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Jenna Jauregui

Effective Teaching Strategy 1






Front-loading activity good for activating
prior knowledge
Students make a list, categorize, and label
objects/ideas/terms based on what they
think goes together.

Thoughts on implementation

Students in partners/groups/alone?
If not much is known, partners/groups
Strategy good for when people all know at
least something about the topic
After each section, consider extending to
the whole group. On the board as a class
(formative assessment) gives those with
short lists time to add, gives prior
Good scaffolding for ELLunified
language for the topic
Categorizingmake patterns and
Shows learners what they already know.

What is the goal of this technique or strategy?

Activate prior knowledge
Make sure everyone is starting from the same place
Gives language of topic to all students
Can be a good formative or summative assessment
Multiple entry points

Jenna Jauregui
Effective Teaching Strategy 2






Reading activity good for tackling a long or
complex text.
Groups of students read multiple sections
of a larger textone section per group.
Regroup so that one person in the group
has read each of the text sections.
Group members share summaries and
thoughts on the readings.
Groups may create something that
synthesizes the readings together and
share out to the whole class.

Thoughts on implementation

How many sections should the text be
divided into?
How big will the groups be?
Can the text be leveled into less
complex/more complex sections so that
ELL students can contribute successfully?
What pre-teaching will need to take place?
How will the groups demonstrate
Can they create a poster, an art project, a
movie trailer, etc?
What is the goal of this technique or strategy?

Break readings down into smaller, manageable chunks
Allow students to be an expert on a piece of text and teach their peers
Summary skills, reading, speaking and listening skills
Flexible groupings
Good for textbook chapters, articles with subheadings

Jenna Jauregui
Effective Teaching Strategy 3


Tea Party


When Kids
Cant Read;
Can Do



Put highlights from content I want to teach
on strips of paper
Pass the strips out to students
Have students circulate the room and read
aloud to classmates from the slips
Quick-write for main idea afterward.

Thoughts on implementation

First, allow a chance to read silently and
ask a neighbor or a teacher about
Read out loud (everyone) to practice
Room to walk around and move
Walk around and make sure they are on
task while talking
Hold accountable for information
Write down what 5 people you talked to
said, desk-talk-desk-talk
Categorize strips on pre-labeled poster
paper around the room

What is the goal of this technique or strategy?

Frontload information about a new concept or new content by exposing
students to the main ideas.
To help students generate a main idea or gist statement about the new content
Gets kids up and moving in a purposeful manner

Jenna Jauregui
Effective Teaching Strategy 4


Philosophical Chairs




Students stand at different locations in the
room according to the degree that they
agree or disagree on a discussion
Reflect on the activity through a quick-
write, small group discussion, or other

Thoughts on implementation

Set norms, expectations for the activity
(no talking, etc.)
How will students respond with their
reasoning for why they chose their
How will everyone get a chance to speak?
Can be used to tackle tough issues
Possibly combined with Socratic Seminar

What is the goal of this technique or strategy?

Front-loading activity or one that can help students narrow down their opinions.
Gives students a chance to move around the room
Good practice with justifying their reasoning for ideas
Students must vocalize their thoughts
Physical stance makes opinions more concrete

Jenna Jauregui
Effective Teaching Strategy 5


Socratic Seminar




The Socratic seminar is a formal discussion, based
on a text, in which the leader asks open-ended
questions. Within the context of the discussion,
students listen closely to the comments of others,
thinking critically for themselves, and articulate
their own thoughts and their responses to the
thoughts of others. They learn to work
cooperatively and to question intelligently and

Thoughts on implementation

Choose a text that invites authentic inquiry
Students should prepare for each session
Prepare thoughtful questions
Establish student expectations
Establish teachers role
Assess effectiveness

What is the goal of this technique or strategy?

Good for having students analyze multiple perspectives in a text
Gets students talking to each other and conversing intelligently
Use academic language
Controversial topics can be approached in an academic way
Encourage critical thinking

Jenna Jauregui
Effective Teaching Strategy 6


Chalk Talk


Tech High


Critical thinking activity that engages and
incites student written communication
Students write thoughts/comments on
poster paper or whiteboards that have
thought-provoking question prompts.
Students then write comments to what
other people wrote
Good Into for a topic
Entry-Level Assessment

Thoughts on implementation

Silent activity
How many times should students circulate
the room? How many comments?
Explain procedures
Reflect afterwards
Give opportunity to synthesize ideas
Overview questions before activity
Think-Pair-Share to generate pre-ideas
What is the goal of this technique or strategy?

Good Entry-Level assessment or could be used for review
Idea generation and brainstorming
Gets students moving around the room
Encourages thoughtful communication
Encourages critical thinking

Jenna Jauregui
Effective Teaching Strategy 7


Concept Map/Heart Map/Brain Map




Concept Map: A web-based organizer that
shows concepts and the relations between
them with bubbles and stems.
Heart/Brain Map: Brainstorm strategy for
narrative writing: helping students discover
indelible moments from their lives. Words
and phrases are written within an outline of
the head or heart.

Thoughts on implementation

Have students write big ideas on sticky
notes throughout a lesson
Place sticky notes on chart paper and link
with words and lines
Photograph for future reference
Use quick-writes to generate ideas for
creative brainstorms
What is the goal of this technique or strategy?

Serves as a formative assessment and helps students see connections between what they just
learned. Can be used for jigsaw activities as well instead of written summaries or notes.
Can be a form of note-taking
Serves as an effective brainstorm tool.

Jenna Jauregui
Effective Teaching Strategy 8


Inner-Outer Circles




Students stand in concentric circles, students on
the inside face out and students on the outside
face in.
Students rotate in circles and talk to new partner.
Conversations are short.

Thoughts on implementation

Good technique to get students talking in a speed
dating sort of situation where conversations last
only about a minute.
Good for get-to-know-you activities
Good for after students come back from break.
Use a timer!
Model how to make circles! (Visuals)

What is the goal of this technique or strategy?

Get students talking and moving
Good for review, get to know you, short conversations
Good for teaching communication strategies

Jenna Jauregui
Effective Teaching Strategy 9






Students write during a short sustained period of
time on a topic.

Thoughts on implementation

Topic from a prompt or student choice
Set a timer!
Share with partner after? Like think pair share?
Set expectations: write until time is up

What is the goal of this technique or strategy?

Gets students writing without being halted by grammar or language issues
Good for idea generation, reflection, what-do-I-know, what-did-I learn activities
Helps students process information
Helps students identify information they found important

Jenna Jauregui
Effective Teaching Strategy 10


Reverse Outline


Used in


Students apply an outline technique to a free or
quickwrite activity
Organize ideas according to topics that appeared
in freewriting
Identify possible details that can be used,
expanded, or cut.

Thoughts on implementation

Good for encouraging students who can get
writers block or do not know how they want to
organize a paper
Give an example and model
Have a set outline format

What is the goal of this technique or strategy?

Helps students identify areas of their informal writing that can be used in a formal writing piece
Good for moving from brainstorm stage to outline stage
Helps students who arent black-and-white thinkers see the organization in their thoughts

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