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Finding An Agent Thats Right For You
If you could meet someone, living or dead, who would it be?
Peyton Manning. We love football (all sports really) at our house. I think he just seems like a
super hard worker, but also fun and loving. He can laugh at himself, which is also great.
What motivates you or drives you every day?
Being a good mom, pharmacist, wife, and person in general. I dont want to disappoint my
kids, husband or parents. I want to provide for my family and be a good pharmacist.
Whats the best advice youve received?
Dont take life too seriously youll never get out alive. Van Wilder
What are you most proud of?
2 things=
-My kids. They are the most amazing creatures Ive ever been around.
-The relationship I have with my patients here at Waverly. Not many people can say they have
a personal relationship with their pharmacist, but I have that. I am proud that the people here
and I know each other and care about each other.
Where do you feel most relaxed?
In bed.
Whats your all-time favorite movie?
The Birdcage with Robin Williams and Gene Hackman. Or maybe The Hangover I love
funny movies.
If you could go anywhere in the world where you go and why?
Aruba, Hawaii, Barbados, St. Lucia, St. Barts. Get the trend? I love the beach and beautiful
water and warm weather. And the totally relaxed atmosphere that comes along with these
What do you like to do outside of work or on a day off?
Anything with my husband, kids or parents. Or also sleep inonceone timeever.
Whats your favorite thing about being a Pharmacist?
The relationships you form with patients. I love our interactions. And I feel like I make a real
difference in their lives.
What is one of your favorite quotes/sayings?
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is
as though everything is a miracle. Albert Einstein

in this issue >>>
Rozlyn Hoesing, R.P.
-Waverly, NE

Voted #1
Interesting Winter Facts

It's no secret that regular physical activity can contribute to being healthy as you age. But many might not realize that it' s
never too late to start. A recent study found that seniors who remained physically active at least once a week were more likely to
remain healthy into their older age. Even seniors who became active after not regularly exercising had greater odds of being healthy
eight years later. Aging healthily meant not developing any chronic disease, depression or impairments in participants' physical or
cognitive health. Getting physical activity just once a week more than doubled the odds that seniors would be healthy almost a decade

We asked our pharmacists a series or questions to help you get
to know them better! This months Featured Pharmacist is
Get to know our
This study, led by Mark Hamer, PhD, of the Department of
Epidemiology and Public Health at University College
London in the United Kingdom, looked at the effects of
increasing physical activity in individuals' senior years.
These researchers followed 3,454 men and women, with an
average age of 64, over approximately eight years.
At the start of the study in 2002 and 2003 and through the
end of it, the participants reported their weekly physical
The participants were classified as being inactive, getting
moderate physical activity at least once a week or getting
vigorous physical activity at least once a week.
At the follow-up in 2010-2011, the researchers assessed
which participants had developed any major chronic disease
conditions, symptoms of depression or physical or cognitive
The researchers next compared the amount of physical
activity that participants got to how healthily they had aged
based on whether they had developed any of those negative
health conditions.
At the follow-up for the study, 19 percent of the participants
were classified as having aged healthily (not showing any
chronic disease, depression or physical or cognitive
In analyzing the relationship between physical activity and
healthy aging, the researchers took into account differences
among the participants that might also have affected their

These differences included their age, their sex, whether they
smoked, their alcohol consumption, their marital status and their
income level.

The participants who got moderate physical activity at least once a
week had 2.7 times greater odds of being healthy at follow-up than
those who were inactive.

The benefits for vigorous exercise were even greater. Those who
participated in vigorous exercise at least once a week had 3.5
times greater odds of being healthy at follow-up, compared to the
inactive participants.

Those participants who had always been active had a greater
likelihood of being healthy, but even those who started exercising
later in life saw improved odds for their health.

Those who had been active and stayed active through follow-up
had 7.7 times greater odds of being healthy compared to inactive

Meanwhile those who became active during the course of the
study even if they hadn't been before had 3.4 times greater
odds than inactive participants of being healthy at follow-up.

"Sustained physical activity in older age is associated with
improved overall health," the researchers wrote. "Significant health
benefits were even seen among participants who became
physically active relatively late in life."

This study was published November 25 in the British Journal of Sports
Medicine. The research was funded by the National Institute of Aging and a
group of UK government departments coordinated through the Office for
National Statistics. Other than funding from the British Heart Foundation
and other governments' health agencies, the researchers reported no
potential conflicts of interest.
Pharmacy Newsletter
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Four Star Drug Ranked #1 AGAIN!
J.D Powers in their extensive 2013 pharmay study, ranked
Four Star Drug and other Good Neightbor Member Pharmacies the
VERY BEST for Total Customer Satisfaction. This study included
all key factors; pharmacist, other store staff, price, prescriotion
pick up and drip off process, and overall customer service. This is
the 3
time in the last 4 years that Four Star Drug and other Good
Neighbor Pharmacies have the Highest Ranking in Total
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There is a difference in pharmacies and the difference
matters. Your health is too important to settle for less.

-No two snowflakes are alike but all snowflakes have 6

-Antarctica set the record for the worlds coldest
temperature at -128 (degrees Fahrenheit)

-Chionophobia is the fear of snow

-Guinness Book of World Records for largest snow flake
is: 15 inches wide, 8 inches thick (Fort Keogh,

-10 inches of snow equals one inch of liquid rain

-Hot water freezes faster than cold water

-A whiteout is also called a snow squall. It occurs when
a cloud touches the ground

Homemade winter window dcor!

Download the RX2GO App on your android or
iPhone. This app will allow you to refill your
prescriptions with ease. Scan your
prescription bottles or key in your numbers.
View your prescription monograph, refill
details, or access your pocket profile.
Stop into any of our Four Star Drug locations and get your Flu Vaccination
Not only are you protecting yourself from the flu virus, you are protecting the health of others around
The single best way to prevent the flu is to get a flu vaccine each season
4 teaspoons of Epsom salts
1 cup of cheap beer
Place the beer in a medium bowl and allow the Epsom salts to fully
dissolve. The mixture will foam as the salt crystals are released and will be
partially dissolved.

Use a 2-3 inch paintbrush to apply the mixture to your windows in any
pattern you like. You can also use a dishtowel to dab the mixture on. When
the mixture dries, it will leave crystals that look like ice formed on the
windowpane. The window can easily be cleaned with a damp cloth.






Its not too late to get vaccinated!
110 Years of Aviation

Wilbur and Orville Wright took to the air for
the first time on December 17, 1903, near
Kitty Hawk Bay on the Outer Banks of
North Carolina.

They made two flights each from level
ground into a freezing headwind gusting to
27 miles per hour (43 km/h). The first flight,
by Orville at 10:35 am, of 120 feet (37 m) in
12 seconds, at a speed of only 6.8 miles
per hour (10.9 km/h) over the ground, was
recorded in a famous photograph. The next
two flights covered approximately 175 feet
(53 m) and 200 feet (61 m), by Wilbur and
Orville respectively. Their altitude was
about 10 feet (3.0 m) above the ground.

Five people witnessed the flights: Adam
Etheridge, John T. Daniels (who snapped
the famous "first flight" photo), Will Dough,
W.C. Brinkley; and Johnny Moore, a
teenaged boy who lived in the area.


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