgive each other.
There has been renewed hostility following
three recent ethnic-based killings at a border
village in the vast area
In 2012, close to 200 people
were killed and 1,000 houses
burnt down in ethnic violence
over resources, political com-
petition and long standing
ancestral rivalry
A judicial inquest said the
clashes were fuelled by mili-
tia, allegedly trained and de-
ployed by politicians
The Government then de-
ployed hundreds of GSU off-
cers, who have been stationed
in the district since
IN THE MATTER OF THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA ART. 1, ART. 2 (2) AND (5), ART. 3 (1) AND (2), ART. 4 (2), ART 10 ART. 19, ART. 20, ART. 21, ART. 22
(1) AND (2) (b) AND (c), ART. 23 (1), ART. 24 (1), ART. 33 (1) (a), ART. 35, ART. 38 (1),ART. 47 (1) AND (2), ART. 48, ART. 52, ART. 93, ART. 96, ART. 165
(3) (b) AND (d) (ii), ART. 73 (1) AND ART. 75 (1) (c), ART. 174, ART. 175, ART. 181, ART. 196 (1) (b), ART. 200, ART. 258, ART. 259 AND ART. 260
ANDREW IRERI NJERU ..................................1ST PETITIONER
BENKANYENJI ....................... 2ND PETITIONER
ALOISE VICTOR NJAGI ............................... 3RD PETITION
GERALD KINYUA MBOGO .........................4TH PETITIONER
SIRIAKA MURINGO NJUKI ...............................5TH PETITIONER
LYDIA MBAKA NJERU.........................6TH PETITIONER
FELIX NJIRU ..........................................................7TH PETITIONER
SICILI TIRA NGOCI........................................8TH PETITIONER
NAMU NDEREVA...............................9TH PETITIONER
JAMES KARIUKI NYAGA .........................10TH PETITIONER
JACINTA IGOKI NYAGA .......................11TH PETITIONER
FLORA MBURA .........................12TH PETITIONER
FRIDA WANJIRA ...............................13TH PETITIONER
VERONICA KIOKO ...........................14TH PETITIONER
ROSE MUTURI ..............................15TH PETITIONER
MONICAH MUTURI .............................16TH PETITIONER
ALBINA WEVETI ..............................19TH PETITIONER
PETER NYAGA ...........................20TH PETITIONER
GRACE WNAGUI KARANJA............................21ST PETITIONER
NANCY NDEGI ........................22ND PETITIONER
JOSPHINE WAMBUGI .........................23RD PETITIONER
DOMINIC NJERU.........................24TH PETITIONER
ROSEMARY MUNYAGA ..........................25TH PETITIONER
JOHN NAMU ........................27TH PETITIONER
JAMES NYAGA ...........................28TH PETITIONER
AGABIO NJIRU .......................29TH PETITIONER
ERICK KINYUA ......................30TH PETITIONER
MUTHONI MUNENE ......................31ST PETITIONER
ALFRED NJERU......................32ND PETITIONER
IRENE MUTHONI .....................33RD PETITIONER
SIMON NAMU...................34TH PETITIONER
JOHN NAMU ...................35TH PETITIONER
COUNTY ASSEMBLY OF EMBU...........................1ST RESPONDENT
THE SENATE .....................4TH RESPONDENT
UPON READING the application presented to this Court on 30th April, 2014 by Counsel for the Petitioners under Section
19 of the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution and Rule 19 of the Constitution of Kenya (Protection of Rights and Fundamental
Freedoms), Practice Rule and Procedure Rules, Section 10 of the Judicature Act, Chapter 8 of the Laws of Kenya and the
Inherent Jurisdiction of the Court and all other enabling provisions of Law, AND UPON READING the Supporting Afdavit of
ANDREW IRERI NJERU sworn on 3O April, 2014 together with the annextures thereto AND UPON HEARING Counsel for the
Petitioners, Counsel for the 1st, and 2nd Respondents, the 3rd Respondents and 4th Respondents having not entered
1. THAT a conservatory order be and is hereby issued forthwith restraining the County Government of Embu, the Speaker of
the County Assembly of Embu, the Senate and the Speaker of the Senate and any other person acting on their behalf from or
in any way acting upon or effecting any decision arising from the resolution of the County Assembly and or the impeachment
determination of Governor Martin Nyaga Wambora and replacing or commencing any arrangements to replace him pursuant
to Article 182 of the Constitution, pending the hearing and determination of the petition herein.
2. THAT there will be no order as to costs.
GIVEN under my hand and Seal of this Honourable Court this 15th day of May, 2014
ISSUED at Nairobi this 15th day of May 2014
Page 34 / COAST NEWS Friday, May 16, 2014/ The Standard
Some of the 27 former Kenya Navy soldiers, when they appeared before a
court martial at the Kenya navy barrack in Mtongwe recently. The High Court
released them on Sh500,000 bond each. [PHOTO: FILE/STANDARD]
The lawyers of 26 former service-
men charged with deserting duty now
want Chief of Defence Forces General
Julius Karangi be served with High
Court orders allowing their release on
Lawyer Michael Mwanyale said
General Karangi should be served
through the Press because efforts to
reach him, and other top military of-
cials have been in vain.
We want substituted service
through the media because our ef-
forts to effect service upon the re-
spondent have been futile after being
denied access, said Mr Mwanyale.
Mwanyale told Justice Edward
Muriithi at the High Court in Momba-
sa that their clients were still being de-
tained at the Kenya Navy Mtongwe
Base despite having complied with all
requirements for release on bail.
Last month, the High Court in
Mombasa released the former ser-
KDF defes court
order to release
ex-service men
vicemen on a Sh500,000 bond each,
with a similar surety. The suspects,
who are accused of deserting the forc-
es in 2007 and 2008, were also ordered
to deposit their passports with civil-
ian courts.
Defence lawyers have not been
able to secure the suspects release
since, due to what they termed as
stringent conditions imposed by the
military in Mombasa and Nairobi.
On Tuesday, the military went to
the Court of Appeal to try and over-
turn an order suspending the three
military courts that are trying the for-
mer servicemen. A ruling will be made
on May 29.
State lawyer Alex Jamii yesterday
opposed the defences application,
saying there was no need to apply for
substituted service because the law-
yers have only made one attempt to
serve the chief legal ofcer, who was
not in the ofce when lawyer Charles
Mwalimu went to serve him.
The Attorney Generals ofce was
represented by Oscar Eredi, while the
colleagues for refusing to be served
after being sued by the ex-soldiers.
Along with General Karangi, the
former soldiers have also sued the Ke-
nya Navy Commander, Major General
Ngewa Mukala and the Kenya De-
fence Forces Council.
The judge gave this order after the
mention of the case, in which the ex-
servicemen have accused General
Karangi as Chief of Defence.
ex-servicemen are represented by
lawyers Daniel Kamunda and Hennry
The legal battle between the two
parties could pave way for ling of
contempt proceedings against Gener-
al Karangi and Cabinet Secretary
Reach Omamo, for defying a court or-
Ms Omamo, who is a former Law
Society of Kenya, has hit back at her
A new survey by the Alliance for a
Green Revolution in Africa (Agra),
shows that farmers who have invested
in improved crop varieties have seen
production rise by between 50 to 100
per cent.
The report, African Seeds industry
now dominated by local start-ups is
calling on governments to speed up
the supply of foundation seeds devel-
oped by Agra programmes.
An expert with Agra, George Bigir-
wa says that several resilient crops,
like sorghum and cassava, developed
though some farmers, are unable to
adopt due to poor seeds.
Advising farmers to switch from
maize growing in drought prone areas
such as Makueni, Kitui and others to
sorghum or cassava has not been easy,
it is nally happening, he said.
He noted that seed production was
still dominated by the Kenya Seed
Company, who produce 30,000 metric
tonnes annually.
Today there are more than 60
seed companies in Kenya producing
a wide range of crops from cereals, le-
gumes, pastures to vegetables, using
improved seeds, he said.
Farmers urged to
switch to improved
seed varieties
JUNE 2014
NOTICE / Page 35 Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard

Page 36 / NOTICE Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard

NOTICE / Page 37 Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard

Page 38 / NOTICE Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard

NOTICES / Page 39 Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
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Page 40 / EASTERN NEWS Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
A sombre mood engulfed
Kithuki Primary School grounds in
Makueni County yesterday as
mourners gathered for the funeral
of the victims of the killer liquor,
Of the 20 who died, 18 came
from the same ward while two were
from Kalongo in Kaiti Sub-county.
Thirteen lost their eyesight while
94 survived the tragedy and have
since been discharged from
Makueni County Level 4 Hospital
where they had been admitted after
the incident.
Some families lost more than
one relative in the tragedy and grief
was discernable on their faces as
strategies of safeguarding citizens.
He called for close monitoring of all
companies manufacturing con-
sumer goods.
Musonde said it was unthink-
able that somebody had concocted
such as a lethal drink with the
intention of making a killing while
endangering the safety of thou-
Police and other security
agencies were put on the spot for
abetting the manufacture and
consumption of illicit brews.
Also present was former Vice
President Kalonzo Musyoka,
Makueni Deputy Governor Adelina
Mwau and Senator Mutula Kilonzo
Jr, MPs Rose Museo and Daniel
Maanzo, and the Makueni Health
Executive Mulwa Mutava
The former VP described the
liquor tragedy as a form of domes-
tic terrorism brought about by what
he termed digital corruption.
Kalonzo has since instructed
MPs from his party, including
Kilonzo Jnr, to immediately serve
the Attorney General with a notice
to sue the Kenya Bureau of
20 killer brew victims laid to rest
they followed proceedings during
the funeral service attended by
thousands of area residents.
For one moment, however, the
grief was forgotten as one of the
bereaved relatives took to the
podium and offered a possible
solution to the drinking menace.
She recommended to the three
governors present, Kivutha
Kibwana (Makueni), Alfred Mutua
(Machakos)and Julius Malombe
(Kitui) the setting up of a factory to
process the regions traditional
brew so that residents could have
something safe to drink.
The interdenominational
requiem mass was led by Catholic
Diocese of Machakos Martin
Kivuva Musonde.
Bishop Musonde said the
country needs to rethink its
Mourners follow
during the
funeral service
for 20 victims of
the poisonous
brew, Country-
man, at Kithuki
Primary School
grounds in
County. [PHOTO:
Talk of law suits characterises solemn occasion
to pay last respects to 20 who died after
drinking lethal liquor in Makueni County
Standards (Kebs) and the Govern-
ment for criminal negligence.
He said the Sh50,000 the
Government gave to those affected
by the tragedy was a joke, saying
the least each victim should receive
is Sh1 million.
Mr Kibwana said the only way
to end similar tragedies was if
county governments, which have
been granted alcoholic drinks
licensing and control powers,
enacted laws that promote safe
Kibwana said his government
would le a civil case in court
seeking damages for families who
lost their relatives as well as seek
action against the brewers and
suppliers of the killer drink.
Kibwana said the county
government would meet all the
mortuary and funeral expenses.
Mutula blamed the deaths on
negligence by the national
government, adding that it was
ironic that it only appreciated
citizens after they died.
We should not sugarcoat
negligence by giving hand outs to
their relatives while little was done
to improve their lives when they
were alive.
The senator called for enact-
ment of a consumer protection
law, saying Kenyans are exposed to
innumerable health risks at the
hands of proteering business
Maanzo said he would go to
court in the next seven days
seeking the arrest of Kebs top
bosses, whom he accused of
The Makueni MP said bottles of
the drink that killed more than 81
Kenyans bore Kebs labels an
indicator that the liquor had been
cleared for consumption by the
standards body.
Also on Maanzos list of those
who should be prosecuted was
Attorney General Githu Muigai.
The lawmaker demanded that
ofcers who were interdicted
following the liquor deaths should
get their jobs back and Kebs
ofcers be sent packing.
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COAST NEWS / Page 41
Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
University allocates
Sh430m for hostels
Garissa University College
will spend Sh430 million to
put up ultra-modern hostels
for its students.
Speaking to the Press
during a groundbreaking
ceremony, the Chairman of
the institutions council
Hukka Wario said construc-
tion of the new hostels would
enable the university increase
student enrolment.
Many students in North
Eastern wishing to pursue
university education are
is said to be
grappling with an
missing out on the opportu-
nity as their parents cannot
afford rent, he said.
He added: Female
students who have no
relatives to accommodate
them are the most affected.
Somalis are a conservative
community and they usually
dont allow their daughters to
live alone in rented houses.
This has forced female
students with no relatives in
Garissa to drop out of
The college, a constituen-
cy college of Moi University,
is the only institution of
higher learning in the area
and currently shares space
with Garissa Teachers
Training College.
Dr Wario said the institu-
tion was working to obtain a
charter to become a full-
edged university, adding
that the teachers training
college had agreed to move to
create space for the formers
We met with the
authorities of Garissa TTC
and they agreed to move and
leave us the entire com-
pound, he said.
He said they intend to
open branches in Mandera
and Wajir once the institution
is given a charter.
Wario urged locals to
build rental houses around
the university, saying the
institution was expecting to
admit more than 400
students in September.
The colleges principal
Francis Mulaa said the new
hostels would house more
than 800 students.
He said the facility would
also have wireless Internet
access, a library and a
catering section.
The event was also
attended by Moi University
Vice Chancellor Richard
A woman who was stripped naked after
being accused of dressing indecently was
rescued from a rowdy mob by Administration
Police ofcers.
The woman had taken cover in a posho
mill in Kitengela after she was attacked by
women traders at Kitengela market who
claimed she was dressed inappropriately.
The woman found herself in trouble after
she reportedly engaged in a verbal exchange
with the grocers who questioned her mode of
She was frog-marched through the streets
in the town before a good Samaritan allowed
her to take refuge in his posho mill.
The incident attracted hundreds of
onlookers who demanded that she be
paraded in public.
Let her come out. She wanted to be
naked and that is what we have helped her to
do, said one grocer.
Area Assistant Chief Alex Kange and
Administration Police ofcers arrived at the
scene as the rowdy mob was preparing to
forcefully remove her from the posho mill.
Police ofcers whisked her away in a GK
Land Rover to Kitengela Police Station.
The commotion left the owner of a
neighbouring shop counting losses after a
refrigerator fell over, leaving hundreds of
soda bottles broken.
This should serve as a lesson to others
that indecent dressing will not be tolerated
here, said a woman who identied herself as
This is good work done by women. They
should learn how to dress appropriately, said
George Mwenda who was at the scene.
Woman accused of dressing indecently stripped
Guests from the East
Hassan Ali Joho
anked by his
ofcials, with
members of the
Indian National
Defence College
who are
touring parts of
the county.
Maendeleo Ya Wanawake Organization (MYWO) hereby noties its
members of its elections from Ward, Sub-County (Constituency),
County to National level which will be held in June, 2014. Please
nd below the Election Timetable:
FEES (KShs.)
Ward Level 12
June, 2014 2,000
Sub-County (Constituency) 16
June, 2014 5,000
County Level 19
June 2014 10,000
National Level 25
June 2014 20,000

Members are further requested to note the following:
1. Registration for membership, collection and submission of
Nomination forms process is ongoing and will close on 5

June, 2014.
2. Membership rates are as follows:
Ordinary Membership - KShs.100
Life Membership - KShs.1100
Group Membership - KShs.2000
Diaspora Membership - USD 50
(All cash should be deposited in either of the bank accounts
shown below. The deposit slip should be forwarded to
Maendeleo Ya Wanawake Organizations Accounts ofce for
issuance of cards, forms and certicates.)
Bank: Barclays Bank of Kenya
Branch: Queensway Branch
Account Number: 0948219999
Account name: Maendeleo Ya Wanawake Organization
Bank: Kenya Commercial Bank
Branch: University Way
Account Number: 1146825226
Account name: Maendeleo Ya Wanawake
3. Nomination forms can be collected from MYWO HQ ofces in
Maendeleo House, 4
oor. along Monrovia Street (opposite
Anniversary Towers)
4. A candidate vying for any position from Sub-County
(Constituency) to the National level MUST be a life member
of MYWO for not less than 3 years. The requirement for one
to run for a Ward level position, one is required to be a life
member of MYWO only.
5. Public or state ofcers are not eligible to vie
For more information/ clarication contact : Alice Kirambi on
0723552594 or Carolyne on 0720252320
By: National Executive Council (NEC)
Page 42 / COAST & NORTH EASTERN NEWS Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
Coast MP Naomi Shaban (left) and Lamu County Women Representative
Shakila Abdalla follow proceedings during a one-day workshop to discuss the
Mining Bill at Sarova Whitesands beach resort in Mombasa. [PHOTO: GIDEON
A provision in the Mining Bill
requiring mining companies to
ofoad 20 per cent of their shares to
the local stock market has been
described as too ambitious.
According to recommendations
on the Bill by stakeholders at the
Coast, the provision for local
participation was not good because
the market cannot absorb such a
A Coast-based civil society
Human Rights Agenda (HURIA) has
forwarded the recommendations to
the Parliamentary Departmental
Committee on Environment and
Natural Resources to be incorporat-
ed in the Mining Bill.
It will do more harm than good
to Kenya as a mining investment
destination, the report says.
The says if a mining company
such as Base Titanium in Kwale
Groups call
for changes to
Mining Bill
County was to ofoad 20 per cent of
its equity into the local stock
market, Kenyans will have to raise
Sh5 billion to take it up.
This facility is an indication of
things being copied from laws from
more mature jurisdictions into an
economy with a non-existent mining
industry, the report said.
The report was compiled after
HURIA and mining experts from the
Kenya Chamber of Mining and Taita
Taveta University College held a
consultative meeting at Sarova
Whitesands beach resort in Momba-
sa County two weeks ago.
HURIA Executive Director Yusuf
Lule said the Coast MPs led by the
Coast Parliamentary Group (CPG)
Chairman Gideon Mungaro were
expected to lobby other legislators
for the necessary amendments to
the Bill, which is awaiting its second
The report also says majority of
participants in its stakeholders
demand some percentage be
allocated to the County governments
in the respective mining area, said
the report.
In 2012, Guinea introduced
provision for 15 per cent FCI with an
option to acquire additional 20 per
The report, however, indicates
that Guinea is among jurisdictions
with proven mining potential unlike
consultative meetings were opposed
to the State taking 10 per cent Free
Carried Interest (FCI) in the share
capital of a mining licence for large
scale mining, especially while
bearing no obligations.
Majority of those who opposed
the proposal were from the mining
The few participants who
supported this facility did so
because they intend to use it to
One person drowned after a
lorry heading to Nairobi was swept
away by oods at Dambala Fachana
in Sololo Sub-county, Moyale
County, as heavy rain continue to
pound the region.
Four other passengers in the
lorry were rescued by residents dur-
ing the Wednesday afternoon
The oods have also marooned
houses, shops and hotels in Sololo
Makutano, Anona and Sololo town.
Also affected are Sololo-Uran
and Makutano-Sololo roads as well
as several bridges along Walda-
Moyale highway.
Locals accused the Chinese rm
constructing the Moyale-Nairobi
highway of channeling river
courses into homesteads.
The oods marooned Sololo
Makuno after the road contractor
blocked river courses. This is a
disaster, former area chief Denge
Okotu told The Standard on phone.
Obbu Ward Administrator
Abdinasir Boru said the rains have
also impeded movement of
livestock, with some herds reported
to have been stuck in mud in some
One person killed
as donwpour
wreaks havoc
Wednesday 21
Nairobi 102.7 | Nyeri 105.7 | Meru 105.1 | Nakuru 104.5 | Kitui 93.8 | Kisumu 105.3 | Mombasa 105.1 | Kericho 90.5 | Edoret 91.1 | KISII 91.3
Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard COUNTY NEWS / Page 43
The International Budget Part-
nership (IBP) has urged counties to
formulate budgets according to their
County Integrated Development
Plans (CIDP).
During a phone interview with
The Standard, IBP Research Analyst
John Kinuthia said counties were al-
locating funds to projects outside
their CIDP in the last nancial year.
In the rst year of devolution,
many counties developed their plans
late while some budgeted for their
regions before developing their
plans, leading to a good chunk of the
allocation going to non-priority proj-
Counties rolled out ambitious
plans to run for ve years yet some
of them veered off the plans during
allocations in the budget.
All budgets must be within the
plan and priorities should be within
it, said Kinuthia, adding the CIDPs
should have specic costs and time-
lines for commencement and com-
He raised concern over lack of
capacity building in counties and
called on the National Government
to help in this saying this would help
counties come up with realistic and
comprehensive budgets.
Kinuthia also challenged the
counties to release County Imple-
mentation Reports after every three
months to help monitor the progress
of the projects for which money was
The organisation said it was im-
portant for counties after the rst
shaky one year, to set their priorities
right as they prepare the 2014/2015
The team observed that in the last
nancial year, many counties did not
align their projects with the needs of
the people.
Area that were pointed out as pri-
ority in Nyanza for example, were
health; mitigation of HIV and Aids,
Malaria, TB prevention as well as
Others were secondary school ed-
ucation, rural electrication, securi-
ty specically tribal clashes that
affects most counties water and
Counties funded unplanned projects, says report
Senior KWS ofcer
robbed of pistol,
gun in Rongai
Controversy has erupted in Nyeri
over the arrest and detention of
seven orphaned girls.
The girls, some of whom are said
to be HIV positive have been
languishing at the Nyeri Juvenile
Remand Home for two weeks now
after they were arrested by police for
loitering in Kiawara village, Nyeri.
The orphans custodian, Stephen
Mithanga Njau has said the
children, aged between eight and 15
years are supposed to be learning at
his school, Lavender Springs
Njau, the proprietor of Lavender
Springs Academy in Kiawara area of
Kieni West Sub-county, said the
children are orphans and had gone
to visit his wife, when police ofcers
pounced on them on April 14.
He explained, They had just
closed school and since their
Outrage follows
arrest, detention of
orphaned girls
Nyeri Childrens Ofcer Ms, Ida
Kawira said she was investigating the
case and will table a report in court
when the matter is mentioned
before Nyeri Resident Magistrate, Ms
Joan Wambilyanga.
The case is coming up on Friday
(today) and I will table a report. We
are working to ensure the matter is
concluded as soon as possible,
Kawira told The Standard.
Kawira added that her ofce is
liasing with the remand home to
ensure the children are well cared
The arrest of the children sparked
outrage in the county with an MP
calling on the Judiciary to expedite
the case in which the girls have
been charged since they are in need
of care and protection.
Kieni MP, Kanini Kega said the
girls, all of whom are learners have
been in Nyeri Childrens remand for
two weeks and had missed out on
learning. He said it was against the
best interest of children to be held in
custody for so long.
We are asking the courts to
hasten the matter so that the
children can resume their learning.
It is unconstitutional to keep them
out of school for this long, when
their counterparts are learning, said
guardians had not picked them, we
allowed them to stay within the
school. On the material day, the girls
had gone to visit my wife at home,
when police arrested them.
Some of the orphaned minors,
Njau said, are HIV positive and have
been placed on anti-retroviral drugs,
which they left behind in school on
the fateful day. For the last two
weeks, the girls have had no access
to the life saving drugs.
We are concerned because they
need close monitoring, which they
may not have been getting at the
remand home, said Njau.
When The Standard visited the
Juvenile home in Ruringu area,
administrators said they had already
taken the children to Karemeno
dispensary in Kieni to pick drugs.
We received reports that some of
them are on medication, and we
have taken them to hospital to
collect drugs. They are in good
health and we are waiting for the
courts to nalise the matter, said
one manager who declined to
provide us with his name.
The school children, some said to be HIV
positive, have been languishing at the Nyeri
Juvenile Remand Home for two weeks now
In the frst year of devolution, many counties developed their plans
late while others budgeted for their regions before developing the
plans, leading to a good chunk of the allocation going to non-priority
Counties rolled out ambitious plans to run for fve years yet some of
them veered off the plans during allocations in the budget
Concerns over lack of capacity building in counties were raised and
the National Government has been called to help in this so that coun-
ties can come up with realistic and comprehensive budgets
The International Budget Partnership has challenged counties to
release County Implementation Reports after every three months to
help monitor the projects for which money was allocated
Homa Bay Governor Cyprian Awiti and the chairman of Kenya Secondary
Head Teachers Association-Homa Bay County Chapter, Andrew Buop, leave
Nuru Palace Hotel, Nakuru, where they addressed principals from Homa Bay
County who were attending a three-day annual conference. Awiti challenged
the teachers to adopt approaches that would help reduce the cost of
Happy after sharing ideas!
It was observed that many re-
gions gave a blanket allocation to
sectors instead of addressing specif-
ic needs of the people.
Mokeira Nyagaka of IBP said it
was important to start with issues
that were dear to the residents.
Ms Mokeira, however, attributed
the confusion in priorities to the
transition period where many coun-
ties allocated funds for projects that
fall in the National Governments
We can excuse them for the past
one year but now the counties are
well aware of where to channel
funds, said Mokeira.
Residents were also called upon
to participate in public forums to
give they give their inputs on the
budget before it is taken to the exec-
utive and the county assemblies for
According to the Chair of the
Commission of Revenue Allocation
Chair Micah Serem, the budget sum-
mary of the 47 counties in Kenya,
this nancial year, contains data on
inter-governmental transfers by
county, revenue generated at county
level and expenditure estimates.
A senior ofcial with Kenya
Wildlife Service (KWS) was robbed of
his gun and laptop computer in
Ongata Rongai, Nairobi.
The car was broken into at a
supermarket parking on Wednesday
night. His Ceska pistol with 14
bullets, a laptop and other personal
valuables were missing from the car
when he came back.
Nairobi police boss, Benson
Kibue said the people responsible
may have known the ofcer and that
no arrest has been made so far.
The weapon may be used to
destabilise us but we are hunting
down the culprits, said Kibue.
The gang reportedly used a
master key to make their way into
the car to steal the weapon and
valuables. The KWS ofcial is
licensed to carry a gun.
Police boss David Kimaiyo said
many illegal guns in the wrong
hands are responsible for instability
in the continent and has urged for
concerted efforts to address the

F G D B 25
J E F H 23
B A J D 15
22 23 16 22
G H A C 20
Solution No. 1830
4 6 8 7 3 9 1 5 2
9 7 3 1 2 5 8 6 4
5 1 2 6 4 8 9 7 3
6 2 5 4 9 1 7 3 8
7 4 9 3 8 6 5 2 1
3 8 1 5 7 2 6 4 9
1 3 7 9 6 4 2 8 5
2 9 6 8 5 3 4 1 7
8 5 4 2 1 7 3 9 6
Solution No. 1831
2 6 1 5 8 9 7 4 3
3 7 8 4 1 2 9 5 6
5 4 9 3 7 6 2 1 8
1 5 2 9 6 7 3 8 4
7 8 3 2 4 1 6 9 5
4 9 6 8 3 5 1 2 7
8 1 4 7 9 3 5 6 2
9 2 7 6 5 4 8 3 1
6 3 5 1 2 8 4 7 9
Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
Using all the letters
of the alphabet,
ll in the grid. To
help you, there are
three cryptic cross-
word-style clues:
Top line: Joy
clique? (6, 6)
Middle line: In-
terrogate family
about vegetable.
Bottom line: He is
guilty of agrave of-
fence. (4, 8)
To start you off,
here is one of the
By Rosy Russell
All rows, columns and 3 by 3 grids
(dened by bold lines ) have the
numbers 1 to 9 appearing only once.
Some of the numbers have been en-
tered. Complete the whole table by
inserting the correct numbers.
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 20)
There is a lot of activity at home. Per-
haps young people need help or a loved
one needs your emotional support.
Whatever the case, there is a feeling of
support, contributions and belonging.
Aquarius (Jan 21 - Feb 19)
This is a great time to reflect and under-
stand your own job situation. Your emo-
tions as well as the emotions and feel-
ings of others are very clear. Decisions
that affect others could be made.
Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)
Mental stimulation from others is the
key for you right now. It is a good idea to
make every effort to cooperate. There is
a great deal of attention drawn to your
ideas in the workplace.
Taurus (April 21 - May 20)
Authorities and red tape may stand be-
tween you and your goals. This is all
temporary . . . Easy does it. Your work
could stack up quickly today so do the
best you can to complete your tasks.
Gemini (May 21 - June 21)
Careful; you may be very forceful in what
you say today. With all of this emotional
energy, you could speak or communicate
very well but perhaps a little abruptly.
(June 22 - July 22)
Today may be a bit stressfulbe pre-
pared. It could be a little warmer today
or traffic was slow but whatever the
case, the problems are superficial and
will work themselves out, so dont spend
too much time commiserating with your
Codeword Puzzle
(Mar 21 - April 20)
You may feel like behaving dif-
ferently and trying something
new and unusual this morn-
ing. This is a perfect time for
new ideas and having a break-
through in thinking.
The letters have a distinct
value between 1 to 9. The to-
tals vertically and horizontally
have been given. Solve all the
NO 5191
NO 5190
3 4 5 6 8 1 7 3 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)
Everything points to your taking the initia-
tive today. However, you could nd yourself
presented with highly emotional individuals.
What you do not love is a parade of emo-
tionsdirectness from others.
(Aug 23 - Sept 23)
You could bring about a certain degree of
carelessness in your business dealings to-
day. Take care to examine all aspects of your
transactions. You must discriminate be-
tween those who truly need help nancially
and those engaged in rip-offs.
(Sept 24 - Oct 23)
You are more career-oriented than usual
and your personal reputation and honor are
of the utmost importance. You possess a
natural sense of organisation and practical
insight and may nd yourself managing oth-
ers, perhaps in a business of your own.
(Oct 24 - Nov 22)
You are invigorated todaybringing feelings
to the surface. Your relationship with others,
particularly women, will be most harmoni-
ous. On a more practical level, this is a good
time to effect subtle changes.
(Nov 23 - Dec 21)
There may be an air of seriousness with your
partners today. Everyone values your abil-
ity to make practical decisions. You may be
voted on to break a stalemate. You have a
natural sense of responsibility.
Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
9 Large computer (9)
10 Annotation (8)
12 Uncommon (4)
13 Zodiac sign (6)
14 Take advantage of (7)
15 Bottle-opener (9)
17 Like an uncle (9)
18 Turn down (7)
20 Espionage (6)
21 Post (4)
24 Hold motionless (8)
26 Hermetic (8)
28 Woodwind instrument (4)
29 Nearly (6)
31 Liberty (7)
34 Unassertive (9)
36 Miscellany (9)
38 Communion goblet (7)
39 Fruit (6)
40 Apartment (4)
41 Artist (8)
42 Watcher (9)
2 1 Hugged (8)
2 Looking-glass (6)
3 Happy-go-lucky (8)
4 Look back on (6)
5 Effectiveness (8)
6 Precursor (10)
7 Examine (7)
8 Amble (6)
11 Surprise (7)
16 Winter sport (6)
19 Freight (5)
20 Gender (3)
22 Greeny (5)
23 In this manner (4,2)
25 Dentures (5,5)
26 Insect (3)
27 Behaviour (7)
30 In the open air (8)
31 Tired (8)
32 Dampness (8)
33 Able to be seen (7)
35 Debacle (6)
36 Commendation (6)
37 Tell (6)
ACROSS: 4, Access 7, Abandons 8, Scares 10, Green 13, Wear 14, Sing 15, Hiss 16, Cob 17,
Raid 19, Icon 21, Personnel 23, Rota 24, Wool 26, Bet 27, Brew 29, Loop 32, Slur 33, So-
ber 34, Trowel 35, Endorses 36, Stupor.
DOWN: 1, Hangs 2, Haven 3, Aden 4, Asses 5, Char 6, Step on 9, Casino 11, Rip 12, Egret 13,
Widower 15, His 16, Col 18, Arable 20, Cello 21, Pot 22, Now 23, Regret 25, Foe 28, Ruler
30, Obese 31, Press 32,
Swap 33, Show.
Easy Puzzle
9 Listen to the Scandinavian and learn
about translating (4,2,3)
10 How sick one is of having to be exu-
berant? (8)
12 From the biting cold, help to pro-
tect (4)
13 The language, when its non-vege-
tarian food! (6)
14 Filling a vacancy in the clothing de-
partment (7)
15 The best part was getting the big
score (4,5)
17 Mischievousness you wouldnt ex-
pect from the little angel? (9)
18 Stylish and showy when running (7)
20 A Sicilian small town kid going to
America (6)
21 Not the whole catch is thrown back
24 Convinced one it had been clinched
26 To cap it, when rewritten the con-
tent is really awful (8)
28 Eighteen letters back from table
29 Suppress for a time the les assem-
bled about it (6)
31 Steed is the chap making out the
invoices (7)
34 Poster showing a shopkeeper (9)
36 Prudence has the ability to see into
the picture (9)
38 Thinking of making yourself a hot
drink? (7)
39 Hes right beside the tree (6)
40 Take in, with the dessert (4)
41 Dash round to get the car (8)
42 What the nudist whos not at all
busy has? (7,2)
2 In sound English, not the price of 1
Bled every one in it white (8)
2 Being inclined to remove the top and
bottom (6)
3 Getting to be, with the advent of (8)
4 Smart, which is auspicious (6)
5 Ones best pen friend? (8)
6 Called with the money? (4,1,5)
7 Surprise by getting the old right in!
8 For the food, I lay out (6)
11 Is it written in stone that dema-
gogues must? (7)
16 With companion, I again occupy the
apartment (6)
19 Give a little jerk when you switch
on (5)
20 Wish you hadnt got it at the
herbalists? (3)
22 In ight, is looking out at it frighten-
ing? (5)
23 Gives back to the salesman, say,
when faulty (6)
25 As far as a dud on evil bent
26 Is it easy to give up if youre slim-
ming? (3)
27 Having taken power will continue,
you suppose (7)
30 Because its followed by a shoot-
out, indeed (8)
31 Punishes, but not for wrongs? (8)
32 How good the yarn was you found
perturbing? (8)
33 The smallest note a fy (7)
35 Doing everything possible to have
no blacklegs (3,3)
36 A fellow diner-out: someone pleas-
ant to be with (6)
37 In the ravine, nd the English man
ACROSS: 4, Albert 7, Co-LL-EC-ts 8, Honest 10, Alias 13, Fend 14, Pond 15, Pose 16, Any 17, Aver 19, W-ant
21, Spare p-art 23, Cats 24, May-O 26, Jam 27, Step 29, Slab 32, Da-RN 33, Se-in-e 34, F-AC-ile 35, A-U-
strian 36, Eye-let.
DOWN: 1, Scrap 2, Pla-I-n 3, Legs 4, A-shes 5, Bond 6, Resent 9, One way 11, Log 12, A-D-apt 13, Foremen 15,
Per(use) 16, (Adam)Ant 18, Vassal 20, A-rose 21, (Uncle) Sam 22, Pa-p 23, Canary 25, Pan 28,
Treat 30, Li-Vi-d 31, Beano 32, Dial 33, Sate.
Cryptic Puzzle
If there is no struggle, there is
no progress.
Frederick Douglass
Defiant farmers are continuing
to kiss camels despite
warnings it can lead to catch-
ing a deadly disease.
Camel smooching is most
common in Saudi Arabia
where health authorities have
told people that it leads to the
deadly Middle East Respirato-
ry Syndrome-Coronavirus.
But farmers have got the
hump with the warning and
have been snapping selfies of
themselves smooching with
the water-retaining mammals.
Authorities say that not only
should people avoid puckering
up with camels, they should
also stay away from raw camel
meat and camel milk.
But locals are not happy with
the ban and one man has even
taunted the health minister by
encouraging his camel to
sneeze on him.
Saudi Arabia has seen 133
deaths since the virus was
detected in 2012 with around
500 affected by it.
Mirror Online
Farmers still kissing camels despite virus warnings
11.00am, 1.45pm, 6.55pm, 9.00pm,
3D (PG) At 11.00am, 1.45pm, 6.40pm,
9.15pm., THE OTHER WOMAN (U16) At
SCREEN I RIO 2 (GE) At 11.30am,
1.30pm. NON STOP (PG 13) At 3.30pm, THE
OTHER WOMAN (16) At 6.00pm, 8.40pm,
MITTY (PG) At 3.00pm, 6.00pm, 8.30pm
At 6.30pm, GODZILA IN 3D At 6.45pm,
Cinema Guide
tv guide

