Resume Template 12

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TyBresha Glass

1500 Old Brimingham Hwy

Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35404
Ob*ec'i+e, To obtain a position in criminal investigation utilizing my current
training and experience.
-duca'ion, Paul W. Bryant High School
Course of study Criminal !nvestigation
"iploma #une $% &'()
Chester County Technical College High School% Brandy*ine Campus
Course of study Criminal !nvestigation
Certificate of Completion #une $% &'()
./ills and
Abili'ies, To complete this section% use a copy of the competencies for your shop.
+ist the s,ills that you have learned.
!nclude personal s,ills such as good communication s,ills% *or,ing
*ell *ith others% or if you are bilingual
0or/ His'ory, -ay (&% &''./0ovember ()% &'')
1lo*er -ound% Texas
Position 2oice 3ctress
"ecember (4% &''56 -ay (% &'(7
Company name
City% P3
Honors and
1ar'ici2a'ion, Chester County Technical College High School% Brandy*ine Campus
Perfect 3ttendance 89 years:
Student of the ;uarter 8& <ears:
S,ills =S3 member 85 <ears:
Paul W. Bryant High School
Honor >oll 87 <ears:
3e4erences 3vailable upon re?uest

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