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MMIS 2301: E-Banking and E-Trading Tutorial Sample

Question 1:

a) Security Risk Management consists of four phases, describe each one of


b) Explain why the following security measures are important for e-banking:
(i) Auditing
(ii) Data Confidentiality
(iii) Non Repudiation

c) What is a denial-of-service attack?

d) E-banking is a solution implemented over a network (the Internet). There

are different risks associated with the network, describe any one
technology that exists to ensure that an organization’s network
boundaries are secure.

Question 2:
a) Define Operational risk.

b) Give two examples of operational risk associated with e-banking

and explain how each could be manifested.

c) How can e-banking increase the level of operational risk for a

financial institution?

d) How can a financial institution control operational risks?

MMIS 2301: E-Banking and E-Trading Tutorial Sample

Question 3:

a) List and describe the role of the different parties involved in any e-
payment method.

b) Outline five factors (characteristics) that determine the acceptance

of an e-payment method.

c) Define micropayments. Why are they suitable for e-cash payment

as compared to credit card payment?

d) Define e-check and give two benefits of e-checks.

e) Define the term security awareness and explain how it is related to


Question 4:

a) Differentiate between the symmetric and the asymmetric

encryption system .

b) In the context of e-banking or e-commerce, outline some of the

risks associated with informational websites and transactional

c) What are honeynets, and how can they be used in risk


d) What is the role of an acquiring bank in the credit card payment


e) Differentiate between smart cards, debit cards and credit cards.

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