Btec Travel and Tourism Level 3 Unit 2

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BTEC Travel and Tourism Level 3 Unit 2: The Business of
Travel and Tourism
Youve been lucky enough to get a placement job within the Tourism Development Office for
Cornwall County Council. Cornwall has just received an Objective One grant from the EU
amounting to 1.8 million pounds for tourism projects across the county. The money is to be used
to help tourism businesses in Cornwall improve the quality of their facilities and services for
visitors. Tourism is seen by the Council as one of the key ways of encouraging economic, social and
cultural development.

Part of the grant money is to be used for supporting new start-up tourism businesses. You have
been put in charge of this project so there are some tasks youll need to complete.

The first part of your job is going to be to gather together some information and write two
business reports, covering:
- The Travel and Tourism Business Environment
- The Characteristics of Travel and Tourism organisations, and gaining competitive advantages
in Travel and Tourism.

Task 1: Your first fact sheet should describe the travel and tourism business environment,
providing examples of organisations (P1). You should provide a short description of
each of the following public sector, private sector, geographical. Your fact sheet
should include an example and brief description of each of the following types of
organisations public sector (government controlled, local government-controlled,
membership) and private sector (public limited company, private limited company,
partnership, limited liability partnership, sole proprietor and franchise), Tall, Flat
and Matrix Business Structures. You must indicate whether each of your examples
is involved with inbound, outbound or domestic tourism.

Task 1 provides evidence for P1 Deadline for Task 1: 4
October 2013
Task 2: a. Your second fact sheet should describe the organisational and financial
characteristics of two different types of travel and tourism organisations (P2). Your
selected organisations should have different structures. For example, you could
choose the two case study organisations described in this unit Longleat (a private
limited company) and Capital Region Tourism (a public-private partnership). You
may decide to choose other organisations, but they must have different
structures. The description in your fact sheet should cover organisational
characteristics (business structure, business organisation, control, documentation
for business set-up, liability) and financial characteristics (distribution of profits,
sources of finance, supplying products and services, financial accountability,
contribution to the global and UK economy).

b. In your fact sheet you should also review the methods and opportunities used by
travel and tourism organisations to gain competitive advantage and achieve
business aims (for example Integration), providing examples (P3). You must
provide examples to cover all types of aims financial, image and products. You
may use the same organisations you chose for Task 2a or other organisations in the
sector. Your chosen examples must be sufficiently detailed to demonstrate that you
understand how the method or opportunity has achieved the aim.


c. Your fact sheet should also compare the organisational and financial
characteristics of the two organisations chosen for Tasks 2a and 2b, and the
methods and opportunities they have used to gain competitive advantage (M1). All
the items covered in Tasks 2a and 2b should be included when carrying out your

d. In your fact sheet you should also evaluate the links between an organisations
characteristics and its success in gaining competitive advantage and achieving its
aims (D1). You should provide examples that cover all three types of aim
financial, image and products and can use the same organisations chosen for
Tasks 2a and 2b or other organisations in the sector.

Task 2 provides evidence for P2, P3, M1 and D1 Deadline for Task 2: Friday 15
Task 3: The company has asked you to give a presentation in a few weeks to a group of
unemployed people who are on a scheme to encourage them to start their own
businesses. The aim is to encourage them to consider starting a travel and tourism
business. Your job is to produce a business case for a travel and tourism enterprise
within financial constraints (P4) and present it to the group. It could be a small
business venture, such as a visitor attraction, escorted walking holidays or a
guesthouse. Alternatively, it could be a large-scale project such as organising a
three-day tourism exhibition in the local town hall or a charity event.

You should state the finances available for the enterprise within your presentation.
Within your presentation you must set objectives for the enterprise, show clear
timescales for its set-up and running, include financial aspects with a cash flow
forecast and give details of the proposed marketing strategy and materials. Your
business case MUST be realistic and feasible.

In the audience for your presentation there will be business start-up advisors and
representatives of local banks. When presenting your business case, they will
expect you to explain its feasibility in order to meet the stated objectives (M2). In
order to achieve D2, you must present a professional business case, responding
confidently to questions from members of the audience and justifying the
feasibility of the business case.

Task 3 provides evidence for P4, M2 and D2 Deadline for Task 3: Friday 13


Student Tracking: Check appropriate criteria below to confirm completion.
Criteria Met:
P1 M1 D1
P3 M2 D2

Overall level awarded to student for Unit 2:

Staff Feedback:

Student Reflection:

Student Declaration:
I confirm that the work submitted is my own and that where information from other sources has
been used, the appropriate source has been included:

Signed:_______________________________________ Date:________________

Work signed off as complete at appropriate level:

Member of Staff: D Nicholls Signed:______________________________ Date:_______________

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