07:00 Myth Busters
07:50 Dirty Jobs
08:45 Ultimate Survival
09:40 Border Security
10:05 Auction Hunters
10:30 Auction Kings
10:55 How Do They Do It?
11:25 How Its Made
11:50 Dynamo
12:45 The Big Brain Theory
01:40 MythBusters
02:35 Border Security
Two party-happy mercenaries decide to
take on a serious case involving a ter-
rorist, only to find their mission compli-
cated when they discover one of them
is related to the target.
TV Quiz
03:05 Auction Hunters
03:30 Auction Kings
04:00 Dirty Jobs
04:55 Ultimate Survival
05:50 MythBusters
05:45 How Do They Do It?
07:10 How Its Made
07:40 Sons of Guns
08:35 Auction Hunters
09:00 Storage Hunters
09:30 Sons of Guns
DStv Highlights
Todays Schedule
5:00 Pambazuka
6:00 Power
9:00 Afrosinema
11:30 Naswa
12:00 Gabriela
13:00 Live at 1
14:00 Afrosinema
16:00 Citizen alasiri
16:10 Mseto east
17:00 Pavitra rishta
18:00 Un refugio
19:00 Nipashe
19:45 Machachari
8 :15 Wild at heart
21:00 Citizen
22:00 The Tempest
23:00 Action time
1.00 Afro-sinema
4:30 BBC
4:55 Morning Prayer
5:00 Aerobics
5:30 Damka
8:00 Good Morning Kenya
9:00 Parliament Live
11:00 Daytime Movie
11:00 KBCc Lunch Time
1:30 Moving The Masses
1:30 Grapevine
2:30 Parliament Live
4:30 Spider Riders
5:00 Club 1
6:00 Spiders
7:00 Darubini Live
7:30 Road To Success
8:05 The Platform Live
9:00 Channel 1 News
9:45 National Cohesion
10:30 Bold & Beautiful
11:30 You Are The One
12:00 Club 1
12:45 BBC
5:00 Password RPT
6:00 AM Live
9:00 Irrational Heart
10.00 Maid In
11:15 The Young &
The Restless
12:00 Rhythm City
12:30 Scandal
1:00 NTV at 1
1:30 Backstage
2:00 Golden Heart
3.00 Password
4:00 NTV at 4
4:15 Password
5:00 The Beat
6:00 Dyesebel
7:00 NTV Jioni
7:30 La Patrona
8:30 Prankstars
9:00 NTV Weekend
10:00 #theTrend
11:00 Movie:
01:00 CNN
5.00 Command Your
6:00 Morning Express
9.00 Tendereza
10:00 MY Eternal
12.00 Ajabu
12.30 The Entrprenuer
1.00 Newsdesk
1.30 IAAF
2:00 Afri-Screen
4.00 Mbiu Ya KTN
4.10 Adventures of Jackie Chan
4.30 Wizards of Waverly Place
5.00 Baseline
6.00 Deal or No Deal
7:00 KTN LEO
7:30 Hapa Kule
8.30 Just for Laughs
10.20 Americas Next Top
11.00 The Diary
12.00 IAAF
Pick Of The Day 7.30PM
5.00 Praiz
6.00 K24 alfairi
10.00 Naijasinema
12.00 Al jazeera news
13.00 K24 newscut
13.30 Kilimo biashara
14.00 Mke nyumbani
16.00 Mchipuko wa
16.10 Team raha
17.30 Rhumba bakulutu
18.30 K24 Mashinani
19.00 K24 wikendi
7.40 Mwangaza
season 2
20.05 Faraja
21.00 K24 evening
21.50 Kikwetu higlights
22.00 Classic box ofce
23.30 TCW wrestling
1.30 Al jazeera
Nairobi 102.7 I Nyeri 105.7
Meru 105.1 I Kericho 90.5
Kisumu 105.3 I Mombasa 105.1
Nakuru 104.5 I Eldoret 91.1
Kitui: 93.8 I Kisii: 91.3
4:00AM Safari na Antony Ndiema
6:00AM Maisha Asubuhi na Alex and Jalas
10:00AM Staarabika na Ann Njogu
1:00PM Konnect na Mwende and Clemo
4:00PM Maisha Jioni na Tina and Zuleka
7:00PM Rhumba Attencion na Mwashumbe
10:00PM Maji Makuu na Ali Hassan and Babu
12:00AM Hakuna Kulala
In this weeks episode: A comedy show presented news style via everyday sheng, parod-
ing the latest in current affairs, bizarre occurrences and lifestyle issues.
The Standard / Friday, May 16, 2014
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Page 47
Egypts Sisi in plea for US
to help fght terrorism
Egyptians hold pictures of Egypts presidential candidate and former army chief Abdel Fattah al-Sisi as they wait to
cast their votes in the presidential election at the Egyptian embassy in Riyadh, yesterday. [PHOTO: REUTERS]
CAIRO, Thursday
Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, the general
who ousted an elected Islamist pres-
ident and is set to become Egypts
next head of state, called on the US
to help ght jihadi terrorism to avoid
the creation of a new Afghanistan in
the Middle East.
In an interview with an interna-
tional news organisation in the run-
up to the May 26-27 vote, Sisi called
for the resumption of US military
aid, worth $1.3 billion a year, which
was partially frozen after a crack-
down on the Muslim Brotherhood.
Asked what message he had for
US President Barack Obama, Sisi
said: We are ghting a war against
terrorism. The army is undertaking
major operations in the Sinai so it is
not transformed into a base for ter-
rorism that will threaten its neigh-
bours and make Egypt unstable.
If Egypt is unstable then the en-
tire region is unstable, said the soft
spoken Sisi, in a dark civilian suit.
We need American support and
equipment to combat terrorism.
He said neighbouring Libya,
which has descended into chaos fol-
lowing the Western-backed uprising
that toppled Muammar Gadda, was
becoming a security threat to Egypt,
with Jihadists inltrating across the
border to ght security forces.
Sisi said the West must under-
stand terrorism would reach its door-
step unless it helped eradicate it.
The West has to pay attention to
whats going on the map of extrem-
ism and its expansion. This map will
reach you inevitably, he said.
In a sideswipe at Western policy
CARLSBAD, Thursday
Nine wildres covered more than
36 square kilometres of a California
county. Thousands have ed their
homes and a college campus and a
popular theme park have been
Fireghters contended with tem-
peratures approaching 38 degrees
Celsius and gusty winds. Two re-
ghters suffered minor injuries one
heat-related and one from smoke in-
halation. The biggest concern late
Wednesday was in San Marcos north
of San Diego, where a new blaze
broke out in the late afternoon. Some
21,000 evacuation notices were sent
to residents and a California State
University campus, with nearly
10,000 students evacuated.
At least three structures there
were destroyed, but it wasnt clear
how many were homes. The most
destructive res were in the coastal
city of Carlsbad, 48km north of San
Diego and home to Legoland. The
park closed due to a power outage.
The citys schools also were closed
and ofcials expected they wouldnt
reopen until next week.
Carlsbad Mayor Matt Hall said
the blaze consumed an eight-unit
condominium complex, damaged
eight homes and two businesses.
As the ames surged, a steady
stream of residents stopped at a
roadblock trying to return home to
collect valuables.
Richard Sanchez watched ner-
vously as a plume of black smoke
rose near his home. He had left his
house an hour earlier.
All I want to do is get there and
evacuate, Sanchez said. We have a
plan, but I cant execute it.
Governor Jerry Brown declared a
state of emergency for San Diego
County, which would free up special
resources and funding for the re-
ght, and State re ofcials were cre-
ating a central command centre for
the blazes.
Drought has made re danger ex-
tremely high throughout much of
California. Ofcials have encouraged
residents in re-prone areas to pre-
pare evacuation plans and clear
brush from near their homes.
Nine wildres burn across southern California county
Friday, May 16, 2014
The past nine months
have seen a rekindling
of Jihadist attacks in the
lawless Sinai Peninsula
HARARE: Zims Mugabe in
Singapore for check-up
Zimbabwes 90-year-old President Robert
Mugabe is in Singapore for another
routine eye check-up, his spokesman
said, playing down concerns about the
health of the veteran African leader who
has no obvious successor. Mugabe had a
cataract operation in Singapore on the
eve of his 90th birthday in February. His
health is a concern for Zimbabweans who
fear instability if Mugabe dies in ofce
without resolving a succession battle
raging in his ZANU-PF party, which has
ruled the southern African country since
independence from Britain in 1980.
ABUJA: Legislators discuss
Nigerias state of emergency
Legislators are calling in Nigerias security
chiefs to discuss extending the year-old
military state of emergency to ght an
Islamic uprising, and the government
says a mastermind of a bomb that killed
nearly 100 people has been arrested in
neighbouring Sudan. Security agents say
the man is a former military intelligence
ofcer and deserter from the Nigerian
army. The state of emergency is under
attack from north-eastern politicians
where it holds sway for failing to curb
the uprising and bringing much misery
through security force abuses. Senators
called in security chiefs to discuss
the presidents request to extend the
emergency that expires Thursday. Late
Wednesday, the government announced
the arrest of Abubakar Sadiq Oguchwe in
the April 15 bombing in the capital, Abuja,
that it said killed nearly 100 people.
NAIROBI: S Sudan wants UN to
verify who violated deal
A South Sudanese ofcial is asking the
United States and the United Nations not
to slap warring parties in the countrys
conict with sanctions for violating a
peace deal without verication from
independent monitors. South Sudan
Information Minister Michael Lueth said
Thursday that independent monitors have
to be deployed to verify who among the
warring factions is violating the deal.
New ghting broke out in South Sudan
on Sunday, less than 48 hours after
the countrys president and the rebel
leader agreed to a ceasere that the
US secretary of state and UN secretary
general both worked to forge. Both sides
have blamed the other for violating the
deal. South Sudan was plunged into
violence in December when President
Salva Kiir accused former Vice President
Riek Machar of attempting a coup.
MARIKANA: Platinum maker
looks to court to end strike
South African platinum producer Lonmin
said it might go to court to stop a 16-week
strike because of the levels of violence
faced by workers who want to return to
work. The rm also said some miners
had turned up for work at its operations,
but provided no numbers as efforts
continued to end the longest and costliest
stoppage in the sectors history. Anglo
American Platinum and Impala Platinum
have also been hit by the wage strike
by the Association of Mineworkers and
Construction Union which has turned
violent in recent days as miners tried to
go back to work. On Wednesday, stick-
wielding strikers from AMCU prevented
others from returning to Lonmins shafts.
Four miners were killed at the weekend as
some employees prepared to go back to
work at Amplats and Lonmin. Agencies
on Syria, where US and European
support for rebels ghting for three
years to bring down President Bashar
al-Assad has seen a proliferation of
Jihadism and the fragmentation of
the country, Sisi stressed the need to
maintain the unity of Syria.
I dont think you want to create
another Afghanistan in the region.
Islamists and the Egyptian state
are old enemies. Militants assassi-
nated President Anwar al-Sadat in
1981 because of his Camp David
1979 peace treaty with Israel. Ousted
president Hosni Mubarak also sur-
vived Jihadists assassinations.
Some of the worlds most radical
militants are Egyptian, including Al-
Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri.
Sisi said the army intervened by a
popular uprising against the Broth-
erhoods partisan rule.
The more time passes the more
the vision gets clearer to everyone.
People and the world realise what
happened in Egypt was the will of all
of the Egyptian people, said Sisi at a
hotel partly owned by the army.
The army could not have aban-
doned its people or there would have
been a civil war and we dont know
where that would have taken us. We
understand the American position.
We hope they understand ours.
The Brotherhood was banned as
a terrorist organisation in December.
Former president Mohamed Morsi,
ousted in July after mass protests, is
facing capital charges, while the
groups spiritual guide, Mohamed
Badie, has been sentenced to death
along with hundreds of supporters
among the Brothers.
The past nine months have seen
a rekindling of Jihadist insurgency in
the lawless Sinai Peninsula with nu-
merous lethal attacks on military tar-
Several hundred policemen and
soldiers were killed in attacks last
year after the government killed
hundreds of Morsis supporters in
August in the bloodiest crackdown in
Egypts modern history
BEIRUT: Air strikes kill over
40 in northern Syria
More than 40 people, many of them
civilians, were killed by air strikes
across northern Syria, a monitoring
group said on Thursday. More than
three years into a revolt against
President Bashar al-Assad, rebels are
struggling to counter government
warplanes which bomb military and
civilian targets. On Wednesday, 15
people were killed, including three
emergency medics, during ve air
raids in Atarib in the northern Aleppo
province, the Britain-based Syrian
Observatory for Human Rights said.
Four rebel ghters were killed by air
strikes in the same area, while 21
people, including women, were killed
in air strikes in Idlib province, the anti-
Assad monitoring group said.
RAMALLAH:Palestine marks
66 years of displacement
Palestinians marched in the West
Bank and Gaza on Thursday to
commemorate their displacement in
the 1948 Mideast war that followed
the establishment of the state of
Israel. Sirens wailed at noon in
Ramallah and elsewhere across
the West Bank for 66 seconds to
symbolise the number of years
since the Nakba, or catastrophe
in Arabic the term Palestinians
use to describe their defeat and
displacement in the war. Israel
overcame the armies of surrounding
Arab states as well as local Arabs who
attacked after the Jewish state was
declared on May 15, 1948
HONG KONG: Hong Kong
destroys ivory cache
Hong Kong started incinerating
30-tonne stockpile of conscated
ivory to show its seriousness about
cracking down on illegal wildlife trade
that is devastating Africas elephant
population. Authorities destroyed the
rst one tonne of elephant tusks and
carved ivory gurines and bracelets
in a rotary kiln. Destroying the 28-
tonne stockpile, the worlds biggest,
is expected to go on until mid-2015.
The resultant ash will be mixed with
cement and dumped in a landll.
About 1.6 tonnes of ivory will be kept
for educational or scientic purposes.
Indias Modi on course to
become prime minister
public anger over the economic
slowdown and a string of corruption
The ruling party and its allies
were forecast to pick up 103 seats in
the NDTV poll. Congress alone was
projected winning just 79 seats,
which would be the worst showing
ever for the party led by the Nehru-
Gandhi dynasty.
Already, investors are counting
on a Modi-led administration to re-
vive faltering economic growth and
corporate investment.
Indian state banks are planning
to tap capital markets for billions of
dollars after a new government takes
ofce betting on a revival in cred-
it demand and giving them a chance
to shore up battered balance
NEW DELHI, Thursday
Hindu nationalist Narendra Modi
is set to become Indias next prime
minister, according to a major exit
poll released late on Wednesday, fol-
lowing others forecasting that his
opposition party and its allies could
win a parliamentary majority.
Modis Bharatiya Janata Party
(BJP) and its allies are forecast to win
279 seats in the lower house of par-
liament, the poll conducted by Han-
sa Research for the NDTV channel
showed. A majority of 272 seats is
needed to form a government.
Modi has electried Indias gen-
eral election, the worlds largest ever
democratic exercise, with a media-
savvy campaign that has hinged on
promises to kick-start a slowing
economy and create jobs.
Yet he is seen as a polarising g-
ure, described by critics as an auto-
crat with Hindu supremacist views.
Indian elections are notoriously
hard to predict and polls conducted
both before and after voting have a
patchy record.
The countrys ve weeks of stag-
gered voting ended on Monday and
results are due today.
Six exit polls released earlier this
week forecast results ranging from
249 to 340 seats for the BJP-led alli-
ance. The group will be in a strong
position to lure regional parties to
form a coalition even if its seat tally
comes in at the bottom end of that
range, political analysts say.
Several exit polls over-estimated
the BJPs seat share in the last two
general elections in 2004 and 2009.
The ruling Congress party fell short
of a majority but went on to form co-
alition governments on both occa-
Congress faces an uphill struggle
to stay in power this year because of
Supporters pose with a cut-out of Hindu nationalist Narendra Modi, the prime
ministerial candidate for Indias main opposition BJP. [PHOTO: REUTERS]
He has electrifed
Indias election with
pledge to kick-start a
slowing economy
NEW YORK, Thursday
Former US President Bill Clinton
has dismissed Republican doubts
about the health of his wife, ex-Sec-
retary of State Hillary Clinton.
As far as I can tell, shes in better
shape than I am, Mr Clinton, a
Democrat, said of his wife, 66.
Mrs Clinton, said to be weighing
another stab at the presidency in
2016, fell ill in 2012.
Last week, Republican Karl Rove
questioned her capacity for the
White House and reportedly said she
had brain damage.
The New York Post reported on
Tuesday that Mr Rove, the strategist
behind George W Bushs election to
the White House, had told an audi-
ence in Los Angeles last week, Thir-
ty days in the hospital? And when
she reappears, shes wearing glasses
that are only for people who have
traumatic brain injury? We need to
know whats up with that.
In fact, Mrs Clinton was in hospi-
tal for three days after falling ill with
a stomach bug in December 2012.
After becoming severely dehydrated,
Mrs Clinton fell at home and struck
her head, suffering a concussion.
While she was in hospital doctors di-
agnosed a blood clot.
Mr Rove has disputed the Post re-
port. I didnt say she had brain dam-
age. I said she had a serious health
episode, he said on Fox News.
Democrats and some analysts
have said Mr Rove is trying to inject
concerns about Mrs Clintons health
into the public debate as the start of
the 2016 presidential race nears.
There are ways to bring these is-
sues up, and certainly anybody whos
running for president has to answer
some health questions, and more so,
for someone whos going to be 69 at
the time that she would take the oath
of ofce, liberal Daily Beast colum-
nist Michael Tomasky said. But, this
aint the way to bring it up - a poison-
ous, toxic way to introduce this.
Mr Clinton said at the Peterson
Foundation Fiscal Summit in Wash-
ington Mrs Clintons concussion was
serious and that it took her six
months to recover.
Bill Clinton insists
wife Hillary is in
good health
BANGKOK, Thursday
Thailands Election Commission
said it is highly unlikely that the
country will be able to hold July elec-
tions due to political unrest that has
disrupted preparations.
The turmoil was highlighted by
protesters who forced the acting
prime minister to ee a key poll-
planning meeting and overnight vio-
lence that left three dead.
The attack on a protest site, in
which at least 22 others were injured,
prompted a warning by the army
chief, Gen Prayuth Chan-ocha, that
the military might have to use force
if violence continues.
Acting Prime Minister Niwattum-
rong Boonsongpaisan was meeting
Thursday with the Election Commis-
sion at an air force academy outside
Bangkok to discuss whether the con-
troversial polls could be held July 20
or would have to be delayed due to
the political conict. He had chosen
the location for security reasons to
avoid protesters in the capital who
are opposed to the election and are
calling for an unelected, appointed
prime minister.
About 100 protesters who had
driven in motorcades from central
Bangkok entered the compound
through a side entrance, blowing
whistles and waving Thai ags. Riot
police stationed outside apparently
allowed them to enter, followed by
protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban.
Niwattumrong and several Cabi-
net ministers at the meeting were
notied by security ofcers that pro-
testers were approaching and hastily
ended the meeting, got into their
cars and were driven away.
The government side agreed
that we should leave for our own
safety, said Lt. Gen. Paradorn Pat-
tanathabutr, a government ofcial
who attended the meeting. The pro-
testers wanted to get in, so we had to
leave in our vehicles immediately.
He said the government has sug-
gested that future meetings be held
by teleconference.
After the commotion ended, Elec-
tion Commissioner Somchai
Srisuthiyakorn cast doubt on the
likelihood of an election taking place
July 20 a date the commission had
selected but still requires a royal en-
dorsement to become ofcial.
It looks like it will be impossible
for the general election to take place
on July 20, he said in a telephone in-
terview. According to a strict timeta-
ble, the decree must be issued by
May 22 for the election to occur on
July 20.
Violence dims Thailands hope for July vote
MOSCOW, Thursday
All consumers of Russian gas, in-
cluding Ukraine, should abide by the
simple rule that supplies should be
paid for, Russian Premier Dmitry
Medvedev said, calling for energy
and politics to be kept separate.
At an energy forum, Medvedev
took aim at Ukraine and its Western
allies over energy talks, but also sig-
nalled weariness on the Russian side
with a standoff over gas that has
raised fears of a new gas war.
We are talking about various cri-
sis situations and I want to mention
one very simple, almost banal, thing
- it is necessary to pay for energy
supplies that have been delivered,
Medvedev told the conference.
I hope all countries understand
this, all consumers like those present
and those who are not present at the
forum, including Ukraine. Payments
in general should not be linked to
politics in any way.
Ukraine has balked at demands
by Russias Gazprom to pay $485 per
1,000 cubic metres for gas, accusing
Moscow of using energy politically
to punish the country for trying to
break free from Kremlin inuence
and turn to the West.
Kiev says $268.5 per 1,000 cubic
metres is a fair price.
At the forume, which brought to-
gether ministers from OPEC coun-
tries, Medvedev also took aim at the
West, which has imposed sanctions
over Russian action in Ukraine.
Taking aim at Ukraine, Russia says
gas should be paid for
48 / NEWS OF THE WORLD Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
If BJP triumphs the Special
Protection Group (SPG) will
send a skeleton security team
with bulletproof vehicle and
jammer to throw a security
ring around prime ministerial
nominee Narendra Modi.
The SPG has done its
groundwork for Modi and
his wife. Similar security ar-
rangements have been made
for his estranged wife Jashod-
aben and his mother Hiraben.
The security assessment for
Jashodaben is that she can-
not stay at her house in a vil-
lage in Banaskantha district,
as it is not suitable for a SPG
KABUL: Afghan presidential election
heads for a run-off in June
The Afghan election is headed for a second round
in mid-June between Abdullah Abdullah, a former
opposition leader, and ex-World Bank economist
Ashraf Ghani after nal results Thursday showed
no candidate had won an absolute majority. The
run-off will be held on June 14 and the results will
be announced on July 22. The winner takes over at a
crucial time with most Western forces due to withdraw
their forces and the Taliban insurgency raging.
VATICAN CITY: Rabbi, Muslim leader
join popes delegation to Holy Land
A rabbi and a Muslim leader will join Pope Francis
on his upcoming trip to the Holy Land, the rst time
a papal delegation has included members of other
faiths. Francis two long-time friends from his days as
archbishop of Buenos Aires, Rabbi Abraham Skorka
and Omar Abboud, a leader of Argentinas Islamic
community, are on the ofcial delegation for the May
24-26 trip to Jordan, the West Bank and Israel. The
Vatican spokesman, the Rev Federico Lombardi, said
their presence was an absolute novelty desired by
Francis to show the normality of having friends of
other faiths. Franciss trip marks the 50th anniversary
of the historic visit to Jerusalem by Pope Paul VI.
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia arrests
suspect accused of India plot
Malaysian police have arrested a South Asian terrorist
suspect linked to plans to attack foreign consulates in
India. A police statement says the arrest occurred near
Kuala Lumpur but did not give details on the suspect.
It says police have been monitoring the suspect since
December and found the person was involved in plans
to attack consulates in Chennai and Bangalore. This
brings the number of suspected terrorists detained
since late April to 13. One was an East African Islamist
militant wanted by Interpol and another 11 were
Malaysians with alleged links to networks abroad.
Mass funerals, mounting anger as
Turkey mourns mine workers
SOMA, Thursday
Loudspeakers broadcast the
names of the dead and excavators
dug mass graves in this close-knit
Turkish mining town, while protest-
ers gathered in major cities as grief
turned to anger following the coun-
trys deadliest industrial disaster.
Rescuers were still trying to reach
parts of the coal mine in Soma,
480km southwest of Istanbul, almost
48 hours after re knocked out pow-
er and shut down the ventilation
shafts and elevators, trapping hun-
dreds underground.
At least 282 people have been
conrmed dead, mostly from carbon
monoxide poisoning, and hopes are
fading of pulling out any more alive
of the 100 thought to be inside.
Anger has swept a country that
has boasted a decade of rapid eco-
nomic growth under Prime Minister
Tayyip Erdogans Islamist-rooted
government but which still suffers
from one of the worlds worst work-
place safety standards.
Furious residents heckled Erdo-
gan and jostled his entourage on
Wednesday as he toured the town,
At least 282 people had
been confrmed dead
mostly from carbon
monoxide poisoning
HANOI, Thursday
More than 20 people were killed in
Vietnam as anti-China riots spread to
the centre of the country a day after
arson and looting in the south.
A doctor at a hospital in central Ha
Tinh province said ve Vietnamese
workers and 16 other people de-
scribed as Chinese were killed on
Wednesday night in riots related to
one of the worst breakdowns in Sino-
Vietnamese relations since the neigh-
bours fought a brief border war in
1979.4 About 100 people were sent to
the hospital last night. Many were
Chinese, the doctor on duty said.
Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguy-
en Tan Dung called on police, the
state and local authorities to restore
order and ensure the safety of people
and property in the affected areas.
Up to 21 killed as anti-China
riots spread in Vietnam
angry at what they see as the govern-
ments cosiness with mining tycoons,
its failure to ensure safety and a lack
of information on the rescue effort.
Access to the mine entrance was
blocked by paramilitary police road-
blocks several kilometres away ahead
of a visit by President Abdullah Gul
yesterday, as ofcers searched cars.
We came here to share the grief
and wait for our friends to come out
but we were not allowed. Is the pres-
idents pain greater than ours? asked
Emre, an 18-year-old trying to get to
the mine who said friends from his
village were still trapped.
Erdogan, who announced three
days of national mourning from
Tuesday, expressed regret for the di-
saster but said such accidents were
not uncommon, and turned defen-
sive when asked if sufcient precau-
tions had been in place.
Newspaper Radikal published an
amateur video clip on its website ap-
pearing to show Erdogan saying
Come here and boo me as he
walked through a hostile crowd in
the town on Wednesday.
A picture of one of his advisers
appearing to kick a protester, doing
the rounds on social media, did little
to help his image.
Erdogan, who is expected to stand
in a presidential election in August,
has weathered mass protests and a
corruption scandal over the past
year, and his AK Party dominated lo-
cal polls in March despite the politi-
Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard NEWS OF THE WORLD / Page 49
cal turbulence.
But his fractious handling of a di-
saster hitting the sort of working
class, conservative community
which makes up the core of his sup-
porter base is further evidence, his
opponents say, that he is a leader in-
creasingly out of touch.
Turkeys labour unions called for
a national one-day strike, furious at
a sharp deterioration in working
conditions since formerly state-run
mines including the one in Soma
were leased to private rms.
P.O. BOX 73442
TELEPHONE: 254 20 260650-4
MOBILE: 254 722 207682/6768
254 734 333219/215/217
The Kenya Pipeline Company Limited invites sealed applications from eligible candidates for the purposes
of pre-qualifying Medical services providers to KPC Staff and Dependants. The prequalication is for
the period July 2014- June 2016 under the following categories.
1 Hospitals
2 Pharmacies
3 Doctors: Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Surgeons, Opthalmologists,
ENT Surgeons, Paediatricians, Occupational Health Specialists, Specialist
Physicians, Nutritionists, Dermatologists, Psychiatrist, Cardiologist,
Endocrinologist and General Practitioners
4 Dentists
5 X-ray/Imaging Services
6 Clinical Laboratory services
7 Physical Therapy Services
8 Optical services
Psychological services
Occupational Therapy services
11 Wellness Program consultants/Providers
12 Continuous Medical Education ( CME) service providers
13 Medical Centers
Mandatory Requirements
The Tenderers must provide the following minimum requirements:-
a) Certicate of Incorporation/Registration of a business name.
b) License to practice
c) A copy of a valid KRA Tax Compliance Certicate.
d) Certicates from afliated boards /association.
All prospective applicants may inspect and obtain the Prequalication document at the ofce of the
Procurement Manager, Kenya Pipeline Company Ltd, Nairobi Terminal, Nanyuki Road, Industrial
Area, during normal working hours at no cost. The prequalication document can also be viewed and
downloaded from the website at no cost. All prospective bidders who download the
prequalication document from the website will be required to email their detailed contact information
to for recording, further clarications and addenda. In addition, all addenda will
also be posted on the website as they become available. No other email addresses shall be used
and KPC shall not be liable if applicants choose to send their information and/or queries to
other email addresses
Applicants must paginate all their documents and initial each page.
KPC reserves the right to conrm the authenticity of all documents submitted by applicants.
Any attempt by applicants to misrepresent themselves by submitting documents that are not
genuine will amount to disqualication.
Prequalication applications in plain sealed envelopes marked CATEGORY NOPRE-
QT/044N/14. DO NOT OPEN BEFORE 10.00A.M. 5
June, 2014. should be addressed to: -
The Managing Director
Kenya Pipeline Company Limited
P. O. Box 73442 00200

AND MUST be deposited in the Tender Box situated at the reception area of KENPIPE PLAZA on
Sekondi Road, Industrial Area on or before 5
June 2014 at 10.00 a.m. Prequalication applicants
submitted later than this date and time shall automatically be disqualied. Opening of the applications
will take place immediately thereafter in the presence of the Service providers or their representatives
who choose to attend. Prequalication documents are not transferable.
Kenya Pipeline Company Limited is not bound to accept any applications either in whole or in part.
Page 50 / NOTICES Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
National Water Conservation & Pipeline Corporation (NWCPC) is a State Corporation established under the State
Corporations Act Chapter 446 of the Laws of Kenya vide Legal Notice No. 270 of 24
June, 1988. The Corporation
is under the Ministry of Environment, Water & Natural Resources and home to exciting, inspirational and innovative
professionals within the Water Sector in Kenya. The Corporation recognizes the key role played by its human
resource in the execution of its mandate and achievement of set goals and objectives in the development of water
infrastructure in the country.
The Corporation offers exciting and challenging career opportunities with attractive and competitive remuneration
package to its highly qualied and professional staff. In the endeavour to execute its mandate, the Corporation is
seeking to recruit suitable, self driven, result oriented and qualied individuals of high integrity to ll in the following
Key Responsibilities
Reporting to the Board of Directors, the Managing Director will be the team leader in the implementation of the
mandate of the Corporation and his/her duties and responsibilities will include but not limited to:
Carrying out the day-to-day business of the Corporation to ensure that departments, sections and units
conform to the overall operational plans and performance targets.
Developing an annual operational plan, for the Board of Directors approval for effective implementation of
the strategy of the Corporation.
Implementing the Boards decisions and corporate policies/programmes in a results oriented and timely
manner to achieve the Corporations goals and objectives.
Establishing proper internal monitoring and control systems and procedures, performance standards and
ensuring compliance of the same by staff.
Ensuring effective communication between the Management and the Board of Directors and well as
different levels of staff.
Attending to human resource matters including development and implementation of sound Human
Resource policies and procedures to maintain conducive working environment for attracting, retaining and
motivating employees.
Managing staff matters including organizational structure, appointments, welfare, industrial relations, staff
development, separation and effective management of successions plans.
Strengthening collaborative partnership and undertaking appropriate liaison with the parent Ministry, water
sector institutions and other organs of government in order to advocate, represent and inuence policies
on the development of water infrastructures.
Co-ordinating and preparing business related proposals, reports and other submissions for consideration
by the Board.
Advising the Board of Directors concerning future activities and on the development of objectives and
policies necessary to steer the Corporation ahead.
Identify and develop mechanisms for managing the risks facing the Corporation.
Required Qualications and Experience
Bachelors degree from a recognized institution.
Masters degree in the relevant eld.
Should be registered member of good standing with a Professional Body in his/her area of specialization.
Knowledge and familiarity with the Water Sector.
Experience in steering and managing a large organization of which management of large construction
sites will be an added advantage.
Should have at least 10 years of experience in the construction industry, or a large commercial establishment
and at least 5 years in a Senior Management Position.
Key Skills and Competencies
Strong leadership, communication and interpersonal skills.
Team player, self motivated, creative and innovative.
Proven track record in leadership and management at senior level.
Ability to mobilize resources both domestic and donor funds for water development and management to
meet National and International goals.
Demonstrate ability to formulate and implement policies for all matters regarding water services.
Must be articulate and of a responsible demeanor.
Strong leadership, people management, negotiation, training and presentation skills.
Competency in computer application skills.
Must meet the requirements of Leadership and Integrity as set out in Chapter 6 of the Constitution, 2010.
This position will be offered to the successful candidate on a ve year contractual term with eligibility of contract
renewal upon satisfactory performance. Interested applicants must meet the requirements of Leadership and
Integrity as set out in Chapter 6 of the Constitution, 2010 and should have the following:
Certicate of good conduct from the Criminal Investigation Department (CID).
Tax compliance certicate from the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA).
Clearance certicate from the Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission (EACC).
Clearance certicate from the Higher Education Loans Board (HELB).
Interested and qualied candidates for the above position should submit their applications so as to reach the
undersigned on or before 6
June 2014 enclosing the following:
A detailed curriculum vitae (CV) giving details of telephone contacts, e-mail address, current position and
remuneration and names and contacts of three (3) referees.
Certied copies of academic, professional certicates and testimonials.
The Chairperson
National Water Conservation & or
email to:
Pipeline Corporation
P. O. Box 30173 00100
Deliver the same to the Chairmans ofce, National Water Conservation & Pipeline Corporation located at
Dunga Road, Industrial Area.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and canvassing will result to automatic disqualication.
National Water Conservation & Pipeline Corporation is an equal opportunity employer and all Kenyans
in their diversity are encouraged to apply.
Job Title : Managing Director
Grade/Scale : NWC 12
Vacancy No. : NWCPC/03/2013-2014
Positions Vacant : 1
Ollessos Technical Training Institute invites applications for tender from interested, eligible and
competent bidders for the supply of the under listed goods and services for the nancial year
OTTI/1/2014-15 Supply and delivery for general stationery.
OTTI/2/2014-15 Supply and delivery of printed staff uniforms.
OTTI/3/2014-15 Supply and delivery of bread.
OTTI/4/2014-15 Supply and delivery of meat.
OTTI/5/2014-15 Supply and delivery of fuel, and lubricants.
OTTI/6/2014-15 Supply and delivery of farm inputs and supplies.
OTTI/7/2014-15 Supply and delivery of human drugs.
OTTI/8/2014-15 Supply and delivery of science laboratory equipment & supplies
OTTI/9/2014-15 Supply and delivery of medical laboratory reagents and equipments.
OTTI/10/2014-15 Supply and delivery of groceries (Tomatoes, Onions, carrots and fruits)
(women youth and PWD)
OTTI/11/2014-15 Supply and delivery of detergent-(women, youth and PWD)
OTTI/12/2014-15 Supply and delivery of fresh vegetables (women, youth and PWD)
OTTI/13/2014-15 Supply and delivery of foodstuff (women,youth and PWD)
OTTI/14/2014-15 Supply and delivery rewood (women, youth and PWD)
OTTI/15/2014-15 Supply of delivery of newspapers.
OTTI/16/2014-15 Supply of computers laptops, printers, scanners, ups units and ICT related
OTTI/17/2014-15 Provision of fumigation and pest control services(.women,youth and PWD)
OTTI/18/2014-15 Provision of insurance for institutes vehicles.
OTTI/19/2014-15 Provision of sanitary services.(women youth and PWD)
OTTI/20/2014-15 Provision of repair & maintenance of science & medical laboratory
OTTI/21/2014-15 Provision of network and internet services
OTTI/21/2014-15 Contractors for repair and refurbishment of Institute building
OTTI/22/2014-15 Provision of advertising and media services
OTTI/23/2014-15 Provision of printing services
OTTI/24/2014-15 provision of servicing and maintenance of re ghting equipments.
OTTI/25/2014-15 Supply and delivery of furniture and ttings.
OTTI/26/2014-15 Supply of Library books, periodicals and library materials.
OTTI/27/2014-15 Supply of electrical and electronic equipment
OTTI/28/2014-15 Supply and delivery of hardware materials
NB: Special groups who include the youth, women and persons with disabilities must attach
proof of registration.
Tender documents can be obtained from the procurement ofce during normal working hours, upon
payment of non - refundable fee of kshs 1,000.00 per set of tender documents. Payment should be
made in cash or bankers cheque payable to the principal Ollessos Technical training Institute.
Completed tender documents are to be enclosed in plain sealed envelopes marked with tender
reference number and be deposited in the tender box at administration block on or
Addressed to:
The Principal,
Ollessos Technical Training Institute
P.o Box 210-30302
So as to be received not later than 05/06/2014 at
Tenders will be opened soon after closing in presence of bidders or representatives who choose to
attend. Late bids will be rejected and returned unopened.

