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20 Star & Furrow Issue 109 Summer 2008


of gardeners and farmers and its use is spreading
in the UK and beyond. Consumer demand is bring-
ing Rockdusts miracle effects into our gardens and
farms and into the environmental, farming and
food debates.
The SEER Centre Trust was established as a
Recognised Scottish Charity in 1997, following 13 years pio-
neering work by co-founders Cameron & Moira Thomson,
advocating Rockdust as The Solution to achieving Sustain-
able Ecological Earth Regeneration. The SEER Centre
is a working model for conversion to sustainable organic
remineralised agriculture by application of rockdusts and
recycled municipal composts for soil creation, maximum
soil fertility, minimal soil erosion and maximum protection
from climate-change weather extremes. The charity aims to
attract scientic research into the benets of Rockdust.
Since 1997, on the foothills of the Grampian
mountains in Strathardle, Perthshire, the infertile, acidic,
upland grassland site, although exposed to severe weather at
1000 feet, has been transformed into an ecologically diverse
environment by the Thomsons soil creation with rockdusts
and municipal composts. (This growing medium is called
SEER Rocksoil). Remarkable terraced gardens have
been created. Deep fertile soils produce convincing heavy
mineral-rich crops of tasty organic vegetables, fruit and
bright owers.
Cameron & Moira share how they achieved this
and why they are so enthusiastic about spreading the ben-
ets of Rockdust.
Moira points to her daughter holding a huge
freshly cut calabrese head weighing 1.75 kg, saying, this
kind of food contains all the nutrients, energy and natural forces
that nature intended our food should bestow to us - all food sold
in all markets and shops should be grown with rockdust!
Mineral Replacement Therapy (MRT) with Rock-
dust is natural fertility treatment. NPK chemical fertilisers,
which cause ecological imbalances and soil erosion, are not. If
we humans can manage to cover the Earths soils with various
chemicals several times a year to chemically grow our crops, we
can surely cover Earths soils with Rockdust!
We believe that using Rockdust on a global scale for
sustainable organic gardening, agriculture, forestry and compost-
ing can boost fertility and regenerate natural ecosystems which,
in turn, can nourish our increasing populations with nutrient-rich
organic foods for current and future generations.
Soil is our most important and fragile resource. The fertile
soils in volcanic areas like Lanzorotti are productive and
high yielding due to the abundance of minerals and trace
elements in volcanic soils. BBC Horizon, The Blue Nile
in 2004, traced the Blue Nile to its origins in the highlands
of Ethiopia where the weathering of volcanic rock ow-
Sustainable Ecological Earth
Regeneration with Rockdust
by Moira Thomson

21 Star & Furrow Issue 109 Summer 2008
ing down the river is deposited on the Nile delta making it
famously highly fertile. The Blue Nile is called so because it
is coloured with blue-grey rockdust.
It is possible to create such mineral-rich soils in
your very own garden by spreading a dressing of SEER
Rockdust. Quarried from ancient 420 million year old Scot-
tish volcanic rock, it is rich in the minerals and trace elements
that are decient or missing from the majority of our soils
globally, having been used up by vegetation and eroded by
weather over the last 10,000 years since the last ice age ended.
Soil is the mineral-rich sponge that enables the Earth to sus-
tain life and absorb carbon. Without fertility, this sponginess
disintegrates and erodes.
Glaciers crush rocks during the 90,000 year long ice
ages. Their advancing and retreating action releases enough
minerals and trace elements from the crushed rocks to grow
and sustain soils which life uses and depletes during the 10
- 12,000 year long interglacial periods between the ice ages.
The exact length of each interglacial is determined by the
amount of rock that was crushed by the glaciers and the
minerals and trace elements released. There have been 25 of
these Earth fertility cycles in 2.5 million years resulting in 25
fertile interglacials. The present interglacial is 10,800 years old.
We can simulate the benecial effects of glaciers
when we spread Rockdust to remineralise our soils.
