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GoObserve Walkthrough Report

Name: Black, Wanda

Observed by: Damian H. Perry M.Ed.
Observation Date: Tuesday, April 9, 2013, 10:36 AM
Course: Spanish I
Department: Fine and Performing Arts

Focus/Purpose of Lesson

Instructional Strategies
Aides are engaged in student learning
Students are engaged and on task
Teacher communicates content with interest and enthusiasm
Teacher is alert to students behaviors
Teacher responds to students' misbehavior/inattention in professional &
respectful manner
Students are encouraged to be active learners
Use of Technology
Materials/Resources are appropriate to the learning process
Instruction paced to meet students' needs
1. Review & Focus: Do Now, quick activity, or homework quiz evident.
2. Statement of Objective: Students are told what they will learn and why it is
3. Input & Modeling of Information by Teacher: Actual teaching of lesson-
what the teacher does in front of the class to present the knowledge, skill or

Number of Students Actively Engaged: 0
Number of Students On-task: 0
Number of Students Disengaged: 0
Students in Class: 30

Important Postings
Walls that talk

Walls of the Classroom
Furniture Arranged to Facilitate Learning
Organized, Clutter free classroom
Bulletin Boards & displays support learning
Class Agenda Posted
Behavioral Expectations are Posted

Notes/Closing Comments
Teach students to lead Affirmation Communicates expectations Teachers
expectations are clear Effective use of time Conveys high expectations Students
are engaged

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