The institute reserves the right to accept or reject any tender(s) in part or whole and is not
bound to give reasons thereof.
ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institution
P.O. BOX 210, (30302) LESSOS.
TEL NO: 020-2395160
FAX: 020-2395161
Ministry Of Education, Science & Technology
APPOINTMENTS / Page 51 Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
Job Title : General Manager, Construction &
Electro Mechanical
Grade/Scale : NWC 11
Vacancy No. : NWCPC/01/2013-2014
Positions Vacant : 1
Requirements for Appointment
Bachelors degree in Civil/Structural Engineering from a recognized
Masters degree in Water Resources Management or other relevant
elds from a recognized University.
Registered with Engineers Registration Board of Kenya.
8 years relevant working experience, 3 of them at a managerial
5 years experience in Tendering and Contract Management of
Infrastructural/Building works.
Demonstrated experience in use of Engineering Software.
Duties and Responsibilities
Reporting to the Managing Director, the General Manager, Construction
& Electro Mechanical will be the Head of Construction and Electro
Mechanical Department and his/her duties and responsibilities will
include but not limited to:
Directing, Coordinating, Controlling and Managing the Corporations
Construction & Electro-Mechanical Department.
Managing all construction works and utilizing available resources.
Developing technical standards and criteria to guide in the
performance of the various infrastructural works.
Ensuring proper management of assets such as plant and
machinery through effective maintenance and repairs.
Developing departmental strategies, policies and plans to facilitate
achievement of overall objectives of the Corporation.
Taking responsibility for the training, developing and motivating of
the technical staff.
Monitoring and evaluating performance by technical staff and
Carrying out operations, administration and nancial management
of the Department.
Preparing and implementing Departmental budgets, procurement
plans and work-plans.
Advising the Managing Director and Board on all matters relating to
Construction & Electro Mechanical functions.
This position will be offered to the successful candidate on a ve year
contractual term with eligibility of contract renewal upon satisfactory
performance. Interested applicants must meet the requirements of
Leadership and Integrity as set out in Chapter 6 of the Constitution, 2010
and should have the following:
Certicate of good conduct from the Criminal Investigation
Department (CID).
Tax compliance certicate from the Kenya Revenue Authority
Clearance certicate from the Ethics and Anti Corruption
Commission (EACC).
Clearance Certicate from the Higher Education Loans Board
Job Title : General Manager, Planning and
Design - Re-advertisement
Grade/Scale : NWC 11
Vacancy No. : NWCPC/02/2013-2014
Positions Vacant : 1
Requirements for Appointment
Bachelors degree in Civil/Structural Engineering from a recognized
Masters degree in Water Resources Management or other relevant
eld from a recognized University.
Registered with Engineers Registration Board of Kenya.
8 years relevant working experience, 3 of them at a managerial
Demonstrated experience in design and planning of Large Dams.
Demonstrated experience in relevant engineering software for
planning and designs.
Duties and Responsibilities
Reporting to the Managing Director, the General Manager, Construction &
Electro Mechanical will be the Head of Planning and Design Department
and his/her duties and responsibilities will include but not limited to:
Directing, coordinating controlling and managing the Corporations
planning and design functions.
Developing technical standards and criteria to guide the performance
of the various researches, planning and design of infrastructural
Undertaking effective consultation with all key stakeholders at the
conceptual and planning stages.
Developing departmental strategies, policies and plans to facilitate
achievement of overall objectives of the Corporation.
Taking responsibility for the training, development and motivation of
the technical staff.
Monitoring and evaluating performance by technical staff and
Carrying out operations, administration and nancial management
of the Department.
Preparing and implementing Departmental budgets, procurement
plans and work-plans.
Advising the Managing Director and Board on all matters relating to
Planning & Design functions.
This position will be offered to the successful candidates on a ve year
contractual term with eligibility of contract renewal upon satisfactory
performance. Interested applicants must meet the requirements of
Leadership and Integrity as set out in Chapter 6 of the Constitution, 2010
and should have the following:
Certicate of good conduct from the Criminal Investigation
Department (CID).
Tax compliance certicate from the Kenya Revenue Authority
Clearance certicate from the Ethics and Anti Corruption
Commission (EACC).
Clearance Certicate from the Higher Education Loans Board
Job Title : Chief Legal Ofcer - Re-
Grade/Scale : NWC 10
Vacancy No. : NWCPC/04/2013-2014
Positions Vacant : 1
Requirements for Appointment
Bachelors degree in Law from a recognized University.
Masters degree in Law from a recognized University.
Advocate of the High Court of Kenya.
Current Law Practicing Certicate.
Registered with the Law Society of Kenya (LSK) and Institute of
Certied Public Secretaries of Kenya (ICPSK).
Computer prociency.
6 years experience as a practicing Advocate.
Duties and Responsibilities
Reporting to the General Manager, Corporate and Legal Services, the
Chief Legal Ofcer will be the Head of Legal Services Division and his/her
duties and responsibilities will include but not limited to:
To advise on legal and regulatory matters, constitution of the Board
and stakeholders meeting.
Advise on corporate governance.
To ensure safe custody of collaterals and chattels and other
organization properties.
To coordinate issuance of legal undertakings.
To advise on negotiations and take part in corporate deals provision
of Secretarial services to the Board and its Committees and liaising
with external lawyers and other legal bodies.
Job Title : Chief Internal Auditor
Grade/Scale : NWC 10
Vacancy No. : NWCPC/05/2013-2014
Positions Vacant : 1
Requirements for Appointment
Bachelors degree in Accounting from a recognized University.
Masters degree in Finance or Business or any other relevant eld
from a recognized University.
Certied Public Accountant CPA (K).
Professional membership to the institute of ICPAK /IIA or CIA.
Computer prociency.
6 years relevant working experience.
Duties and Responsibilities
Functionally reporting to the Risk and Audit Committee of the Board and
administratively to the Managing Director, the Chief Internal Auditor will
be the Head of the Internal Audit Unit and Secretary to the Risk and
Audit Committee of the Board and his/her duties and responsibilities will
include but not limited to:
Setting up and continuously evaluating control systems in line with
changing demands, and ensure they are appropriately designed to
serve the best interest of the Corporation.
Continuously review operating policies and procedures, and make
recommendations on the necessary improvements.
Designing audit plans in addition to carrying out audit.
Issuing audit report queries and observations to the Managing
Evaluating audit ndings, drawing comparisons and analyzing data
obtained for evidence of deciencies in controls, duplication of
effort, extravagance, fraud or lack of compliance with Corporation
policies and government regulations.
Carry out annual audits as per approved audit plan.
Reporting on the systems and procedures being reviewed and
making recommendations from ndings.
Ensure delivery of high quality and timely reporting.
Supervises, guides, trains and develops staff in the Unit.
Job Title : Chief Corporate Communication
Grade/Scale : NWC 10
Vacancy No. : NWCPC/06/2013-2014
Positions Vacant : 1
Requirements for Appointment
Bachelors degree in Social Sciences and Diploma in Mass
Communication/Public Relations; or
Bachelors degree in Mass Communication/Public Relations from a
recognized University.
Masters degree in Mass Communication/Public Relations from a
recognized University.
Computer prociency.
6 years work experience in Mass Communication.
Duties and Responsibilities
Reporting to the General Manager, Corporate and Legal Services, the
Chief Corporate Communication Ofcer will be the Head of Corporate
Communication Division and his/her duties and responsibilities will
include but not limited to:
Creating awareness to the public on National Water Conservation &
Pipeline Corporation activities.
Developing newsletters, yers and other reading materials.
Liaising with the media on various issues.
Hosting the media for interviews on various issues on National
Water Conservation & Pipeline Corporation and other issues of
Corporate Communications nature i.e. protocol matters.
Creating and maintaining a good image of the organization.
Initiating new corporate communication strategies and procedures.
Job Title : Chief Engineer - Planning and
Grade/Scale : NWC 10
Vacancy No. : NWCPC/07/2013-2014
Positions Vacant : 1
Requirements for Appointment
Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized
Masters degree in Engineering eld from a Recognized University.
Registered with Engineers Registration Board of Kenya.
Computer prociency.
6 years relevant working experience.
Demonstrated experience in use of Engineering Software.
Experience in Design and Planning of Large Dams and Contract
Management is desirable.
Must have attended a Senior Management course lasting not less
than four (4) weeks.
Duties and Responsibilities
Reporting to the General Manager, Planning and Design, the Chief
Engineer - Planning and Design will be the Head of Planning/Design
Division and his/her duties and responsibilities will include but not limited
Overall responsibility for projects including planning, design
construction of water conservations structures or in any other
relevant engineering projects.
Ensuring that clear policies and criteria are laid down for identication
of projects, feasibility studies, setting of standards selection of
National Water Conservation & Pipeline Corporation (NWCPC) is a State Corporation established under the State Corporations Act Chapter 446 of the Laws of Kenya vide Legal Notice No. 270 of 24
June, 1988. The
Corporation is under the Ministry of Environment, Water & Natural Resources and home to exciting, inspirational and innovative professionals within the Water Sector in Kenya. The Corporation recognizes the key role
played by its human resource in the execution of its mandate and achievement of set goals and objectives in the development of water infrastructure in the country.
The Corporation offers exciting and challenging career opportunities with attractive and competitive remuneration package to its highly qualied and professional staff. In the endeavour to execute its mandate, the
Corporation is seeking to recruit suitable, self driven, result oriented and qualied individuals of high integrity to ll in the following positions:
Page 52 / APPOINTMENTS Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
consultants and contractors.
Supervision of technical staff and making recommendation for
recruitment and promotions as necessary.
Plan long and short-term programmes on water conservation and
other hydraulic structures, including feasibility studies as well as
setting performance targets for the Division.
Set standards for selection of consultants and contractors to
undertake the projects in line with the Procurement Policy of the
Prepare annual budgets and long term investment plans.
Give recommendation for recruitment, deployment and
Undertake supervision, training and development of the technical
staff professionals, technicians and artisans.
Job Title : Chief Engineer - Construction &
Electro Mechanical
Grade/Scale : NWC 10
Vacancy No. : NWCPC/08/2013-2014
Positions Vacant : 1
Requirements for Appointment
Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering from a Recognized
Masters degree in Engineering eld from a Recognized University.
Registered with Engineers Registration Board of Kenya.
Computer prociency.
6 years relevant working experience.
Demonstrated experience in use of Engineering Software.
Experience in Tendering, Construction of Large Dams and Contract
Management is desirable.
Must have attended a Senior Management course lasting not less
than four (4) weeks.
Duties and Responsibilities
Reporting to the General Manager, Construction and Electro Mechanical,
the Chief Engineer - Construction and Electro Mechanical will be a Head
of Division within the Construction and Electro Mechanical Department
and his/her duties and responsibilities will include but not limited to:
Overall responsibility for projects including planning, design
construction of water conservations structures or in any other
relevant engineering projects.
Ensuring that clear policies and criteria are laid down for identication
of projects, feasibility studies, setting of standards selection of
consultants and contractors.
Supervision of technical staff and making recommendation for
recruitment and promotions as necessary.
Plan long and short-term programmes on water conservation and
other hydraulic structures, including feasibility studies as well as
setting performance targets for the Division.
Set standards for selection of consultants and contractors to
undertake the projects in line with the Procurement Policy of the
Prepare annual budgets and long term investment plans.
Give recommendation for recruitment, deployment and
Undertake supervision, training and development of the technical
staff professionals, technicians and artisans.
Job Title : Chief Economist -
Grade/Scale : NWC 10
Vacancy No. : NWCPC/09/2013-2014
Positions Vacant : 1
Requirements for Appointment
Bachelors degree in Economics from a recognized University.
Masters degree in Economics or other relevant eld from a
recognized University.
Computer prociency.
6 years relevant working experience.
Duties and Responsibilities
Reporting to the General Manager, Planning and Design, the Chief
Economist will be a Head of Division within the Planning and Design
Department and his/her duties and responsibilities will include but not
limited to:
Directing in economic planning functions and production of statistical
Co-ordinating and formulating development strategies, policies and
programmes in line with the guidelines provided by the Ministry of
Planning and National Development.
Carrying out collection, collation, processing and administration of
statistical data in accordance with the Statistics Act.
Undertaking formulation of coordinated strategies, policies and
programmes for the harmonious implementation with other related
Job Title : Chief Surveyor
Grade/Scale : NWC 10
Vacancy No. : NWCPC/10/2013-2014
Positions Vacant : 1
Requirements for Appointment
Bachelors degree in Geospatial Engineering from a recognized
Masters degree in Surveying and photogrammetry from a
Recognized University.
Registered member with the Institute of Surveyors of Kenya (ISK).
Post graduate training in surveying and photogrammentry.
Computer prociency.
6 years relevant working experience.
Duties and Responsibilities
Reporting to the General Manager, Planning and Design, the Chief
Surveyor will be the Head of Survey Division and his/her duties and
responsibilities will include but not limited to:
Undertaking planning, directing and controlling the ground and
aerial survey projects, the draughting of the same under the drawing
ofce personnel in consultation with the Head of Planning & Design,
and Construction Department.
Setting up survey / drawing ofce standards on the basis of revised
design standards.
Advising the Head of Planning & Design Department on what
changes to be realized on the survey aspect.
Advising on the evaluation and award of survey work to be carried
out through the consultants.
Liaising with the consulting engineers over project survey work and
monitors their progress and performance.
Reviewing budgeting and manpower planning for the survey/
drawing ofce requirements.
Job Title : Chief Marketing Ofcer
Grade/Scale : NWC 10
Vacancy No. : NWCPC/11/2013-2014
Positions Vacant : 1
Requirements for Appointment
Bachelors degree in Marketing from a recognized university.
Masters degree in Business Administration or any other relevant
eld from a recognized University.
Computer prociency.
Registered member with the Marketing Society of Kenya (MSK).
6 years relevant working experience.
Duties and Responsibilities
Reporting to the Managing Director, the Chief Marketing Ofcer will
be the Head of Business Development Unit and his/her duties and
responsibilities will include but not limited to:
Assessing the strength and strategy of competitors in the market.
Providing overall leadership in marketing and business development
in the Corporation.
Managing business objectives through innovation, exibility and
Responding to competitive threats through effective and economical
implementation of contracted projects.
Managing implementation of contracted projects (drilling and
equipping of boreholes, construction of small dams and pans,
engineering designs) in a prot making manner in order to generate
income for the Corporation.
Formulating and developing marketing plans and policies.
Monitoring marketing plans.
Preparing and controlling annual marketing budgets.
Overseeing marketing activities.
Advising the Managing Director on marketing plans and strategies.
Gathering and interpreting market intelligence information.
Any other duties as may be assigned by the Managing Director
from time to time.
Job Title : Principal Internal Auditor
Grade/Scale : NWC 09
Vacancy No. : NWCPC/12/2013-2014
Positions Vacant : 1
Requirements for Appointment
Bachelors degree in Accounting from a recognized University.
CPA (K).
Possession of a Masters degree will an added advantage.
Professional membership to the institute of ICPAK /IIA or CIA.
Computer prociency.
5 years relevant working experience.
Duties and Responsibilities
Reporting to the Chief Internal Auditor, the Principal Internal Auditor
duties and responsibilities will include but not limited to:
Reviewing and developing audit systems, techniques and
procedures and ensuring their effective implementation.
Undertaking comprehensive audits on utilization of resources.
Ascertaining correctness of accounting records.
Preparing audit reports.
Drawing up audit programmes.
Preparing audit report queries and observations.
Supervising, guiding, training and developing staff under him/her.
Job Title : Senior Engineer
Grade/Scale : NWC 09
Vacancy No. : NWCPC/13/2013-2014
Positions Vacant : 2
Requirements for Appointment
Bachelors degree in Engineering (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and
Water Resources Management) from a Recognized University.
Registered with Engineers Registration Board of Kenya.
Knowledge of design in large dams is an added advantage.
Computer prociency.
5 years relevant working experience.
Duties and Responsibilities
Reporting to the Chief Engineer, the Senior Engineer duties and
responsibilities will include but not limited to:
Assisting in formulation of long and short term policies and
programes for water projects and conservation.
Managing design construction, operation and maintenance of
water projects and conservation systems, or in any other relevant
engineering disciplines undertaken by organization.
Researching into standardization of water projects and conservation
systems in any of the engineering disciplines mentioned above.
Monitoring physical and nancial progress of water projects and
conservation programmes.
Supervising training and development of junior engineers and
Job Title : Principal Chemist
Grade/Scale : NWC 09
Vacancy No. : NWCPC/14/2013-14
Positions Vacant : 1
Requirements for Appointment
Bachelors degree in Chemistry or Biochemistry from a Recognized
Postgraduate qualication in the relevant discipline.
Computer prociency.
5 years relevant working experience.
Duties and Responsibilities
Reporting to the Chief Chemist, the Principal Chemist duties and
responsibilities will include but not limited to:
Coordination and management of water quality, water research as
well as environment impact assessment on proposed projects.
Facilitating proper on-the-job training for all ofcers in the section.
Assisting in budgetary and human resource planning for the
Preparing manuals on analytical methods and techniques on
chemical and biological investigations.
Preparing reports on water quality status of water projects which
are undertaken by the Corporation.
Ensuring adherence to environmental regulations.
Supervising, guiding, training and developing staff under him/her.
Job Title : Senior Geologist
Grade/Scale : NWC 09
Vacancy No. : NWCPC/15/2013-14
Positions Vacant : 1
Requirements for Appointment
Bachelors Degree in any of the following disciplines:- Hydrology,
Metrology, Geology, Civil Engineering from a Recognized University
Bachelors Degree in any of the following disciplines: Geography,
Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics from a Recognized University
and post-graduate training in Hydrology/Geology.
Registered by the Geologists/Hydrologists Registration Board.
Computer prociency.
5 years relevant working experience.
Duties and Responsibilities
Reporting to the General Manager, Construction and Electro-Mechanical,
the Senior Geologist will be responsible for the long term geological
planning and management and his/her duties and responsibilities will
include but not limited to:
Carrying out evaluation and preparation of eld programmes/
projects, including hydrological geophysical, geo-technical survey,
borehole drilling and ground water development programmes.
Setting standards and specications for the programmes/projects.
Controlling and supervising eld survey programmes and planning
for resources required in execution of long-term programmes.
Job Title : Hydrologist I
Grade/Scale : NWC 08
Vacancy No. : NWCPC/16/2013-14
Positions Vacant : 1
Requirements for Appointment
Bachelors degree in Hydrology/Meteorology/Geology or Civil
Engineering from a recognized University or
Bachelors degree in Geography, Physics/Chemistry or Mathematics
from a recognized University and post-graduate training in Hydrology
Registered with the Geologists/ Hydrologists Registration Board.
Computer prociency.
5 years working experience as Hydrologist II / Geologist II.
Duties and Responsibilities
Reporting to the Senior Hydrologist, the Hydrologist I duties and
responsibilities will include but not limited to:
Heading, supervising and coordinating a team of juniors in executing
hydrological programmes.
Preparing hydro meteorological maps and assessment of water
surface potential.
Undertaking installation and maintenance of hydro-meteorological
Planning and designing hydro meteorological network for
computation and storage.
Carrying out retrieval of hydro meteorological data.
Involvement in implementation of geological programmes; planning
and designing of eld projects; evaluation and administration of
eld projects.
Supervising and guiding junior staff under him/her.
APPOINTMENTS / Page 53 Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
Job Title : Senior Accountant
Grade/Scale : NWC 08
Vacancy No. : NWCPC/17/2013-14
Positions Vacant : 1
Requirements for Appointment
Bachelors degree in Accounting from a Recognized University.
CPA (K).
Registered with the Institute of Certied Public Accountant of
Computer prociency.
5 years relevant working experience as an Accountant.
Duties and Responsibilities
Reporting to the Principal Accountant, the Senior Accountant duties and
responsibilities will include but not limited to:
Carrying out revenue collection.
Undertaking management accounting.
Preparing nancial accounts and statements for various purposes.
Projecting nancial appraisal.
Reviewing accounting procedures and practices.
Interpreting accounts policies.
Supervising, guiding, training and developing junior staff working in
the section.
Job Title : Hydrologist II
Grade/Scale : NWC 07
Vacancy No. : NWCPC/18/2013-14
Positions Vacant : 1
Requirements for Appointment
Bachelors degree in Hydrology/Meteorology/Geology or Civil
Engineering from a recognized University; or
Bachelors degree in Geography/Physics/Chemistry or Mathematics
from a recognized University and post-graduate training in Hydrology
/ Geology.
Computer prociency.
5 years relevant working experience.
Duties and Responsibilities
Reporting to the Hydrologist I the Hydrologist II duties and responsibilities
will include but not limited to:
Preparing meteorological maps and assesses surface water
resource potential.
Installing and maintaining hydro meteorological stations.
Undertaking collection, monitoring and analyzing of hydro
meteorological data under guidance of a more senior ofcer.
Job Title : Chemist II
Grade/Scale : NWC 06
Vacancy No. : NWCPC/19/2013-14
Positions Vacant : 1
Requirements for Appointment
Bachelors degree in Chemistry or Biochemistry from a recognized
Computer prociency.
5 years relevant working experience.
Duties and Responsibilities
Reporting to the Chemist I the Chemist II duties and responsibilities will
include but not limited to:
Carrying out analysis on water and waste water.
Collecting and analyzing data on water quality status and applies
remedial measures where necessary.
Carrying out water quality surveillance works and compiles reports
for further action.
Job Title : Security Ofcer II
Grade/Scale : NWC 06
Vacancy No. : NWCPC/20/2013-14
Positions Vacant : 1
Requirements for Appointment
Satisfactorily served with the Kenya Police in the rank of Inspector
or an equivalent rank in the Armed Forces, Prisons Service or the
National Youth Service for a minimum period of three (3) years.
First Aid Certicate.
Clean record of service in the previous organization.
Certicate of good conduct.
Computer prociency.
3 years working experience in the Security Service sector.
Duties and Responsibilities
Reporting to the Security Ofcer I, the Security Ofcer II duties and
responsibilities will include but not limited to:
Monitoring security matters in National Water Conservation and
Pipeline Corporation
Carrying out investigations on security issues where need be.
Submitting regular briefs on security issues to the Security Ofcer
Liaising closely with the Security Ofcer I and other Governmental
security organs such as the Kenya Police Service in all security
matters affecting National Water Conservation and Pipeline
Job Title : Accounts Assistant II
Grade/Scale : NWC 4
Vacancy No. : NWCPC/21/2013-14
Positions Vacant : 2
Requirements for Appointment
Must be in a possession of KCSE mean grade C or its equivalent
from a recognized institution.
Must be in a possession of ACNC I & II or KATC Final certicate.
Possess relevant computer application skills.
Has an experience of the above post for a minimum period of 2
Duties and Responsibilities
Reporting to the Senior Accountant, the Accounts Assistant II duties and
responsibilities will include but not limited to:
Processing accounting statistics and transactions.
Safe keeping invoices, receipts and other accounts records.
Maintaining books of accounts in accordance with existing
All the interested applicants must meet the requirements of leadership
and integrity as set out in Chapter 6 of the Constitution, 2010.
All the above positions will be offered to the successful candidates on
permanent and pensionable terms after a successful completion of
probation period.
If you are interested and meet the above mentioned requirements for any
of the above positions, please send your applications attaching a detailed
curriculum vitae, copies of certied academic/professional certicates
and testimonial, names and contacts of three (3No.) referees stating your
day telephone and e-mail contacts to the following address on or before
May, 2014.
The Managing Director,
National Water Conservation and
Pipeline Corporation,
P.O. Box 30173 00100
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and canvassing will
result to automatic disqualication. National Water Conservation
and Pipeline Corporation is an equal opportunity employer and all
Kenyans in their diversity are encouraged to apply.
Elgeyo Marakwet County Public Service Board wishes to recruit competent and qualied persons to the ll the
following positions:

Duties and responsibilities
Reporting to the Sub-County Administrator, the duties and responsibilities of a ward administrator will be:
Coordinating, managing and supervising the general administrative functions in a ward i.
Developing policies and plans ii.
Liaising with County and National Government staff at the ward level iii.
Ensuring effective service delivery iv.
Establishing, implementing and monitoring performance systems in wards v.
Coordinating development activities to empower the community vi.
Providing and maintaining infrastructure and facilities of public service vii.
Managing the County Public Service at the ward level. viii.
Facilitating and coordinating citizen participation in the development of policies and plans and delivery of ix.
Excising any functions and powers delegated by the County Public Service Board x.
Any other duty that may be assigned form time to time by the supervisor. xi.
Requirements for Appointment
Be a Kenyan Citizen i.
MUST be a holder of ii. at least a first degree in administration or management or related elds from a
University recognized in Kenya.
MUST have a work experience of iii. not less than five years in administration in public or private sector.
MUST be iv. computer literate with prociency in use of computers in report writing and PowerPoint
Applications can only be submitted online on or before 30
May 2014.
i) Applicants should meet requirements of Chapter 6 of the Constitution of Kenya and will be required to get
clearance certicates from EACC, KRA, HELB and a certicate of good conduct from the Police.
ii) Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted
iii) Elgeyo Marakwet County is an equal opportunity employer.

The Secretary,
County Public Service Board
Elgeyo Marakwet County
The Laikipia University Conference integrates different perspectives of African Universities and other stakeholders.
The Conference aims to provide a platform for sharing current thinking, practice as well as building consensus
among academicians, practitioners, policymakers and other key actors. This is with the express aim of advocating
and implementing policy reforms and innovations in University education, science and innovations, especially
those that benet industries and transform society.
The Conference is open to all scholars and academia, public, private and civil society organizations, policy makers,
the research and development community, nancial institutions and other interested paper presenters. Exhibitors
from various sectors are also welcome to participate.
Thematic Areas:
1. Education and Transformation
2. Science and Innovation/ Agriculture and Arid and Semi-Arid Lands
3. Humanities and Development Studies
Prof Francis K. Lelo, PhD.
Vice Chancellor, Laikipia University
The conference will feature the following keynote speakers among others;
1. Prof. P. L. O. Lumumba, A renowned East African
2. Prof. Geoffrey Wahungu, NEMA Director General
3. Prof. Justin Irina Mombasa Technical University 4. Prof Mary K. Walingo , Vice-Chancellor Maasai Mara
5. Prof. Miriam Kinyua, Moi University 6. Amb. Kalimi Mworia, Director International
Cooperation and Assistance Division at the
Technical Secretariat of the OPCW
Laikipia University is situated 50km from Nakuru, along Nakuru - Nyahururu highway via Subukia.
For further information please visit: or contact
Email :, Tel: +254 727 633 811
Invites you to the
International Conference
Laikipia University Main Campus
May 2014
Page 54 / APPOINTMENTS Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
Career Opportunities
The Standard Group comprises, The Standard Newspapers, Game Yetu, The Counties, The Nairobian,
KTN, Radio Maisha, PDS, Standard Digital and Think Outdoor Services. The Group is looking for
highly motivated, qualied, experienced and reputable team players in house, to ll the following
Please note that ONLY shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
The Standard Group is an equal opportunity employer and as such, canvassing of any form
will lead to automatic disqualication.
The incumbent will co-ordinate news gathering operations, obtain well researched and most up to date
news on daily events both locally & internationally
Take charge of news desk operations, overall administration of the news desk and enriching the
daily news bulletins with relevant features;
Assign duties to reporters, brief reporters and advise on story angles and liaise with Bureau Chiefs
for stories from the regions. Ensure that the station is not scooped and maintain an up to date dairy
of news contacts;
Draw up news plans include story idea, synopsis and proposed mode of execution and determine
running order in consultation with other TV Editors;
Assess political, social and economic climate and anticipate likely developments for coverage
Convene and chair editorial meetings in order to share plans for the day;
Sub-edit scripts to ensure that they conform to journalistic ethics, editorial objectives and house
style and rehearse the bulletins with news anchors to ensure proper pronunciations of words and
names of people and places,
Basic University Degree
Diploma in Journalism / Mass Communication
5-7 years work experience
Ability to work long odd hours
Editing & people management skills.
Good command of the English language
The job holder will oversee the production of the Kiswahili news bulletin
Assign stories to reporters and advise on story angles;
Liaise with the news editor and regional editors;
Supervise and train reporters on reports, intros, graphics and captions in Kiswahili;
Sub-edit Kiswahili scripts to ensure that they conform to journalistic ethics, editorial objectives and
house style;
Rehearse the bulletins with anchors to ensure proper pronunciations of words and names of people
and places.
Basic University Degree
Diploma in Journalism/Mass Communication
3-5 years work experience
Reporting & presentation skills
Ability to lead a team of reporters & work long hours
Reporting to Radio Programs Controller, candidate will work with presenters, DJs, on line and IT staff to
ensure the production of a 4 hour program daily.
Managing presenters for both live on-air and pre-recorded output;
Generating and researching ideas for programs and pitching concepts for commissioning;
Arranging and overseeing guest visits and maintaining up-to-date contact lists;
Liaising with Marketing department about program trailers and competition prizes;
Updating the program or station website and ensuring that the on-air and online content are
well aligned;
Checking that copyrights are cleared and understanding media law;
Undertaking editing, interviewing and reporting duties as necessary;
Converting text, graphics, video and audio les into other formats.
University Degree;
Diploma in Radio Production;
Systematic planner, team player and good organizer;
3 years experience in a busy broadcasting station.
If you possess the above qualications and have the drive to meet the challenges, visit our website to browse through the current openings/vacancies and apply
not later than 28
May 2014.
Laikipia University invites EOI from qualied rms with capacity and competency to undertake the
preparation of a topographical survey and master plan for Laikipia University Maralal Campus to
encompass the following; ofces, hostels, dining facilities, resource center, lecture halls, playing
elds, workshops and laboratories, and related facilities.
Interested rms should submit their applications providing evidence to the following
Must be a registered company and operating within the Republic of Kenya. (Attach 1.
Registration Certicate).
Must be Tax Compliant. (Attach copies of PIN/VAT & Tax Compliance Certicates). 2.
Provide evidence of at least four (4) similar assignments undertaken in the last four 3.
(4) years from similar organizations. (Attach evidence; letters of award, completion
Provide a detailed company prole, including physical address, telephone contacts and 4.
names of the director(s).
Attach Audited Accounts for the last 3 years. 5.
Have personnel with requisite skills and knowledge. Provide CVs lead consultant & key 6.
personnel who are registered with relevant bodies in their profession.
Interested Candidates should submit their Applications in plain sealed envelope clearly indicating
deposit in the Tender Box located at the Laikipia University Procurement Ofce not later than 29

