ITM301 Lab 1

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(C)ITM301 Lab/ (1%)

Before you start the lab please make sure that you have already re!stered "!th
&tta%h a s%ree#shot for ea%h appl!%able 'uest!o# sho"!# that your %omma#d "as
su%%essful a#d the# summ!t your a#s"ers to tur#!t!#$%om$
1. Open a command prompt. At prompt type in I(C)*+I, /all
-hat !s your I( address.
/o" ma#y *IC %ards do you have !# your %omputer.
-hat !s your M&C address ((hys!%al address) of your f!res *IC.
-hat !s your M&C address ((hys!%al address) of your se%o#d *IC.
2. Ping 2 sites of your choice.
-hat messae d!d you et o# the s%ree#.
3. At command prompt type in /)0T*&M1 and then press enter. What is your
computers NetBios Name (Host name.
!. At command prompt " type in" &rp 2a
-hat are the phys!%al &ddresses (M&C addresses) re!stered !# your &3( %a%he.
#. At command prompt type in" N$%&%A% 'a
-hat does *etstat %omma#d a#d -hat type/s of !#format!o# d!d you et by ru##!#
the above %omma#d.
(. At command prompt type in tra%ert """$#ets%ape$%om
a What is netspaces )P address
* Ho+ many hops it too, for your message to reach the netscape ser-er
.. At command prompt type in tra%ert """$m!%rosoft$%om
a What is /icrosofts )P address
* 0id your message reach /icrosoft ser-er1 Why1 Why not1

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