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Church partnerships bring hope to woman with HIV

By Leonard Makombe, communications, WV Zimbabwe

The United Apostolic Faith Church partners with WV Zimbabwe to help local community
members to manage HIV.

Mrs Moyo openly talks of her HIV status and shares information with others in her
community. The United Apostolic Faith Church has been working with communities in
Pumula since 2010 under the Congregational Hope Action Teams (CHAT), a programme
implemented by World Visions Robert Sinyoka Area Development Programme.

The church is a well-respected institution within the community of Pumula. The participation
of the church in the CHAT initiative, where church members are capacitated through
trainings facilitated by World Vision and other stakeholders to be able to identify and attend
to some of the social problems in their communities, allows the church to be more relevant
and influential in the challenges faced by their congregants and community.

I am happy that the church has been so helpful to me and my family, it is through the
church that they encouraged me to get tested for HIV and also prepare for the results. I am
happy that because of their support, I have accepted my condition and I am living just like
everyone else, says Mrs Moyo, a widow who stays with her two children in Old Pumula in
Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.

Her son, Kwanele has also been assisted by the church, he adds, The church bought me a
pair of shoes. My old pair was so tattered that it was difficult to walk in them. I was
embarrassed to wear the old pair. Now thanks to the church, I am now in a new pair of shoes
and I have regained my confidence, says Kwanele.

Church partnerships continue to remain integral in supporting the work of World Vision in
communities such as these. Working with local churches, enable WV to continue to reaching
many women like Mrs Moyo and serve those who are most in need of help, encouragement
and support.

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