May, 2014 at 12.00 Noon.
The Vice Chancellor,
Laikipia University,
P.O. box 1100-20300,
Bids will be opened immediately thereafter at the University Boardroom. Interested bidders and/or
their representatives are invited to attend.
Managing Director - Laikipia University (1 Post) 1.
For the Laikipia University Investment Service Limited- more details are on the University website.
Legal Ofcer - Grade 12 (1 Post) 2.
Internal Auditor - Grade 12 ( 1 Post) 3.
Marketing Ofcer - Grade 10 (1 Post) 4.
Security Ofcer I - Grade 10 (1 Post) 5.
Institute of Arid Lands Management 6.
Associate Professor - Grade 14 (1 Post)
Senior Lecturer - Grade 13 (1 Post)
Assistant Lecturer - Grade 11 (1 Post)
School of Education- Department of Agricultural Education and Extension 7.
Senior Lecturer - Grade 13 ( 1 Post)
Department of Economics 8.
Lecturer Grade 12 (2 posts)
School of Humanities and Development Studies 9.
Department of Public Affairs and Environmental Studies
Religious studies/philosophy;
Lecturer 1 post
Sociology/community development/criminology:
Lecturer 1 post
Geography/environmental science:
Lecturer 1 post
Lecturer 1 post
Deputy University Librarian Grade 14 (1 Post) 10.
Assistant Librarian Grade 12 (2 posts) 11.
More details on the mode of application can be found at the university website:
Laikipia University 4
Marathon will be held on 5
October, 2014. More information can be obtained
from the website.
Page 55
scheduling the loan repayments
comes with penalties, which would
make the loan even more expensive,
coupled with the weakening of the lo-
cal currency against international
There are penalties on the exten-
sion of the repayment period, which
depends on the terms and conditions
of this loan, he said.
According to Thomas Kibua, a for-
mer long-serving deputy governor of
the Central Bank, the nancial posi-
tion of the Government is not good.
I think the crude term is you
Could the economy be in nancial
distress? This is the big question
among economists after the Govern-
ment moved to reschedule a $600
million (Sh52.2 billion) syndicated
loan. The National Treasury received
a three-month extension on the com-
mercial debt after its debut $2 billion
(Sh174 billion) Eurobond was de-
What we have done is just extend
the repayment... by another three
months as we continue discussions
on the sovereign bond, Kamau Thug-
ge, the National Treasurys principal
secretary, told Reuters.
The country secured a two-year
loan at an interest rate of seven per
cent in 2012 to fund development.
Underwritten by Citigroup, Standard
Chartered Bank (UK) and Standard
Bank of South Africa, the loan was
due for full repayment on May 16.
National Treasury Cabinet Secre-
tary Henry Rotich said terms and con-
ditions of the loan remain the same as
before but extension attracted a fee
which is usually charged in line with
normal practice. He however, de-
clined to give more details.
Economists, however, said the re-
quest for the extension of the repay-
Kenya took out the
two-year loan at an
interest rate of seven
per cent in 2012 to fund
ment period is a signal of an economy
that is under nancial duress.
This means the Government is
totally broke. The Government has
overstretched itself in terms of expen-
diture. We are running a shortfall in
revenue collections and there is no
money in circulation. All these are sig-
nals that our economy is in bad
shape, said Samuel Nyandemo, a se-
nior lecturer at the University of Nai-
robis School of Economics.
According to Dr Nyandemo, re-
Public debt
Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
TripAdvisor unveils top
global hotels in services
TripAdvisor, the worlds largest
travel site, has announced the
Travellers Choice Hotels with
Exceptional Service, honouring
1,762 properties in 98 regions
and countries across the globe.
The awards recognise top
accommodation for service in
the world and individual lists for
Africa, Asia, Australia, Canada,
Caribbean, China, Europe,
Japan, Mexico, Middle East,
South America, South Pacic,
the UK and United States. Top
hotels for Service in Africa are
Riad Kheirredine, Marrakech,
Morocco, Akademie Street
Boutique Hotel and Guesthouse,
Franschhoek, South Africa,
Riad Noir dIvoire, Marrakech,
Morocco, and La Maison Arabe,
Marrakech, Morocco. Barbara
Messing, chief marketing ofcer
for TripAdvisor, said site was
pleased to shine the spotlight
on properties around the world
that are recognised by their
guests for providing superior
Kepsa wants check on
illegal alcohol
The Government has been urged
to set up a task force to look
into ways of addressing the
prevalence of illegal brews. The
Kenya Private Sector Alliance
(Kepsa) said illegal brews were
hurting businesses, undermining
tax revenue collection by Kenya
Revenue Authority (KRA) and
posing security and health
hazards to the public. The
alliance called for technology-
based platforms to aid in
combating crime in the country.
We are happy to support
technology-based platforms to
assist in battling crime, which
would empower members of
the public to report to the police
and administration all unusual
activities, said Vimal Shah, the
Kepsa chairman. Mr Shah said
the private sector would support
the Government in adopting the
use of technology in the ght
against crime. He said security
was critical for investment in the
CBA, Vodacom unveil
mobile phone tool
Commercial Bank of Africa (CBA)
and Tanzanias Vodacom have
launched M-Pawa, a banking
service that will allow millions of
Tanzanians to save and borrow
money on their mobile phones.
M-Pawa, just like M-Shwari, is an
innovation that does not require
customers to ll out application
forms while opening accounts.
Instead, access is made through
the M-Pesa menu on their
phones. There are no ledger
fees, limits on the frequency of
withdrawals, minimum operating
balances or charges on deposits
and withdrawals from M-Pesa
to M-Pawa and vice versa, said
Rene Meza, Vodacom Tanzanias
managing director.
Blogs, archives, reader
forums and more:
(Government) are running broke.
Your programming is not right and
something is not right, said Dr Kibua
who is currently a senior economist
with African Development and Eco-
nomic Consultants.
Our national debt has become an
issue. They want to buy more time to
repay this loan, which is not a good
thing because the shilling is slightly
depreciating against the international
currencies, he added.
Although the IMF and World Bank
had given Kenyas debt position a
clean bill of health with the Debt to
GDP ratio standing at 45 per cent, the
situation has since deteriorated with
no word yet from the Bretton Woods
Kenya has had to ask for a three-
month extension because of delays in
oating the Eurobond. Matters are
going to get worse in March 2015
when Sh152.9 million worth of Gov-
ernment bonds are set to mature.
Oil marketer KenolKobil has em-
barked on a turnaround strategy to
grow its business and exorcise the
ghosts of its past.
The rm posted a Sh6.2 billion
loss in 2012, after a buyout deal with
Puma Energy fell through, and has
had a protracted battle with Kenya
Petroleum Renery, all of which have
weighed heavily on the rm.
KenolKobil now says it will slow
down on expansion, especially
through acquisitions, complete the
sale of non-protable assets and con-
centrate more on non-fuel business
lines, which it said have higher re-
turns. It is also looking for a strategic
partner, but said it rst planned to get
the company on sound footing.
James Mathenge, the rms chair-
man, said the company will focus on
protable business segments such as
its liqueed petroleum gas, K-Gas,
and lubricants.
During the 2013 nancial year, the
company registered prot after tax of
about Sh558 million, attributable to
the introduction of cost-effective man-
agement strategies and pursuing the
three protable market areas.
The rm acted on reducing oper-
ating cost... besides, we disposed of
idle and under-performing assets,
said Mathenge. The company said it is
still interested in a strategic partner to
help it in its next growth phase. The
search for a strategic partner suffered
a setback in March last year after the
deal collapsed.
We continue to see a lot of interest
from potential strategic partners but
want to continue strengthening the
companys performance and not see a
repeat of 2012, said Mathenge.
KenolKobil Ltd has operations in
nine other African countries.
Speaking to the Press in Nairobi
yesterday after the companys AGM,
Mathenge said they would pursue the
same strategy and non-protable as-
set portfolios would be sold.
Shareholders approved a dividend
of 26.4 per cent of the total prot after
tax, according to the company policy,
which is a dividend payout of 25-35
per cent after tax prot.
Group Managing Director David
Ohana said that the company was cur-
rently focusing on growing the busi-
ness within and not through acquisi-
tions like before.
Our under-performance in 2012
can be attributed to our rapid growth
but we are now focusing on the inter-
nal growth of the business, said Oha-
KenolKobil puts brakes on expansion as it eyes new partner
Questions raised as Government
defers payment of $600m loan
Treasury Cabinet Secretary Henry Rotich. [PHOTO: FILE/STANDARD]
Parliament opposed payments
worth a total of Sh1.4 billion
to two foreign frms, saying
they involve deals made a
decade or more ago that
violated the countrys laws.
British and Swiss courts
ordered the payments be
The National Treasury must
either ignore the MPs request
or ignore an international
legal ruling, which could
harm Kenyas reputation as
it seeks to borrow more in
international markets.
Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
British oil explorer, Tullow
has announced a mixed bag in
its exploration work in Turka-
na, with one of the wells en-
countering substantial oil re-
sources while another almost
dry well.
The rm yesterday said it
had encountered a cumulative
62m of oil resources in a well
secondary to Twiga 2 well that
it started drilling February. It,
however, found an almost dry
well in Ekunyuk 1, where it
found just ve metres of net oil
pay in the well drilled to a
depth of 1,800 metres.
The well secondary to Twi-
ga 2 - or a sidetrack was
drilled after the primary Twiga
2 encountered 18m of oil net
pay and evidence showed that
it had limited oil resources.
The rm made a decision to
drill a sidetrack due to promis-
ing potential in the area. The
Twiga-2 sidetrack encounters
62 metres of net oil pay. It said
the well would be deepened
and evaluated further.
The initial wellbore was
drilled near the basin bound-
ing fault and encountered
some 18m of net oil pay within
alluvial fan facies, with limited
reservoir quality. A decision
was therefore made to side
track the well away from the
fault to explore north of Twi-
ga-1 and some 62 metres of
vertical net oil pay has been
discovered in the Auwerwer
formation, similar in quality to
the initial Twiga-1 discovery,
said Tullow in a statement re-
leased yesterday.
The well is currently being
deepened to evaluate the Low-
er Lokhone potential and a
testing program for this suc-
cessful well is planned to be
conducted later this year.
Tullow is a 50 per cent own-
er of the Blocks 10BB and 10T
in Northern Kenya where it
has been exploring for oil and
made some major discoveries
since March 2012, when it an-
nounced that it had encoun-
tered substantial resources af-
ter drilling the Ngamia 1 well.
The rm is also the opera-
tor of the two blocks, which
are 50 per cent owned by Ca-
nadian rm Africa Oil.
Recent estimates by the
two rms said there could be
about 600 million barrels of oil
in the areas they are exploring
and around Turkana.
Business management software
rm Kopo Kopo has launched a cash
advance product targeting Small and
Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs).
The company, which said it has lo-
cal 10,000 clients, explained that the
new cash advance service dubbed
Grow would tap into a space that
has been neglected by mainstream -
nancial services institutions.
Though servicing a segment that
is not serviced by banks, the rm not-
ed that it is not offering loans but
cash advances that attract a one off
fee as opposed to interest.
The service will be advanced to
businesses already using Kopo Kopo
business management software.
Small and medium enterprises
are too big for micro nancial institu-
tions and too small for commercial
banks, which has seen them have dif-
culties accessing capital for instance
for replenishing stock, said Francis
Mugane chief executive Kopo kopo.
He said unlike a traditional bank
loan, Grow is designed to help busi-
nesses grow and prosper by accom-
modating their cash ow cycles.
Grow cash advances are dis-
bursed in minutes, require no per-
sonal guarantee and come with no
late fees or penalties.
In our years of doing business,
weve seen even our best customers
struggle to access capital for their
businesses, said Mugane.
He said given the mission to help
businesses grow and prosper, solving
this problem with Grow was a logical
next step and its only one of many
steps to come.
The basic requirement for busi-
nesses to become eligible for Grow
is accepting electronic payments via
Kopo Kopo for three months.
The more payments a business ac-
cepts via Kopo Kopo, the more cash
they are eligible to receive.
Kopo Kopo
unveils Grow
to boost SMEs
State paying lip service to tourism industry
The tourism industry is question-
ing the Governments commitment in
Kenya Tourism Federation
says Government has been
luckluster in arresting the
insecurity that has been a
major blow for the sector
We demand
that Government
gives tourism the
importance it deserves
as a key sector of
the economy.
Its mixed bag as Tullow nds fresh
oil deposits, dry well in Turkana
saving the tourism industry from
what they said appears to be an im-
minent collapse of the industry.
Through their lobby Kenya Tour-
ism Federation (KTF), the industry
players say there has been a lacklus-
ter reaction by Government ofcials
in arresting the insecurity that has
been a major blow for the industry as
well as reassuring Kenyans, investors
and tourist source markets.
President Uhuru Kenyatta in
March conceded that insecurity has
affected tourism, noting that the in-
dustry which contributes 10 per cent
to the GDP is virtually on its knees.
KTF now dismisses the Govern-
ment as all-talk-and-no-action.
We demand that Government
gives tourism the importance it de-
serves. As one of the key sectors of the
economy and a key pillar of the Kenya
Vision 2030, we feel that the Govern-
ment just gives lip service to its af-
fairs, said KTF in a statement after a
crisis meeting yesterday.
KTF spoke on the background of
the UK upgrading its travel advisory
that cautions its citizens from visit-
ing the whole of Mombasa, with the
exemptions of Diani and the Moi In-
ternational Airport.
The move is expected to hit
Mombasa hard, which is highly de-
pendent on tourism. The tourism
industry lobby expects earnings to
go down 30 per cent, a continuation
of a three-year declining trend.
Other forex earners in particu-
lar tea and coffee are also taking
major hits, with prices declining in
the international markets.
Counties that rely on tourism
for its revenues should also take no-
tice that they will not be able to
meet their budgets and should fac-
tor in at least a 30 per cent reduction
in their projected revenues and
much more in some counties, said
the lobby. Hoteliers say bookings are
averaging at about 15 per cent at a
time when bookings normally ex-
ceed available capacity.
During the season that runs be-
tween June and October, there is a
large number of tourists and book-
ings such that many hotels have in
the past had to turn away guests due
to limited space.
The season usually coincides
with the Wildebeest Migration. This
year however, hoteliers are grap-
pling with low bookings, with some
embarking on staff layoffs.
KIPPRA is ISO 9001: 2008 Certified
Introduction 1.
The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA) is a State Corporation mandated to support
the Government of Kenya through policy research and analysis and capacity building in order to improve public
policy making towards achievement of national development goals.
KIPPRA has received a grant from the African Capacity Building Foundation (the ACBF) towards the cost of
consultancy services for the Customer/client and Employee satisfaction surveys for the period 01
July 2013
to 30th June 2014 and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this grant to eligible payments under the
contract for Consultancy Services.
2. The Surveys
KIPPRA plans to conduct the Customer/client and Employee satisfaction surveys for the period 01
July 2013
to 30
June 2014. The surveys are meant to establish the level of customer and employee satisfaction, identify
areas of weaknesses and make recommendations for improvements with services offered by the Institute.
These include Employees, Ministries, State Corporations, international agencies, private sector, suppliers and
other stakeholders.
3. Goal and Objectives of the Surveys
The specic objectives of the Customer/ client satisfaction survey are to:
Determine the overall satisfaction level and index of the Institutes stakeholders with respect to its service 1.
delivery, products and services;
Establish the specic satisfaction levels and indices of the Institutes stakeholders with respect to its service 2.
delivery, products and services for each category of stakeholders;
Identify the main drivers and hindrances that inuence the various satisfaction levels; 3.
Propose an appropriate action plan and interventions for addressing the emerging issues from the study; 4.
The specic objectives of the Employee Satisfaction survey are to:
Determine the overall employee satisfaction level and index of the Institutes employees; 1.
Establish the specic employee satisfaction levels and indices with respect to the specic areas; 2.
Identify the main drivers and hindrances that inuence the various satisfaction levels; 3.
Propose an appropriate action plan and interventions for addressing the emerging issues from the study; 4.
4. Consultant Profile
The assignment will be undertaken by an individual consultant with the following prole:
He/ She shall be an external/independent professional contracted by ACBF. He/she will have competencies
and skills in conducting both customer/ client and employee satisfaction surveys;
The consultant shall have a minimum of Masters Degree in Social Sciences or related disciplines (PhD
holders will have an added advantage) and Minimum ten (10) Years professional work experience, 5 of
which must be in conducting surveys
He/she should be able to meet deadlines and deliver a high quality product.
5. Review Outputs
An inception report for both the employee and customer Satisfaction Surveys 1.
A rst draft of both the employee and customer Satisfaction Surveys 2.
A nal draft of both the employee and customer Satisfaction Surveys 3.
You will be required to present the rst draft to KIPPRA management team
6. Time Frame
The surveys shall be undertaken in June 2014, with the deadline of submitting the nal report being set at
twenty (20) days from the signing of the Consultancy contract by both parties.
A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the African Capacity Building
Foundations Procurement Guidelines for Grant Recipients (July 2011), which can be downloaded from the
ACBF website:
Expression of Interest should be submitted in a plain sealed envelope clearly marked EXPRESSION OF INTEREST
obtain further information and details from the address below during ofce working hours 0800h to 1700h
from Monday to Friday except public holidays in Kenya.
Expression of Interest together with individual consultants detailed CV MUST be deposited in the Tender
Box located at KIPPRA offices 5
floor West wing, Bishops Garden Towers, Bishops Road, not later than
May, 2014 at 11:00 a.m, and addressed to:
PO BOX 56445-00200, Nairobi, Kenya
Bishops Garden Towers, Bishops Road
Tel: +254 20 2719933/4, 2714714/5,2721654,2721110
Cell: 0724 256078,0736 712724 Fax: +254 20 2719951
AB C 87.20 87.40 0.20 119.65 119.88 0.23
EQUITY 87.25 87.45 0.20 119.67 119.96 0.29
I & M 87.15 87.35 0.20 119.56 119.84 0.28
DIAMONDTRUST 87.25 87.45 0.20 119.66 119.96 0.30
NI C 87.20 87.40 0.20 119.65 119.88 0.23
ECOBANK 87.20 87.40 0.20 119.60 119.88 0.28
1ST COMMUNITY 87.25 87.45 0.20 119.67 119.96 0.29
PRIME 87.25 87.45 0.20 119.66 119.96 0.30
MIDDLEEAST 87.20 87.40 0.20 119.66 119.96 0.30
CFC STANBIC 87.20 87.40 0.20 119.60 119.89 0.29
CITIBANK 87.15 87.35 0.20 119.55 119.85 0.30
C B A 87.25 87.45 0.20 119.63 120.00 0.37
NB K 87.30 87.40 0.10 119.74 119.90 0.16
BARCLAYS 87.30 87.40 0.10 119.74 119.90 0.16
STANDARD 87.28 87.48 0.20 119.59 119.89 0.30
KC B 87.20 87.40 0.20 119.59 119.90 0.31
BOA 87.30 87.40 0.10 119.74 119.90 0.16
CO-OP 87.20 87.40 0.20 119.60 119.90 0.30
USDOLLAR 87.3211
STGPOUND 146.4996
EURO 119.7745
SARAND 8.4665
KES/ USHS 29.0309
KES/ TSHS 18.9073
KES/ RWF 7.7645
KES/ BIF 17.7461
AEDIRHAM 23.7735
CAN$ 80.3125
SFRANC 98.2817
JPY(100) 85.6031
SW KRONER 13.4108
NOR KRONER 14.6936
IND RUPEE 1.4675
Source: Central Bank
NSE All Share Index.Up 0.55 points to close at 150.73.
NSE 20-share Index.Up 4.34 points to close at 4945.33.
Alpha Forex BureauLtd 87.00 88.00 1.00 118.70 121.00 2.30
Amal Express Forex Bureau 86.80 87.50 0.70 115.00 120.00 5.00
Amana Forex BureauLtd 86.50 87.90 1.40 119.00 121.00 2.00
Arcade Forex BureauLtd 86.50 87.50 1.00 118.00 121.00 3.00
Aristocrats Forex Bureau 86.00 88.00 2.00 118.00 121.00 3.00
Bamburi Forex BureauLtd 86.00 88.00 2.00 118.00 122.00 4.00
Bay Forex Bureau(NBI) Ltd 87.00 87.40 0.40 119.50 121.50 2.00
Bogani Forex BureauLtd 85.30 89.40 4.10 117.00 122.20 5.20
Cashline Forex BureauLtd 86.50 88.50 2.00 118.00 123.00 5.00
Central Forex BureauLtd 86.80 88.00 1.20 118.50 120.50 2.00
City Centre Forex Bureau 87.00 88.00 1.00 118.00 122.00 4.00
Classic Forex BureauLtd 86.40 87.80 1.40 118.00 121.40 3.40
Commercial Forex Bureau 87.00 87.70 0.70 119.00 122.00 3.00
Continental Forex Bureau 87.10 87.50 0.40 119.60 120.50 0.90
Cosmos Forex BureauLtd 87.25 87.70 0.45 119.30 121.00 1.70
Crater Forex BureauLtd 86.20 88.20 2.00 118.60 121.60 3.00
Crown BureauDe Change 86.30 88.00 1.70 118.50 121.00 2.50
Dalmar Exchange Bureau 86.90 87.35 0.45 118.00 122.00 4.00
Gateway Forex BureauLtd 87.10 87.50 0.40 119.50 121.00 1.50
Giant Forex BureauLtd 85.75 87.60 1.85 115.00 122.00 7.00
Give andTake Forex Bureau 86.70 87.30 0.60 118.00 121.00 3.00
Global Forex BureauLtd 86.80 87.50 0.70 118.00 120.00 2.00
Glory Forex BureauLtd 87.10 88.00 0.90 119.00 122.00 3.00
Hodan Global Forex Limited 87.00 87.60 0.60 119.00 121.00 2.00
HurlinghamForex Bureau 85.90 87.40 1.50 116.00 120.00 4.00
Industrial Area Forex Ltd 85.00 88.00 3.00 114.00 122.00 8.00
Junction Forex BureauLtd 86.00 87.75 1.75 118.00 121.50 3.50
Kaah Forex BureauLtd 86.60 87.20 0.60 115.00 120.00 5.00
Kenza Exchange Bureau 86.00 88.50 2.50 118.50 121.00 2.50
LeoForex BureauLtd 86.50 87.50 1.00 118.40 119.80 1.40
Link Forex BureauLtd 87.00 87.80 0.80 119.00 121.50 2.50
Maritime Forex BureauLtd 87.00 87.90 0.90 118.80 120.60 1.80
Metropolitan BureauLtd 85.50 89.00 3.50 117.00 123.00 6.00
Middletown Forex Bureau 87.10 87.50 0.40 119.00 120.00 1.00
Mona BureauDe Change 86.50 87.80 1.30 117.50 121.50 4.00
Moneypoint Forex Bureau 86.00 87.00 1.00 116.00 122.00 6.00
Morgan Forex BureauLtd 87.00 87.50 0.50 119.50 120.50 1.00
Mustaqbal Forex Bureau 87.10 88.00 0.90 119.00 122.00 3.00
Nairobi Bureau Ltd 86.00 88.00 2.00 119.00 121.00 2.00
Nairobi Forex BureauLtd 87.10 87.40 0.30 119.60 120.30 0.70
UNIT TRUSTS 14/05/14
Motorolla targets enterprises with TC55 smartphone
A new mobile technology has been launched in the market to improve
efciency and reduce the costs incurred in business transactions. The TC55
launched by Motorola, will enhance collection of data and relaying the same
to the head ofce to enhance ease of communication and decision making
process. The accuracy of the data provided, besides the speed, will ensure
businesses perform their functions without any hindrance, said Head of
Enterprise Business Africa at Motorola, Claas Kuehnemann. He noted that
the device would provide enterprises the ability to get the right information.
Motorola country manager James Kamweti said pilot projects on the device
are going on in private companies as well as in Government ofces. The
ability of the device to withstand any harsh environment makes it ideal for
enterprises, he said during the launch in Nairobi.WINSLEY MASESE
31.00 21.00 Eaagads Ltd Ord 1.25 AIMS 29.50 29.75 1,200
132.00 80.00 Kakuzi Ltd Ord.5.00 132.00 120.00 2,000
167.00 110.00 Kapchorua Tea Co. Ltd Ord Ord 5.00 AIMS 144.00 144.00 1,800
670.00 450.00 The Limuru Tea Co. Ltd Ord 20.00 AIMS 670.00 -
30.00 19.40 Rea Vipingo Plantations Ltd Ord 5.00 27.50 -
19.95 11.25 Sasini Ltd Ord 1.00 16.90 16.70 2,400
350.00 210.00 Williamson Tea Kenya Ltd Ord 5.00 AIMS 280.00 287.00 100
50.00 21.00 Car & General (K) Ltd Ord 5.00 33.50 33.25 200
- - CMC Holdings Ltd Ord 0.50 13.50 -
13.50 9.00 Marshalls (E.A.) Ltd Ord 5.00 9.20 -
9.40 4.50 Sameer Africa Ltd Ord 5.00 8.75 9.00 287,000
19.15 15.00 Barclays Bank of Kenya Ltd Ord 0.50 17.00 16.95 1,513,900
155.00 54.00 CFC Stanbic of Kenya Holdings Ltd ord.5.00 142.00 148.00 340,900
248.00 141.00 Diamond Trust Bank Kenya Ltd Ord 4.00 236.00 236.00 10,400
42.25 29.50 Equity Bank Ltd Ord 0.50 39.75 40.25 11,443,800
42.50 22.00 Housing Finance Co.Kenya Ltd Ord 5.00 42.00 38.75 1,445,300
145.00 85.00 I&M Holdings Ltd Ord 1.00 128.00 128.00 30,000
51.00 35.50 Kenya Commercial Bank Ltd Ord 1.00 47.00 47.00 986,500
39.25 18.50 National Bank of Kenya Ltd Ord 5.00 32.00 31.50 41,900
68.00 48.50 NIC Bank Ltd Ord 5.00 60.00 60.00 1,064,100
340.00 271.00 Standard Chartered Bank Kenya Ord 5.00 309.00 308.00 4,800
25.00 14.50 The Co-operative Bank of Kenya Ord 1.00 22.50 23.50 1,412,500
5.10 3.40 Express Kenya Ltd Ord 5.00 AIMS 4.80 -
- - Hutchings Biemer Ltd Ord 5.00 20.25 -
14.70 8.30 Kenya Airways Ltd Ord 5.00 12.80 12.55 101,300
16.50 5.00 Longhorn Kenya Ltd Ord 1.00 AIMS 13.00 13.00 14,600
400.00 271.00 Nation Media Group Ltd Ord. 2.50 319.00 314.00 9,200
247.00 44.00 Scangroup Ltd Ord 1.00 47.50 48.75 2,600
39.00 24.50 Standard Group Ltd Ord 5.00 35.50 -
56.50 40.00 TPS Eastern Africa Ltd Ord 1.00 40.75 40.75 900
24.00 13.05 Uchumi Supermarket Ltd Ord 5.00 13.20 13.35 147,900
98.50 60.00 ARM Cement Ltd Ord 1.00 83.50 84.00 802,800
225.00 170.00 Bamburi Cement Ltd Ord 5.00 173.00 175.00 509,100
96.00 75.00 Crown Paints Kenya Ltd Ord 5.00 95.00 -
18.00 13.80 E.A.Cables Ltd Ord 0.50 14.75 14.80 3,600
110.00 56.50 E.A.Portland Cement Co. Ltd Ord 5.00 92.50 93.50 2,700
17.90 10.00 KenGen Co. Ltd Ord. 2.50 11.05 11.15 336,900
11.80 7.90 KenolKobil Ltd Ord 0.05 8.50 8.60 19,492,100
20.75 13.50 Kenya Power & Lighting Co Ltd Ord 2.50 14.85 14.80 154,800
- - Kenya Power & Lighting Ltd 4% Pref 20.00 8.00
5.50 5.50 Kenya Power & Lighting Ltd 7% Pref 20.00 5.50
28.75 12.65 Total Kenya Ltd Ord 5.00 26.00 25.00 17,700
13.00 13.00 Umeme Ltd Ord 0.50 13.00
20.00 7.30 British-American Investments Co. Ord 0.10 17.80 17.75 137,300
12.20 4.20 CIC Insurance Group Ltd Ord.1.00 11.15 11.20 698,500
330.00 217.00 Jubilee Holdings Ltd Ord 5.00 326.00 321.00 26,700
21.00 13.10 Kenya Re Insurance Corporation Ord 2.50 19.95 19.95 1,087,900
23.00 9.20 Liberty Kenya Holdings Ltd Ord.1.00 20.00 20.00 189,000
145.00 51.50 Pan Africa Insurance Holdings Ltd Ord 5.00 126.00 127.00 29,000
41.00 17.05 Centum Investment Co Ltd Ord 0.50 40.00 39.00 141,200
6.00 3.50 Olympia Capital Holdings Ltd Ord 5.00 4.70 4.70 3,100
37.75 20.00 Trans-Century Ltd Ord 0.50 AIMS 22.75 23.75 15,000
- - A.Baumann & Co Ltd Ord 5.00 AIMS 11.10 -
190.00 100.00 B.O.C Kenya Ltd Ord 5.00 139.00 140.00 40,900
635.00 521.00 British American Tobacco Kenya Ord 10.00 600.00 600.00 3,000
67.50 30.50 Carbacid Investments Ltd Ord 1.00 33.00 33.75 21,700
426.00 212.00 East African Breweries Ltd Ord 2.00 300.00 301.00 934,000
4.00 1.90 Eveready East Africa Ltd Ord.1.00 3.75 3.90 69,700
8.60 4.40 Kenya Orchards Ltd Ord 5.00 AIMS 8.60 -
5.05 2.85 Mumias Sugar Co. Ltd Ord 2.00 3.10 3.10 679,000
27.50 14.00 Unga Group Ltd Ord 5.00 25.50 26.50 1,057,700
13.40 6.15 Safaricom Ltd Ord 0.05 12.60 12.60 21,422,100
25.00 4.40 Home Afrika Ltd Ord 1.00 5.20 5.25 6,709,70
TODAY IN BUSINESS / Page 57 Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
MONEY FUNDS Daily Yield E. A. Rate
British-American MoneyMarket Fund 8.43% 8.79%
CIC MoneyMarket Fund 9.59% 10.02%
GenCapHela Fund 12.25% 12.83%
Madison Asset MoneyMarket Fund 9.28% 9.69%
Old Mutual MoneyMarket Fund 6.35% 6.54%
CBA MoneyMarket Fund 5.89% 6.07%
British-American EquityFund 201.63 208.04
British-American Balanced Fund 191.65 197.25
British-American Bond Plus Fund 145.33 148.29
British-American Managed Retirement Fund 134.05 135.18
CIC Fixed Income Fund 9.19 9.42
CIC EquityFund 13.38 14.09
CIC Balanced Fund 13.07 13.68
GenCapEneza Fund 122.42 118.13
GenCapIman Fund 116.33 110.52
GenCapHazina Fund 118.85 114.69
GenCapHisa Fund 125.96 121.56
ICEA BONDFUND 99.55 100.56
ICEA EQUITY FUND 140.22 147.60
ICEA GROWTH FUND 140.52 147.92
Madison Asset Balanced Fund 69.75 73.59
Madison Asset EquityFund 57.71 61.27
Old Mutual EquityFund 377.79 404.79
Old Mutual Balanced Fund/Toboa 154.99 165.04
Old Mutual East Africa Fund 150.27 159.04
Old Mutual Bond Fund 102.39 104.82
Commercial Bank of Africa EquityFund 155.34 164.90
Co-op Bank soars as first
quarter profit jumps 7pc
Co-operative Bank MD Mr Gideon Muriuki.
It attributed the performance
to growing revenues from
banking transactions and
diversifed product offerings
Co-operative Bank of Kenya has announced
7.4 per cent growth in pre-tax prot for the three
months ended March 31.
The Groups prot before tax increased to
Sh3.47 billion from Sh3.23 billion recorded in a
similar period last year.
Managing Director Gideon Muriuki de-
scribed the performance as satisfactory under
the current economic conditions.
Muriuki attributed the banks improved per-
formance to growing revenues from banking
transactions and diversied product offerings.
The Bank has focused on sustainable growth
based on increased lending and higher transac-
tion-based income, he said.
He said the bank projects a sustainable
growth in earnings driven by increased invest-
ment in Information Communication Technol-
ogy (ICT) platform and by tapping into new
growth opportunities offered by the counties
and the region.
The Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) listed
bank has also announced a bonus issue of one
new ordinary share for every six ordinary shares
held (1:6) subject to shareholders and regulato-
ry approvals.
The move is part of efforts by the countrys
third largest bank by asset base to retain more
capital to fund its business growth.
Co-op Bank stock is currently trading at
around Sh24 per share on the NSE.
The bank, which started its operations in
South Sudan in September last year, is now fo-
cusing on Ethiopia and Uganda as the new
growth frontiers.
According to the Groups unaudited nancial
statements released yesterday total customer
deposits surged 15 per cent to Sh187.2 billion
from Sh162.2 billion in the previous period.
Loans and advances jumped 30 per cent to
154.6 billion from Sh119.1 billion. Shareholders
funds rose 28 per cent to Sh40.2 billion from
Sh31.5 billion mainly supported by the banks
sustainable earnings retention policy.
During the period under review, non-interest
income increased by 21 per cent to Sh2.7 billion
from Sh2.2 billion.
This was mainly due to fees and commis-
sions charged on various banking transactions
such as Automated Teller Machines (ATMs), per-
sonal and business banking, agency banking,
mobile banking, internet banking, letters of
credit and forex transactions.
Net interest income advanced by 11.7 per
cent to Sh4.8 billion from Sh4.3 billion. Fees and
commissions on loans and advances increased
37 per cent to Sh494.7 million from Sh361.5 mil-
lion. The total assets rose to Sh247.3 billion from
Sh205.3 billion.
Eight off-grid lighting (OGL) distributors
have received Sh90 million grant from Global
Village Energy Partnership (GVEP) to support
access to reliable and affordable energy.
The rms won in a competition seeking to
deliver nancial support to eligible distribu-
tors of modern off-grid lighting products in the
The rms are Hensolex, One Degree Solar,
Renewable Energy Ventures, Smart Solar Ke-
nya, Solataa, Sollatek electronics, SunnyMoney
Kenya and Mibawa Suppliers.
Launched in June last year, the grant com-
petition is funded by the Russian Federation
through the World Bank, and operated under
the Energy Small & Medium Enterprises
(ESME) Trust Fund.
The initiative supports local private entre-
preneurs invest in providing energy services in
remote, un-served or under-served regions.
This initiative forms part of GVEPs support
to Energy SME to accelerate the development
of commercial OGL markets in Kenya.
Communities that will benet most from
clean, sustainable energy solutions are those
with least access to these products, having to
pay high up-front capital costs, said Belinda
Mills, ESME Programme Manager.
Ms Mills added that the OGL grants ll this
gap by providing working capital to distribu-
tors, who in turn sell products through low-in-
terest credit to clients, while still being able to
replenish their stock.
Clients immediately benet from cheaper,
cleaner light sources whereas the distributor is
assured of short- and medium term cash ow,
she explained.
The OGL products mainly use solar energy
as a source of lighting and for mobile phone
charging, reducing overreliance on electricity
and kerosene lamps.
Speaking during a media breakfast at a Nai-
robi hotel yesterday, Eng Benson Mwakina, a
Senior Principal Superintending Engineer,
Ministry of Energy and Petroleum appreciated
Russian Federation through GVEP and the
SMES in helping ensure distribution of renew-
able off grid energy.
Eight rms receive Sh90m grant
to bring solar power to the poor
Page 58 / NOTICE Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
13 winners awards 33 runners-up awards
Winners from left to right: Jeckonia Otieno Okoth-Health Reporting- Print, Edmond Job Oduor-Tourism Reporting- TV, Kiundu Waweru-Children & Youth Affairs Reporting- Print, Moses Michira-
Business Reporting-Print, Mashirima Kapombe-Children & Youth Affairs Reporting- TV and Gender Reporting-TV, David Ohito- Free Press Kenya, David Kaigi-Children & Youth Affairs Reporting-
TV, Joseph Muchiri-Art &Culture Reporting-TV, Ferdinand Omondi-Tourism Reporting- TV, John Juma-Art &Culture Reporting-TV, (Not in picture) Victor Mwasi-Art &Culture Reporting-TV
Home of Talent
NOTICE / Page 59 Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
13 winners awards 33 runners-up awards
Winners from left to right: Jeckonia Otieno Okoth-Health Reporting- Print, Edmond Job Oduor-Tourism Reporting- TV, Kiundu Waweru-Children & Youth Affairs Reporting- Print, Moses Michira-
Business Reporting-Print, Mashirima Kapombe-Children & Youth Affairs Reporting- TV and Gender Reporting-TV, David Ohito- Free Press Kenya, David Kaigi-Children & Youth Affairs Reporting-
TV, Joseph Muchiri-Art &Culture Reporting-TV, Ferdinand Omondi-Tourism Reporting- TV, John Juma-Art &Culture Reporting-TV, (Not in picture) Victor Mwasi-Art &Culture Reporting-TV
Home of Talent
Page 60 / APPOINTMENTS Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
Duties and Responsibilities
The ofcer will be responsible to the H.E the Governor for:-
Preparing policy briefs on macroeconomic nancial and monetary
policy issues
Analyzing economic issues in close collaboration with state
departments responsible for nance and planning
Mobilizing resources to enhance the revenue base for the county
Contributing to the coordination of county governments relations
with bilateral and multilateral donors
Conducting and/or coordinating economic research on topics of
strategic interest to the governor
Brieng the Governor on a monthly or more regular basis on the
latest economic development and emerging issues.
Advising the Governor and the county committees on all aspects of
economics, nancial and scal policy
Attending to sectoral issues related to regional and international
Providing advice on trade, international economic and nancial market
policies including addressing the impact of the global nancial crisis
Providing policy advice on strategic and operational issues relating to
economic development
Undertaking any other assignments as may be directed by the
Requirements for Appointment
Be a Kenyan citizen
A Masters degree in Economics or related eld
A Bachelors degree in Economics.
Have knowledge experience and a distinguished career of not less
than ten(10) years in nance and economic planning and
Satisfy the requirement of chapter six of the constitution
Terms of Service: Contract
Duties and Responsibilities
Planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, and controlling and
Internal Audit Services;
Playing a key role in maintaining a strong control environment and
supporting initiatives that improve performance;
Undertaking capacity building for staff at the County level;
Establishing the risk based audit plans consistent with County
Developing leading capabilities in terms of resources, methodology
and technology; and
Communicating plans of engagement and resource requirements for
internal audit functions
Requirements for Appointment
Be a Kenyan Citizen
Be a holder of a Bachelor s degree in Business Administration,
Accounting, Finance, Finance or any other relevant eld from a
recognized university in Kenya.
A masters degree in the relevant area will be added advantage
Be a CPA or ACCA nalist
Be a member of ICPAK or relevant professional body
Be conversant with various nancial management computer
Demonstrate a thorough understanding of devolution, the county
development objectives and vision 2030
Have relevant knowledge and experience of not less than seven (7)
years in Public Service or the Private sector.
Satisfy the requirements of chapter six of the Constitution.
Terms of Service: Permanent and Pensionable
Duties and Responsibilities
Formulation, interpretation and implementation of human resource
management policy, procedures, rules and regulations as per the
CPSB proposals
Offering advice on Public Service regulations and guidelines, and
Human Resource Management Policies;
Personnel emolument, estimates and expenditure control
Administration of pension schemes , gratitudes, scheme of service
and approval of leave
Staff performance management and career development by
coordinating the implementation of Performance Appraisal Systems
and the Reward and Sanction Framework.
Managing staff insurance, salaries and salary advance.
Providing guidance in matters related to appointments and placement,
promotions and conrmation of staff.
Budget and Expenditure control for the Human Resource
Implementation of Advisory committee recommendations as regards
appointments, promotion, discipline
Management of Staff in Human Resource Department
Developing and implementing career and succession management
strategy, Human resource Planning and utilization of Human
Developing and managing the CPSB Human Resource Information
Initiating Development and review of Schemes of Service;
Requirements for Appointment
Be a Kenyan citizen
A Bachelors degree in Human Resource Management, Social
Sciences or related eld
A minimum of 7 years relevant experience 3 of which must be in
senior level management in public or private sector
Post graduate qualication in Human Resource Management
Be a member of the institute of Human Resource Management
Prociency in HR IT Systems
Demonstrate high degree of professional competence, administrative
capabilities and initiative in the general organization and management
of Human resources
Thorough understanding of Human Resources Management policies
and regulations.
An understanding of existing laws that impact on human resource.
Good administration, organization and analytical skills
Interpersonal and human resource management skills
Good written and verbal communication skills
Ability to multi-task, motivate and lead others
Terms of Service: Permanent and Pensionable
Duties and Responsibilities
Organizing Human Resource Audit inspection and preparation of
Audit reports;
Monitoring implementation of the Public Service Boards delegated
powers and overseeing follow up of implementation of the Boards
Investigating and reporting on Human Resource Management
complaints and carrying out ad hoc investigations on issues that
require urgent attention from the Board
Preparing reports for discipline committee and agenda for the Board
Offering guidance and supervision to the ofcers below him/ her
Requirements for Appointment
Be a Kenyan citizen
Be a holder of a Bachelors degree in Social Sciences from a university
recognized in Kenya
Should have served for at least 5 years in the eld of Human Resource
Management, 2 of which at Managerial level
Prociency in computer applications and Human Resource IT
Excellent report writing skills and writing of minutes
Ability to generate new ideas for performance improvement and
Ability to work under minimum supervision
Demonstrate high degree of professional competence, administrative
capabilities and initiative in the management of Human Resource
Management Function
Must be registered by the Institute of Human Resource
Terms of Service: Permanent and Pensionable
Duties and Responsibilities
Provide leadership, vision and management to the ICT department
Assess and respond to ICT needs of the County
Mange ICT
Advising the County on ICT matters
Sourcing and mobilizing resources for ICT projects
Formulating operational policies and guidelines on the utilization of
ICT resources
Oversee the development, design, and implementation of new
applications and changes to existing computer systems and software
Be responsible for the ordering, acquisition, inventorying and
disposition of computer hardware and software;
Serve as primary contact with outside vendors in the generation of
RFPs, bids, contracts
Vendor interactions, systems operations and maintenance
Maintain the integrity and continual operation of ICT network
including the wireless networks
Maintain security and privacy of the information systems,
communication lines and equipment;
Develop, review and certify all back-up and disaster recovery
procedures and plans;
Requirements for Appointment
Be a Kenyan citizen
Be a holder of a rst degree in Computer Science or Information
Technology from a university recognized in Kenya
At least ve (5) years experience in technical operations management
and / or an equivalent combination of training and experience with at
least ve (3) years as an ICT leader in a dynamic environment
Broad knowledge of Information Technology Processing Systems,
concepts and methodologies;
Ability to interpret an extensive variety of technical instructions in
mathematics or diagram form and deal with several abstract and
concrete variables
Satisfy the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution
Terms of Service: Permanent and Pensionable
All applications should be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked
on the left side the position you are applying and addressed to:
Important information to all candidates:
The application should reach the Chairperson County Public Service 1)
Board on or before Friday, 30th May, 2014.
Hand delivered applications should be submitted to the County 2)
Public Service Board ofces on 2
Floor of the County Government
ofces next to the Ministry of Energy along Hospital Road (1 Km from
Farmview Hotel)
Any applicant already interviewed for the above positions need 3) NOT
Applications should be accompanied with copies of the National 4)
Identity Cards, Academic and Professional Certicates and other
Short listed candidates shall be required to produce their original 5)
National Identity Cards, Academic and Professional Certicates and
Candidates interested in the above positions 6) MUST have the following
A a) VALID certicate of Good Conduct from the Criminal Investigation
Department (CID)
A b) VALID clearance certicate from the Higher Education Loans Board
A c) VALID Tax Compliance Certicate from the Kenya Revenue Authority
A d) VALID Certicate from Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission
We refer to the following:
Advertisement for the positions of Head of Treasury Audit, Principal Human Resource Ofcer, Chief Human Resource Ofcer, Ofcer, Chief ICT Ofcer and Economic Advisor (Ofce of the Governor) in the Standard Newspaper 1.
on 23
December, 2013.
Advertisement for the positions of Head of Treasury Audit, Principal Human Resource Ofcer, Chief Human Resource Ofcer, Ofcer, Chief ICT Ofcer and Economic Advisor (Ofce of the Governor) in the Daily Nation on 24 2.

December, 2013.
The County Government of Busia wishes to recruit competent and qualied candidates to ll the following vacant positions:

