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Hemsworth Arts and Community College (G.


Learning objectives:
1) Understand how bearings are used to measure direction.
2) Be able to estimate the correct bearing to move from one place to another.
3) Be able to measure bearings accurately.

Teacher presentation

The teacher presentation is designed as a focus for
whole class teaching by providing:

visual stimulation / animation to aid
structure for teacher-led discussion
opportunities for thinking skills development

The animations in each slide are meant to be played
step by step by the teacher to help structure the
questioning and class discussion.

The presentation is menu driven - an outline of each
menu item is given below:

This consists of a series of dynamic geometry
diagrams to support questioning and discussion. The
second of these is relevant to this lesson and allows
teachers and students to investigate how bearings
are measured.

Questioning could focus on estimating the bearing
from O to the movable destination.

This is an activity that can be done with the whole
class to consolidate understanding of bearings.

Questioning should focus on estimating the correct
bearing for the ship to move in order to rescue the

Hemsworth Arts and Community College (G. Fee)

In these activities, at least one of the points can be
moved and then the use of a protractor can be
demonstrated to show how to measure the bearings
from A to B and from B to A.

Further discussion could focus on the relationship
between bearings and back-bearings.

Both these activities are good for involving students
at the whiteboard.

Learning object

This is an interactive learning and assessment tool
designed to engage students in solving problems
related to the learning objectives.

This is meant to follow the teacher presentation
and be used by students to consolidate learning
and to practise applying their knowledge and

This activity includes:

10 questions relating to estimating correct

A question where students need to match
bearings to their correct compass points.

5 questions where students need to
measure bearings using an interactive

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