Earthworms digest rock particles in the soil and decompos-
ing vegetation and deposit remineralised organic matter
in their wormcasts which contain nitrogen, carbon, minerals
and thousands of micro-organisms which ultimately become
organic, mineral-rich plant food. The more worms in your
soil, the better the rockdust will be worked into the soil.
Many of todays medical conditions are attributed
to mineral and trace element deciencies in our bodies and
our diets which result from eating food grown in mineral-
decient soil. We would need to eat ve apples to get the
nutrition we would have got from one fty years ago! We can
take mineral supplements to address some of these decien-
cies in the food chain. For those of us who grow our own
food, spreading Rockdust puts minerals and trace elements
back into our soil, increasing microbial activity which makes
our soil grow gradually darker and the crops more vigor-
ous, mineral-rich, avoursome and heavier yielding. We can
really feed the world this way, promoting health and well-
being, reducing disease and costs of disease management.
Deep fertile soils and dense forests once covered this poor
Perthshire grazing land. The soils have been used up by veg-
etation and eroded, leaving the glacial moraine, dumped by
the last ice-age, covered by shallow soil with a PH of 4.5 - a
challenging site offering the perfect opportunity to demon-
strate soil remineralisation and soil creation.
In April 1997, with our two shovels and a wheel-
barrow, we built dry stone walls then started making the rst
two terraces with 200 tons of recycled resources donated by
Dundee Councils Discovery Compost and Tayside Con-
tracts Collace quarry.
We lled the terraces with SEER Rocksoil a
strip at a time so we could start planting right away and keep
up with the growing season. We nished a few months later
in July 1997. By this time the ve children were tucking into
the rst-sown juicy crops. By 2000, the young remineralised
trees were beginning to grow profusely, providing shelter
and wildlife habitats around the perimeter.
The large spruce trees that towered above the house shaded
and impoverished the soil and were cut down in 2001. We
spread 2 inches of SEER Rockmix (the SEER top dress-
ing) on the surface of the poor soil and grew impressive
potatoes. The soil was transformed in one growing season.
We made the fourth terrace, the soil terrace, with
topsoil wed saved from the car park construction. Plants
in this poor acidic soil got smaller, going blue and yellow, so
we added a 2 year dose of Rockdust on the southern half of
the terrace. The following year brassicas were gown in both
halves and were noticeably bigger and higher-yielding on the
rockdusted half. A year later, potatoes on the rockdusted half
showed an obvious effect yielding twice as many potatoes
and they were twice the size than those on the untreated
half. Wed quadrupled the yield! There were also bigger
plants and yields on the soil only half, directly next to
the rockdusted half the worms had been taking rockdust
to the poor half and doing their own remineralising! This
proved that rockdust does boost fertility without the addi-
tion of compost.
We erected a Greenhouse in 2001. We made a path
using bricks and cement and deep rubble inll between the
two borders to ensure worms couldnt travel from side to
side to mix the two treatments and skew the results. Com-
post and Rockdust (Rocksoil) lls the east side. Poor soil and
rockdust lls the west side. We grew equally giant organic
tomatoes in both sides! The rockdust achieved equal results
on both sides in one growing season.
In 2003 we ploughed some at land that hasnt
been ploughed in living memory. We spread 8 inches of
Rocksoil on top of the ploughed bed and planted pota-
toes. Seven weeks of drought followed but we didnt irrigate
because weve observed that remineralised soil can retain
moisture in the particles of stone. We grew the biggest pota-
toes ever and they stored with perfect shelf-life, lasting until
the following June.
The rst two terraces are now in their 12th grow-
ing season and are still producing bumper nutritious organic
crops, year after year! Everything is healthy, lacking nothing,
no pest damage or disease. We really dont know when these
deep terraces will run out of minerals!
Cameron explains that Planet Earths natural soil history,
soil creation and soil demineralisation patterns during the
present interglacial are part of Earths natural fertility cycles
that cause climate changes and how our species responded
to these changes in the past or may respond to the present
climate change chaos.