Keep being fred?
Break the cycle
Career tips
Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
Do not allow your
career to hit brick
walls be proactive in
correcting the ills that
are causing you to lose
job after job
If you keep being laid off, it is important to gure out what you are doing wrong and correct it.
is required is a serious face off with
reality and some drastic corrective
If you have been red at least
once, you need a serious self-exam-
ination followed by immediate re-
medial measures to ensure your
chances of losing a job again are
To start with, you must nd out
why you got your job in the rst
place. Was it just to make money or
did you intend to build it into a ca-
Your reasons for getting a job
must be long term. Short-term pur-
suits tend to expire quickly, leading
In todays competitive world, get-
ting a good job takes a great deal of
hard work. In addition, people have
to work even harder to keep this job
once its found.
As a result, having a stable job is
now considered a career milestone
that makes one attractive to other
employers on the job market.
Some people, however, nd it dif-
cult to hold on to a job. Take Den-
nis, for example. He recently lost his
fourth job in three years and cannot
gure out how he found himself in
such an infamous predicament. Un-
able to handle more rejection, he has
sworn never to look for another job.
Many careers have been prema-
turely terminated by situations like
Dennis. However, your career does
not need to hit a brick wall. All that
If you have been fred
at least once, you need a
serious self-examination
followed by immediate
remedial measures to ensure
your chances of losing a
job again are minimised.
grumpy when others are promoted
and they begin to undermine them.
We cannot exhaust the ills that
cause frequent sackings. However,
one thing is clear: they can easily be
identied and rectied, and you do
not need to be destined to a career-
less existence.
The self-examination must, there-
fore, be a serious, life-changing af-
fair. Where possible, seek profession-
al help. Remember, this is your career
we are talking about. Getting red
once is bad enough, but getting the
sack frequently is unacceptable.
The writer is a human resource spe-
cialist with Peoplelink Consultants.
Five ways to take control of your time
Too many employees waste valu-
able company time discussing
mundane matters that have no
bearing on how well they discharge
their duties.
How often are you kept waiting
in reception areas as a receptionist
nishes a social conversation on
the phone? Have you encountered
front ofce staff giggling over social
media photos as you, the customer
or client, are ignored?
Many of us take time for granted.
However, there is a reason so many
books are dedicated to managing it.
Time is a valuable resource, and if
prioritised, can make a huge differ-
ence to a companys protability.
Good time management simply
means accomplishing what is most
important. Many employees rob
employers of their time by using it
to accomplish non-priority items,
such as updating statuses or dis-
cussing who is wearing what.
I keep track of my social plat-
forms while at work because it is the
only free time I have. When I get
home, Im preoccupied with house
chores, and anyway, the stresses of
the job mean I get home late and
have little time to be social, said
Jane, an employee who asked that
her last name not be used to protect
her identity.
However, when you are em-
ployed, work is your priority, not so-
cial media. A wasted workday is a
great loss and is irretrievable.
To be more effective at work, and
even at home, you need to learn to
be time conscious.
The following tips should help
you develop the self-discipline to
prioritise your tasks.
First, plan your day. Decide
when a certain job will begin and
when it will end. Avoid open-ended
deadlines as these create the illu-
sion that you have more time than
you actually do.
Operating on such a schedule
will actually help you do more with
your day, despite how rigid and for-
mal the idea sounds. It can help you
create time for your family, for lei-
sure and for studies.
Unplanned circumstances may
force a change in your programme,
but in such instances, retain what
you consider most important and
weed out tasks you can postpone.
Second, keep a daily journal to
track what you do with your time.
This will help you see what detracts
from your productivity and at what
times of the day.
Third, use biological rhythms to
your advantage. Figure out what
times of the day you are most alert,
and use those hours to do your
most pressing tasks. Do not sched-
ule demanding duties for early
morning if you are more alert after
lunch as you will be unable to con-
centrate and will likely keep looking
for excuses to put off the work.
Fourth, use your waiting time ef-
fectively. Keep a notebook with you
that you can sh out to jot down in-
vestment ideas, amend daily sched-
ules or write down shopping lists.
This will help kill the boredom as
you wait to be seen, and it makes
productive use of your time.
Lastly, optimise your work envi-
ronment. Ensure everything you re-
quire to complete a task is at arms
length to minimise disruptions.
to disillusionment and increasing
your risk of being laid off.
You should also examine your be-
liefs and value system, and ensure
they are supportive of your career.
As much as possible, look for a
job in your area of training. There is
a higher risk of underperformance
that could get you red if you nd
employment outside your area of ex-
Other people simply lose their
jobs because they have adopted the
victim mentality. Such people be-
lieve they are being unfairly targeted,
even when they have made a mis-
Inevitably, they become victims.
Irrespective of your background, you
will have to work hard to build a ca-
Still others will lose their jobs due
to laziness. Such people work hard to
get a job and immediately stop work-
ing once they get it. They forget that
they are paid and retained for the
services they offer to the employer,
and not for their mere presence.
Some, like Dennis, are too con-
sumed by selsh interests to take
care of the job even as it takes care of
them. They forget that they have to
work with others for the benet of
the entire company, and their desire
to shine often sees them jeopardise
their colleagues work. They get
your work
Ensure everything
you require to
complete a task is
at arms length.
Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard Page 62 / TODAY IN BUSINESS
Values help
you make clear
choices with clear
goals. They defne
what drives you.
Professional bodies need to work with institutions of higher learning to
shape students curriculum and ensure they are ready for the job market.
The rst phase of the construc-
tion of the standard gauge railway
line will create over 30,000 jobs for
Kenyans, the projects contractor
has said.
China Road and Bridge Corpora-
tion (CRBC), which is building the
railway line between Mombasa and
Nairobi, added that the project
would also offer crucial technology
The Sh327 billion SGR project,
billed as one of the largest infra-
structure project ever undertaken
in Kenya, is also expected to create
13,000 new indirect jobs, largely
through local rms that will supply
various inputs and services.
How Kenya can build skilled workforce Why self-assessment is
critical in career planning
A series of recent reports have
shown that human capital has the
power to either push forward or
constrain Kenyas growth.
This week, Ernst and Young re-
leased a survey that found Kenyan
workers do not have the required
skilled manpower to take up the
top-most positions in most local or-
These forces rms to import
skilled labour from countries
around the world.
To reverse this trend, Ms Celes-
tine Munda, who heads the East Re-
gion advisory services at Ernst and
Young, said professional bodies
must work together with institu-
tions of higher learning to shape the
curriculum students follow to en-
sure they are ready for the job mar-
The active participation of
stakeholders will help local institu-
tions understand where the indus-
try is going and shape the focus.
Most of these institutions do not
know what is happening in the mar-
ket, she said.
Ms Munda said professional
bodies in the country are responsi-
ble for managing and regulating
their respective industries, so they
must ensure they do not end up
Effective career planning involves
critical decision-making, which
makes a self-assessment one of the
most important steps you can take.
When done well, this assessment
can help you identify the career op-
tions most suitable for you.
The self-assessment process re-
quires you to understand yourself
before you start exploring careers
and jobs that you would nd satisfy-
The rst key step is identifying
your interests. What activities do you
enjoy most? What kind of people do
you like working with? What are you
interested in doing?
Second, establish your skills. with sub-standard professionals.
The Government is also a key
stakeholder, she added, since each
ministry oversees a certain cadre of
professionals in the country and is
responsible for directing them.
Ministries can come up with
some form of formal opportunities
to build skills and talents among
their own. For instance, they can
come up with formal internship op-
portunities for students who are in
their semi-nal year of their college
or university education to nurture
and grow their talent.
Munda added that the Govern-
ment should consider increasing
the number of training colleges and
technical institutions as they play a
major role in developing quality
professionals who meet market
It is estimated that African
growth has the potential to create
between 54 and 72 million jobs by
2020, which will require six million
extra managers. If Kenya is to take
advantage of this opportunity, it
must work towards improving skills
of its workforce.
Our aim is
to build a critical
mass of bankable
personnel with
the requisite skills
to construct,
maintain and
operate a modern
railway service
in Kenya.
Every kilometre of the
standard gauge railway
line is expected to
generate 60 jobs
tens of thousands of white and
blue collar jobs.
According to Transport ministry
estimates, the project, which will
construct 609km of railway track in
the rst phase, is expected to gen-
erate at least 60 new jobs per kilo-
metre of track.
It will use up huge quantities of
locally manufactured inputs such
We will, as much as possible,
source for inputs from local suppli-
ers. We are here to create opportu-
nities and jobs for Kenyans, and not
to take away the same to China,
said Mr Julius Li, CRBCs liaison and
corporate affairs manager.
Transport and Infrastructure
Cabinet Secretary Michael Kamau
also expects the project to create
as steel, cement, ballast, electricity
transmission pylons and cables,
roong materials and glass, which
is expected to create 10,000 new
A further 3,000 positions are ex-
pected to be created through rms
that will be tapped to supply the
contractor and its employees with
services such as catering and ac-
Kenyas existing metre-gauge
railway line was built 100 years ago,
and the country lacks personnel
with hands-on expertise in modern
railway-track construction. China
on the other hand, is among global
leaders in modern rail technology.
The SGR project is expected to
be a major avenue for technology
transfer and knowledge sharing be-
tween the two countries.
Where there is local capacity,
we shall mobilise it for the optimal
realisation of the project. Where it
is absent, we shall create it through
a deliberate focus on training and
technology transfer to Kenyan
workers. Our aim is to build a criti-
cal mass of bankable personnel
with the requisite skills to construct,
maintain and operate a modern
railway service in this country, Mr
Li told The Standard.
The Government estimates 400
engineers and high-level techni-
cians will benet from the technol-
ogy transfer opportunity.
Another 15,000 workers, includ-
ing cadres such as masons, carpen-
ters, mechanics and electricians,
will get an opportunity to gain valu-
able skills that will make them em-
ployable even after the project is
What are your most outstanding
abilities? What are your strengths
and weaknesses? Knowing your
transferable skills is also useful as
this means you can utilise them suc-
cessfully in a variety of jobs. An ex-
ample of a transferable skill is com-
Next, establish your personality
as this will inuence your career
choice. If you are shy and introvert-
ed, it may be difcult for you to
thrive in an environment that re-
quires a lot of public speaking.
Finally, know your values. These
are principles or qualities you nd
desirable. Values help you make
clear choices with clear goals. They
are your convictions, your beliefs
and dene what drives you. Which
work environment makes you com-
fortable? What expectations do you
have of a given career? What activi-
ties do you nd most fullling?
Ultimately, doing a good self-as-
sessment is important in helping
you to make an educated career de-
cision. However, be open-minded
and do not disregard a career before
you evaluate yourself.
After thorough self-assessment,
you can begin to systematically
gather information that corre-
sponds to your career options.
Rail project to create 30,000
new jobs, says Chinese frm
Page 63 Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
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auto, iridium silver with black
leather, full option with every
slk extra, very well kept car -
0728-771777 - www.aristocars.
ME R C E D E S C 1 8 0
KOMPRESSOR SE, 2008, auto,
metallic obsidian black with
black fabric interior, clean car,
not used locally - 0728-771777
3.2V6, 2006, metallic crystal
silver with grey leather, wood
steering, side steps, very clean
car! not used locally!! 0728-
771777 -
RENAULT factory bui l t
ambulance, 2006, diesel, long
wheel base and high roof -
4WD, black, unused, 2.5m.
Cal l 020-2225653, 0722-
318102, 0722-840827 www.
silver, unused, 1.525m. Call
020-2225653, 0722-318102,
0722-840827 www. cheki .
2007, TOYOTA 4 lt, dark
grey, unused, 4.1m. Call. 020-
2225653, 0787904988, 0722-
318102, 0722-840827. www.
SPORTS, black, 5.1m. Call.
020-2225653, 0787904988,
0 7 2 2 - 3 1 8 1 0 2 , 0 7 2 2 -
840827. www. cheki . co. ke/
2007 MERCDES E250
x- J apan, unused, green,
3.5m. Call. 020-2225653,
0787904988, 0722-318102,
0722-840827. www. cheki .
2007 MIT. PAJERO 2. 8
diesel, 4wd, 7 seater, manual
local, 1.5m. Call. 020-2225653,
0787904988, 0722-318102,
0722-840827. www. cheki .
Aug Petrol Engine 2700cc vvti
leather seats sunroof hid lights
genuine low mileage new tyres
other choices available tel
06/07 KBX/KBY very clean
cars choice of 3 Call: 0722-
149 791
E280/E250, petrol engine,
very clean, leather interior,
full specs, choice of 3. Call
0722-149 791.
2006 model, 2.7cc diesel, black,
ivory leather interior, genuine
mileage, very clean, good price.
Call: 0722-149791
20FT@KSH.230,000 AND 40FT@
KSH 350,000 CALL;0728-866664,
FIELD / Farm Sprayers
(On Highseas Sale) 1.300 Lt
100K 2.300 lT 140K 3.400
Lt 190K 4.500 Lt 200K
5.600 Lt 210K 6 800 lt
220K 7.600 Lt 475K 8 800
Lt 530K 9 Trailed 1000K Lt
550K 10.Trailed 2000K Lt
700K Numaan Traktor And
Farm Machi nery Li mi ted
0716555095 www. ol x.
TOYOTA Alphard year 2005
KBS 8seater accident free very
clean. Call 0722-149 791.
SINCE 1962: Made i n
Taiwan, 245/70R16 - 14,355
/=, 265/70R16 - 12,632/=,
265/ 75R16 - 15, 950/ =,
LT265/75R16 - 17, 312/=,
225/ 45R17 - 12, 122, / =
215/55R17 - 11,803, 225/65R17
- 12,760/=, 265/65R18- 20,416,
LT225/ 75R16- 15, 312/ =,
225/45ZR18-13,717/=, free
change, free balancing and
f ree al i gnment. Contact
020-2177244, 0716825276
& 0734347336 Email:info@
SINCE 1962: Made i n
Taiwan,185/70R13 - 4,785/=,
185/70R14 - 5,104/=,195/65R15
- 5, 742/ =, 205/ 65R15-
6 , 3 8 0/ =, LT2 3 5/ 7 5R1 5
- 12,441/=, LT31*10.5R15-
14,993/=, 205/55R16-7,975/=,
P225/ 70R16- 9, 889/ = P,
265/65R17-14,036/=, free
change, free balancing and
f ree al i gnment. Contact
020-2177244, 0716825276
& 0734347336 Email:info@
ME R C E D E S C 1 8 0
Kompressor, Oct 2006,
E x c e l l e n t c o n d i t i o n ,
Automati c, si l ver, Bl ack
leather interior, not used
locally, quick sale, Ksh 1.5m,
Tel 0701571534
LEXUS RX300, New
Import, sky blue, panoramic
roof, Leather, 2.69m Neg,
MERC ML320, Diesel, Black,
Half-Leather, choice of 2 from
3.7m, 0722722817
SUBARU L e g a c y GT
s p o r t s . K B K , 2 0 0 3 .
Tiptronic v. fast, GT specs.
exel l ent cond. 17 ri ms,
l ow prof i l e ti res, tuned
performance, momo steer,
proracer Exhaust , bl ack
metal i c fi ni sh. +295bhp. E
tune -system. step 2 turbo.
Bl i s t ei n s hoc ks . mi nt
condition inside out. quick
sale. 695k. 0723013837
Hotline Number: 0719-012-555 or Email:
SEED oil pressing machine
presses raw vegetable seeds
to produce cooki ng oi l .
available in 3 sizes. 0733-
785137, 0706-014470, 020-
TRACK ur cheating spouses www.
TILLEY-Katrina. Your life was a bless-
ing. Your memory a treasure. You
are loved beyond words and missed
beyond measure. Mummyxx.
Dama Brands 2 Disc 130K
3 Disc 170K 4 Disc,250K 5
Disc 300K Nardi L/D 250K
H/D 300k 3 Disc 0716555095.
( Noman Tractor And Farm
Equipments Ltd )
RITAVATORS/Rotary Tillers
(Shaktiman Brand) 1.48 Blades
Ksh 450,000/= 2.54 Blades
Ksh 500,000/= 3.60 Blades
Ksh 550,000/= Cell Phone
AT SENIORS from Kshs 6,000/= all
branches. 0707299880, 0729461713
BEAUTIFUL dancers 2nite @ Club
Elegance, Parklands Rd next to Shell
opp MP Shah Hosp. Buy one beer
get one free.
BUY 1 beer get 1 free only @ Apple
Bees Club. Her girlfriends 2nite.
PARTY 2nite. She is an Italian ce-
lebrity@ Club Caldino, 3rd Flr, Chi-
na Centre, Ngong Rd. Buy one beer
get one free.
RANGE Sport, 07 & 06, black,
v.clean, trade in ok frm 4.3m. 0722-
RAV4s, 02, 960k; 04, 995k; NZE,
04, 760k. 0715-593037.
CAR track @ 10k. 0723-022426.
SETLAK galvanised exhaust, 2 yrs
written guarantee tted as-u-have
drinks. 552265, 0722-527924.
AIRPORT casuals F4s 36k pm.SMS
ur phone no. 0729041366
YOGHURT Co r q wor ker s
WE repair all leaking tanks. Call
CHESKA: Argwings, 3br apt, 2 en-
sut, P: 17m.
CHESKA: Riara, 3br apt, ensut, P:
14.5m o.n.o.
MADARAKA Nairobi, old flats,
ground oor, Peter Lango 0722-
2BR ats with borehole, generator
and lift on East Church Rd for rent.
Call 0728-111998.
4x4 SHOP Est bypass Utawala.
A ONE bedroom furnished at, se-
cure near museum, owner. 0731-
AT SOUTH B, 1br studios & bedsit-
ters. 0714-538594, 0720-451423.
BROOKSIDE, 4br m/net + 2 sq, 110k.
CHESKA: 4441983/7326/0722-
908214/0737-908213. Kili, 3br apt,
ensuit, pl.
CHESKA: Buru P5, 3br mais, R:
CHESKA: Karen, 5br, d/storey hse,
R: 300k.
CHESKA: Kile, 3br apt, ensut, pl,
R. 65k.
CHESKA: Langata, 2-3br apt, R:
CHESKA: Msa Rd, 2-3br apt, en-
sut, 28-35k.
CHESKA: R/side, 3br colonial hse,
separate g/hse, m/ensuite, lawn,
gdn, R: 300k.
CHESKA: R/side, 3br excl apt, all en-
sut, sq, pool/gym/generator/lift.
IMARA Daima, 2br, 27k. 0722-
KILE, 1, 2,3 & 4, let/sale. 0720-
770417, 0739-265507, 0722-580785,
LVNTON, 2bdr, sq, un/furn, new,
75k/125, George. 0721-419221,
MBS Rd, 3br, rent 32k. 0724-
MSA Rd near JKIA, 3brms apt let.
0724-519460, 0722-580785, 0720-
NEW Kitisuru, new 5brm hse, all en-
suite. Tel. 0720-813178.
PANGANI, 2 & 3 brms, let/sale.
0720-770417, 0739-265507, 0722-
RIARA Rd, 3br, sq apt, 90k. 0716-
SERVICED apts. Free wi. No water/
elec outages. 0722-344778. www.
SOUTH C, bungalows to let, 4br
+ sq @ 60k pm & 2br @ 45k pm.
THIKA bedsitters (executive) with
wardrobe, kitchenett tiles & hotwa-
ter 0722877310, 0727509430.
V/ACADE, 2br + sq apt, 70k. 0703-
UMOJA ats wanted @ 15m. 0716-
1.2 ACRE, Ngara near Stima Pla-
za on 3 roads, 350m ono. 0722-
GITANGA Rd 46, ac. 0788-
KAREN 1/2ac 0722430159.
KAWANGWARE Ngina Rd ac 8m.
KENOL Makuyu, 200 ac @ 3.5m;
Juja, 5ac @ 5.5m; Isinya, 40ac @
1.7m; Starehe Girls on sewer, 1/2ac
@ 25m; Gatundu, 2.3ac, 50m. 0712-
849007, 0721-683199.
KIBAGARE, 1 ac res. 0722-716225.
KILELESHWA, plt o/sewer. 0716-
KISUMU, Riat Hills 2 acres next to
Raila Foundation Asking 14m owner
LAVINGTON, 1 acre plot in a prime
location for sale. Call 0723-111998.
NYARI, 1/2 ac, 25m-35m ono. 0722-
ORTURUTU Kajiado, 38 acs. 0722-
WESTLAND, 1 acr, 100m. 0788-
WOTE Makueni, commercial plots,
on tarmac. 0716-754635.
GODOWNS 5-10,000sf Msa Rd. 0722-
MSA Rd, godown, 3000-9000 sq
ft, 160-300k. 0722-397114, 0733-
GODOWNS, Msa Rd, sale/let.
0722-580785, 0720-770417, 0739-
STRESS/emotions/lifestyle help.
5 BEDROOM house all master
Karen Plains with sq under 0.6
of an acre going for 50m cll.
BALOZI (Muthaiga), 4br + dsq.
CHESKA: 4441983/7326/0722-
908214/0737-908214. Buru Ph 4,
maisone, 4br, P: 9m.
Page 65 Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
To get a copy, call:
Geraldine - 0738 144 091
7 Pages of
Blogs, archives, reader
forums and more:
NBA: Canadas Routley
captures breakaway win
Will Routley claimed stage
four of the Tour of California
Wednesday but the Canadian
rider couldnt catch former
Tour de France winner Bradley
Wiggins, who comfortably
held onto the yellow jersey.
Routley (Optum) outsprinted
ve breakaway challengers to
complete the 116-kilometre stage
in three hours, 48 minutes and
37 seconds. Gregory Daniel was
second and Kevin De Mesmaeker
nished third. You know you
can win but you can make a
mistake so easily, said Routley,
of the Canadian resort town of
Whistler, British Columbia.
FOOTBALL: Kiambu Cup
second round begins
Second round of the Kiambu
County football championship
kicks off tomorrow with the 120
teams that successfully battled
at the Ward level expected to
participate. The weekends rst
leg xtures will take place in
all the 12 sub-counties where
teams will contend for tickets to
proceed to the third round and
the winning team will be picked
as the County team. From the
120 teams, only 24 (two from
each sub-county) will proceed
to the third round, then to the
nals. County secretary for
Sports and Youth Affairs Machel
Waikenda said the best players
are being scouted to be enrolled
in the football academy.
Erick Wainaina
NBA: Spurs polish off
Blazers in ve games
Kawhi Leonard had 22 points
and seven rebounds as the San
Antonio Spurs advanced to the
Western Conference nal with
a dominating 104-82 win over
Portland on Wednesday. Danny
Green scored 22 points and
Tim Duncan added 16 points
with eight rebounds to help the
Spurs win the series over the
Trail Blazers four games to one
and reach their third straight
conference nal. Duncan said
the Spurs are starting to come
together at the right time. We
got to the point now where we
understand how we need to play
for a longer period of time.
Friday, May 16, 2014
Hosts Thogoto were dom-
inant on day one as they
won most events during the
Kenya Teachers Colleges
Sports Association Metro-
politan Region Games yes-
Mercy Kiptanui, a rst-
year student at Thogoto,
gave home fans something
to celebrate about after she
won the 10,000m womens
race to put the defending
champions on track to re-
tain the overall title.
Kiptanui, a 19-year-old
former student at St Agatha
Mokwo High clocked
44:05.28 to win the race un-
der a cool morning weather
at Thogoto.
She relegated college-
mate Norah Kiprono to the
second position with a time
of 44:08.23 while Fridah Ka-
remi of Kitui (45:28.34) and
Gakii Thine of Narok
(46:10.80) nished third and
fourth during the opening
event for the games. Juliet
Koech of Narok clocked
47:27. 56 seconds to wrap up
the top-ve positions.
Kiptanui said she expect-
ed to win the race since she
had trained well for the
games. Running has been
my lifestyle because I start-
ed the game since I was a
primary school pupil at
Kombatich in Elgeyo Marak-
wet, she said.
Im happy to have won
and I expect to win again the
Nationals at Kagumo next
week, she said.
Crispus Chebii handed
Thogoto more points after
he romped home rst in the
5,000m men in 14:45.60. He
was followed by Danson
Kayiok of Machakos who
clocked 15:28.57 and Chris-
topher Kakuko also of
Thogoto in 15:41.04.
Kituis Sergon Andrew
won high jump men after he
recorded 172.5cm followed
in second place by Moses
Mwendwa of Mwingi
(170.0cm) and Dennis Kip-
suge of Thogoto (165.0cm).
In rugby Sevens, Kitui
won their opening two
matches to stand a better
chance of clinching the ti-
Kitui deed the partisan
cheering home crowd to
beat Thogoto 15-0 and went
ahead to achieve their sec-
ond 13-5 victory against
In other matches, Thogo-
to beat Narok 29-0 while
Machakos defeated Narok
31-5. The games are also fea-
turing Paralympic disci-
plines both in track and eld
During the opening cer-
emony, chief guest Reverend
Kogo urged the athletes to
appreciate the objective of
the event and compete in an
atmosphere of friendliness,
fairness and honesty.
Let us see these activi-
ties not as a venue for win-
ning trophies but also as an
opportunity to share experi-
ences, compare notes, learn
from one another, make new
friends while retaining the
old ones and compete in a
healthy atmosphere as col-
leagues and partners in pro-
moting sporting activities in
Kenya, Kogo said in his key
speech during the opening
Host Principal Naomi
Kimotho said: I would like
to wish the competitors se-
lected to represent the zone
in the National Champion-
ships at Kagumo all the best.
Bring home as many tro-
phies as possible and give
Metropolitan zone a good
Metropolitan chairman
Stephen Nalelia who is also
the principal of Machakos
College encouraged partici-
pants including ofcials and
athletes to maintain a high
degree of discipline and pro-
fessionalism throughout the
meet. The games that draw
to a close today will be used
to select a team to represent
the region in the forthcom-
ing Nationals.
The theme of the games
is Sports for National Inte-
gration and Cohesion.

Kiptanui destroys eld to win 10,000m as teachers games begin
Peter Kosgei of Thogoto TTC races in
long jump during Teachers Colleges
Sports Association Metropolitan Region
Games at Thogoto, yesterday. [PHOTO:
More upcoming boxers in
Nairobi County will have a
chance to pursue their ca-
reers following the countys
efforts to build sports infra-
This was disclosed yes-
terday when the county,
handed over the Robert
Wangila boxing ring to Ke-
nya Professional Boxing
Commission chairman Reu-
ben Ndolo at Nairobis Pum-
wani Social Hall.
During the event presid-
ed over by Nairobi Deputy
County Governor Jonathan
Mueke who stressed the
countys commitment to
promoting sports.
Ndolo said he will reno-
vate all social halls to im-
prove the standards of box-
ing in the country.
This is good for boxing.
We are starting to feel the
fruits of good management.
It will go along way to im-
prove the standards of box-
ing. With all social halls in
Nairobi getting a facelift and
boxing rings, it will be a bo-
nus to the County govern-
ment of Nairobi.
I want more boxers to
come out and help us re-
vamp the sport. We will or-
ganise more bouts to give
them the opportunity to uti-
lise their talents to generate
income to the youth in Nai-
robi, said Ndolo, who is also
the former Commonwealth
Boxing Council President.
Meanwhile, The Zambian
National Boxing Federation
presents two national teams
against their Kenyan coun-
terparts in separate interna-
tional friendly assignments
ahead of Commonwealth
Games and World Youth
The Central Africans take
on The Hit Squad at Madi-
son Square Garden in Naku-
ru on May 31.
Boxing Association of Ke-
nya President John Kameta
said it would be the second
crucial tournament the fed-
eration is involving the Na-
tional Boxing Team after a
successful trip in the Lion
International Boxing Cham-
pionships in Colombo, last
For three days, Nyeri will be
the meeting point for some of
the brightest volleyball stars in
Africa as Ruringu Stadium
hosts the third leg of the Na-
tional league-cum-Governor
Gachagua Cup tournament
starting tomorrow.
The National mens league
match pitting champions Gen-
eral Service Unit (GSU) and
leaders Kenya Defence Force
(KDF) highlights the contest.
A meeting between the two
clubs at any competition al-
ways attracts mammoth crowd
who are assured of high octane
The recent meeting between
the two sides was during the
Mutai Enterprises Cup tourna-
ment last month.
The match was disrupted by
rain in the third set with the Lai-
kipia-based airmen leading 2-1
KDF team manager Alfred
Chedotum predicted that the
match would be tough consid-
ering that each team would be
chasing own goals.
KDF are currently at the
top of the league and would
want to maintain the lead as
they ght to advance to the
play-offs as league leaders, he
KDF are atop the league
with maximum nine points
while GSU and Kenya Prisons
tie in second position with three
points apiece.
Chedotum revealed that he
has made changes to his squad
bringing in John Wangila to re-
place injured Joseph Kabati.
Kabati was injured during
the Mutai Enterprises Cup tour-
nament nal match against the
paramilitary men.
My team has suffered slight
setback with the absence of Ka-
bati but Im happy Wangila who
has completed a military
course, he said.
GSU manager Tobias Wafula
concurred that their meeting
with KDF will be a tough one as
he said: Any meeting between
the two teams promises re-
works and the Nyeri match-up
will not be exceptional. My
players will play better than
how they did in Kericho, he s.
The players have now mas-
tered how to play on outdoor
courts and I hope they will win
all their matches in Nyeri, he
The National womens
league will be full house follow-
ing return of bigwigs Kenya
Prisons and Pipeline from re-
cent African Club Champion-
ships in Tunisia.
But Nyeri fans will not wit-
ness the two big teams in league
action as they are not drawn
against each other on this occa-
Prisons and Pipeline can
only clash in Governor Gacha-
gua Cup tournament, and that
is if the draw allows.
Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard FEVERPITCH / Page 67

CONGO: DRC stampede
stadium to host CAF game
The Kinshasa stadium where
15 spectators died last Sunday
in a stampede will host a CAF
Champions League group match
this weekend. A Confederation of
African Football (CAF) statement
said the Group A matchday 1
xture between local club Vita
and Egyptians Zamalek would
go ahead Sunday before 5,000
spectators. Stade Tata Raphael in
the Democratic Republic of Congo
capital ofcially accommodates
30,000 people. Zamalek wanted
the clash of former African
champions moved out of the
vast central African country
after a tragedy which left dozens
ABUJA: Vin Enyeama
thrilled by award
Vincent Enyeama has spoken of
his great pride at becoming the
rst goalkeeper to be named
French Ligue 1 African Player
of the Season. He is also the
rst Nigerian to win the Marc-
Vivien Foe prize, named after
the Cameroon international
midelder who died aged 28
of a heart attack in 2003.b The
Super Eagle has played all 37
league games for his club Lille
this season, conceding only 25
goals. Enyeama told BBC Sport:
Its amazing, a great honour
and I deeply appreciate it. I must
rst give glory to God, my team-
mates, family and our beautiful
fans for their remarkable
support. -BBC
Nairobi County plans to develop sports infrastructure
Nairobi Deputy Governor Jonathan Mueke cuts the tape when
handing over Robert Wangila Ring to Kenya Professional Boxing
Commission chairman Reuben Ndolo (in red tie) at Pumwani
KIGALI: Rwanda want
Constantine as coach
Rwanda have offered Briton
Stephen Constantine a two-year
deal to become their new national
team coach. The Federation of
Rwandan Football Associations
(Ferwafa) needs a successor to Eric
Nshimiyimana, whose contract
ends on 31 July. Former Millwall
rst-team coach Constantine,
51, has experience of African
football, having managed Malawi
from February 2007 to April
2008. Constantine is expected
to hold discussions with Ferwafa
on Thursday. Rwanda Football
Association spokesman Vedaste
Kayiranga told BBC Sport on
Wednesday morning that a deal
had been agreed in principle.
Nyeri hosts third leg of KVF
league at Ruringu Stadium
Mwaniki James and Joseph Korir of Kenya Airways team receive a spike from Ulinzi player during
the KVF league match in Nyeri last year. (PHOTO: FILE/ STANDARD]
FIXTURES: National Mens League
Prisons Nairobi v Prisons Kenya,
Co-Op Bank v Kiambu County, KPA v
MKU, Finlays v Kenya Airways, AP v
KDF at 9am. GSU v Prisons Mombasa,
Oserian v Prisons Kakamega at 11am.
Prisons Mombasa v Oserian, Ulinzi
v GSU, Kenya Airways v AP Kenya,
MKU v Finlays, Kiambu County v
KPA, Prisons Kenya v Co-Op at Forest
Rangers v Prisons Nairobi at 2pm.
National League Women; Nairobi
Water v MKU (Thika), Kenya Pipeline
v MKU (Eldoret), Oserian v KCB, Talent
Academy v Prisons at 9am. Pipeline
v KDF, Oserian v MKU (Thika), Talent
Academy v MKU (Eldoret), Prisons v
KCB at 12pm
Mugwe, G. Naidu, P. Ciano; 10:36 S. Hemsted, Harry K, R. Onyango,
Samuel, M. Waweru; 10:44 W. Mugho, S. Mwiti, D. K. Ndekere, J.
Kariuki; 10:52 B. Mureithi, C. Karanja, Njeri M, C. Kinuthia; 11:00 S.
Kihanya, A. Muchoki, J. Muratha, J. Nduati; 11:08 Suraj S, Gituku
Kirika , J. N. Waweru, Ano; 11:16 W. Burugu,K. Mukuria, Caxton,
SamNdungu; 11:24 P. Mungai, M. Gitonyi, M. K. Gatonye, Ano;
11:32 A. Muraya, P. Misango, C. Muriuki, C. Kibet; 11:40 P. Mionki,
M. A. Mohammed, G. Matu, L. Gachire; 11:48 E. Rugo, G. Kuria,
J. Njeru, C. Isabwa; 11:56 Dr P. Murumba, E. Kiarie, A. Kiragu,
K. Munyiri; 12:04 A. Mwaura, M. Gitobu, G. Kamau, A. Mutugi;
12:12 F. K. Thumbi, N. Nganga, J. K. Maigua, D. Karuma; 12:20 J.
Rwambo, B. Mureithi, Peter N, Prof. A. Karugu; 12:28 H. S. Rayat,
Stanley Mugwe, J. Suri, R. Maritm; 12:36 J. G. Thiga, M. Kamau, J.
M. Karanja, Z. Muigai; 12:44 Prof. S. P. Nganga, S. Mukiri, Mayur
S; 12:52 D. N. Wainaina, B. Ndenderu, J. Karanja, J. Ngugi; 1.00
Dr Mararo, A. Mukiri, P. N. Gaitara,P. M. Ndungu; 1.08 W. Irungu,
W. Cook, H. Kurji, I. Irungu; 1.16 P. Wainaina, D. T. Mathege,J.
K.Mbugua, J. M. Ndungu; 1.24 N. Njau, P. Gakuo, Eng. K. Njoroge,
W. Mwangi; 1.32 Nitin Harania, Kalpesh S, Shanket S, Sudhir S; 1.40
P. Ndumia, Dr Njoroge, J. K.Maigua, D. Njogu. Tenth tee; 12:28 E. N.
Chege, J. M. Karanja, Dr E. Ndungu, J. N. Mwaura; 12:36 B. Mutua,
E. Mwangi, K. Njuguna, K. Njoroge; 12:44 T. Sagoo, S. Irimu, G.
Kimuri, K. Kiarie.

TOMORROW: Geomax Golf Day. First tee; 7:16 X. N. Iraki, S.
Mbugu, J. Odhiambo, N. Ndiritu; 7:24 J. Oteino, M. Oyugi, P.
Gondi, B. Shah; 7:32 D. M. Kinuthia, S. N. Kamanda, E. Maritim;
7:40 P. Okemwa, G. Karuga, C. Mbugua; 7:48 W. Kinyanjui, J. K.
Ayabei, J. V. Maalu; 7:56 J. Kirui, D. Ooko, D. Mugambi; 8:04 N.
Nyoike, J. Gitoho (g), M. C. Nyambura, R. Kiarie; 8:12 Sponsors
Guest x 4; 8:20 P. Karingu, S. N. Mugwe, Birju Shah, OmShah;
8:28 B. Mandere, P. F. Kitololo, M. N. Kanyi, W. Kinyanjui; 8:36 S.
Kasinga, E. Mogoa, J. M. Mwaura, O.Mbatia; 11:22 P. Karingu, P. M.
Mbarathi, L. Munyua, R. Muthemba; 11:30 E. Gardner, R. Waitete,
C. G. Munyori, G. M. Warui; 11:38 J. Ouko, P. Odima, K.Njenga, J.
G. Njenga; 11:46 C. Karobia, J. Wanjiku, D. Gitu, N. Kibata; 11:54 R.
Kanja, Irene Maina, F. Maina, R. W. Heho; 12:02 D. N. Gichuhi, T.
Thanawalla, R. Olonde, J. Njau; 12:10 Lee Njoroge, P. Kangethe,
J. G. Mburu, P. Gitao; 12:18 P. Murumba, O.F. Kibuna, J. Orenge;
12:26 J. Hinga, S. Mazrui, B. N. Kamau, M. Gatonye; 12:34 A. Kale,
P. Okoth, M. Mbugua, Sponsor; 12:42 N. Mbuchucha, M. S. Riyat, C.
Itangata, E. Ogonji; 12:50 Sponsor x 4; 12:58 Sposnsors Guest x 4;
1:06 Sponsors Guest x 4; 1:14 M. Makundi, OS, C. Gachie; 1:30 O.
Abekah, D. Kihara, D. NgumI. Tenth tee; 7:16 M. Iraki, N. Kabau, P.
Wambari, L. Magambo; 7:24 A. Kariuki, B. Patel, M. Azad, Y. Saito;
7:32 A. Unia, M. Muura, M. Shah; 7:40 J. Mwangi, J. Karingu, W.
Kanyenki; 7:56 Sponsors Guest x 4; 8:04 D. N. Gichuhi, B. Jones, Y.
Asami, K.Oba; 8:12 C. D. Shah, P. Patel, Usha Shah; 8:20 Sponsors
Guest x 4; 8:28 S. Gathigi, R. A. Kitololo, G. Mwenda; 8:36 S.
DSouza, F. Kimathi,Joe Otuke (g); 11:22 Rohit Shah, K.Bosire, J. G.
Njenga, M. Kombo; 11:30 K. R. Shah, R. B. Shah, F. M. Macharia, M.
Mugo; 11:38 W. Nadida, K. Nkomani, B. K. Mbaya, W. Warui; 11:46
J. Kimani, K. Mariga, J. Muriithi, M. Karobia; 11:54 M. Wairimu, M.
Karua, B. Ronoh, J. Mugo (g); 12:02 N. Wambugu, C. Gichobi, H.
Mwangi, D. Thiongo; 12:10 M. W. Mburu (g), F. Gitao, N. Kariuki,
R. Gitau; 12:18 AdamNyaga x 4; 12:26 S. Orenge, C. Njui, M. N.
Kinuthia, M. Gorassia; 12:34 D. G. Kariuki, C. Itangata, T. Gitonga,
J. Wangwe; 12:42 W. Wachanga, D. Kaniaru, J. Ndungu, E. Njuki;
12:50 R. Gitau, Thidazde, E. Mojera, Kudzal; 12:58 Paras Shah, A.
Patel, P. Gikonyo, M. Wambugu (g); 1:30 M. Ndigeren, N. Griffoen,
Sponsors Guest.
TOMORROW: Trans Nzoia Open Golf Championship Co-sponsored
by Nzoia Sugar Company and Sintel Security Print. First tee; 7.00
H. Kamau, M. Kiplimo, S. Karanja; 7.10 W. Kamanga, A. Chelogoi, W.
Odera; 7.20 S. Mulama, E. Sorobea, A. Kinuthia; 7.30 F. Mughisha,
T. Omuli, S. Malakwen; 7.40 A. Oketch, A. Kitur, M. Arusei; 7.50
H. Lumiti, K. Juma, M. Tanui; 8.00 V. Were, B. Cheruiyot, K.
Page 68 / FEVERPITCH Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
Essentials in making a
stroke at the golf ball
TODAY: Rhino Charge Team27 Golf TournamenT. First tee, PM;
11.52 Cloudhop x 4, 12.00 D Gada x 4, 12.08 E Mbuthia x 4, 12.16
Raju, Palkesh, Rimal, Sunil S; 12.24 Kingsway Tyres x 4, 12.32
Nitin S, Timo, D S Sagoo, Ano; 12.40 Tononoka x 4; 12.48 Akil, H
Chudasama, B Gohil, Rakes P; 12.56 MN Njoroge, P Waweru, B M
Njoroge, Ano; 1.04 Dave Mwangi x 4; 1.12 General Printers x 4; 1.20
GG Kamau x 4; 1.28 Timber Corner x 4; 1.36 J Mbuthia x 4; 1.44 J
DSouza, Rashmi P, Ramesh S, Dinesh P; 1.52 King Plastics x 4;
2.00 Hydraulic Hoses x 4; 2.08 G. A. Insurance Co Ltd x 4. Tenth
tee; 12.00 Silpack x 4, 12.08 A Unia, Jitesh S, A Dhanani, Dipak S;
12.16 A Harania, MMurungi, Sanjeev S, Ashish S; 12.24 P Mehta
x 4; 12.32 Shiv S x 4; 12.40 B Lakhani x 4; 12.48 J Ndenderu x 4;
12.56 Bhavnish C x 4; 1.04 I Kahara x 4; 1.12 Mayur S x 4; 1.20 R
Haria, A D Shah, K D Shah, Ghalib; 1.28 A Khamar x 4; 1.36 Rajesh
K x 4; 1.44 E Kimemia x 4; 1.52 P Mehta (2) x 4; 2.00 PKF x 4; 2.08
PE. TOMORROW: C S R Golf DaY. First tee, PM; 8.00 Rajesh L x 4;
8.08 Shariff M, Samji M, Sira R, DSouza D; 8.16 Kanja S, Owino F,
A Popat, I Desouza; 8.24 Njui K, Mondo N, Waweru P, Ngahu P N;
8.32 R Ghai, D Mediratta, Rajeev M, S GhaI. Tenth tee, AM; 8.00
Pratick s x 4; 8.08 Jazir T, Rushabh S, Shiv S, AlymP; 8.16 Wroe
M, Rita S, K Parekh, Ogwayo B; 8.24 Gopal S, Bhimjiani P, Arvind
P, Dhanja M; 8.32 S Shah, D Shah, N MuljI. S K kangethE. First tee,
PM; 12.08 Dr S R Patel, Hirji K, RahimG; 12.16 Petro City x 4; 12.24
B Gadhia x 4; 12.32 Sachin P, Deep S, Mehta P, A Ladha; 12.40
Sodi A x 4; 12.48 Baiju S, Sodha A, Tanna K, Nitin J S, 12.56 MN
Njoroge, C Kieu (g), C Kihara (g), MKimani (g); 1.04 Chawla V, H
Sehmi, S Dodhia, Bamrah J S; 1.12 Nishith P, Nasoor V, WMerali,
Archana P; 1.20 Rajesh K, Pankaj P, Nagib P, Hassan P; 1.28 Jitesh
S, P Kibuku, Ano, Ano; 1.36 Bhakai R, Ashit S, Savla R, Ano. Tenth
tee, PM; 12.08 Ongubo J, E Mbuthia, Z Wachira; 12.16 J Mbuthia,
Ndirangu G, Ano, Ano; 12.24Mukuria D x 4; 12.32 D K Mugo(g), J
Mwaura (g), D Wahome (g), C Muchiru (g); 12.40 A Mohindra x 4;
12.48 Chandarana A, Pakoo S, Ano, Ano; 12.56 Rajesh S, Vinay S, Y
K Nagda, R K Shah; 1.04 P Kiguru , Mugo D, Gacheru S N, Njoroge
B M; 1.12 Mukesh S x 4; 1.20 P Raval x 4; 1.28 Vimal S x 4; 1.36
Stone lienge x 4.
TOMORROW: May 2014 Monthly Mug; 7:44 S. K. Ndegwa( g), M.
Gachugi, F. Gichomo, Ano; 7:52 F. Ngatia, C. Mugo, O. Gathara, P.
Mwai; 8:00 J. Mukono, A. I. Kariuki, J. K. Waweru, A. M. Gakere;
8:08 B. S. Shah x 4; 8:16 M. Njuguna, J. Muchigi, S. Mugwe, Ano;
8:24 E. G. Kuria, C. N. Nduati, P. Muigai, EnG. Kamunge; 8:32 PE x
4; 8:40 PE x 4; 8:48 W. Njenga, E. Kingara, C. Kinyanjui, G. Mugo;
8:56 G. K. Athiru(l), M. N juguna, M. Ragui, Ano; 9:04 PE x 4. PM:
11:36 PE x 4; 11:44 J. Ndegwa, J. Njoroge, K. Kariuki, P. Mworia;
11:52 E. Njoroge, E. G. Kuria, N. Mwangi, S. Gwandaru; 12:00 PE x
4; 12:08 R. Ngatia, N. Kimani, K. Mwaura, Ano; 12:16 PMx 4; 2:24 J.
Njoroge x 4; 12:32 PMx 4; 12:40 D. Kimani, J. K. Machua, G. Kamau,
Ano; 12:48 K. Kinuthia, M. G. Karuga, P. Kaumbutho, Ano; 12:56 W.
Kiarie, C. Njoroge, M. Kanyeria, Ano; 1:04 P. E. x 4; 1:12 P. Waweru,
F. Wanjau, M. Karanja, J. Githiri; 1:20 PMx 4; 1:28 PMx 4; 1:36 PM
x 4. Post entries to the starter.
TOMORROW: Diamond Trust Bank Golf; 7:12 CoL. J. Nganga, P,
Kingori, P. Nganga, S. G. Njunu; 7:20 Jitain S, Rajan S, P. Kigwe,
M. Kirika; 7:28 J. Gachomba, S. K. Warui, A. K. Kioi, Z. Kangi; 7:36
B. Mahui, P. Karare, N. Kithae, K. Wainaina; 7:44 W. Njenga, B.
Thiga, S. Ndungi, P. K.Waweru; 7:52 T. Njehia, S. Chege, N. Kabare,
W. Murwayi; 8:00 J. Kibe, D. Matano, R. Barton, S. Ngugi; 8:08 A.
Macharia, A. W. Karimi, R. Kigwe, F. Githiori; 8:16 J. Kigwe, Eng.
K.Chege, P. Kamau, C. Kiai; 8:24 Rose Kiai, M. Kubai, J. M. Kanyi, M.
Njuguna; 8:32 S. G. Njuguna, W. K. Kariuki, F. Karu, J. Gachomba;
8:40 A. Kuria, J. Waihenya, E. Muthemba, M. Mwenda; 8:56 Eng.
J. Wakimani, SamGathigi, R. Maina, G. I. Githuku; 9:12 A. Mwenja,
Eng. P. Muchiri, C. Kariuki, Eng. J. Muraguri; 10:04 D. Mwangi,
Mathu, Nganga, R. N. Njoroge, G. Ngamau; 10:12 Steve Mbuthia, S.
A golf ball must be fairly struck at
with the head of the club and must
not be pushed, scraped or spooned.
Do not push or scoop the ball.
So be careful when playing that
small putt that has just stopped short
of the hole. Pushing that ball will
cause you to run foul of Golf Rule
14-1 and cause you to suffer a two
strokes penalty in stroke play or loss
of hole in match play.
What do the rules say about ac-
cepting assistance whilst making a
A player must not accept assis-
tance, when making a stroke. Golf
Rule 14-2 lays down that a player
must not: a) accept physical assis-
tance or protection from the ele-
ments; or b) allow his caddie, his
partner or his partners caddie to po-
sition himself on or close to an ex-
tension of the line of play or the line
of putt behind the ball.
It is important to assimilate the
importance of this rule.
The penalty for infringing this
rule is a two strokes penalty in stroke
play or loss of hole in match play.
It is extremely painful to lose a
hole in match play for contravening
such an innocent looking rule and all
players ought to take special note of
these discussions.
The just concluded Tannahill
Shield or Easter Tournament is
played in the foursome match play
format. Players on the same side
have the opportunity to discuss each
shot before the player that is on ex-
ecutes the stroke.
It is such an absorbing en-
gagement that it is quite easy
for the player that is not mak-
ing the stroke to forget to
move out of the way when
the time for executing the
shot comes, say on the
green; he stands there, right
behind his partner, watch-
ing and physically and men-
tally willing the ball to stick
to the correct line of putt.
Golf Rule 14-2b prohibits
the partner from positioning himself
on either the line of play or the line
of putt.
Amateur golfers should take a leaf
from the Professional Golfers on the
PGA Tour. The PGA player will spend
time with his caddie discussing the
choice of club, strength and direc-
tion of the wind, the ight path, and
many other pertinent issues, but
when the time comes to execute the
shot, the caddie quickly moves out of
the way completely clear of the line
of action.
That way, there can be no claim
by anybody that the caddie was po-
sitioned on either the line of play or
the line of putt.
This is a rule that should be very
clearly impressed on our young and
up coming golfers by their
Lets not wait for them to
complain, after losing the
match, that the other side
won on a technicality and
not on account of playing
good golf! Knowledge of,
and proper application of
the Rules of Golf is part of
being a worthy winner.
The other area we need
to address is the practice
swing before making a stroke at the
Some golf clubs have local rules
that prohibit practice swings on the
teeing ground in order to alleviate
digging up divots on the teeing
ground. All players must respect
such prohibitions.
Practice swings in the normal
course of play should be done away
from the ball and never anywhere
near the ball. Practice swings near
the ball, especially when the ball is
in the rough, could easily get a play-
er running fowl of Golf Rule 13-2,
which prohibits improving the lie of
the ball, the area of intended stance
or swing and the line of play.
Do your practice swings a club
length or two, away from the ball and
step up to the ball when you are
ready to play. As you prepare to play
and you place the club behind the
ball, remember you may not improve
the lie of the ball by exaggerating the
action of pressing down the club be-
hind the ball.
Always bear in mind that all your
pre-shot routines must be carried
out without wasting time as that
could affect the pace of play.
If you shoot into really thick
rough, as you are wont to do from
time to time, sometimes you will lose
the ball. Whilst looking for the ball,
you may touch or bend long grass,
rushes and bushes only to the extent
necessary to nd and identify the
ball. And that act must not improve
the lie of the ball.
A player is not necessarily enti-
tled to see his ball when making a
and Palos FC

Kisumus YY Ambassadors FC
edged out KPC FC 2-1 to lift Mpira
Mashinani Amani na Maendeleo Soc-
cer tournament nals in Kisumus
Kenyatta Sports ground.
Denis Lugala scored the rst goal
for the George Nyakundi-sponsored
YY Ambassadors in the 25th minute
before Billy Luvai added the second
in the 55th minute for a 2-0 lead.
However, Salim Mohamed pulled
one back three minutes later to make
matters 2-1.
Earlier, KPC humbled Lake Hawks
2-0 before holding Nyamlori FC who
later lost 2-1 to KPC to a baren draw.
Against Hawks, KPC scored through
Dickson Wandago and Kevin Okwa-
The tournament, which attracted
six teams including Lake Hawks, KPC
FC, Winam Soccer Stars, YY Ambas-
sadors, Nyamlori and Kisumu Union
at the weekend, saw champions KPC
take home Sh10,000 donated by the
event patron, Kisumu Central MP
Ken Obura as runners up received
The technical team comprising
football legend Peter Dawo, Beatrice
Peters and Christine Awuor selected
players to advance to Kisumu Central
Constituency tournament.
The tournament initiated by Obu-
ra will see all the six wards that form
Kisumu Central Constituency select
a team each for the Constituency
Speaking during the nals, Obura
urged the youth to shun drugs, alco-
hol and substance abuse and instead
to exploit their talents.
Meanwhile, during the YY Ambas-
sadors tournament also held at the
same venue, Makini School-spon-
sored Palos FC beat Kisumu Day 2-1
to win the title.
Ken Wekesa scored a brace for the
winners as Mohamed Mbaruk netted
Kisumu Days consolation goal.
Palos qualied for the nals after
beating Atlentico the Greens 5-4 in
post-match penalties as Kisumu Day
whipped Field Negroes 2-0 in the
semi-nals. In the third place play-
offs, KYOC beat Atlentico 3-0.
Name Country AV. Pts.
1. Tiger Woods (USA) 8.05
2. Adam Scott (Australia) 7.95
3. Henrik Stenson (Sweden) 7.83
4. Bubba Watson (USA) 7.12
5. Matt Kuchar (USA) 7.08
6. Jason Day (USA) 6.69
7. Sergio Garcia (Spain) 6.36
8. Jordan Spieth (USA) 6.26
9. Justine Rose (England) 6.11
10. Rory McIlroy (Nir) 5.89
AS AT MAY 11, 2014
Chandaria; 8.10 I. Shitandai, A. Maghas, J. Ashioya; 8.20Simon
Njunte, P. Njuguna, G. Nyangwara. Tenth tee; 7.00 J. Lorum, T.
Gitonga, A. Mukuvi; 7.10 P. Rotich, F. Gitau, W. Odera; 7.20 D.
Sagala, V. Chesumei, M. Kimutai; 7.30 K. Bollo, Dr R. Kiptum, E.
Makenzi; 7.40 G. Felix, C. Yano, P. Shah; 7.50 D. Saikwa, Dr N. Tum,
G. Cheruiyot; 8.00 S. Kimutai, S. Mburu, E. Mwei; 8.10 F. Kimani, J.
Karichu, P. K. Koech; 8.20 P. Shiharsy, D. Chesumei, V. Omwandho.

