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News Media Analysis/Critique Guide

Some ways to judge the credibility and reliability of sources

1. Assess the evidence supporting the main points of the story.
a. What is verified?
b. What is asserted?
2. Assess the evidence. Are the sources reliable?
Sources checklist:
a. Named sources are better than unnamed sources
b. ultiple sources are better than a single source
c. Authoritative sources are better than uninformed sources
d. Sources !ho verify are better than those !ho assert "#$ kno!% vs. #$ believe% &
e. $ndependent sources are better than self'interested sources
(. )o! close is the reporter to #opening the free*er%?
a. $s the evidence direct or indirect?
b. Are inferences made?
+. ,oes the reporter make his or her !ork transparent?
-. Are the key .uestions ans!ered?
Who? What? Where? When? Why? )o!?

/. $s the story fair?

0. ,oes the reporter place the story in conte1t?
"2aken from Schneider. ).3 and Schreiber3 4. "5ds.& "2660&. News literacy
coursepak. "p.77&3 Ne! 8ork: S9N8 Stony :rook. &
2he criteria of the reliability of sources !as determined by looking at several important
factors3 such does the article make use of named or unnamed sources3 do the sources have
authority on the sub;ect3 and are the facts verified. 2he second criteria3 !hether or not the ne!s
source put the situation in conte1t !ith the other events that have led up to this point..2he second
criteria $ chose !as !hether or not the article includes information about the conte1t of the
events leading up to the current situation.
$ important to recogni*e in an article in order to e1pose any bias3 but it also helps to sho!
the situation from a different point of vie! and shed light on the other side of the story.

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