Soil erosion and climate change threaten the survival
of civilisation. The worlds weather becomes extreme and
unpredictable when Earths soils become severely demineralised.
Climate change is pre-glacial tension. Were convinced that
spreading Rockdust on a global scale could enable Earths soils to
absorb sufcient amounts of excess atmospheric carbon to stabilise
global climate change!
22 Star & Furrow Issue 109 Summer 2008
Record cold temperatures, such as -9C in Greece
in January 04 with 1 foot of snow and the lemon crop
frosted, are becoming the norm. Record hot temperatures
and forest res, torrential rainstorms, oods, giant hail,
mud/land-slides and soil erosion, are becoming the norm.
Increased frequency and size of hurricanes and earthquakes,
extreme climatic catastrophes are becoming the norm, glob-
ally, due to climate change.
Can we continue paying the cost of cleaning up,
rebuilding and prevention over and over again? Can we
actually solve any of the problems? There is one do-able
solution to the whole problem that lies beneath our feet in
the soil. To shape the future we need to understand the past.
These climatic catastrophes indicate that we are living dur-
ing the nal stages of the present interglacial. Twenty ve
glaciations, in 2.5 million years, each lasting about 90,000
years and 25 interglacials, each lasting about 10,000 years,
are more than coincidence.
(Dr. Johannes Iversen, State Geologist, and
Svend Th. Andersen, Geological Survey of Denmark, 1960s)
During the Protocratic phase the Earth turned green.
Pioneer trees grew in the crushed rock and dropped leaves
which biodegraded to form soil.
During the Mesocratic phase Global
average soil depth was 7.5 feet.
Trees during this post -glacial climatic optimum phase
were up to 8 times bigger in bulk than any trees left on Earth
today. Deserts of sand and rock in the Tropics were minimal,
as were the ice sheets. Atmospheric carbon was 270ppm (to-
day it is 378ppm). The carbon that was once in the deep soil
and giant trees has returned to the atmosphere, along with
our fossil fuel emissions. Today soil depth is 4.5 7.5 inches.
The main feature of the Oligocratric phase is
soil demineralisation and soil acidication.
As the minerals in our soils were depleted, the soil chemistry
and the type of tree cover changed. The Caledonian forest
appeared 6,000 years ago in Scotland. Before that, during
the Mesocratic phase, a mainly deciduous thick impenetra-
ble forest covered Scotland. People lived on the coasts.
The main feature of the nal Telocratic phase,
which lasts 170 45 years, is soil erosion,
when torrential rainstorms wash whatever minerals are left
in the soil into the rivers and seas, ending in an approximate
20 year transition into glaciation.
At the end of the Mesocratic phase there was a slight global
cooling. Our species response was to stop being nomadic; do-
mesticate our animals; build villages and towns and introduce
politicians and taxation.
At the end of the Oligocratic phase 170 years ago,
our species response was to apply lime to the acidic land; mine
for ores; cut down forests to make charcoal for iron smelt-
ing, emit more carbon into the atmosphere. This response,
170 years ago, was the Industrial Revolution. The Telocratic
phase lasts 170 years! Our species response, at the end of the
Telocratic phase is the Technological Revolution!
Oceanographers are telling us global warming is melting
the edges of the ice caps and we may be in a stage of transi-
tion into global cooling because the melting freshwater ice
cools the warm ocean currents, such as the Gulf stream, that
keep our British climate warm.
When the suns rays strike the Earth, there is more
heat impact in lower latitudes, the Tropics, than in higher
latitudes. Also, the sun shines on lower latitudes all year long,
but not on higher latitudes. Since the Industrial Revolution
our species has been, and still is, turning up the volume
of the greenhouse effect - the Earths warming mechanism
- mainly in the lower latitudes. Because the lower latitudes
are hotter than normal, more water than normal evaporates
and is transported to the higher latitudes. It passes over
the temperate zone middle latitudes in both hemispheres,
producing more cloud than normal (contributing to global

The Present Interglacial has four main phases.
These phases are approximate due to varying localised conditions around the globe.