TOMORROW: Family Bank Golf Day. Morning tee; 8.00 B. Mathu,
J. Wainaina, M. Kirimi; 8.10 H. Kurutu, D. Wachira, B. Allen;
8.20 Eng J. Kinoti, P. Demello, J. K. Kiriinya; 8.30 N. Sillar, F. N.
Ndegwa, J. Kibutu; 8.40 Brig F. Ogolla, J. Mathai, T. Rukwaro; 8.50
S. Gichuru, J. C. Aggarwal, D. Weru; 9.00 Eng S. K. Ndegwa, S. M.
Mutethia, K. Gitonga; 9.10 J. G. Kibe, D. Kinoti, J. M. Muthurania;
9.20 Monica K, Lucy N, S. M. Butt; 9.30 MaJ. Gen P. Waweru, Rose
M, G. Miungi; 9.40 A. McConnell, MaJ. Gen A. Rob, D. Bunge; 9.50
K. Muya, S. W. Githitu, G. Kiguta. Afternoon draw; 11.30 Pauline
K, D. McConnell, Mwangi Gathu; 11.40 J. Bosco, Cynthia K, Charity
M; 11.50 W. Muriu, Flo Gathu, Dr B. Muthiora; 12.00 R. Kabugi, D.
Thuku, J. Muriungi; 12.10 Dr K. Somba F. M. Mathenge, P. Munyiri;
12.20 DR. Mburu, Stella M. , Dr Rays E. N; 12.30 B. K. Inoti, N.
Ndebu, K. S. Hunjan; 12.40 Mercy M. , C. Thinwa, B. Singh; 12.50 B.
K. Ngari, J. Githanda, S. Muriuki; 1.00 Rev J. Kamere, E. N. Gatimu,
E. Karumwa; 1.10 J. Wachira, V. Shah, R. Juma. Post entries
accepted before 11 AM.
TOMORROW: Fibre Net Technologies Propelled By Safaricom;
7.30 S. Muraguri, G. Muraguri, G. Githaiga, H. Hassanali 7.40 Post
Entry; 7.48 F. Mwanzi, D. G Muchungu, N. Abbas; 7.56 Post Entry;
8.04 P. Kombe, T. Indimuli, F. Makala, S. Ogolla; 8.20 A. Kahure, T.
Miano, S. Gatabaki, Ano; 8.28 Safaricomx 4; 8.36 Fibre Net x 4;
8.44 J. WKungu, Dr W. Onyino, G. S Padam, A. Ogola; 8.52 Post
Entry; 9.00 P. Kabiaru, F. MMwanzi, Ano, Ano; 11.00 F. Kamau, A.
Miheso, C. Kibett, Ano; 11.08 S. Kona, D. MKahoro, G. Wakaba, P.
Muthoni;11.16 Post Entry; 11.24 T. Tugee, S. Ngata, R. Osumba, G.
Masese; 12.32 D. Okoth, B. Cheruiyot, E. Maghas, C.
Kositany, 11.40 D. K Mbuthia, C. Ojiambo, D. K Mbatia, G. K Maina;
11.48 Chebitwey x 4; 12.04 S. Karemu, T. Osoro, O. Robert, A.
Osoro; 12.12 P. Mukuria, G. N Mate, E. Kithimba, G. N Mate; 12.20
Post Entry; 12.28 G. Kiai, J. K Ngetich, R. Maina, A. N. O; 12.36 S.
K Moore, R. N Njoroge, G. Muiruri, I. Gichia; 12.44 Safaricomx 4;
12.52 F. Ombura, R. Omanyo, J. Kaindi, V. Mugeni; 1.00 D- Link x
4; 1.08 E. G Runo, P. J. G Karanja, S. Patel, P. Shah; 1.16 Fibre Net
x 4, 1.24 E. Kerich, Dr Onyango, Dr P. Ngugi, J. Wokabi. SUNDAY:
Ladies Medal No 4 Sponsored By J. Momanyi; 11.00 J. Kuboh, R.
Heho, M. Karano; 11 .10 G. Athiru, F. Macharia, K. Icharia; 11.20 R.
Muthemba, J. Kariuki, J. Nzibo; 11.30 R. Obara, C. Onyimbo,
F. Maina; 11.40 P. Muthoni, R. Omanyo (Lc), A. Mwalimo; 11.50 M.
Gacheri, E. Kingori, R. Omwansa; 12.00 N. Wabwire, S. Onyambu,J.
Karuga 12.10 S. G. Maitho, J. C. Kinyua, G. K. Maina; 12.20 F.
Ombura, A. Kahure, G. S. Padam; 12.30 P. Mukuria, Dr Gichuhi, J. S.
Gathumbi; 12.40 L. Otieno, M. Gacheri, O. Njagi, Ano; 12.50 PE x 4;
1.00 PE x 4. Men are invited.
TOMORROW: Crown Teon 4BBB Golf Day. First tee, AM; 7.30
Okeyo A O/Wainaina G, Ombisi D/Otieno I; 7.38 Chandaria B/
Chandaria S, Ondigo J/Hussein E; 7.46 Gitura C/Nderi A, Gidoomal
A/Mukherjee C; 7.54 Wachira M/Gathinji N, Wakaba D/Njuguna M
J; 8.02 Ireri D/Abdallah F, Kinyanjui WK/Singh D; 8.10 KAnjejo M
O/Muriithi D, Kagwe D/Njoroge K. First tee, PM; 11.37 Angasa P/
Gachaga A, Dirks M/Dirks G; 11.45 Marwa F x 4 (g); 11.53 Kariuki
J/Wanjiru A, Shah R C/Kanyora S; 12.01, 12.09 Maingi Dr/KOkoth
G (g), Wahome F/Kyengo P (g); 12.12.09 Waititu A/Mugunyu S,
Kuira P/Kiragu D; 12.17 Chandaria A/Shah Ajit, Shah Chandu/
Shah Ramesh; 12.26 Patel Nolly/Shah Neel, Maina D/Maina V;
12.34 Kiragu M/Karienye M, Mithamo W/Mburu A; 12.42 Meru R/
Muhinga T, Mugambi M/Njukia E; 12.50 Chandarana K/Rai K J,
Badiani S/Patel B; 12.58 Vitisia E/Mavji M, Mbuthia M/Ndungu N S;
1.06 Rajani U/Dhall K, Bhabra R S/Sodi T; 1.14 Muhinja J/Githinji O
G, Thugge K/Kilinda S; 1.22 Mwindi D/Ngaruiya S, Cohen T/Bhachu
G; 1.30 Rao R/Shah M(g), Wairegi B/Ogunde O (g); 1.38 Shah
Ashish/Shah Sonnar, Gathecha J/Awendo D; 1.46 Khan H/Fazal
Z (g), Datoo S/Fazal H (g); Tenth tee am7.30 Arogo J/Iracha J G,
Sarbana S/Nandha Y; 7.38 Soni J/Soni U, Kaisha O/Karo S; 7.46
Ngeera A/Muhoro K, Mandere B/Patel K M(g); 7.54 Kimeria G/
Kimeria J N, Khasinah E/Nina E; 8.02 Ndirangu K/Mutuma M,
Kangethe D/Mureithi J; 8.10 Stouten C/Mwaura S N, Parkison T/
Getty J; 8.18 Irungu F S/Gathumbi J S, Kabera E/Githuku T. Tenth
tee, PM; 11.37 Rukwaro x 4; 11.45 Rajani V/Radnell P, Lubia A M/
Owino D; 11.53 Muhinga L/Maina F W, Kibugu K/Kibugu M; 12.01
Patel H/Indimuli T (g), Kombe P/Macharia T (g); 12.09 Wairegi E/
Kibet S, Wachira S/Karau S; 12.17 Ocholla C/Ocholla P, Radnell M/
Jabba R; 12.26 Wangila F/Ngugi B (g), Maina I/Murigi J (g); 12.34
Gathage J/Kinyua P, Mwaniki J N/Okwirry I; 12.42 Kamandu C/
Wanjihia C, Mwangi M/Kamandu L; 12.50 Bid D/Shah Navin,
Mutuku G/Gachomba J (g); 12.58 Mbugua M/Karanja J, Singh G/
Vohora A; 1.06 Ngaruiya G/Gaitho D (g), Tairo M/Mwaura S K (g);
1.14 Patel R/Acharya S (g),Mandavia J/Panesar V(G); 1.22 Shah
Shah/Gudka B, Mbuchucha N/Nyanjui E; 1.30 Radia V K/Chaudhry
F, Nathwani P P/Nathwani J P; 1.38 Shroff A/Pandit K, Dhall DR. /
Pritesh (g); 1.46 Thetty J x 4 (g); 1.54 Fazal I/Nangi M(g), Jaffer I/
Assaria K (g).
TOMORROW: April Monthly Mug. First tee; 8.00 MKaranja, R
Kimani, Fr A Kipkemei, P Muhia; 8.10 N Muhia, F Kamonjo, Fr C
Kamau, S Ndungu; 8.20 N Kimemia, MCheptumo, K Kamonjo,
K Wambugu; 9.30 S Kirui, B Kandie, G Ketem, E Muya; 9.50 R
Nderitu, P Macharia, Z Ireri, D Maingi; 10.00 S Kihumba, F Mwangi,
J Muchoki, S Ngugi; 10.10 F Mbuthia, J Muriithi, J Kibore, F Nganga;
10.20 P Kuria, MKandie, J G Mokaya; 10.30 L Kamau, J K Rutto, M
Kariuki, J Manyara; 10.40 K Kosgey, F Muiruri, E Karuga, J Chege;
10.50 Dr Gichinga, C Angwenyi, S Macharia; 11.00 J Nderitu, P
Mugo, J Kinuthia; 11.10 G Karuga, O Robert, C Mecha, WMuthokia;
11.20 Dr Walubengo, K Mbugua, C Ndungu, D Mathai; 11.30 D N
Ikua, T Chege, S N Wachira, Muna Njenga; 11.40 R Kibuku, N Njoka,
K Kahuthu, H J Kuria; 11.50 S Mugunyu, MKiragu, P K Mwai, B
Mukuria; 12.00 WWanjohi, A Waititu, S K Njoroge, I Ngethe;
12.10 N Nduati, D Hunjan, K Morjaria, P Matindi; 12:20 MSahota,
S Singh, S Njihia, P S Shah; 12.30 J Raja, Dr Malik, A. Nderitu, K
Sisenda; 12.40 A Patel, D Sharma, E Karuga; 12.50 R D Khagram,
R MThakkar, MC Patel. Post entries accepted. Friends of the
Captain Golf Day (george Gathu).

8.00 S. Njuguna, J. B. Mwangi, J. Nderitu; 8.10 C. K. Njehia, J.
Kavivya, A. Ngunu, M. Ndiki; 8.20 Lt. Col. B. Dawa, A. Wambua, M.
Kanyeria,; 8.30 J. Mukono, P. Muigai, J N. Kimotho; 8.40 LT. CoL.
J. Ayabei, A. Muhindi, D. G. Wambugu; 8.50 Golf Park x 4; 9.00
G. Gathu, L. Kenduiywo , C. Gichovi; 9.10 I. Nderitu, R. Nderitu,
I. Chege, T. Kimari; 9.20 Railways x 4; 9.30 P. Wanyeki, A. Koech,
W. Moturi, S. Wafula; 9.40 J. Mwangi, F. Kamau, J. Kimotho; 9.50
Golf Park x 4; 10.00 J. Waweru, R. Gikuru, B. Omondi; 10.10 W.
Mugho, M. Githu, C. Kamari; 10.20 G. K. Muiruri, Brig. F. Ogolla, K.
Kanyaura; 10.30 J. Gatonye, W. Macharia, S. Mwangi; 10.40 E. Soy,
MaJ. D. Chebosoon, Col. R. M. Mbithi; 10.50 T. Mwangi, D. Oyier, J.
Mburu; 11.00 K. Chege, D. G. Wambugu, C. Njui, B. Waititu; 11.10
C. Kaloki, D. Kivuva, F. Njeru, D. Mila; 11.20 V. Mutwii, J. Nzau,
C. Nzuki, J. Nzioki; 11.30 J. Mukulu, G. Kihiu, Brig. J. Waweru, J.
Githehu; 11.40 L. MKamba, J. Masai, Dr Kamala, B. Nyamongo,
11.50 M. Kalekye, W. Kimani; 12.00 M. Kitulu, S. Makau, C. Makau,
P. Jaden; 12.10 E. Muriithi, K. Njuguna, J. Makori; 12.20 Ruiru x
4; 12.30 P. Karungo, J. Githinji, M. Mulandi, B. Mabango; 12.40 S.
Hinga, J. Maina, J. Kangethe; 12.50 D. Njuguna, J. Wainaina E. G.
Runo; 1.00 M. Ngethe, MaJ. Kamunge, B. Orwako, J. Kamande; 1.10
1.20 Kiambu x 4; 1.30 PE, PE, PE. NB. Post entries accepted.
FEVERPITCH / Page 69 Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
league setup

FOOTBALL: Scolari denies
Portugal tax evasion
Brazil coach Luiz Felipe Scolari on
Tuesday denied any wrongdoing
after being accused of tax evasion
in Portugal. Media reports had said
Scolari was alleged to have not paid
some $9 million in back tax dating
from his 2003-2008 stint with the
Portuguese national side. I made all
my income tax declarations correctly,
Scolari, who coached Brazil to the
2002 World Cup title said.
the beauties intensies
From football to sexy models,
Argentina is battling its arch-rival
Brazil on all fronts. After Brazilian
supermodel Fernanda Lima
distracted fans with her revealing
dress during the World Cup draw,
Argentina answered by having TV
sports reporter and underwear
model Alina Moine announce the
members of the national squad in a
tight-tting little black dress.
Reports by AFP
TEHRAN: Shrinking socks
annoy Iran coach and players
Irans coach and players hit out at the
countrys football federation and kit
sponsor for providing shrinking socks and
boots that are too small. They give us large
size socks and after two days and being
washed they shrink to a small size, said
striker Karim Ansarifard. If you give shoes
sized 34 to somebody that wears size 44 he
cannot walk ve metres, said the teams
Portugese coach, Carlos Queiroz. We
expect the coach not to air dirty laundry
in public, said federation president Ali
The Premier Milk
team of Ronak Shah
and Riyaz Ismail in
Machakos last
month. [PHOTO:
Russia coach Fabio Capello
has urged the countrys foot-
ball bosses to toughen rules
for foreigners playing in the
domestic league as he grap-
ples to nd a team to play in
the World Cup.
The 67-year-old, who took
over in 2012, has complained
of the very limited choice of
players available to him as he
prepares for next months tour-
nament in Brazil.
Of course we have a plan
and we will try new approach-
es to solve the problem,
Capello said in an interview
with Russia Today news agen-
cy yesterday.
Ive asked that there be
more limits on foreign players
in the Premier League to force
the clubs to use more local
players, said the Italian.
We also need to expand
the Premiership from 16 to 18
teams to get more Russian
footballers involved in league
Besides, we need to apply
the practice of using foreign
players, who have expressed a
desire to change their citizen-
ship, to get the chance to play
for the Russian team.
Many European teams
have been using this strategy.
Why did Russia neglect this
opportunity? the former Eng-
land manager added.
Capello, who has recently
extended his contract until the
end of the 2018 World Cup,
which Russia will host, added
that the language barrier has
been his biggest problem.
Its difcult to work with
players who are ignorant of
foreign languages, he said.
Sometimes you need to
cheer up the team, to get the
players worked up. And Im
not completely condent that
the interpreter is capable of re-
producing my thoughts and
emotions unchanged.
Capello nevertheless ex-
pressed his condence in Rus-
sias readiness for upcoming
World Cup.
The World Cup always
puts huge pressure on the
players and their coaches, he
said. But were ready for it. We
are strong-minded and braced
for the event.
Russias nal 23-man squad
will be named on June 2, ten
days before the tournament
gets underway.
Lionel Messi would trade
all his Barcelona success for a
World Cup winners medal
with Argentina to sit alongside
the games greats, according to
compatriot Ossie Ardiles.
That is how important the
World Cup is for him, said Ar-
diles, who was in the Argenti-
na team that won the 1978
World Cup at home in Buenos
Ardiles, speaking to dele-
gates at the Soccerex Asian Fo-
rum held by the banks of the
Dead Sea, said that while Mes-
si might be regarded by some
as the best player the world
has seen, a World Cup win is
vital for his legacy.
Messi, 26, has claimed 21
club prizes with Barca and has
also won the World Youth Cup
in 2005 and 2008 Olympics
with Argentina. Next months
World Cup will be his third af-
ter being used sparingly as a
substitute in 2006 and playing
in 2010.
Right now Messi might be
regarded as the greatest player
in the whole history of the
game but he would give all the
medals he has won with Bar-
celona just to win one World
Cup, that is how important it
is for him, said former mid-
elder Ardiles.
To be considered along-
side the top, top guys like Pele
and Diego Maradona and so
on, he not only needs to be in
the World Cup but to win it.
Ardiles also said that he re-
garded Argentina as favourites
to win the tournament in
neighbouring Brazil, but joked
he could not say anything else
if he wanted to remain popu-
lar back home.
On a more serious note he
said that while Brazil clearly
had a very good chance, home
advantage was a lot less im-
portant than it once was.
It is a fact that no Europe-
an teams have won the World
Cup in South America but af-
ter saying that it doesnt mean
it is going to stay like that for-
Three or four teams from
Europe have a big chance in
Brazil, but though Brazil are
playing at home, being at
home is not a big advantage
anymore. Players play all over,
things have changed. It is a lot
less than it used to be.
At the beginning of the
tournament it can be an ad-
vantage but if things dont go
well for a young team like Bra-
zils it can be like a boomerang
effect. The pressure grows and
grows and comes back and
can hit you hard. There is so
much pressure, it is tremen-
Ardiles played at the 1978
and 1982 World Cups and gave
a fascinating insight into how
he felt about the experience.
I did not enjoy playing in
the World Cup. You are always
worried about how you are go-
ing to perform, the other team,
I did not enjoy it.
But, of course, when the
nal whistle went in 1978 and
we were champions, you feel
happiness, ecstasy, pure joy,
and its beautiful and a unique
moment in your life - and that
feeling lasted for a long time.
I enjoyed it after the World
Cup but not while I was play-
ing in it.
Asked if wives and girl-
friends were around the Ar-
gentine camp when they won
in 1978, Ardiles replied: Its a
very bad idea having wives
and girlfriends around.
Some players want to have
the wife and the girlfriend
next door. Its a bad idea. In
1978 we didnt see our wives
for months, but we survived
and won. In 1982 we had the
wives and we were terrible.
World Cup win will make
striker sit alongside
football greats Ardiles
Argentinas Lionel Messi.
Inter Milan midelder McDonald
Mariga and his younger sibling Victor
Wanyama, who plies his trade with Eng-
lish Premier League side Southampton,
arrived in the country, yesterday morn-
ing ahead of Sundays 2015 AFCON pre-
liminary round qualiers rst leg tie
against Comoros Les Coelecantes at the
Nyayo National Stadium.
The Kenya Airways ight 0117 carry-
ing the pair touched down at the Jomo
Kenyatta International Airport at around
6.10am from Amsterdam.
Speaking to FeverPitch soon after ar-
rival at JKIA, Mariga whos returning to
the national team after a two-year ab-
sence due to a nagging knee injury, said
hes t and ready to reclaim his starting
place in the competitive Adel Amrouche
Its just good to get back to the na-
tional team and play for your country
after such a long absence. Everybody
wants to don the national colour, but
since Ive fully recovered from the knee
problem Ill try to give my best as I know
fans are expecting a lot from me, said
With the current crop of players, the
Uefa Champions League title winning
midelder believes Stars can oust their
I think weve talented and quality
players who can make Kenyans proud,
but we should not underrate our oppo-
His sentiments were echoed by the
Saints midelder, who challenged his
teammates to play their hearts out.
Theres not much to talk about that
game, but for us to qualify for the next
round we need to be at our best. For us
to be in the Morocco nals we must start
by getting positive results, said Wanya-
Mariga and Wanyama were accom-
panied by their other sibling Thomas
Wanyama, whos coming back in the
country after a short stay in Sweden.
The Wanyama siblings join France-
based striker Dennis Oliech, Al Taawoun
defender David Ochieng and Johanna
Omolo of Lommel United whove all re-
ported to the residential camp.
Meanwhile, Liverpool legend John
Barnes has heaped praise on Wanyama
following his impressive performance
on his debut season in the most popular
league in the world.
Wanyama signed a four-year deal
with the Saints in July last year and
helped them secure a top eight nish in
the just concluded 2013/14 season.
No one can deny that Wanyama is a
great player. Its barely a year and hes al-
ready proved himself to be an astute and
an asset to Southampton. He a bright
future, Barnes, whos of the Jamaican
origin, told FeverPitch during the 2014
Road To Aneld Trophy Tournament in
Spanish side
win third
Europa Cup
in a dramatic
Spanish side Sevilla sen-
sationally claimed a third
Europa League title after
a dramatic penalty shoot-
out in which Benca pair
Oscar Cardozo and Rodrigo
missed from the spot to ex-
tend the Portuguese giants
European nal hoodoo in
Turin on Wednesday.
Benca, recently
crowned league and
League Cup champions,
came to Turin condent of
ending a 52-year jinx that
had seen them lose a total
of seven European nals
since winning the second
of two consecutive Euro-
pean Cups in 1962.
Benca had stumbled
at the last hurdle ve times
in the European Cup, once
in the Uefa Cup (1983) and
once in its successor, the
Europa League, in 2013
when they lost 2-1 to Chel-
Wanyama siblings jet in for AFCON qualier
Beto kisses
the trophy
winning the
Uefa Europa
league nal
at the
stadium in
Turin on
Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
sea in Amsterdam.
Yet despite creating the
lions share of chances in
an open, owing encoun-
ter, the Benca Curse -- as
their unenvied streak has
come to be known -- was
maintained as Jorge Jesuss
men ultimately failed to
hit the net at Juventus Sta-
Jesus said the best
team did not win the Eu-
ropa League, and added:
Sevilla started off better,
but as match progressed
we improved and we were
the better team.
We showed our power
and created chances to
score but couldnt. .
Bencas fans, celebrat-
ing in Turin only weeks ago
having knocked Juventus
out of the competition
during a scoreless second
leg draw in their semi-nal,
had plenty of reason to feel
The Portuguese were
solid throughout and al-
though Sevilla, steered
admirably by the surging
runs and intelligent play
of Croatian captain Ivan
Rakitic, created chances of
their own, Benca should
have had scored before the
Sevillas Portuguese
keeper Beto produced two
crucial saves in succession,
rst denying Maxi Pereria
from point-blank range
as he ran on to volley and
then diving low to block
Rodrigos angled drive.
Victor Wanyama (right) beats Joseph
Kamwendo of Malawi during the World
Cup qualier tie at Kasarani. [PHOTO: FILE]
Diamond Race
FEVERPITCH / Page 71 Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
Rowdy Leopards fans attack
Sofapaka boss Kalekwa
Sofapaka chairman Elly
Kalekwa is the latest victim
of hooliganism after his car
was pelted with stones by sus-
pected AFC Leopards fans on
The fans numbering more
than 500 stoned his expensive
Toyota VX black car worth mil-
lions of shillings, leaving Kale-
kwa with a bill of Sh620,000 in
Kalekwa was suspected
to be carrying AFC Leopards
ofcials Allan Kasavuli and
George Aladwa which was not
the case.
The fans surrounded my
car and were shouting that
Kasavuli and Aladwa should
come out but this was not the
case. Before I knew it they start-
ed stoning my car and caused
extensive damages.
I took it to the garage and
have to pay Sh620,000 for it be
repaired. This is the ugliest face
of hooliganism and shocking
because I had gone to watch a
league match just like any foot-
ball investor in this country.
If the fans had any issues
with their ofcials they should
have waited for them to sort it
out in a sober manner instead
of attacking innocent people
who have nothing to do with
what goes on in the club, he
The Sofapaka boss has chal-
lenged football administrators
to take stern action against
We must not take two
steps forward and three steps
backwards. Unless this vice is
stamped out, there is no hope
for Kenyan football. It does not
make sense when Kenyan Pre-
mier League (KPL) make deci-
sions in stemming out the vice
only for the governing body to
overturn their ruling.
It is a major step backward
and likely to make the situation
worse, he said.
The fans who attacked
Kalekwa were coming from
watching their team play Thika
United at Nyayo Stadium. The
fans had earlier caused chaos
inside the stadium leading to
the abandonment of the x-
Kenyan Premier League is
expected to make a ruling on
the matter after two weeks. By
the time the match was aban-
doned, Thika United were
leading 1-0.
Elsewhere, the Comoros
national team arrived yester-
day morning ready to take on
Harambee Stars in Sundays Af-
rica Cup of Nations qualier at
Nyayo Stadium.
The team had a training
session at Ruaraka Stadium
later in the afternoon. They are
expected to have a feel of the
match venue this evening.
The Kenyan camp was
boosted by the arrival of team
captain Victor Wanyama and
his brother Macdonald Mariga.
Their arrival increased to ve
the number of foreign based
players in the team after Den-
nis Oliech, David Cheche
Ochieng and Johanna Omollo
had joined the team.
United States of America-
based Lawrence Olum, Edwin
Lavatsa and Francis Kahata are
expected to arrive on Friday.

Obiri strikes double as KDF championships end
President Elly
respect for fellow soldier and
former Boston Marathon win-
ner Sharon Cherop to chalk up
the 10,000m win in 34:13.0.
Cherop of Isiolo checked in
second in 34:16.0 with former
Rotterdam Marathon winner
Jemima Chelagat settling for
third spot in 34:18.4.
It was particularly sweet
victory for young Mucheru (of
Nanyuki), who outshone Com-
monwealth Games champion
Mark Mutai, an old guard from
Moi Airbase, winning in 45.2.
Thikas Olympic 3000m
steeplechase bronze medallist
Abel Mutai carried the water
and barriers race for third time
in a row in 8:35.0.
Newcomer Wilson Maraba
of Isiolo came second in 8:35.6
while Abraham Chirchir of Em-
bakasi nished third in 8:36.2.
Mutai, who is Mlango area
near Eldoret International
Airport, hopes the victory will
slide him into the elite club of
greats among them three-
time world champion Ezekiel
I now prepare for the trials.
I dont mind picking a ticket to
any championship, whether
Commonwealth Games or
Africa championships, said
Former world junior
1,500m silver medalist James
Magut won the mens 1500m
race in 3:40.4, beating another
world junior sensation Bernard
Kaptingei (3:41.0) and John-
stone Simatwo (3:42.8).
Nation Police Service
which will see Kenya Police
and Administration Police
compete together after its
merger, will light up Safaricom
Stadium Kasarani today and
Continued From P72
The Nairobi 10km run,
which was set for this Sunday,
has been pushed to July 27 to
allow title sponsors Lap Trust
adequate preparations.
Lap Trust Group CEO Hosea
Kili said they will ofcially un-
veil the sponsorship deal at a
dinner gala soon but presented
a dummy cheque of Sh5 mil-
Kili, however, paid glowing
tribute to The Standard news-
paper and KTN for highlight-
ing the plight of former world
beating athletes, who languish
in poverty.
The Standard and KTN did
wonderful journalism. The sto-
ries that captured the veteran
stars, who are suffering in their
retirement after ying the na-
tional ag high and made Ke-
nyans proud, served as a wake
up call on athletes social se-
curity. We will ght the govern-
ment to take care of our stars.
But we need to have an endow-
ment fund to cater for their re-
tirement lives, said Kili.
Last week, the Standard on
its pull out Wednesday Life car-
ried a story titled, For some
ex-champs, the nish line is
a tumble into misery, which
highlighted the impoverished
lifestyles some former world
beating stars lead. The story
also ran in KTN.
Kili said Lap Trust are in-
terested in ensuring a fullled
athletes lives and will open ac-
counts for Diamond Run win-
ners in all categories, which
will be invested and payable as
pension at the end of athletes
career and thus secure future
social welfare.
Athletics Kenya President
Isaiah Kiplagat said it was the
responsibility of the Govern-
ment to take care of its stars.
We will not sit back and
watch our retired athletes rot
in abject poverty. I have always
advocated for the endowment
fund for athletes, Kiplagat said
during a press conference at
Riadha House yesterday.
The run is organised by
Athletics Kenya Nairobi Coun-
ty in conjunction with Golazo
Sports, an international ath-
letics event organiser and the
company that plays a role in
Diamond League series in Eu-
Kenyans have proven to
the world that we belong to the
Diamond League; and that is
why we are here today; ying
off yet another race that is the
rst of its kind in Kenya and in-
deed Africa, said Kiplagat.
He added: Lets build Ke-
nyan image using athletes, lets
understand branding rights
and lets promote our Kenyan
brands. We have commissioned
a South African marketing rm
and we will sign the deal next
Kiplagat also took the
chance to lash out at Nairobi
County government on their
'failure to promote the city' us-
ing such races.
Hellen Obiri of Lanet Air Base (second right) leads the pack in 800m race during the Kenya Defence
Forces championship at Safaricom Kasarani Stadium, yesterday. [PHOTO/DENNIS OKEYO]
Sevilla stun Benca to extend Europa League Cup jinx, P.70
Will Messi take Barcelona success to the World Cup, P.69
Published and printed at The Standard Group Centre, Mombasa Road Nairobi - Kenya, by The Standard Group, P.O. Box 30080, Nairobi 00100, Kenya. Switch Board Tel. 3222111. Fax: 322027, 2229218, 2218965. News Desk Tel:
3222200, Fax: 0719012027. MOMBASA: Tel: 2230884, 2230897, 2228204, 2228098. Fax: 2230814. NAKURU: Tel: 2214289, 2212914. Fax: 2217348. KISUMU: Tel: 2022820, 2021866. Fax: 2023451. ELDORET:
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7 Pages of Sizzling Sports Coverage!
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S You A1 NYAYo: 6er Mahia feIIewers. |lnOO: SlllOlL
8y IKMf wKl80l
On Muy 22, Tuskef wefe uI home uguInsI Gof Mu-
hIu, buI InsIeud oI pIuyIng Ihe hxIufe In NuIfobI, de-
cIded Io Iuke Ihe muIch Io MumIus Io uvoId Ihe In-
IImIduIIng 'Gfeen Afmy` us Ihey hunIed Iof muxImum
poInIs Ifom Ihe muIch.
The pIoI dId noI wofk, us Ihe 'Gfeen Afmy` some-
how Iound IIs wuy InIo Ihe MumIus CompIex In u
muIch IhuI ended In u buffen dfuw.
ThIs IIme, Ihe bfewefs huve no opIIon us Ihey
come Iuce-Io-Iuce wIIh Ihe ufmy us Ihe Iwo sIdes
meeI In mIdweek Ieugue cIush uI Nyuyo SIudIum Io-
moffow evenIng.
The hxIufe Is cfucIuI Iof boIh sIdes, whIch seek Io
keep up Ihe chuse on Ieudefs Bungefs.
Gof MuhIu skIppef JefIm Onyungo hud no kInd
Saturday 8arcede
Suuday 8arcede
Saturday 8arcede
Suuday 8arcede
Download free QR Readers from
the web and scan this QR (Quick
Response) code with your smart
phone for pictures, videos and
more stories. Police stars take
battle to Kasarani today
World 1,500m bronze medallist Hellen Obiri struck a dou-
ble as the 35th Kenya Defence Forces Athletics Champion-
ships ended at the Safaricom Stadium Kasarani, yesterday.
Fresh from setting a new Africa 3,000m record at the rst
leg of IAAF Diamond League in Doha, Qatar, last week, Obiri
blew away classy line ups in 800m and 1,500m as world half
marathon winner Gladys Cherono added the 10,000m title to
the 5,000m crown she won yesterday.
Obiri, who won silver medal at the IAAF World Indoors in
Poland last March, scooped gold medals in 800m and 1500m
as she sets her sights on anchoring the Kenyan 4x1,500m
charges to the inaugural IAAF World Relay Championships
set for Nassau, Bahamas, next week.
Obiri, who also eyes the Commonwealth Games 1,500m
scalp, hopes the good show will inspire her ahead of Bahamas
My main aim was to successfully represent my unit (Lai-
kipia Airbase) today and am happy it came to be. My focus
now is on Bahamas where I believe we have a very strong
team thatll not only win the gold but bring home a new re-
cord, said Obiri.
Obiri wore the 800m crown in 2:06.6 ahead of Lanets Sela
Chepleting (2:04.4) and Fridah Mwikali (2:05.1) of Embakasi.
Boniface Mucheru, who is also in the Bahamas-bound
squad, was also breathing re. I need gold medal. We have
what it takes since all my team mates have a sub 46 seconds in
400m, said Mucheru, who will line up in 4x1, 500m.
Mucheru returned third in 400m hurdles, 400m and
4x400m while Kahawas Cherono won 10000m title.
Cherono, who is fresh from winning the IAAF World Half
Marathon title in Copenhagen, Denmark, showed little
Friday, May 16, 2014
Abel Mutai (right) leads the
pack in 3,000m steeple chase
race during the KDF champi-
onship at Safaricom Kasarani
Stadium yesterday.
The Only Way To Get a life
Friday, May 16, 2014 Pullout Section B
lly, w
r th
tility, v
t b

