CV Maxime Bonin - Eng

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Maxime BONIN

66 Cours Pasteur
33000 Bordeaux FRANCE
06 08 92 91 05
20 years old

Seeking a 2 month internship in mechanics factory starting July 2014

From 09/2013 to now
Bordeaux (33), France

Form 2011 to 2013
Lyce Jean Perrin
Lyon (69), France

In 2011
Lyce Rosa Parks
Neuville Sur Sane(69), France
Third year in higher eduation in Bordeaux Graduate School of
Engineering in Mathematics and Mechanics modeling

A 2 year intensive Maths and Physics course in preparation for
the selective entrance examination to French engineering
Baccalaurat S equivalent to 'A' levels in maths, physics
sciences 'Mention Bien'=with distinction

Work Experience
August 2013
Genay (69), France
Rilleux la Pape (69), France
July 2012
ERBE Medical
Limonest (69), France
From 2011 to 2012
BMX Neuville
Neuville s/s (69), France

Handled and sorted goods

Filled shelves

Handled sorted and dismounted medicals packages
Prepared it to the technicians
Webmaster of the web site. Created the layout and
programmed in PHP and CSS

Personal skills
and competences

Mother tongue
Other languages

Computer skills

Driving Licence
English- Good command of spoken and written English
Spanish- Fairly good command of Spanish
Programming languages : C, Basic, PHP, HTML, CSS, Fortran 90
Computer-aided design : Solidworks, Photoshop
All office skills
Permis B : French car driving licence

Ukulele : played for 4 years
Surf : praticing for 5 years

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