10,800 years
2,800 years 3,000 years 5,000 years

23 Star & Furrow Issue 109 Summer 2008
dimming); causing more rain, oods and mud/landslides
than normal. Any water not falling on the middle latitudes
falls at the higher latitudes as snow.
This evaporation and transportation of moisture
causes a weight-loss at the lower latitudes and a weight-gain
at the higher latitudes. This difference of pressure on the
Earths crust results in increased tectonic activity causing
more earthquakes and volcanoes.

High reectivity of the planet turning lighter in colour - The
Earths cooling mechanism. As we turn up the volume of the
greenhouse effect in the lower latitudes, the Earth automati-
cally turns lighter in colour with deserts of sand, rock, cloud,
snow and ice, reecting more and more heat back into space.
Sir George Simpson, a Scottish scientist, postulat-
ing on the possibility of glaciation in1939 said that in order
for glaciers to build up in the higher latitudes, a lot of water
would need to be transported to the higher latitudes.
The overheating of lower latitudes is the engine that
drives the water to the higher latitudes.
When our weather in the middle latitudes of the northern
hemisphere comes from the south, summer or winter, tem-
peratures are warmer than normal. When our weather comes
from the north, summer or winter, it is colder than normal.
26.5C is necessary for a hurricane to form. If
tropical oceans are hotter than normal, we have increasingly
more destructive hurricanes than normal.
Warmer than normal ocean currents, coming from
the overheating tropics are melting the edges of the ice sheets
at the higher latitudes. The fresh water ice melting into the
salt water oceans is closing down the warm Gulf Stream.
All of these extreme climatic catastrophes indicate
that we are fast approaching the end of the present inter-
glacial. We can put this into reverse if we reduce the impact
from the greenhouse effect and the albedo effect simultane-
ously, by reducing levels of atmospheric carbon using several
possible methods such as remineralised soils absorbing
carbon, reducing carbon emissions, sequestering carbon into
oceans, mechanically recovering carbon (Prof. Wally Broker,
Ohio State University, USA). The most simple achievable
method is to remineralise the soil, whether window box,
garden, farm or continent. Its so simple and achievable.
Rockdust contains certain minerals which can combine with
atmospheric carbon to form carbonates in the soil and lock
them into the soil, improving the potential for soils to absorb
excess carbon from the atmosphere.
Dr. D Supkow PhD, has degrees in geology from
Rutgers University and the University of Maine and a PhD
in hydrology from the University of Arizona. In his paper
on the control of CO2 build up and the greenhouse effect
in Remineralize The Earth*, issue no. 7-8, 1995, Dr.
Supkow estimated that in order to keep atmospheric carbon
stable at todays level, 0.8 - 3.2 tonnes of rockdust would
need to be applied to every acre on Earth, every year (apart
from Antarctica and Greenland). He says, When rockdust is
applied to the land, the calcium and magnesium content combine
with atmospheric carbon, forming carbonates.
By increasing the mineral availability in soils, along
with carbon absorbed from the atmosphere, it is possible to
recycle excess carbon and re-grow soil, simulating that 7.5
feet which covered the Earth during the Mesocratic phase,
thus reducing the impact from both greenhouse and albedo
The SEER Centre has demonstrated that 20
tonnes per acre of Rockdust can be applied every 10 years,
(5kg per square meter). We think this is an achievable, local,
sustainable solution.
The SEER Centre trading arm Rockdust Ltd
works in association with Angus Horticulture Ltd. to sup-
ply SEER Rockdust products to retail outlets throughout
the UK and beyond. and www.
* Remineralize The
Earth magazine
and website followed
on from the work
of Americans, John
Hamaker and Don
Weaver, and their book
The Survival of Civi-
lization that founded
the theory that climate
change precedes
an ice age and soil
remineralisation can
prevent one. This
possibility inuenced
Cameron and Moiras
aims in achieving nutri-
tious self sufciency
and sustainable Earth
management. www.
Large surface area
Large surface area
Small surface area



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