r, a
l s

e 1
Sappy: Nazizi
and I in love,
date speaks
out, P17
Jaguar: Why I
declined Kideros
appointment, P22
Page 2 / PULSE Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
Pulse in 1 Minute
Published by I The Standard Group Ltd
Group Managing Editor I Kipkoech Tanui
Editor I Stevens Muendo
Sub-Editor I Peter Ndoria
Writers I Tony Mochama, Rose Kwamboka, Austine
Okande, Kevin Oguoko, Esther Muchene, Mkala
Mwaghesha, Sheila Kimani, Anjellah Owino, Snyder
Manager Print Creative I Dan Weloba
Creative Designer I Joseck Mutoro
Photography I Pius Cheruiyot, Elvis Ogina, David
Illustrator I Kenny Kaburu, Harrison Muriuki
E-mail I;
Website I;
All correspondence to Pulse is assumed to be intended
for publication. Pulse accepts no responsibility for unsolicited
manuscripts, artworks or photographs.
All rights on publication remain with the publisher.
Follow us @
morning, I
woke up
to a
WhatsApp debate pitting
top showbiz stars against
each other.
It had nothing to do
with our 7s rugby boys
who had just hammered
USA in their rst game in
London. Neither was it on
the big buzz in town on
whether Man City were
going to lift the trophy, a
topic I choose to ignore
for obvious reasons.
It was about the
breaking news on how
hip-hop star Dr Dre, a
rapper who hasnt dropped an album in ten years, was
going to become the rst hip-hop dollar billionaire.
Investor rapper Nonini was on one corner of this
debate and Big Kev on the other with the likes of
Bernard Kioko, Maurice Okoth, Nameless, Collo and
many others fanning the re.
Beats Electronics, a company co-founded by Dr
Dre, which specialises in high-end headphones and a
recently launched music streaming service was in
talks with Apple and on the verge of being sold for a
cool $3.2 billion in Kenya we would call that Sh280
billion. Everyone dug in, and so for hours.
After the dust settled, we all agreed that celebrities
through their brand image could always sell ideas and
projects and join the six-digit class from the comfort of
their living rooms.
Our industry is awash with talent but rarely do we
package ourselves nor position ourselves for the
opportunities that present themselves to us everyday.
We murmur when an artiste dies poor, complain
when a promoter short-changes an artiste and join all
the noise when foreign artistes invade our comfort
zone. Rarely do we move beyond that mediocre lane.
Let me leave that for you to digest!
Our Cover story highlights where the music industry
is shifting. It is an eye-opener that highlights the next
level showbiz space we need to utilise. It is the
exclusive edition! So here we go
Game changer
Jay-Z's 100th
Leaked CCTV footage of Solange
Knowles, the sister to Beyonc, viciously
attacking Jay-Z in a lift, quickly became a
trending topic on Twitter, with the hash tag
#WhatJayZsaidtoSolange trending for hours.
Most of the tweets were hilarious with
Solanges relatively obscure music career,
her new hairstyle as well as Jay-Zs famous
lyrics Ive got 99 problems but a b**ch aint
one featuring prominently. Here are some:
Can we sacrice you to the Illuminati?
Dont hate on Blue Ivy for making one
more hit song than you.
Go for the hit. I cant remember the last
time you did that anyway.
I dont share elevators with fans.
I know I ask you this every time I see you,
but what is your name again?
Im sorry. Im not signing autographs
Im sorry. Who are you?
Im tired of you using Blue Ivy to get more
likes on your Instagram posts.
Ive got 99 problems and a sister-in-law
is one.
If youre here, whos babysitting Blue Ivy?
Its a Hard Knock Life.
Its not my fault no one Knowles who
you are.
My lips are bigger than your career.
No, Solange. I will not follow you on
This elevator isnt going anywhere, just like
your career.
This elevator music is better than all of
your songs.
Threesome with you, me and B?
Why are you mad at me? Im not the one
who gave you that haircut.
Why do your parody social media accounts
have more followers than you do?
You cant stay in our basement anymore.
You should just name your album Beyon
cs Sister.
You were actually adopted.
Youre Destinys Stepchild.
Model: Amber Raymond Age: 23
Hobbies: Modelling, swimming and dancing
Photographer: Buoart/Panaito Photography.
Shoot location: Nairobi, Uniafric House, Third Floor,
Suite 360.
Sappy, a well-known
producer with Homeboyz
Records opens up about his
rumoured relationship with
the First Lady of Kenyan hip-
hop, Nazizi. He also takes
down memory lane, from
his motherland in Mwanza,
Tanzania to how he came to
work with some of Kenyas
nest artistes. PAGE 6.
Irene Major, one half of the
Major-Major music duo
gives a lowdown of how
she overcame her fears to
become Miss Cameroon
and what it feels like to rub
shoulders with the high and
mighty in Hollywood, where
she has featured in one of
the James Bond movies
Track star, Ezekiel Kemboi,
is a man with a colourful
lifestyle and the latest
allegations by a lady who
claims to be his secret
girlfriend and mother of
his child are sure to the
drama. Pulse went on an
investigative limb and brings
you the story. PAGE 19
After being appointed and
gazetted by the governor
to be part of a select
committee in the County
government of Nairobi
jaguar opted to decline the
offer. What prompted this
rejection by the otherwise
public-conscious artiste?
Was it a political decision?
PULSE / Page 3 Friday ,May 16, 2014 / The Standard
Brads Fashion Show at Michael Joseph
The annual Brads fashion show, an annual
charity event that highlights the plight of the
less privileged in the society and offers an
avenue to improve their lives, goes down at
Michael Joseph Centre on Waiyaki way to-
night. The red-carpet affair features a runway
podium showcasing the best threads from re-
nowned African designers with live DJ music
keeping the audience entertained. Advance
charges are Sh1,000 and Sh1,200 at the gate.
The Pit at Pawa 254
The Pit, a hip-hop exhibition that celebrates
and showcases all things hip-hop, goes down
at Pawa 254, off State House Crescent, to-
morrow. DJs Khenti, Swarm and Midl-east will
be on the decks, guest artiste Trabolee and
Bhupi Wise Two and Swift 09 showcasing
live grafti. Entry is free.
Concert at Alliance Franaise, Mombasa
Indulge in this one of a kind musical concert
dubbed Watoto wa Abraham that celebrates
the heritage of yesteryears through smooth
jazz tunes. Juma Tutu Swahili Jazz Band and
Nafsi Huru, among others, are the main acts.
The concert goes down at Alliance Fran-
aise in Mombasa tomorrow night. Advance
charges are Sh400 and Sh500 at the gate.
Reggae Mondays at Hypnotica
Enjoy the best of reggae from DJs Kace and
Tsunami at Club Hypnotica this and every
Monday. Reggae enthusiasts are guaranteed
an exceptional time with plenty of offers in-
cluding nyama choma biting for every Sh1000
spent at the club. Entry charges are Sh200.
Mfalme at X/S Millionaires Club
Catch decksman DJ Joe Mfalme as he spins
and thrills fans at Ebony Lounge (formerly the
Loft) on Museum Hill tonight. He will headline
the World Cup Viewing Site Launch party at
the new X/S Millionaires club on Baricho road
the following night.
Miss Kenya 2014 Auditions Open
The auditions for the Miss Kenya 2014 beauty
pageant, Kenyas oldest, premier and most
prestigious beauty pageant, are on and this
time it promises to be bigger and better cour-
tesy of Snapp and Ashleys. Intelligent and
beautiful ladies, aged 18 to 24 years stand
a chance to wow the scouts as auditions
campaign kick start this weekend at several
venues including Garden Hotel in Machakos,
Club Lambada in Mombasa and White Rhino
in Nyeri. Check out the Miss Kenya webpage
for more information.
Hassan in Meru
Spin-master DJ Hassan will spin and thrill
fans with his popular mixes at Airborne bar
and lounge in Kahawa Sukari tonight. Catch
him as he headlines the grand opening party
of the new club and hangout joint, Club Neon
inside Royal Prince Hotel, Makutano, Meru.
European Film Festival at Alliance Franaise
The prestigious European Film Festival, an
annual international cinematographic event
held in the country for the lm enthusiasts,
headlines the entertainment scenes this
month. Now in its 23 edition, the festival
hosts plenty of award winning icks that
have wowed many across Europe. The criti-
cally acclaimed icks showcased tomorrow
include the Marathon from Netherlands,
Tigers in the City from Slovak Republic and
Behind Blue Skies from Sweden. The festival
is ongoing at Alliance Franaise, Nairobi and
stretches to the beginning of next month.
Mr T, K-Rich at Tribeka
Its the I Love Saturdays party at Club Tribeka
and Lounge tomorrow night. Join turntablists
DJs Mr T and K-Rich as they headline this
one of a kind party.
Ciroc Party at Seven Grill
Ultra-premium vodka, Ciroc vodka, hosts the
Ciroc Saturday Night rave at Seven Grill in
Village Market tomorrow night. Enjoy the best
of party times with plenty of refreshing Ciroc
mixers and good music from resident acts all
Parties at iClub
Popular joint, iClub, on Kimathi Street CBD,
hosts a series of parties this coming week-
end. Its the dub station reggae Monday with
DJs Goldnger, Natty Bwoy and Brownskin.
Enjoy the best of rib cracking humour cour-
tesy of Fred Omondi and his entourage every
Wednesday and the Erica-hosted karaoke
night every Thursdays.
Crme at Hush Club
Spin-master Crme de la Crme takes his
epic Crme effect party to Kakamega this
weekend. Catch him as he spins and thrills
fans at Hush Club tonight.
Sound Afrique at Heri Square
Heri Square on Ruaka bypass hosts the
Sound Afrique Live party, a fusion of the best
music mixes by DJ Mawa and the Sound
Afrique Band this and every Thursday and
Wilko at Winkers
Club Winkers on the Malaba border, Wheels
Entertainment and Smart Recordz presents
the Kenyan Divas Night party at the venue
tonight and the following day. Local acts
Wilko and DJ Asprilla headline the show.
Nasambu at Choices
Join Kenya-USA afro soul singer Nasambu
Barasa as she dazzles music lovers with
her classical hits. She headlines the popu-
lar Thursday Nite Live music series and
guarantees fans an exceptional time as
she performs her latest album and Activate
Afrika and latest video release, Monoply.
The Roots International hosted concert goes
down at Choices Pub on Baricho road next
Back to Basics at iClub
This Tuesday, dance to a new beat when
iClub and DJ Frankie present the Back to
Basics show for the best in soul music, from
7pm till late with DJ Frankie churning songs
from the days music had soul.
South side karaoke nals
Karaoke The popular South side Karaoke
championship curtains come down tonight
when contestants go head to head at The
Marabou Sports Lounge on Highway Mall
adjacent to the Nyayo stadium. There will be
lots of giveaways including gym member-
ship for the runners up, dinner and vodka
merchandise while the winner takes home a
cool Sh100, 000 The party, hosted by Lulu,
DJ Deu and DJ Brofa kicks off, at 8pm.
Club Name: Klub Bavon
Location: Keekorok road off Nairobi
re station.
Sitting Capacity: up to 250 patrons
Open: Daily from 7pm
Rating: 7.5/10
The newest entrant in the insatiable
CBD nightlife, Club Bavon is, quite liter-
ally, the talk of the town. It doesnt get
any better than this as fun lovers are
given the perfect platform to let loose
and go wild. Opened late last year, this
new joint has slowly but surely won the
hearts of many partygoers especially
those who are single, as it is a perfect
mingling scene.
From its cool ambiance at the en-
VIDEO review
Song: Mutui Museo
Artiste: Mbuvi
Rating: 7/10
n a rather characteristic
fashion borrowed from his
hit song Kwata Kawaya,
gospel star Mbuvi has again
released a fast and highly
dramatised video for his latest song
Mutui Museo, which loosely trans-
lates to Good Neighbour.
His latest clip draws the viewers
attention right from the initial scene,
which is characterised by blowing
of trumpets then closely followed by
a vigorous dance, scenes which set
the clips high tempo.
Everything in the video is fast
from the dancers to the instrumen-
tals, which manages to blends in
The song is predominantly sung
in Kamba however the English sub-
titles works well in the video. The lyr-
ics in the video call for unity among
people, this is well captured in the
dramatised scenes in the clip.
The video is shot at an outdoor
and the director does a commend-
able job of balancing the video
exposure in most scenes however
it is glaring that some scenes were
The use of silhouette also worked
well in the video. The dancers and
the colourful dress codes used in the
video also work a great deal in invit-
ing a good feel in the video.
The good neighbour
trance to the comfortable VIP areas, Bavon
offers a truly exceptional time. If that was
not the main attraction, then perhaps the
drinks can be a bargaining offer as they go
for between Sh250 and Sh300 depending
on your tastes and preferences.
Its party themes from stud parties
to private shows and music hosted by
Dancehall Franchise Unit (DFU), have been
carefully and categorically scheduled to of-
fer patrons the ideal party mood; making it
Nairobis wild party parlour. Entry to VIP is
Sh1,000 and while normal bar and lounge
area is Sh200.
Page 4 / PULSE Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard
lenna Akaliche, a 23-year-old
beauty lands in our ofce at
7.15am bearing a heavy heart
and with scores to settle. She
is here to narrate her ordeal with Tanzanian-
born singer, Kizo B, famed for his Badilisha
Mwendo hit.
At 7.30pm, we start the interview during
which she emotionally narrates her ve-year
love and hate affair with the singer, who later
admits having a baby with her.
It is a dramatic interrogation, a back and
forth fact nding mission that nally leaves
Kizo B and his manager puzzled in their wit,
ending up giving in after ten minutes of refut-
ing knowledge of the baby mama.
As the interview takes off, Glennah informs
us that the artiste who refashioned to a gospel
musician a while back has declined offering
child support to their daughter, Sheryl.
He always brags that he has a beauti-
ful daughter but he is never catering for her
needs. In the few occasions we have met over
the issue, he would give an excuse that he
does not have any money, claims Glenna.
As explained, this tale all began in 2008
when the two met and fell in love then things
changed when Kizo B found out that she was
We were very much in love and we
would spend time at Pilipilis house. He used
to be good to me the rst few months of my
pregnancy. Then into my sixth month, he
completely changed and although people
would tell me that he was not going to take
me anywhere, I stuck by him as I loved him
and opted to give him time to adjust to the
situation, she says.
Glenna says that he gave her some
amount of money in June 2009 and at this
point she moved to Coast with her friend
and she delivered the baby in August that
year. She named the baby Sheryl. She later
returned to Nairobi where she now stays with
her auntie.
According to her, when she gave Kizo B a
visit, she was shocked to nd out from Pilipili,
Kizo Bs former producer and promoter that
the singer no longer stayed in the neighbour-
hood. She paid a visit to children courts to
report him as she sought child support and
was handed a summon letter which he re-
acted to by a call two days later. After college,
she says she travelled to South Sudan and he
had promised her that he would follow her but
he did not. She returned in December last year
and they met, but he was still not ready to help
her raise the child.
I was desperate for his help in bringing up
our child. I have done everything that I can and
I have tried understanding but it has reached a
point that I cannot move on. I am bitter. I dont
like men anymore, she says with distaste.
And reacting to her expose, Kizo B was
thrown into confusion when Pulse reached out
to him for a rejoinder.
I dont know any woman by that name.
Yes, I have got one child called Sheryl and
she shares the name with her mother. I have
supported my daughter all through I knew of
her existence. The problem is, I do not want
to have any relationship with the mother, he
So who is Sheryls mother, someone else
not Glennah? we pursue.
I will send you her number in a few
minutes. I will even send you her photos if you
want, he charges.
In another minute, Kizo Bs manager calls
Glennah, breathing re, questioning Glennah
why she had to go all the way exposing Kizo
B to Pulse. There is a pose, then in another
few minutes, he calls our desk, trying to dis-
tance Kizo B from the blame.
Most of the time, Kizo B is concerned
about his child. There are conrmations of
the Mpesa he sent to the mother of his child.
Maybe the girl only wants publicity and has
seen that Kizo B is prospering and wants to
benet. We called Glenna and she is not pick-
ing up, he says. Glenna? we ask.
No I mean Sheryl, he replies in a heist
before pushing the conversation back to Kizo
B. Once more. I used to date the mother of
my child but we were not compatible, and
her behaviour was not what I can tolerate in
a woman. I did not know I have a child at the
time we parted. It was only few years back
that I knew I have a daughter and I have been
supporting her all through. There is no way I
can deny my own daughter for she is every-
thing to me, he tells us.
Circus, love circus! Who has the last

I used to date the
mother of my child
but we were not
I love my baby, not her mother, singer Kizo
B tells Pulse writer ANJELLAH OWINO in this
exclusive expose, a classic episode based on
the child between
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PULSE / Page 5 Friday May 16, 2014 / The Standard
This long
frame from
sure has a
way of
Little bird couldnt take off. And even though he had to
come down to her level.
Mr Moneybags is a show-off when it
comes to the ladies.
After all, he knows it is often what
people confuse with condence.
The operative word is often, not
When she nally took off. She performed the dance with ying
They say one
should dress
up and act
like what they
want to
become. Meet
a future
sherwoman .
Locate the
Disaster in
this picture
(20 Marks).
I have been
here before.
Watch what you wear, for no one knows the day or the hour of his coming ... with a camera!



Lear ni ng to f l y
Show me the money
Meanwhi l e,
at the den
Di scr i mi nati on!
Damsel in
distress... lucky
50 bob ya fare ni
muhimu, buda.
Boye tena?
That guy will
refund my cash.
Na hawa
mifupa tu.
Wewe unaongea
nini wewe?
Hebu, show me
how it is done...
Then you lift one
hand and allow
me to lift you up.
Hii chakula
hakuna mtu mimi
Heh, let me get
off, huyu ana nia
Come on, let me
propel you
Let me remain
with this, just in
Better still, I can
let you keep it. I
only use plastic.
Mimi nimeshiba,
wacha sasa
Wacha uoga. Ni
camera, sio gun.
Hebu karibia
hapa uone.
Now, let me teach you
another way of doing
it. Move closer.
Its OK, I can hold it
for you.
All moves... must
I rotate near your
centre of gravity?
REALITY CHECK: Always hang around successful people,
rumour has it success can rub off.
You seem like a
nice guy, come
meet my boye.
I hate walking
around with
money... too heavy.
These cubs were enjoying some
They then spotted some
And whereas some opted to
turn, ready to run away...
Others went for backup, ready
to pounce.
That, coupled with a few not-so-
truthful facts, often works.
Page 6 / PULSE Friday, May 16, 2014 / The Standard


Despite being a brilliant Homeboyz
Records producer with a cache of
mega hits under his belt, 27-year-old
Sapie Kheri aka Sappy from Mwanza,
Tanzania, became the talk of town
recently after rumours of a relationship
with Kenyas First Lady of rap, Nazizi
interrogated the Mwanza native to suck
out the sap in the saga
appy arrives for the interview
one hour late. He is in a black
jumper, branded Sappy and
a matching mesh-back base-
ball hat. In perfect Swahili tinged with a
Bongo accent, he apologises for keeping
me waiting.
Nimetoka Kitengela kwa mama (I
am from Ketengela where my woman
stays), he excuses.
Mama in this case is Nazizi the rap-
per. They were spotted getting quite cosy
during Konshens concert at KICC. The
two have actually been dating for the
past four months, with Sappy fuelling the
rumours by constantly posting photos
of the two together on his Instagram ac-
It all started with his good music.
She came to Homeboyz in October
to meet a famous producer who had
been churning hits. We met and talked
about her intentions to have me produce
her album (which he has). We did not
meet again as she was still relocating to
Kitengela town from Lamu. We hooked
up again in February and it has been
bliss ever since, says Sappy, with a
contented smile.
Nazizi nalised her divorce around the
same time.
Sappy has been splitting his time be-
tween the Homeboyz studios, his South
B home and Kitengela. He is indeed an
item with the recently divorced rapper
whose son, he claims likes him.
Nazizi is a good person and very
focused. She speaks with maturity and I
like how as a veteran in the music scene,
I have her on my side. She always wants
me around her actually, given a chance,
she would ship the studio to her house
so I could be with her all day, he adds, a
ash of cheekiness brightening his eyes.
She has my attention and affection,
he insists.
The affair has attracted a lot of at-
tention in his home country with blogs
following his every move. His country-
men have been impressed with their own
making it big in a foreign country. His
family is well aware of the relationship.
Gangster Love is a song the two
decided to record as an answer to the
question that has been on everyones
lips. The dancehall and hip hop track has
already been picked by blogs and radios.
Nazizi is the rst lady I have been
serious with since I came to Kenya. I
love her and I know this relationship is
destined for good things. We are so into
each other, explains the ever-smiling
He adds that the age difference is not
a problem with him. To put it in perspec-
tive, Sappy was in primary school when
Nazizi released her rst song.
Away from Nazizi, Sappy studied in
both Dar-es-Salam and Mwanza before
coming to Kenya in 2011 to study Live
Sound at Homeboyz. He got his lucky
break after the Homeboyz manage-
ment gured he was a good producer.
When his opponents contract ended,
Sappy, who was buying time by teach-
ing production at Homeboyz, was given
the mantle to produce hits. He did not
sign a contract though, explaining that
he does not want to be tied down.
I work for commission and I can
conrm I live well, he insists.
It was not a smooth ride though for
Sappy, who is the second last born in a
family of ve kids after one passed on.
Initially, my parents were jittery with
me coming to Kenya since we do not
even know anyone here. I forced their
hands and signed up for a three-month
course. I wanted to know how to direct
live events but after getting into the
studios, I have not looked back, he
He showed an interest in music while
in Form Three by visiting Mo Records to
learn how to produce.
Sappy has worked with big artistes
like Prezzo, Jua Cali, Bamboo, Rabbit,
Ally B among others but Redsans Bad-
der Dan Most is his favourite hit. Work-
ing with the Stop Sign Riddim, the song
was arguably last years best song with
the remix featuring Jamaican dancehall
artiste Demarco.
He is different; international artistes
know what they are doing so the pro-
cess is easy, he says of the experience.
His call back tune is Rabbits Swahili
Shakespeare, another hit he produced.
He is grateful to Homeboyz for the
networks he has built which include a
possible deal with Sony Records after
the South African ofcials visited him to
sample his work.
I will soon open Sappy Productions
as I need to grow my brand, he con-
After being married to Vinny Leopold,
another Tanzanian in 2008, Nazizi led
for divorce last year following marital
differences. They had been separated
one year before the divorce issue came
up. The divorce was nalised early this
year. Vinny, who happens to be the father
of Nazizis baby, has always remained
media shy and secretive.
Even the mystery wedding that took
place in Jamia Mosque was done in
secret, with the two relocating to Lamu
where they had bought land before Nazizi
returned to Nairobi after the break-up.
Nazizis past affair does not bother
Sappy. He explains that he knows the
details but has chosen to go forward
with the relationship, as he is not tied to
Nazizis earlier life.
I have not met that guy nor even
talked to him so that part of her life is not
my concern. All I am currently focused in
is talking care of my lady and her son.
Sappy afrms.
PULSE / Page 7 Friday May 16, 2014 / The Standard
e rolled into Carnivore
the other Wednesday
nyte for the very rst
Pulse Industry Nyte, and
so twas nice dat de very
rst person we saw was Stevoski, Pulse
editor, and Kevoski O, one-a cool crew.
Said hallo n sat on the table next to the
nexx-big-starlet Cece Sagini n her big buoy
manager who manage/d Sauti Sol. Hes
already made the young star look sophisti-
Talkin of Sauti Sol, I have just been the
351,351st person (how cool is dat?) to
check out their video on YouTube, and at
second viewing, it aint really shocking. Just
erotically artsy, so waz the fussy? (But then
after Jada Fire, no-ones shocking, lmao).
Anyway, le Sharonova, Jeremy n I sat
near the stage, throwing a casual eye to the
screen where Man City waz killing Villa that
jioni, and Kantai G on DJ Mfalmes play-
list, as our light paps Davie and the coolest
papz in town Pius ashed all the scenes in.
Part tyme MC Mike Wachira went on
stage to make jokes n kumbush the Ana-
logues of them days when Voorus bounc-
ers like wakina Akila were best known for
freezing yut at the gate, n guys wud try to
come in with other peeps, even of a differ-
ent gender, IDs.
True story. After Id cleared Fourth and
waz nineteen, me seventeen year old sis
Caroline got into Carni once using my ID.
Thaz how unclear the gava snaps taken
way back then at the Chiefs camp were,
while me lad Jeremy will be getting his in a
Sheila Kwamboka, our Industry hostess
tole us all to mingle n get to know industry
wigs. Was summoned to marketing guru
Kavutha Ns meza n we had a good chat
with the cool chap.The Sakata Dancers
were great, with their alternate fast n slo mo
dance routines in the Voo.
(Energetic sakata, not like le Smitta who
just dosed off in de Monday aftey mbele
ya comp n found a whole lot of ooos from
Voo. Two letters earlier n it woulda been
a lot of Vs, like were in camp wit Boko
Cece Sagini, gitting used to it in heels,
gave a riveting performance. Later as I
The Pulse Industry
Scene at carni
congrad the young lassie, I waz abducted
by ole amigo Tom Aosa alias el Presidente,
who took me njee to his two mtu sport car
and gemme a bit of Jameson.
Changamukad, returned to the club to
nd Wyre alreadee makin people saree with
his mesmo dance moves, including Propel-
lor, Shower n Stamina. A combo of all
these moves is watt keeps Wyre young. He
invited me onstage to bust a move with
him, Wyre did, and I tried me best.
After the full of fwaya Wyre show, I met
Miss Murt, she of the Tujuane fame but
of course yu know she long moved on and
is now a charming young damsel on the
celebrity n social scene.
I met Patricia Kihoro of Homeboyz
radio and in her yeller head scarf n all, she
looked so home. But here waz good ole
Manga at the corner (hes now a pilot) n I
wundered if he eer thot dat night of those
young days of kina his ex-chicka Sanapei,
how it waz then. And here too was king of
the decks Muriithi, fresh from ABC Place.
Well, tis the new era of China and
Pulse Industry nyte every rst Wednesdae
of the month, n old frenemies. Sadat, with
whom Pulse is now pals, waz there with
a whole kirundo of young peeps in the in-
dustry, including Mourine Obare and some
two cool Congolese singer called Papa
Dennis who recently did a collabo with
Jimmy Gait. And short dude, did he dance!
Twas long past midnyte when we left
(Stevoski, Sadat & Co) still at table, Sospe-
ter having served us all sortsa stuff (lakini
sio methanol), n I gotta thank wakina Cath-
erine M and team; Jewel Kendi and sweet
Glo who deserve a Lady Gagas applause
as well as the KTN E-Curve team. N, yeah,
lookin 4 ward to tha next one
Smitta Bonus:
On Friday nyte I chapad vodoski 4
me birthdae at South C Sports Club
(must koroga there soon), and on Sato
we weya rogwad with more vodo at a
house bash in South B, as imam shore
will be the case this weekend at my
Jovago buddy Tom Putnams BBQ in
Kile. Which brings me to methanol! In
anutha lifetime, Id be dead in Makue-
ni from methanol-laced brews. So,
with no pun intended, Im calling on
all peeps, poets n prezzos, to ensure
that no Countryman kicks the bucket
coz of poison pint. Lez ensure safe n
cheap ery liquors for all.
watched him seating at the bonre in
his cream chinos, legs crossed at the
knee, sipping his scotch. Ordinarily I
would have found this image sexy in
the way that displays of sophistication
and taste excite one who fancies herself a
woman of the world; but I was repulsed.
I took in his perfectly buffed nails, his
clear pores and smooth face and felt another
wave of revulsion coming on. This man,
barely twelve hours earlier had been one of
the sexiest I had ever met. I found myself
worrying about fullling his expectations of
our nights out of town. Truth be told, barely
ve hours earlier I had eagerly climbed onto
the passenger side of his X-Trail excited at the
When I tossed my stuffed tote bag into the
boot of his car I had not made much of the
two oversize duffel bags. In fact I had been
rather impressed by their quality and felt
slightly embarrassed I had not packed one of
my more suave bags. That was before we got
to our destination.
I had no need to unpack as I was planning
to live out of my tote and sling bag. These two
contained the bare essentials a cleanser,
some lotion, a toothbrush, a change of
underwear, two outts and a T-shirt to sleep
in. The T-shirt had been an afterthought; its
key purpose was not so much to be slept
in but not to make me look too forward. I
was marvelling at the wood ceiling panelling
when he began unpacking and I found myself
hoping the T-shirt would discourage any
He had been lining up his collection on
the dresser; a night face cream, a day face
cream, shaving cream, aftershave lotion,
body lotion, sunscreen, body wash, scrub,
toner, moisturiser then a day and another
night moisturiser. Stunned into silence, I
watched on. He walked up to the closet ung
it open and began to rack up his clothes. The
chinos were one of two pairs he packed for
the evening bonres.
They come with a matching pair of
loafers. He has jeans and hiking boots for the
bushwalk and two different pairs of slacks for
the drive from and back to Nairobi. These all
come with coordinated shirts and socks.
As I watched him lay out the pyjamas,
housecoat and bedroom slippers I felt the
wave of revulsion sweep over me. What I had
found sexy in Nairobi and a mark of meticulous
grooming was now needy and effeminate.
Somewhere in a Kenyan Village
Washeni stima, kesho
naenda kazini mapema na
sitaki kuharibu kibarua.
Gentleman, the Country-
man you put in my ka-soda
has quite the kick. I can see
tonight already.
Page 8 / PULSE Friday May 16, 2014 / The Standard
This good
is huge body looked over-
emphasised through his
over-sized T-shirt and baggy
jeans, complete with a hoodie
and dark stunners giving the impression
of a thuggish guy, the type you should
think twice before messing with. Then
add his name, Robatoz Tha Badman
and we have our Kenyan version of Bone
Crusher, the American rapper. But when
Robert Mboya speaks, his easy-to-talk-
to demeanour is discernible from the rst
word. He could be a badman in other
matters- music, perhaps.
When I did a song, Badman, in 2011
under Grandpa Records, my fans would
refer to me as Badman. That was when
I changed my name from Robatoz to
Robatoz Tha Badman. At the time I was
among the rst artistes Regah signed
in his label but we parted ways ami-
cably. We do not have any bad blood
between us, he recalls.
Parched for independence, he
opened a record label last year, Batoz
Music Entertainment and has signed
ve artistes at present. The expertise
he got from the diploma course in Mass
Communication at Kenya Institute of
Media Technology, at which he ended
up specialising in music production,
came in handy.
I have always wanted to be an inde-
pendent artiste and a music producer.
The only way was to open a studio, and
this has enabled me achieve a big part
of my ambitions. I am more than a pro-
ducer to them I nurture talent and get
involved in their career interests, says
the rapper.
He updates us that he markets
his artistes by pushing for shows for
them, organises radio interviews, and
promotes their music in social media
At this point, the signed artistes are
Chilly V, Shadimpols, Jay O, Jimax, and
Kengele. He further says that he is a
versatile artiste, producing all kinds of
music genres.
I know what it is like when starting
out and I try to help them where I can. I
have had nancial difculties as well but
I thank God for that because through it
all, I have been able to handle different
classes of society. Doing what others
dont, that is what makes you stand
above the rest, he says.
In February this year, he released an
Afro techno song, Iri Joro, Rwandan
for tonight, together with a Rwandan
artiste, Baby Chris, and his music
group, Batoz Family comprising him,
Shadimpols and Chilly V. In a months
time, he will release a remix to Venye
Si Hudo that he did with the Batoz
Family crew, this time featuring Visita
and Kenrazy too.
Currently he is working on a couple
of his artistes videos: Kengeles
Come Baby Come, Baby Krushas
Wanitaka, and Chilly Vs Usidate Na
Production takes most of my
time because I have to render my
services to the artistes who have
entrusted their work in my hands.
Then I also have to create my
studio time so that I dont lag
behind in my dreams as a musi-
cian. All this is fullling, since
I get to be my own boss, he
He recently designed an
advertisement for Jambo Pay
and he plans to open a bigger
studio by December so that he
can manage live band perfor-
mances. He cites peoples re-
ception and fear of competition
from accomplished artists as
the main obstacle to getting a
breakthrough for many artistes.
Some established artistes
feel threatened by newcom-
ers. We should change how we
approach this industry. From
the producers, artistes, deejays,
we all need one another and for
that we have to promote one
another. When we try to nish
each other, the industry suffers
hence we all, he espouses.
Robatoz Tha Badman loves
clubbing every weekend, swim-
ming and traveling. He is single
and searching for a tall, simple
and natural girl. Though he
terms himself as a quiet guy, he
says he can be hot-tempered
when his path is crossed. Rabbit
and Octopizzo are the artistes
on top of his list he wants to
work with.
Robert Mboya aka Robatoz the Badman, who
turned 25 on Monday, decided to branch out as an
upcoming artiste and venture into the tumultuous
world of music production, a challenge he
acknowledges is not easy, writes ANJELLAH OWINO
I know what it is
like when starting
out and I try to help
them where I can. I
have had nancial
difculties as well but
I thank God for that
because through it
all, I have been able
to handle different
classes of society.

PULSE / Page 9 Friday May 16, 2014 / The Standard

few years back, I had
gone to K1 Klub House in
Parklands, Nairobi, with my
girlfriend and a male friend.
While we were having mad
fun, I bumped into an ex-girlfriend of mine
whom I still had a thing for.
She was dressed real sexy and hot and
I must admit, I was getting mixed up in
the heat of the moment as we exchanged
suggestive glances over hot drinks.
At one point, I asked her (my ex-
girlfriend) to walk me to the car so that we
could catch up.
But this, as it would turn, was a bad
idea as we got overwhelmed in romantic
heat and got to action, inside the car. Con-
sumed in our passions, little did we know
that the bouncers had been monitoring us.
They ambushed us in the car, threaten-
ing to arrest us for indecency. Besides,
they had caught us pants down.
I had to part with Sh8,000 with the girl
bailing me with half the amount to free our
selves. The truth is, I have never seen her
_Smallz Lethal is member of hip hop
group Washamba Wenza and the collec-
tive Ukoo Flani Mau Mau.
The Ex-Factor
Gl uttonous ambi ti ons
he HR ofce at my work-
place had organised an
outing for our department
after a successful year
where we had exceeded all
the expectations set for us.
The lunch took place at a very high-
end hotel and the experience was new
to me. Not wanting to appear ignorant,
I decided I was going to act well-versed
and condent among my more urban
The buffet included passing by the
chef and picking pieces of steak. There I
was pointing at some piece of meat that
looked delicious and asking the chef to
place it on my plate.
You like raw sh. That is what I am
serving now. It is not popular with many
people, the chef warned.
The giggles that followed from my
workmates made the afternoon a very
long affair. Raw sh!
Could I even stand steamed one!
-Tom Oh.
Page 10 / PULSE Friday May 16, 2014 / The Standard Page 10 / PULSE Page 10 / PULSE
The bandwagon
There is a tectonic
shift in the local music
scene, alongside the
usual inux of dance
and club Genge and
Kapuka beat. A new
sound, one dened
by rhythm, beat and
melody that are good
to the ear is taking over
the showbiz landscape.
Is the age of the
bands here with us, at
long last? STEVENS
itting the notes with rare ingenuity, their soulful
mellow voices blends and their lyrics ooze a pure
innocence of love.
Malenga wa kubadili zao nia, kama una
masikio sikia, usije basi ukapuliza gunia, na wenye roho nyepesi
watasengenya, hawatatuombea, na mi nishakupenda wee,
kwa wazazi nikupeleke, na mi nishakupenda wewe... wewe
Wambui Ngugi aka Wambizzy, a third of the new talk-of-the-town
band, Elani, introduces the groups Milele hit with such sheer
sweet melody.
This Sol Music Entertainment produced song and its well-
choreographed Enos Olik directed video is a masterpiece that
can melt even the devils heart. You cant help falling in love with
such harmony.
Released three months ago, the sophomore single by the
versatile band comprising old college buddies Maureen Muthoni
Kunga, Wambui Ngugi and Brian Chweya was dropped when
the band was still marvelling at the awesome success of their
debut release off their new album, Jana Usiku, another story-
line penned melody that was released in September last year.
Unknown to many, Elani started off six years ago with songs like
Barua ya Dunia, which is now being re-recorded, failing to propel
them to mass appeal. Back then, bands such as Just-a-Band
and Sauti Sol were leading the new evolution that had started
with groups like Jabali Africa, Gogosimo, Kayamba and Yunasi.
The new move was however not fully welcomed by the youthful
lot that then worshipped the Western inclined swagged-up beat.
Fusing warm resonant Afro-pop with an urban touch, Sauti
Sols mlange of energetic rhythms gave birth to a new Kenyan
sound, as the group led the way to become one of East Africas
most celebrated entertainers. Just like Elani, the all boy-band
encompass the bands unique mix of soulful voices with vocal
Sauti Sol.
PULSE / Page 11 Friday May 16, 2014 / The Standard
general masses as many a times, the lyrics of
their songs cut across all ages.
The melody in their songs and the catchy
lyrics almost similar to the love ballads the
Tanzanian Bongo Flava genre has enjoyed over
the years also seems to be a winning formula
that has the entire region accepting the bands
Unlike hip hop, Kapuka and Genge, sounds
that only appeal to a particular age, bands
are providing whole family entertainment and
therefore getting accepted even at the pulpit.
In fact, fun lovers attending events are now
demanding live music as opposed to playbacks
therefore giving bands an edge against solo
According to Elani, real life challenges
have been an integral aspect in creating their
catchy lyrics. Full family entertainment being
their focus, the group says the age has come,
in the local entertainment scene, for fans to get
quality music and value for their money, a fact
that sees them devote many hours planning
their projects and practising together.
It takes a lot of patience, dedication and
team work for a band to excel. We have been
together for six years now and all along this is
the time fruits have begun to show, Elani tells
It has been a challenging process but
worth the while. Competition has been stiff
but everyone has his or her time to bloom. We
would like to show people that one can actually
live out of music, the Elani songstress adds.
When it comes to bands, presentation
becomes more versatile. The different music
aspects and perspectives come to live when
you are a band. Everyone in a band has their
strength and that gives more power to bands.
Its team production, Elani notes.
Not so long ago, the band performed
at Mavuno Church, this raised eyebrows of
course because they clearly are not a gospel
We might not be outright gospel but that
does not mean we are not believers. After
all, our songs are about experiences that
everyone goes through. Unless there is an
argument out there that Christians do not fall
in love, we t well in singing in church, they
We admire the bold steps that the church
make. Our music is made for all generations
and that is what church is all about, Elani
Besides Elani, Sauti Sol, Sarabi and
Adawnage, many other youthful bands are
joining the bandwagon. Their names may not
be out there yet but they are gradually growing.
Bands like Dexterity Music, Le Band, Ricky Na
Maraki, H_Art, The Band, Le Tortue, Gravity
Band and Threat the Band are making good
music and performing in different events.
Sarabi, for example is becoming popular.
It comprises eight members, a predominantly
male band with only one lady singer.
We were discovered by George and he
has been our mentor since then and is now
our mentor, he showed all of us where our
strengths are in music and got us started in
the industry, says Nelson Mandela, lead
singer of the Sarabi Band.
The band members explain that they make
music to document their life experiences and
the culture of Kenyans.
We want the generation that comes after
us to get a point of reference on how things
used to be done in our times, for them to
understand their culture, says Sarabi. With
a collabo with Juliani and a video to their
single Sio Lazima, Sarabi are out to make
themselves a household name too.
We are currently working with Electra
Afric Deejays and this single will show just
how diverse we are, they remark.
Adawnage, a gospel band that comprises
14 members, has been in the scene since
2008 and is also experiencing a quick rise
with singles like Safari, Naomba and Uwezo
enjoying high rotation.
It is amazing to see people write to us or
call us saying that they owe their conversion
to us. That means we are making a positive
impact in the society, says the group.
Just like most of the other bands, they
compliment what other groups have been
doing in changing the local music landscape.
We love Elani, their vocals are amazing.
They have the potential to become Kenyas
biggest band, they confess.
The bandwagon
harmonies, guitar riffs and drum rhythm.
It goes in history that the four members,
Chimano, Polycarp, Bien and Delvin, opened a
whole new chapter in Kenyan music when they
released their debut single, Lazizi. They were a
fresh sound, cutting their own niche with their
distinct and acoustic sound won many hearts.
They too tackled everyday issues as seen
in Lazizi, a song themed around a guy asking a
girl, Lazizi, out and then later getting harassed
by police.
This is the same direction Elani took with
Milele, a rather vibrant urban feel melodious
songs about real everyday matters.
In less than a year since Elani got its
lifeline, the three pals have been dominating
concerts and airwaves, going ahead to
give Sauti Sol a run for their money. And
just when you thought they had given
their best, about three weeks ago, they
released Kookoo, an even edied smash
love track that has literary made the
group a household name.
As much as they may not accept,
the timing of Sauti Sols sexy laced
track, Nishike (Touch Me), barely a
week after Elani released the killer
hit, was seen by critics as a strong
counter to Elanis rising appeal and
prominence that no doubt touches
on Sauti Sols following.
Ironically, the two groups have
lately been working together in
what seems yet another calculated
move to popularise the new sound,
which they now term as the real
East African sound.
We have been working closely
with Sarabi and Elani and ours is
not competition as much as every
group has to keep its head up,
individually, Anyiko Owoko, Sauti
Sols publicity manager told Pulse.
We have been consistent in our
effort to create the new East African
sound that will have a mass appeal
across the region and we are happy
that Elani and Sarabi are now well
accepted. We are well behind their
success, Anyiko added.
Knowing where Sauti Sol has
come from and what bands are now
up to, I would say the future belongs
to bands. We interact a lot with other
groups and knowing how much time
and seriousness all these bands
invest together making music, I
would warn that this is not a hobby. We
are not a passing cloud, compliments
Unlike solo artistes, bands are quickly
becoming accepted in corporate and social
circles due to their ability to appeal to the
We have been
consistent in our effort
to create the new East
African sound that will
have a mass appeal
across the region and
we are happy that
Elani and Sarabi are
now well accepted.
Sarabi Band
Page 12 / PULSE Friday May 16, 2014 / The Standard
Mix n
Mixing different colours and pieces here
and there brings out the right blend for your
everyday looks and ESTHER MUCHENE
exhibits how to do it with simple pieces.
Stand out in a
attering light cobalt
skater dress that will
atter every gure
due to the owing hem
for a night out.
For that uber
feminine look skip
the clich business
attire and do a lace
top with a pencil
Pair your ordinary
tights with a tribal
blazer, vest and cute
heels that will ooze of
Throw away the heels
and dress down your
jumpsuit with sneaker
wedges for a chilled
out hot Nairobi day.
PULSE / Page 13 Friday May 16, 2014 / The Standard

Pulse: What is the inspiration be-
hind your white goatee?
Ole Willy: It represents principles I
live up to; Wisdom, author-
ity and power, which are part
and parcel of my brand.
P: Where do you shop?
OW: Any place I can spot some-
thing nice and easy on the
eye. Most of the time that
happens to be one of the
Westlands shops, Prestige
Plaza and Online whenever
I visit Nairobi.
P: What is the most expensive item
on your closet?
OW: I have a Gucci three-piece
suit that cost me 600 US
Dollars (Sh51,000). I also
own a necklace chain worth
about the same amount.
P: Who is your fashion icon?
OW: Owen Mwatia (Daddy Owen),
does well for me locally. He
dresses for the occasion.
Internationally, that would
be Fally Ipupa. He can do
no wrong in my eyes when it
comes to dressing. Hes the
ultimate African fashion icon.
P: What fashion style would you
wish away?
OW: Men sagging pants is a no-no
in my books.
P: How would you dress your lady
for a dinner date?
For a long day out and
about, kick it with a
blood orange maxi
dress and a denim
shirt to break the
monotony with a cute
sling bag.
Lisas Fashion House
Esther Muchene
MODEL: Pierra

OW: The LBD (Little Black Dress)
can never go wrong; simple
and classy. I would keep the
makeup to a minimum and
let natural beauty take cen-
tre stage.
P: Worst fashion item have you
ever worn and lived to re-
OW: I rocked linen pants, purple
shirt and shoes to church. It
was too loud and attention
seeking considering the oc-
P: Cologne or Deodorant?
OW: Cologne. I wear Drakkar Noir.
Its aromatic scent is to die
P: Fashion advice?
OW: There is always something
simple and classy for you
regardless of your budget,
you just have to be on the
lookout for it.
Ole Willy is an Eldoret-based
gospel artiste.
Page 14 / PULSE Friday May 16, 2014 / The Standard
I want to know...
. Are gold sh
really made of
. Are pineapples
apples from pine
. Are the
cheetahs girls
real cheetahs?
. Can breaking
news be
. If you put
your phone on
airplane mode, will
it y?
. Is the Milky
Way made of
. Other than
Yahayas abode,
has anyone ever
found out Victorias
. Why do we call
it rush hour if
nothing is moving?
Movie review
Pulse: Lip-gloss or lipstick?
Anita: Lipstick, because most lip glosses
are sticky and lipstick accentuates
your lips.
P: Fish or chicken?
A: Fish, any day. I just love sea-
P: Short or tall men?
A: I am very short so it would
mean standing on a stool
and breaking my back
to reach a tall guy so Ill
have to say short.
P: Sports cars or motor-
A: Helmets are so sweaty.
That said Id rather have
the sports cars at
least my hair will be
P: Flowers or chocolate?
A: I dont like chocolate. Un-
less when its in dessert
and cake. Flowers please!
Anita Nderu is radio presenter
and news anchor at Capital FM.

Ani ta s sti cky
si tuati on
Director: George Clooney
Cast: George Clooney, Matt Damon, Bill Mur-
ray, John Good man
Genre: Drama, action & adventure
Duration: 1hr 18 min
Rating: 5/10
The movie is based on a true story of the
greatest treasure hunt in history. The Monu-
ments Men is an action drama focusing on an
unlikely World War II platoon, tasked by FDR
with going into Germany to rescue artistic mas-
terpieces from Nazi thieves and returning them
to their rightful owners. It would be an impos-
sible mission with the art tucked behind enemy
lines, and with the German army under orders
to destroy everything as the Reich fell, how
could these guys - seven museum directors,
curators, and art historians, all more familiar
with Michelangelo than the M-1 rie possibly
hope to succeed? Yet as the Monuments Men,
as they were called, found themselves in a
race against time to avoid the destruction of
thousand years of culture, they would risk their
lives to protect and defend mankinds greatest
The movies best quality is its willingness
to be real about the heroes prospects and
illustrate how hard it is to make a moral or
philosophical case for their mission when mil-
lions have already died.
Thumbs up
Every now and then, The Monuments
Men produces a memorably charming or
haunting moment. Theres an appropriately
underplayed sequence of the men discovering
a wooden barrel lled with tiny, misshapen bits
of gold, then riding a freight elevator in silence
as they think about where the bits came from.
Thumbs down
Its just not consistently good enough to
get excited about. The lm does not have a
cinematic air to it. It at times feels like some-
body is narrating a historic story but you can
barely feel the action.
It is a George Clooney and Matt Damon
movie. You have to watch it. It might not be a
masterpiece but it is clearly a classic.
1-2: Not worth your time
3-4:Needs work
8-10: Excellent
The views expressed in this column are
those of the writer and not necessarily
those of Pulse magazine.
the Monuments men
They work miracles but it
depends. Some can make
you look awesome or like a
clown, depending on how
you wear it.
It has to be clean, so no
scratching and pounding
the head especially when in
Its tough especially in the
current generation where
things like money, booty,
height and going out matter
a lot.
For me they are hard to
maintain because of my
career where I meet a lot of
people but getting one is
And according the to the PMG
dictionary, trust is key.
Im not going to lie I have
no love for them. From the
way they treat people to
corruption. The word cops
is a turn-off to me thats why
its hard to even give them
information because you
may be put in custody as
they investigate.
Its the only thing that makes
everything possible. It even
makes relationships better
on the real so what more can
one ask for? It can even buy
you a degree.
Its good and bad like
some get condence
and the courage to do
whatever then again its
bad on your pocket, health
and relationships if taken
excessively. Its a choice to
drink or not.
PMG is a Coast based hip-
hop artist.
PULSE / Page 15 Friday May 16, 2014 / The Standard
Father Nonini, Clemo, Pilipili, the late Lady S,
Mejja, Mahatma, Flexx, Circuite and Joel.

A part of the Eastlands in Nairobi,
Buruburu boasts of celebs such as Daddy
Owen, Nonini, Daniel Peter who plays Arthur
in the TV series Mali, Daniel Weke, Delvin
of Sauti Sol. FBI dancers and Al Qaeda

The Gospel hit maker Bahati has roots in
this place, and he is still here. Others who
bear a special place in their heart for this
place are Eko Dydda, Willy Paul, Mr Seed
and the Gospel group BMF.

Athi River
Situated along Mombasa Road, this place
hosts among them Kendi, Mdomo Baggy,
Philo of Main Switch, and Banda of Ogopa
studios. Jaguar also moved those sides
Popularised as a Hip-hop area by the
Kalamashaka singers, Oteraw, Kama and
Johny, this place has also gave birth to
Wakamba Wawili duo, Zakah and Kah,
Black duo, Mashifta (Kitu Sewer and G-wiji),
L-Ness, Gidi Gidi, and Maji Maji.

It hatched Mr Googz, Vinnie Banton, and
Mr. Lenny close to ten years ago and later
relocated to different places. The celebs
currently behind the throne here are Masha,
a Calif Record artiste, Gazza of Ukoo Flani,
James Karanja, a gospel musician, and a
couple of underground artistes.

South C
The feted, the late E-Sir, his brother Habib,
Manga, Big Pin, the Longombas, Wyre,
Baby One, Robatta and the late K-Rupt of
the Tukawake fame and who was shot dead
in 2003 all hail from South C.

Along Thika Road
Jua Cali, who has been a vibrant resident
of Calif, moved to Kahawa Sukari estate
along Thika Road, and so did Clemo. Acting
queens Milka, Maureen and Olympia as well
as the Kamua Leo singer Kidis too stay here.
The Thika Super Highway makes it easy for
access to the CBD.
Now, if you thought all celebrities live in the leafy
suburbs of Nairobi, you are mistaken. In this light
read, Pulses ANJELLAH OWINO unveils the
hoods where your favourite stars live
artistes in that region. Roba, who recently
released a song Tunaifanya na Passion with
Zakah, informs us that the place inspires
his artistry. Many youths around this place
associate themselves with hip-hop more
than any other genre.
For me, what goes on here and the
everyday happenings are reected in my
music, he reveals.
The Eastern suburb has estates such
as Jacaranda, Sunrise, Savannah, and
Greenelds where Ala C lives. Kunguru,
Nasty Thomas, Kanda King, Hussein
Machozi, Kelma, Pili Pili, Moustapha and
Anto Neo Soul, among others, are from this
place too. Fundamentals singer Ken wa
Maria, has his name at his gate, visible for
everyones eyes.

Kariobangi South
Taking up the name K-South, these hood
claims hip-hop league artistes Abbas, KC
and Bamboo. Also growing up from this
place are the pair, XYZee, made up of the
short-locked singers Alex and Santoz who
used to rock the entertainment scene with
songs like Tafuta and Kinyama.
A fraction of the Sauti Sol, Polycarp, and
gospel songstress Size 8 also grew up in
this neighbourhood.
Polycarp now stays in the leafy suburbs
Kileleshwa while Size 8 was in South B a
while back before she moved with celebrity
husband DJ Mo to Ridgeways.

The celebrated rapper Octopizzo derived
his name from the hood he sings praises to
for making him the kind of a man he is through
the struggles he experienced growing up. In
his free time, the rapper is probably chilling
with Mike Sonko in Runda.
Grandpa Records founder Regah, has
also been staying in Kibera before he moved
out recently.
Other celebrities brought up here are
Larry Asego, Kris Darling, Kavyo Kforce,
and YGB members. Rapper Chiwawa also
lives these sides while gospel girl Dee lives
around Valley Arcade same as the Real
It gave birth to renowned artistes from
Calif Records studios such as the self-
proclaimed King of Genge, Jua Cali, the God
Ongata Rongai
idiculed for its distance and
for that case nicknamed the
Diaspora, this place also
popularly known as Rongaa, has
a number of celebrities among its 40,000
population. Those who have presently built
a nest here are rappers Xtatic and Chiwawa,
Didge, Hapa Kule show comedian Fred
Omondi, Ayeiyaa Poa Poa and lm director
Bob Nyanja. A little while back, Bobs house
was burnt to ash after re broke up.
The thespian, however, has no intention of
living anywhere else as the house has been
rebuilt from the ground up and is now almost
complete. Eric Omondi is laying a stone for
his home here too.
South B
At the top of South Bs head lies a crown
due to its army of personalities. Avril, Kenzo,
Fred Omondi, Redsan, Trapee, DJ Bash,
Homeboyz Radio presenter Rachel Muthoni,
comedians Jalango and Owago Nyiro, Gabu
of P-Unit, Gor Mahia players Patrick
Uboya and Kevin Omondi, Paul
Were of AFC Leopards, and a painter Adam
Masava. Several Production houses Main
Switch, Ogopa Deejays, Boomba Video,
Ketebul music and Ulopa are here too. Yes, it
was just recently when Nameless and Wahu
as well as Pierra, Amani, Chantelle, Sarah
Hassan, Sishiki Simu singer Marya, Boomba
videos director Thomas Mboss aka Thome
and Kendi among others moved from South
B. It is also the home of most celebrated TV
hosts like KTNs Ahmed Darwesh among

You can feel hip-hop is alive the moment
you enter this place. And it has to be with
artistes like Zakah, Shiko Femi 1, and Vic from
Walanguzi. Mostly are underground rappers
like Roba, Kiz (who featured Walanguzi in the
song Yule Boy Mbad), Razini, Ghetto Scholar,
Energy, Pato, Tende Kali Crew, Jagas and
Music producer Reez of Timam Records
and Lamba Tumbukiza of Music Empire
Records are the top stables that signs
Eric Omondi.
Anto Neosoul.
Page 16 / PULSE Friday May 16, 2014 / The Standard
Sammy and Dan support the Big Bong
Wendy, Joash, Rose and Kim were in the
Sheila Kwamboka shows singer Papa
Dennis how to get trendy.
Radio host Jeff Mote and Pakashu pose for
the paps.
THE MAIN MAN: Man of the hour Wyre shows love
to his adoring fans.
Sadat Muindi has his hands full with Triza (L) and
Zaryas waists.
Job and Johnstone Mwakazi share a
moment at the launch.
Andrew Macharia and Naomi looked cozy. Dorah and Geegee struddle the runway
with attitude.
Ezekiel, Beatrice and John decked in the
new line of clothes.
Nick and Deejay Incredible got their
swag on.
You know where Hezena and Eunice were!
LETS SMILE: Joan, Jacky, Terry and Lynn looked
Clea and Doreen had the looks and
pose for the hour.
Manga and the birthday girl share a
Suzy, Shankee and Shanty looked adorable.

PULSE / Page 17 Friday ,May 16, 2014 / The Standard
In an exclusive one-on-
one with Pulse, Irene
Major a leading African
star and former Miss
Cameroon talks about
her successes, rubbing
shoulders with the
whos-who in the global
entertainment scene and
what plans have brought
her to Kenya, for the
second time this year
ersatile, warm and witty is the rst
impression that one gets of Irene
Major, the London-based singer,
model and actress from Camer-
oon, who together with her sister Elsa form
the Major-Major duo who have international
hits like Birds, Poster Girl, Love Me Boy and
Just like with every success story that
always has that life-changing moment, Irene
attributes winning the Miss Cameroon title at
a tender age of 16 as her game changer. She
says that accolade brought condence in her
life which she never had before.
I grew up with little condence in myself,
I was tall and skinny and coming from an
African culture where everyone expects a girl
to be well endowed I honestly felt like a boy. I
used to get teased a lot with everyone calling
me a giraffe and so I used to be around more
boys than girls, she says, revealing that it
was her elder sister who registered her for the
contest and insisted that she gives it a try.
My sister believed in me more than I
believed in myself and she secretly registered
me for the contest behind our parents back
because I was still in school and they wouldnt
have supported it. On the D-day she dressed
and dolled me up and our parents only got to
nd out when I won, she recalls.
Irene, who is passionate about motivating
girls to believe in themselves, is of the strong
opinion that a girl needs to be reminded every
day that she is beautiful. She believes that
women can be happier if they can focus on
themselves more than they do on the other
Irene revealed more about her life and
Pulse: How did you land the role in the
James Bond movie, Die Another Day?
IRENE: The agency was looking for some-
one like me and there I was. It was really amaz-
ing acting alongside actors like Halle Berry and
of course Pierce Brosnan. That was my rst
role in a movie and it was big.
P: How is it like working with one of the
most celebrated producers globally, Pete
Hamond, who is also Kylie Minogues pro-
I: Amazing! It feels really fortunate to work
with someone who has made stars such as
Kylie Minogue.
P: You recently released a song for the
Cannes lm festival and also one for the World
Cup. What inspired that?
I: The title of the song is Cannes Cannes.
We needed a tune that can always be associ-
ated with the worlds biggest lm festival, which
I will be visiting later this month, and truth is,
with everything that I do, am always looking
for a Hollywood Grammy. You what
happened to Kenyas Lupita Nyongo? Its not
until I get to such heights that Ill know that
Ive achieved.
The World Cup song is a remix of Yvonne
Chaka Chakas popular title Umqombothi and
we simply did it to motivate our African stars
and their supporters, which includes me.
P: This is your second visit to Kenya this
year, what interest do you have here?
I: Kenya has a vast talent of great musi-
cians and entertainers like Wyre and cmb
Prezzo who I like and am looking forward to
working with in something that will take them
and me outside our comfort zones. I love
trying out new things. On this visit, I was also
undertaking a modelling assignment for Sim-
ply Classics Africa, a Nairobi-based design
house that has all its furniture, clothes and
accessories made in Kenya and now exports
them to New York, Paris, London, Germany
and Japan. Simply Classics is opening a new
shop at the Calebash on the Ngong Road
near Karen and I had great time trying on the
outts for a photo shoot.
P: Any exciting projects in particular that
you are undertaking at the moment?
I: Yes, theres a load of stuff that will soon
be in the public domain. Major-Major will be
shooting a video in Nairobi soon. I met Prezzo
last week and we spent all afternoon discuss-
ing a few projects. In addition, I am doing a
fashion TV show in Seychelles and Cameroon
that seeks to empower young girls to believe in
themselves and embrace their femininity and
I just concluded a very amazing fashion show
in Madagascar called ESSMode, which I was
P: Have your parents been inuential and
supportive of your career?
I: Actually the name of our group (Major-
Major) where I sing with my sister Elsa is
named after our dad who was a soldier, a
Major in the army. My late dad was a perfec-
tionist and such a disciplinarian so we were
brought up like soldiers; everything had to be
done in order. My mum on the other end is very
religious, so we have grown up knowing to put
God rst in everything we do, that explains
why I talk about God a lot, (chuckles).
P: With such a hectic schedule, traversing
the continent, do you ever have a dress-down?
I: (lets out a hearty laughter) Of course I do,
just before the shower.
P: You are obviously fashion-conscious,
what are your favourite accessories?
I: Thank you. That would be my handbag
and my red lipstick. I just love my bags.
P: Whats your fashion mantra?
I: Its not all about the price? Its about
knowing and embracing yourself and your
style. I believe a girl can look good in anything,
no matter the price.
Kenya has a vast
talent of great
musicians and
entertainers like Wyre
and Prezzo who I like.



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wore a regional image with the likes of Mizchif
from Zimbabwe, Abass Kubaff and Nyota
Ndogo featuring in the collabos. Up rise it was
for Wyre and Nazizi as they conquered Africa
and later Jamaica, new grounds that Wyre has
been exploring with Jamaican stars like Alaine
featuring in his single Nakupenda Pia (2013).
His other collabos feature P-Square and 2Face
Idibia from Nigeria. I like keeping my family
matters off my showbiz business, Wyre, who
got married in 2008 says, conrming his secre-
tive nature of doing business an attribute to his
Wyre is also CEO of his own entertainment
label LoveChild Records and the Samsung
Ambassador among other undertakings.
There is still so much on the way. I have
just gotten started, he concludes.


them to glory, throwing them into showbiz
stardom as the two scaled up the charts to
become a household name in Kenyan show-
biz. In fact, at that very age when the Pulse
celebrity culture of showbiz was on the take
off stage with the likes of Nameless, Wahu,
Redsan, Longombas, Amani, Tattu and Deux
Vultures among others dictating the phase
with the Ogopa Kapuka beat, Necessary Noize
brought in an alternative beat, a better urban
appeal that combined R&B and dancehall
music, music that was good to the ear yet with
a danceable beat, a niche no star had cut in
the then generation of celebrities. They helped
launch careers, with stars like Nyota ndogo
getting exposure from the collabo Na Mi Na-
taka Toa with the group. In 2004, together with
Nazizi, as Necessary Noize, Wyre released
Necessary Noize II: Kenyan Gal Kenyan Boy,
to a great success with the title track Kenyan
Gal, Kenyan Boy and Bless My Room thrust-
ing them to regional fame. Although there
was an element of hip hop in their songs, the
dominant R&B and reggae beat became their
trademark sound, their social conscious mes-
sages in their lyrics winning them audiences
from across the generations across Africa.
They extended their showbiz tendons to
Uganda, teaming up with ragga king Bebe
Cool in what come to be labelled as the East
African Bashment crew and across to Tanza-
nia where they worked with a hip hop group
called Gangwe Mobb. Their new releases then
With a successful music career spanning over
ten years, celebrated Kenyan dancehall star
Kevin Waire Ngure aka Wyre the Love Child is
now taking his act to a whole new level. But
frst, how has the singer managed to keep his
head up in such a volatile industry. STEVENS
MUENDO retraces
xuding energy and magnetic enthu-
siasm, Wyre stomps the stage, his
hype-man and choreographer, Ian,
charging him as the crowd goes
ballistic. We are at the Carnivore Simba Saloon
for the Pulse Industry Night and scores of fans,
among them top celebrities, have come for the
reunion bash in which Wyre, this star who has
dominated the music scene for over ve years,
is the main man.
As the drums roll, deejay Joe Mfalme fuses
the act, the track of Wyres 2007 Make a Choice
mega hit resonating artistically with the bands
act. This, as the stage lights up, Wyre does his
trademark energetic dance. The crowd gets into
ecstasy...something close to it!
It has been over ten years in the game and
Wyre, this multiple award-winning star who has
traversed the world and shared the stage with
A-list musicians still wears his humble love child
demeanour. Besides experience and the numer-
ous achievements under his belt, this ladys
charm is still that boy who kicked off his career
at Blu Zebra studios back in 2000, the same
year Nazizi joined him there to start the long
journey that was to evolve into Necessary Noize
and then the East African Bashment Crew.
On this night, his stage act has a well-cho-
reographed journey theme. With nostalgia, he
leads the crowd through the years with his yes-
teryears hit tracks such as She Say Dat, Bless
my Room, Kenyan Gal Kenyan Boy, Tension,
Fire Anthem, Gimme the Music and Uprising
among others. I miss Clang Clang and La Di Da,
the two little known songs off his debut Deni-
tion of a Love Child 2006 album that seemed
to dene Wyre, the R&B fusion lover with a
dancehall avour.
The entire one and a half hour magnicent
performance takes me a back, almost 15 years
ago when I met Wyre as we were growing up in
Athi River, Machakos County. Back then, the
little known quiet and shy slim chap used to
write songs and poems from his bedroom. He
had a passion for keyboard and his bravura
voice, even then would atter a snake out of its
hiding place.
He used to perform in ceremonies or-
ganised by family friends, his crowd comprised
his close friends and though his humble stature
said little about his rooted ambition to become
a continental icon, his potential, elaborated by
his articulate lyrics and mellow voice betrayed
it all. There was no doubt Wyre was destined
for the stars. He was a rare dime who used to
enjoy the comfort of his well lawn mowed fa-
thers compound. Occasionally, he would enjoy
a swim at the Portland Cement members club
where the father was a member. Girls liked
him. He was a shy boy and in this weakness,
they capitalised to tease him and spruce his
hidden ego.
I recall, back then, after Wyre, then Kevo
as we used to call him too had passion to join
the media, an urge that got him enrolling for a
broadcasting course in a leading media school.
However, his passion for music diverted him
into studying electronics and soon he found
himself at Tedd Josiahs Blue Zebra music
stable, hitting the notes. Very little has since
been told about his life in campus!
Wyre told this writer during the Wednesday
Wyres musical journey is illustrious, one
decorated with trophies and demarcated by
other enviable accolades that get friends and
foes trying to crack the secret behind his stay-
ing power.
When he joined Nazizi to create Necessary
Noize, previously composed of emcee Nazizi
Hirji and rapper Bamzigi, their Blue Zebra man-
ufactured debut track Clang Clang elevated
It has been a long
journey. Quite
spectacular. I owe it
all to my fans. There is
more to come.




PULSE / Page 19 Friday May 16, 2014 / The Standard
ouble Olympic champion and
celebrated Kenyan steeple-
chase sensation Ezekiel Kem-
boi has refuted rumours that he
clashed with a lady alleging to be his former
girlfriend, last Saturday.
The gossip that featured in a section of
the media on Wednesday elicited diverse
I dont know the lady of such name. I
went straight to Eldoret on arrival from Doha
Diamond League. I have instructed my law-
yer to act on the matter. Those are just co-
ladies who want to tarnish my name, Grace
Kerongo, a showbiz columnist with The Star
quoted Kemboi as having said on Tuesday.
The vibe pits the runner against Terry
Sawe, a 29-year-old lady who works with a
leading telecommunication service provider
who alleges that Kemboi and her had a
verbal exchange on Saturday evening at the
Sixeighty Hotel, where they had met shortly
after Kemboi returned home from the Doha
Diamond League outing.
I dont know her (Terry Sawe), Kemboi
told our Eldoret ofce reporter when we
reached him for a comment.
He did not agree to give us any more
comment only saying his lawyer would take
up the matter.
According to Terry, it all happened on
Saturday afternoon. As the clock ticked 6pm,
Terry, who claims to be the Olympic 3,000
steeplechase champions secret girlfriend
arrived at the Sixeighty Hotel.
She says that she took a seat at the
cafeteria near the hotel entrance and ordered
for her favourite beverage as she counted
the minutes before her date, the celebrated
athlete arrived.
She was in an anxious mood.
According to Terry, earlier in the day,
upon landing from Doha, Kemboi had called
her and asked to meet her that evening.
Claiming that they have been dating se-
cretly since 2009 before getting a son togeth-
i don't
er in October 2011, Terry told Pulse that
she did not see anything wrong with going to
meet Kemboi. He arrived shortly after 7pm
and after I congratulated him for winning
the Doha outing, he suggested that
we go to a more enclosed place for
a chat and that is how we moved
to the bar on the rst oor of the
building, Terry claimed.
He was unusually happy.
We talked about our
son and then
he said
he wanted
to give me
whatever I
wanted in life
as long as I met
one demand,
she went on.
What de-
mand? I asked.
That I give him
another baby, baby
number two.
According to Terry,
Kemboi, is well know
to her family and had
already offered to have
her as his wife, an idea
she squashed.
She claims it was after
this when she went to court to push
Kemboi to commit to paying child support
care among other responsibilities, a matter
that was expected in court this month.
However, according to Terry, her
parents begged her to settle the
matter out of court for
the sake of peace.
Pulse has since
conrmed the le
number on the said case, now expected to be
heard this month.
Our efforts to get Kemboi respond to this
assertions were futile as his phone went unan-
swered when we tried to reach him. Sources
from his Eldoret base told Pulse that he had
travelled to Nairobi on appointment at the US
embassy and was due for camp training in
However, sources from Sixeighty con-
rmed the Saturday incident took place.
Back then when we started out, he told
me he was a celebrity and that we should
keep the relationship a secret otherwise
people would spoil it. He started taking me for
leisure holidays and that is when I learned how
big he was from the way people treated him,
she says. But it was this reunion Saturday that
turned it all murky.
He wasnt happy when I told him that I
wasnt ready for baby number two and that
is when he grabbed my bag and phone and
started an argument. It got heated and in
the process, I stood up to leave after which
he grabbed me. I was irked and held up to his
shirt pocket where his passport was. I tore it as
I was trying to escape, she claims.
During the interview, Terry produced a
receipt from Sixeighty Hotel with Kemboi
Chembois name whose details indicated that
a room had been booked for two, at the hotel,
that night.
A call by Pulse to the Sixeighty Hotel on
Wednesday claried that one Kemboi Chemboi
had done a booking under the receipt whose
copy is under our possession.
Yes, it is in our records that one Kemboi
Chemboi made a booking on Saturday and
he was supposed to leave the hotel on Sun-
day. According to our records, the client was
in our hotel until Sunday, Alex Kimani, who
works in the hotels booking department told
Pulse. Kembois full name is Ezekiel Kemboi
Asked if he could identify the client as
Kemboi the athlete, he said he could not
conrm. He also said he had no knowl-
edge of the said scufe adding that only
the security department could clarify that.
The booking was made for two
adults according to the information we
have, Alex noted.
I tried to call the security guards
and rushed downstairs to escape.
He started quarrelling me in Kalenjin
and immediately asked the service
men to get his bags from the room,
claimed Terry.
In this exclusive piece, Pulse investigates
reported drama between celebrated
Olympics champion Ezekiel Kemboi and
Terry Sawe, a lady said to be having his
two and a half year old son
Page 20 / PULSE Friday May 16, 2014 / The Standard
ince last week it was looking more
likely than unlikely. That Man-
chester United oops Man City,
would not let that golden chance to
slip away.
Therefore when the whistlers whistles had
quietened down across England, Liverpool
shoulders players were sunk, their faces long.
This was supposed to be the day when Aneld
hosted its biggest party after 24 years but ulti-
mately it became the setting for a wake.
The title, they already knew, had eluded
them. Two Manchester City goals had seen to
But it did not stop Luis Suarez launching
the ball into The Kop in celebration after Daniel
Sturridge had struck Liverpools second. Just
as it did not stop Brendan Rodgers from erupt-
ing with joy on the touchline. How he wishes
that joy had come with silverware.
Sometimes the manner of defeat matters.
Sometimes it is important to demonstrate that
beaten doesnt mean broken. Sometimes there
needs to be deance; a statement of intent.
Theres still dust everywhere, so Liverpool
fans will need more time for it to settle to be
fully capable of judging a side that came so
close to winning the Premier League a lot
closer than anyone thought they would when
the season began.
It is that fairy-tale element which will be
troubling, like a lower team getting to a cup
nal. The praise of Liverpool this season has
rarely been short of patronising.
Those who claimed it would not last were
nally proved right and in a strange way the
Reds are still up against it. It will be what Liv-
erpool does next season that fully determines
whether this was one glorious, magical ash in
the pan or the foundation block of an exciting
A lifelong Liverpool supporter predicted
to me that the previous seasons 61 points
would be improved upon, given the upturn in
form and results after the signing of Philippe
Coutinho and Daniel Sturridge in January 2013.
However, it was still a squad game and Liver-
pools rivals had kept all their cream. Fourth
place was the best anyone was hoping for.
By the turn of the year that looked a fairly
accurate prediction as the Reds accrued 36
points from the rst half of the season. Sup-
porters will remember what happened in the
second half, despite the eventual outcome, for
a long while. A superb haul of 48 points from
57 were won, with some of the most exciting
attacking football many supporters have ever
seen. That Manchester City stayed strong is
an enormous credit to them and their manager,
Manuel Pellegrini.
It will be of little consolation to Brendan
Rodgers at the moment that his team won the
third-highest points total in Liverpools history.
But still missed out on the real cake.
In truth, the season is probably ended at
the right time for the Reds. They have been
limping toward the nish line and the sparkle
and verve that was in their game several weeks
ago has all but disappeared.
Manchester City approached the game
plan like a cheetah. They homed on the target,
waited patiently, crouched towards the target
and when they were close enough, they
unleashed a lung-bursting dash towards the
trophy that left the rest of the cat family gasp-
ing for air.
Goals 102 of them tell the mesmeris-
ing story of a well-run club with a core spirit
of ice-cold focus and professionalism that just
does not know when to give up. During this
2013-14 Premier League season, the top spot
had belonged to Arsenal for 128 days, to Chel-
sea for 64 and to Liverpool for 59. City, enjoy-
ing the feeling for only 15 days, are champions.
This smacks of a group of players who
timed their run to the top with perfection, who
hit the summit when others were faltering and
held their nerve perfectly when the rest began
to crumble. They are deserving of being the
As for Arsenal, they must ensure that they
do not travel the Liverpool Avenue, the road
that appeared smooth all the way only for
potholes to completely wreck the chances of
landing silverware.
Honestly can Arsenal really bottle this?
Is there possibility that Arsenal can walk into
Wembley against a lowly Hull City and con-
demn us the global suffering fan base to an-
other year of withstanding satire, derision and
outright teasing by other rival fans?
Truth be told, supporting Arsenal is a
dangerous hobby. Just when you thought that
you have seen all the disappointments that the
ing our favourite make of the car, but he is a
Chelsea supporter. That is our only deviation.
He says the things that sometimes Arsenal
does can make a pig throw up. Just imagine,
a pig throwing up because of nausea?
But having said that, I am certain that
this Arsenal squad will surely win it. Win it for
peace and tranquillity to be assured globally.
They have to win it for the decade long wait.
They either win it or win it. There is no other
way or else
team can conjure up, they discover another
spectacular way of failing. When they faced
Wigan in the semis, we thought that by the
time we were on our second beer, Arsenal
would be on their fourth goal, not beer.
But we were subjected to a heart wrenching,
energy sapping, and anxiety packed penalty
The kind of anxiety that makes one
develop diarrhoea. I have a pal of mine, Eli,
we agree on almost everything in life, includ-
Liverpool reward City
NOISY NEIGHBOURS: Although the trophy remained in Manchester, it is Manchester
Citys trophy cabinet that will host it this year.
PULSE / Page 21 Friday May 16, 2014 / The Standard
Checked blazers always
leave a fashionable im-
pression when worn with
complementing fashion
pieces and shoes.
A corset top dress
is a great pick for
fun days out. Slip on
some comfortable
at shoes and step
out in style.
Custom made
blazers are a
great fashion
Pick those
that can be
matched up
with an array
of bottoms for
that versatile
Str eet f unk
e is not only riding high
with his new remix Aye,
celebrated Nigerian singer
David Adeleke aka Davido
has unleashed a new ride, his sixth in
his eet of expensive cars, a 2014
Mercedes-Benz S63 AMG.
Among his other cars is a silver 2012
Honda Accord, a red 2012 Hyundai
Sonata, a white Audi Q7 and a white
Chevrolet Camaro.
The new ride is one of the new
luxury cars in the market and the
Mercedes brand is all noise about it.
While you might think that the 2014
Mercedes-Benz S63 AMG is already
the car that has it all, AMG Perfor-
mance Studio has managed to nd
ways to make it even more exciting and
stunning. The coupe is now avail-
able with the studios visual Carbon
and Night Packages, in addition to a
performance-improving Drivers
Package. The latter ups the cars
limited top speed to 186mph, while
the two others provide a long list of
interior and exterior upgrades.
Some of the extra goodies offered
on the Night Package include glossy
side skirts, mirror caps, rear apron,
exhaust pipes, front wing and front
splitter. The Carbon Package adds
loads of carbon-ber exterior elements,
like front aprons, mirror housings, sill
panels, rear aprons and more.
Bright colors ooze of a
bubbly personality. Match
your colour up and show
off your colour blocking
Page 22 / PULSE Friday May 16, 2014 / The Standard
lashy and philanthropic award-
winning singer Jaguar is a close
friend to Nairobi Senator Gideon
Mbuvi aka Sonko and by
extension the president who he
publicly endorsed during the last political
campaigns. Is it his close relationship with
Sonko that led him into declining an appoint-
ment by Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero?
It all came through a Kenya Gazette notice
published on May 9. A lucrative appointment it
seemed that was supposed to thrust Jaguar
into the mucky political arena, a eld the
Matapeli and Kigeugeu singer has been
rumoured to be positioning himself for.
The Gazette Notice No 3029 announced
the appointment of the Nairobi City County
Interim Youth Advisory and Resource Mobili-
sation Board whose principal responsibility is
to advise the Nairobi City County on the
mainstreaming and inclusion of the youth
agenda in the affairs of the county and to
propose permanent legal and institutional
structure in that regard.
The Sports, Arts
and Culture Committee
slot, the particular sub commit-
tee in which Jaguar (otherwise known
as Charles Njagua Kanyi) was appointed
had other big names in the entertainment
industry such as comical radio presenter Felix
Odiwour aka Jalango, Daniel Adongo, rapper
Collins Majale aka Collo and James Mwangi
The notice okayed by Governor Evans
Kidero on April 17th has it that the board will
subsist for twelve months from the date of
But this week, Jaguar rejected the
appointment causing speculations as to
whether politics had played a role in his
Through the rejection letter to Kidero in our
possesion, Jaguar said he had rejected the
offer as had not been consulted prior to the
appointment adding that the Nairobi County
government had done nothing for the youth.
I just have so much in my plate right now.
I am not taking up the job and I have already
written to the Governor on the same, Jaguar
later told Pulse during an exclusive interview.
Even though Jaguar tried to go soft on the
matter, it is quite likely that his close ties with
Sonko, who many a times assume to be
grooming the singer to power, informed the
Early this week, before the declination
announcement, Jaguar is said to have had a
long conversation with Sonko in his ofce.
Even though details of their meeting are still
scanty, sources within informed Pulse that the
two talked about enhancing their youth
rehabilitation project through which they have
seen several youth surrender illegal guns and
start up initiatives
benecial to them and
the society.
I am using my little
inuence at the very position
I am to make change in the
society. That counts. I have
been visiting prisons and slums,
carrying out projects which have
already borne fruits and which I am
now having as my top priority,
Jaguar remarked, careful not to draw
politics into the matter. Asked whether
he was still considering a career in active
politics in the future, the Kipepeo singer
told Pulse that he was taking life, one
stride after another.
I am an entertainer and for now, it is all
about making my fans happy. Anything to do
with politics should just be treated as a
rumour, he concluded.
It is not often that a musician gets
a chance to be appointed by a
Governor into a committee in the
county government, and even more
infrequent are cases of persons
turning down such appointments.
Jaguar did it and Pulse seeks
to fnd out, was it a political or
personal decision?
I just have so much
in my plate right now.
I am not taking up
the job and I have
already written to
the Governor on the
Senator Sonko
with Jaguar at
past function;
Kidero and a
copy of the
Gazette Notice
PULSE / Page 23 Friday May 16, 2014 / The Standard
Johnny Vigeti, one
member of Kenyan hip-hop
pioneer group K-Shaka,
surprised fans when he
made an unannounced
appearance at this months
hip-hop hook-up event at
the Sarakasi Dome last
weekend. Vigeti, who was
recently released from
Industrial Area prison for
theft of a cars side mirror,
was called on stage to
greet the fans, who moved
nearer to try to snap a
photo of the near-shy MC.
Vigeti had to freestyle
one of his song after the
fans demanded action.
The visibly high rapper
even had time to make
fun of the DJ who was
missing. The event also
saw Wakamba Wawili duo
of Labalaa and Agano
perform for the rst time
in four years. The event
was in honour of Mashifta
member G-Wiji, who
passed on recently.
Local gospel act Anderson
Ambindi Murunga better
known as Man Ingwe has
been shortlisted for the
position of member in the
Inter-Governmental Relations
Technical Committee, Pulse
can conrm. The musician
who has been busy setting
up his own record studio
and has signed up three
artistes, conrmed the
news, which was in a public
announcement in local dailies.
I am glad that I have been
shortlisted, I have always
wanted to serve the public
and with my professional
background as per the
requirement of the job, I
believe I can be part of the
select few Man Ingwe told
Pulse. The new committee
that will have a membership
not exceeding eight people,
under the Act of Parliament
will offer coordination and
consultation services between
the National Government and
County Government. My
chances will be determined
after the interview but my
music career will continue,
he concluded.
Electronic Dance Music
duo of Starts in the Zoo has
ventured into management
with the launch of their record
label, Star In The Zoo label.
The group, consisting of Mr
Wesonga and Mr Bass, has
recruited artistes in their new
label and are looking for more.
Apart from producing music,
we have decided to start a
record label. There are very
few of those around and we
want to bank on that, said Mr
The label intends to focus on
producing produce tech house,
tribal mistakes, Afro house,
blues, deep house, minimal and
a new genre they have created
called jungle.
Do you have what it takes to
become the next Miss World Kenya?
Do you want to stand up and be
counted? Well, the 2014/2015 edition
of the pageantry, Kenyas most coveted
premier beauty contest, is now here.
The preliminary auditions of the
beauty event starts tomorrow with
selections taking place at Garden Hotel
in Machakos, Boma Hotel in Nyeri,
Kisumu Hotel in Kisumu, and Empire
hotel in Sotik. If you consider yourself
intelligent, beautiful, with awless skin,
near perfect dental formula and are
between 18 and 24 years of age, then,
you are an eligible candidate.
ospel star, Daddy Owen, would probably
wish a few seconds of his performance
in Eldoret over the weekend away. While
performing for the sizeable crowd that
had assembled, the Tobina hit maker seems to have
gotten carried away and as he was getting nearer to
the crowd, what would pass for our Celembarassing
Moment column happened.
While performing the song System ya Kapungala,
the animated star started jumping all over, in the
direction of the crowd. He must have overestimated
the distance because he got too close to the edge
of the stage and on his nal jump, slipped with one
of his feet getting caught between the stage and an
adjacent speaker.
Thankfully, security detail was at hand to help
him get back on stage and the singer resumed his
Celebrated benga singer
Ken wa Maria, him of the
Fundamentals urban runway
fame, and Tanzanias
Diamond can only become
unlikely friends. The Kenyan
multimillionaire singer had
Diamond sampling his hit
track during the Hapa Kule
News KTN TV comedy show
and now, mediators are
pushing to have the two do
a cross-border pollination of
the massive successful hit. It
is still a big debate as to who
among the two, whose egos
are bigger than life, has more
inuence in the local scene but
a collabo would most likely kill
this debate once and for all.
But after declining
numerous offers by top
Kenyan artistes and producers
to have the song remixed,
would Ken wa Maria have
the Diamond collabo wish
come true? Over to you Mr
Kenyan international skipper
Dennis Oliech is back in the country,
from France. The celebrated
footballer, who is a striker for Ligue
1 club Ajaccio, arrived mid this
week for the football season break.
During last years January transfer
window, Oliech announced he
wanted to leave Auxerre, ending
six years association with the club.
After he signed a two-year contract,
he was unveiled by Ajaccio of Ligue
1 after completing a move from
Ligue 2 side Auxerre.
For the rst time, former Miss
Universe Kenya and now celebrated
Las Vegas based celebrity TV host,
Rachel Marete has hinted that she
has roots in Tanzania, Pulse can
exclusively reveal.
Speaking to Pulse from Las Vegas
this week, the singer, model and TV
girl revealed that her father, whom
she never talks about during media
interviews was a prominent Tanzanian
politician. Yes, that is one of my
closely kept secrets ever.
I have Tanzanian roots. My father
was a politician a Tanzanian
politician, she revealed adding that
she is Kenyan by virtue of having a
Kamba mother.
I have always kept within my roots
and that is why I am planning to come
back for a while and do projects on
local channels, she told Pulse.
Togolese football export
Emmanuel Adebayor is rumoured
to be dating a Kenyan media
girl, a TV anchor. The Tottenham
Hotspurs striker has been linked
to the well-off media girl who is
currently at a comfortable place
in her life with a prized luxury
ride and an enviable residence to
her name. According to sources,
the girl who is often in and out
of the country and the Togo star
have been having a ing for quite
some time and the affair could
just be shaping up into a serious
Former One FM radio presenter and
now Homeboyz Radio Afro Central Show
host Patricia Kihoro says she is happy at
the new place.
The radio host who is also an actress
and singer told Pulse that her new TV job
is something she always wanted to do in
her radio career now spanning to almost
three years. My radio job is close to my
heart, she told Pulse.
Friday, May 16, 2014
Pullout Section B
Thierry Maxime Musonere and Lola Hannigan are the new
kids on the block thanks to the YOLO entertainment show
they co-host every Saturday on KTN.

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